Facebook Friends Inviter & Content locker (Social Networking)

This app enables you to display a Facebook friends inviter to your connected users. Your visitors need to connect with their Facebook account in order to access the friends inviter that contains a list of all their friends. The invites are posted on friends wall and you can customize the link and picture that will be attached to each message.

Your visitors can also unlock a special content (that you can define from the backend interface) after inviting a minimum number of friends (that you can define as well). That way this Friends Inviter app can also be used as a content locker, and you can reward your visitors to invite their friends.

New Social Power feature
In this new version we have made it compatible with our Facebook Viral and Marketing app, so you can use the same users database tables for the 2 apps, and be able to update your connected users wall anytime ! The combination of both apps can boost your visibility.


– Friends Inviter enabling your visitors to invite their Facebook friends
– Get and store in your database your users Facebook email
– Only connected Facebook users can access the Friends Inviter
– Content locking feature
– Reward your users that can unlock your content after inviting their friends
– Customize how many friends need to be invited before unlocking the content
– Customize the locked content from the admin interface (supports HTML and embed codes)
– Customize the link and picture attached to the invitation message posted on the Facebook friends wall.
– Ability to list/delete the users and view the friends they have invited
– Users CSV export supported
– Compatible with our Facebook Viral and Marketing app
– Very clean application that could be extended to your needs.

This app can get you more traffic, by encouraging your visitors to invite their friends in order to view your locked content. You also get all your visitors real email address to use for your marketing or promotional campaigns !

Download Facebook Friends Inviter & Content locker (Social Networking)

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