API Reader and Parser Library (Miscellaneous)

One of the biggest issues for a developer trying to integrate a third party API into their website as they all has their own libraries. Not only is it time consuming and in some cases, financial consuming but it also can make your code look messy and easy to tangle plus they are feature compact.

An example may be the wide amount of Twitter API libraries that are available on the internet, and you don’t want to integrate a whole new library that only works with Twitter which is where APIReader comes into play as it is super easy to connect to literally any API in the world all in one script!

APIReader is designed for PHP 5 .x and has the following features:

  • Built-in URL builder
  • support for POST and GET requests
  • Custom rules feature (with default values)
  • Error handling
  • Automatic decoding (with integrated support for XML , JSON, PHPS and RSS )
  • Forced decoding
  • High security implementation
  • Caching

APIRequest::build_url("http://api.twitter.com/users/show.xml", "GET", array(
'screen_name' => 'bilawalhameed'

$output = APIRequest::request();

The greatest thing out of all is that the library is literally plug and play, you just upload the files to your server and it’s ready to go and it works perfectly for any type of developers as I have produced an extremely extensive documentation with code examples.

It’s a library that I would recommend to any developer to have and it wasn’t created out of commercialism but instead made to meet my own needs which is why that it has more than enough features to make you never touch another API library again.

Download API Reader and Parser Library (Miscellaneous)

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