Launchpress: Upcoming Site Launch WP Plugin (Forms)

Launchpress is a wordpress plugin that helps you with your upcoming product or website launch. Unlike 99% of the wordpress themes out there, which uses a Feedburner Subscription Form, Launchpress allows you to capture visitor’s email and store it in your own database.
And once you’re ready to go live or release the new product, simply export the Subscriber List as CSV and use any email manager like MailChimp, Aweber or Campaign Monitor.

Whether you’re planning on starting a brand new site or bringing out something new on your existing one, Launchpress is for you. Because First Followers Matter.

  • Uses Double Opt-in (Confirmed Opt-in) mechanism, proven for fighting spam
  • Lets you manually add subscribers from the backend
  • Subscriber List is Paginated, Searchable and Sortable (jQuery DataTables)
  • Options to resend verification email and manually confirm/remove subscribers
  • Optional automatic injection of Subscription Form to beginning/end of a wordpress post or page
  • Easily insert the form anywhere in your posts with the [launchpress] shortcode or in your themes with the <? launchpress() ?> function call
  • Customizable verification email template with variables replacement
  • CSV Data Export makes it easy to export your subscribers-list to Email Marketing Managers like MailChimp etc. with ease
  • Simple and independent landing page for email verification
  • Stores data on a separate database table, keeping wordpress’ tables intact
  • Can be uninstalled completely without leaving any unwanted data behind

To make things even sweeter, an awesome minimal coming-soon theme is also included in the package! (See Screenshots)

Theme Developers, be sure to take advantage of the Extended License and create some awesome Coming-soon WP Themes with Launchpress.

Bucket List

A list of features that have been planned for Launchpress. Buyers will have access to all future upgrades.

  • Captcha integration for subscription form
  • More capture fields like IP Address, LastName etc.
  • Unsubscribe link in the footer of emails sent
  • Widgets for Launchpress Form & Statistics
  • Multi-language support

Please do comment the features you would like to see in Launchpress.

Important Note

Do not upload as-is to wordpress. Extract it locally and

  • Upload from Plugins > Add New > Upload
  • Upload from Appearance > Themes > Install Themes > Upload

For Theme Developers

Developers, developers, developers! – Steve Ballmer

This section is for theme developers/advanced users only. You can skip this if you are not planning on integrating Launchpress with a theme you are going to develop.

If you are a theme developer and want to create functional Coming-Soon themes using Launchpress, here are some things you should keep in mind.

Firstly, make sure you have an extended license :D. Secondly, it is highly recommended that you do not edit launchpress’ files unless absolutely necessary. This will help you to easily implement future changes to Launchpress by just replacing the folder.

Implementing Launchpress in your theme: Plug and play!

I’m just suggesting the ideal way for implementation. You are free to do anything with the code :)

Place the /launchpress/ directory inside your theme directory. Now, in your theme’s functions.php, add the following lines of code:

if (file_exists('launchpress/launchpress.php')) include('launchpress/launchpress.php');

That’s it! You can now implement Launchpress by using

<? if(function_exists('launchpress')) launchpress();  ?>

anywhere in your theme, without having to distribute the plugin with the theme. Launchpress would automatically create all necessary tables and options upon theme activation!

Download Launchpress: Upcoming Site Launch WP Plugin (Forms)

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