Advanced Register/Signup form (OpenCart)


Advanced register form gives you full control over your register/signup forms. Make easy for your customer to signup and add more fields just by drag and drop in register/signup forms.

Now its give you ability to do changes on  your register form accordingly to your business nature.


Some Key features

1.Disabled current fields which is not required in your business.

2.Add extra fields with drag and drop forms in just few minutes.

3.Admin will have ability to check and change customer forms details in there backend.

4.All disabled field and extra fields added by admin will also be in user edit account so in future he can change accordingly.

5.While checkout there is register form that will be also take changes accordingly form settings.

6.Much more this is to just give you brief idea.


Try youself link :


Admin panel:

Username : demo   /    password  : demo


Admin Register form panel


Admin customer control


Already user signup details

Username : [email protected]   /    password  : 112233




To install the module, you must copy the contents of the zip archive in the root folder of your online store and just click on give the path name to install J

Installation of the module will not affect any files nor it will modify any files.

 See screenshot to get idea how this mod works



version 1.0.0



Download Advanced Register/Signup form (OpenCart)

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