iPhone Game Tutorials With Video Updated

It can be difficult to find game tutorials that go from the ground up building a game on iOS from the ground up – without using a pre-made game engine. It is even more difficult to find good video tutorials that go beyond the absolute basics of iOS programming.

Just over 2 years ago 71 Squared began their excellent video tutorial series on game programming, and later released the excellent Learn iOS Game Programming book.  The latest tutorials cover saving the game, submitting to the app store , and taking the game to 3D.

They can be found here:
iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial 12 – Saving Game State
iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial 13 – App Store Submission
iPhone Game Programming – Tutorial 14 – Moving To 3D

All the tutorials are listed on the iPhone Game Tutorial With Video page.

©2011 iPhone, iOS 4, iPad SDK Development Tutorial and Programming Tips. All Rights Reserved.



Weekly Poll: What’s Your Favorite New Feature of iOS 5?

This week we all watched as Apple unveiled its next round of amazing software products at WWDC. For you iPhone fans, there is a ton to be excited about. The next iteration of iOS is definitely the most major update yet and it brings about lots of great new features to drool over.

Today we want to know which new feature you just can’t wait to get your hands on this fall. They’re all pretty amazing but for some of us, a certain feature stands out as something we’ve been waiting far too long for. Which one is it for you?

After you vote in the poll, leave a comment below and let us know where iOS 5 disappointed you. Which new feature have you been waiting for years to see still hasn’t made it onto the iPhone?

Invoice Robot: Bill Your Clients on Your iPhone

Freelancers the world over generally have to invoice their clients before they get paid. An invoice is a legal description of goods and services provided with indication of payment methods and terms. There’s a range of services for freelancers to create invoices, both those that are dedicated to the purpose (like FreshBooks) or traditional office applications (like those in iWork or Microsoft Office).

There’s a small community of finance apps on the App Store focused at freelancers, and Invoice Robot is certainly not the only one aimed at invoicing. A companion to the popular FreshBooks service is MiniBooks, which we’ve already reviewed here at AppStorm, is one alternative, as is long time AppStorm-sponsor Billings Touch.

Invoice Robot is a mobile invoicing solution, available as a universal binary on iPhone and iPad. Today, we’ll be taking a look at it to see whether or not it’s worth a download.

Your First Invoice

As soon as you launch the application, you can begin designing your invoice. The process is distinctly separated into three unique screens, which are toggled between with the trio of buttons placed to the bottom of the screen. To the left of those switches is the settings panel, which allows you to choose a logo from your photos library, change the colour scheme between blue and white and some formatting options.

The first panel deals with the details of your invoice. At the top, you have a four-split choice to what your document will actually be: an invoice, a receipt, a proposal or a quote. There’s no major effects when you go to change the type, apart from the main title and a couple of sub-headings, like the swap between “Paid By” and “Prepared For”. The second variable of this particular section is for the client details, which you can conveniently import from your contacts. Other than that, you are asked to put in a date (or tap on one of the expedient “Today” and “Choose” buttons), a reference and a subject.

The first and second screens in Invoice Robot.

The second section deals with the actual products themselves. By first tapping on the boxed arrow icon, you can easily add different products or services that will be dealt with in your invoices. This means they can be easily added, alongside their unit price, to the invoice through a drop down menu, saving time if you sell similar items to multiple clients. Once you add them to the invoice, you are directed to define a quantity and Invoice Robot will calculate the total price. Naturally, Invoice Robot does all the calculations in the document so there’s no need to bring out your calculator.

Adding your product's details in Invoice Robot is fairly simple. It's only disappointing that you can't add more detailed descriptions.

The final screen deals with your details and the notes. A large text box is provided to enter any applicable notes, or thanks, to the end of the invoice itself. Similar to entering the client details, the contractor details allows you to import your contact details in an identical fashion.

Once you’re ready to send off your invoice, you tap on the Invoice Robot icon in the lower right and an email panel is shown. Then, it’s simply time to send it to your client.

The final result is presented as a PDF, with no fancy formatting. It’s just the bare basics, but it indeed works and brings a workable result.

The final result: a PDF with simple formatting that adheres to the colour scheme you chose.

Interface & Design

I’m a little confused as to why Invoice Robot does not follow the standard iOS interface ties. Instead, the developers opted for a custom interface that doesn’t really pay off in terms of aesthetics. The default interface elements for iOS seem much more suited and would improve the intuitiveness of the application.

Otherwise, I felt like some of the controls weren’t in proportion like the default elements are. It’s certainly not the best example of a good interface (in the invoicing realm, I prefer Billings Touch), but you can work with it.

Examples of Invoice Robot's interface (read: it's not that exciting).

Compared to the Competitors

As I’ve already touched upon, Invoice Robot does not have the best interface and it is not preferable over it’s competitors, like Billings Touch. There’s definitely room for improvement in that respect, surprisingly, since the competitors seemed to have nailed it.

