{Keyworder} – Manage Keywords With A Smile (Miscellaneous)

{Keyworder} v1.0 is a lightweight and versatile jQuery plugin providing an easy way to manage your content keywords, acronyms and abbreviations in a tooltiped way. But this is not the only application for this code, as it can also be used to detect text patterns such as emails, URLs, IP addresses, numbers, dates and smileys and format them with default or custom templates. It comes with a whole set of built-in detectors and converters, such as the smileys dictionary, which automatically detects the text signs and converts them into smileys

Main features

  • Detects a defined list of keywords and shows their definitions
    • in the browser’s default tooltip
    • in a third party jQuery tooltip (Tipsy)
    • just after a keyword occurrence
  • Replaces a list of keywords with the terms defined in the corresponding definitions
  • Matches predefined text patterns and formats them in desired fashion
  • Comes with a set of pre-defined dictionaries
  • Templates and CSS styles fully customisable
  • Callbacks for events and delegates for most actions
  • Easy to install and to use
  • Well documented

Why use this plugin?

If you need to maintain keywords, acronyms, abbreviations or any particular terms in your content, this could be a very convenient, smart and effortless solution. On the other hand, users will appreciate the presence of visual helpers whenever ‘mysterious’ or technical words are encountered in your text.
If you need to perform operations on your text, such as, converting values into formatted numbers, or for example generate links from plain text URLs, or detect smileys, or why not all of that at the same time, this plug-in will save you a lot of headaches and will put a smile on your face :)

Download {Keyworder} – Manage Keywords With A Smile (Miscellaneous)

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