In terms of its functionality, the price correlates directly to the number of features available. Have no doubt that Invoice Robot is an invoicing application, and is not a complete billing solution like the higher-priced Billings Touch. The latter is much more full- fledged with and provides an in-depth experience, whereas Invoice Robot is fairly simplistic.

MiniBooks for FreshBooks is its nearest cousin, although I still find that preferable due to its use of the cleaner, default iOS interface. Even that application has a timing feature as well as synchronisation with the wider FreshBooks service, at an additional $14.99 cost.

Invoice Robot, on the left, compared to Billings Touch, on the right, is a battle not worth fighting.

The Big Robot

Invoice Robot is a universal app and, therefore, is also optimised for users on an iPad. Unfortunately, the same custom interface is still there, but there is no split-screens. Everything is in a single view and the text boxes are much bigger, meaning that the iPad version is about ten times as useful. I’d still prefer it to use the default SDK interface elements, but this is acceptable enough.

The bottom line is that the iPhone app is a great emergency solution, but you could actually swap out your old method for this iPad app with little interruption.

The screen real estate of the iPad offers a much cleaner experience with Invoice Robot.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Invoice Robot does the job that it’s supposed to. It can’t be faulted for much and produces a usable PDF, although I do find having to email it to preview a bit of an inconvenience. Nevertheless, the app is capable, although limited, and suits its $2.99 App Store price. If you have the cash, however, consider the alternatives I discussed in the competition section of this review.

Secure Your Life with Google Authenticator

Your Google account pretty much contains your entire life; you rely on Google services to hold your photos, documents, contacts, calendars, emails, and so much more. In fact, your Google email account also holds the keys to almost every site you register with.

By having access to your Gmail account, an attacker could request a password reset for services like Skype, Facebook, and more. All of these extremely important services are protected by a simple combination of eight letters, numbers, and symbols. If you’re concerned about your Google account security, then you will certainly want to know about Google Authenticator for the iPhone.

What Is Google Authenticator?

Google Authenticator is part of a security measure called two-factor authentication. Rather than your entire account depending on a password to login, Google now allows you to add an additional layer of security to your account. When enabled, Google will require that you open the Google Authenticator application and enter in the randomly generated code into the login page.

Extremely security-conscience users may even opt for the randomly generated code to expire within 30 seconds, greatly reducing the chance that someone will see the code and be able to log into the account in time. With Google Authenticator, you still use the same password as before to sign-in to Google services. The difference is that now, in addition to the password sign-in screen, you will be required to enter the unique code from the Google Authenticator app. This prevents someone from remotely gaining access to your account by guessing your password.

Google Authenticator login page which prompts you for the passcode

Google Authenticator login page which prompts you for the passcode

Two-factor Authentication

Whether you’re a multi-billion dollar corporation or simply a concerned Internet user, security is extremely important. Single-factor authentication (using just a password to login) has several weaknesses that jeopardize your account security. First, many users create passwords which are considered ‘weak’ or easily cracked by an automated password guessing system. Passwords like ‘password’, ‘pass1234’, or ‘letmein’ are usually the first attempted passwords by attackers.

Many people don’t want to remember long or complex passwords, often opting to use pet’s names or details from their own life. Another weakness in single-factor authentication is the duplication of passwords. Even with the most secure password, you are still at risk if you reuse this password on multiple services. Take the Gawker Media’s database hack for example; thousands of users had their passwords exposed when their servers were compromised. If any of these users reused their passwords, they could have been at risk for other accounts to be compromised as well.

Two-factor authentication seeks to solve this issue by adding a second layer of security. One of the most popular methods of two-factor authentication is the RSA SecureID. These flash-drive like devices generate a random unique code that the user will input when logging into a specific web service. This code is in addition to a username and password. This solves the issues of compromised passwords because it requires the attacker to have physical access to the SecureID device which is unique for each user.

How Google Authenticator Works

Google Authenticator for iOS lets you secure your account by using the iPhone app

Google Authenticator for iOS lets you secure your account by using the iPhone app

Google Authenticator works in a similar way to the RSA SecureID. The app generates a unique code based upon several secure algorithms. As the app generates a new code, Google’s servers simultaneously generate the same code. During the 30 second window for which the code is valid, you can enter it in when your logging into your account.

Google will check to make sure the code matches up the with code generated on the server, and decide if you should be logged in or not. This prevents a remote attacker from guessing your password and potentially having access to almost all of your personal information; they would need access to your phone in addition to your password.

Google also provides a few backup options in case you lose or misplace your phone. Google will provide you with a few “one-time use” codes that you could keep for emergencies. I would recommend keeping these in a secure place. Google can also be setup to call your phone with a unique code to login.


Google Authenticator is a great tool for those worried about their account security. By enabling 2-step authentication, you can protect all those precious memories, important documents, and sensitive emails from ever ending up the wrong hands. While it may sound tedious at first, I’m able to unlock my phone and get a unique code within ten or fifteen seconds. Also, Google offers the ability for remember your computer for up to 30 days. This means you wouldn’t need to re-enter the unique code during those 30 days.

I would highly recommend Google Authenticator to any business using Google Apps or any security-conscious Gmail user who is worried about the overall security of their accounts. For more information, check out Google’s help center article on setting up 2-step verification.

Meagan Fisher: Conquer the Blank Canvas

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Just because you missed that awesome conference, doesn’t mean that you can’t still watch the lectures! This weekend we’re sharing a talk from Build design conference by Freelance Interface Designer Meagan Fisher. In this talk Meagan will start out with a blank canvas, and go through the process of building three unique designs. She will talk about the milestones along the way, and review different solutions to common design problems.

Continue reading “Meagan Fisher: Conquer the Blank Canvas”

What Every iOS Developer Should Know About WWDC 2011

As those of you in the iOS development community likely know, WWDC 2011 is winding to a close today. Despite Apple not releasing a new iPhone as many anticipated, the keynote was far from a disappointment. This year, WWDC was all about software and empowering the iOS development community. While much of the event’s publicity […]

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Carousel: A Stylish Instagram Experience for Mac

Instagram has become a very popular service and app on the iPhone, by allowing you to create and share vintage-looking pictures with your social networks and check the recent pictures from your friends. Unfortunately, though, there isn’t really a way of interacting with the service on your computer. Instagram’s developers know this and have made their API available to anyone who wants to create an app for their service.

The app that we are reviewing today is a beautifully designed companion for using Instagram on your Mac. It’s called Carousel and it looks very promising. Does it deliver?

Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started

Apps that aim to bring the Instagram experience to your Mac have become quite popular recently, and we’ve seen several released. We reviewed an app called Instadesk a while ago, that also brings Instagram to your Mac, but in a fairly different way to the app we’re reviewing today. Instadesk is very conventional- it sort of feels like an “old” app. Carousel is very different, you’ll see why.

The setup process is pretty simple. You can buy the app for $4.99 on the App Store, and the first time that you use it you’ll be asked to put in your login info for Instagram. After that you are set, and you can see your feed and interact with it.




The first thing that you’ll notice is that the app is very, very pretty. It looks clean and simple, and has sort of a vintage look to it. It also goes with the mobile theme of Instagram by keeping big and mostly graphical buttons instead of a bunch of text buttons. It feels like an app that you might have found on your iPad.

The window has a wood frame instead of the usual graphite color, and the background has an old-school grey wallpaper pattern. It gives the app a very elegant, unique feel.

On the bottom you have a toolbar with three buttons that allow you to switch between your feed, the popular pics and your profile. Also in this toolbar is a refresh button. That is pretty much it- the app does a great job at keeping things simple, and getting rid of features that just take up space and create a confusing environment.

Viewing Your Feed



Your feed is shown vertically. You can see small frames with the picture and a bar with useful info like the user who uploaded it (along with a small image of their icon) and the date, place and number of hearts and comments it has. Oddly, the title of the picture is not shown and is nowhere to be seen, not even in the sub-menus.

The pictures are shown fairly wide, and this makes for a great way to view them. If you want to see them even bigger, you can double click them and you’ll get a preview window where you can pull it up full-screen or send it to iPhoto. The comments are displayed on a different window when you click on the text box icon, and from there you can write your own or watch the old ones. The love button works the same.

Extra Features



The keyboard shortcuts seem to be very well-integrated to the app — there’s one for everything and they are easy to learn. You can, for example, love a photo by just typing “L”, or comment on it by typing “C”.

Also worth mentioning are the beautiful themes that come along with the app. While the default one that we described previously is very impressive, the other three ones don’t fall behind. There are also Growl notifications, which is a very nice touch.


Of course, you can’t do things like post pictures, but that’s because the API won’t allow it and you can only do that through the iOS app. As far as lack of features, there doesn’t seem to be much to complain about. If anything, it’s a bit annoying that the title of the pictures isn’t displayed anywhere noticeable, while you can see things like the place where it was taken and the time it was uploaded.

There are also some things that apps like Instadesk have; but this one lacks; like albums, slideshows or a user finder, but those are features that I’m sure most of you won’t use – I know I don’t, at least not very often.


Carousel does a great job at keeping the most useful and primordial features, and getting rid of the ones that only make the app confusing and complicated. Unlike Instadesk, you’ll find your way around this app in just a few minutes.

We continue to see more and more of these amazing apps that mix the simplicity of mobile apps with the usefulness of desktop apps – much like we predicted back when Reeder for Mac came out. This is the way that desktop apps are heading, and developers need to embrace it and adapt to it because it’s getting annoying having to deal with conventional apps when you can have beautiful and simple apps.

So, which one do you prefer? The rather dull and old, but cheaper Instadesk; or the cooler looking and super simple, but expensive Carousel? I’d rather keep Carousel, to be honest. What about you? Do you like these new apps that feel like mobile versions, or would you rather keep the more conventional app style?

Ask the Mac.AppStorm Editor #11

It’s time for another “Ask the Editor” post today. A big thank you to everyone who sent in their questions – it’s great to have the chance to help you out with your Mac-related queries and quibbles.

Today I’ll be offering some advice about what Thunderbolt means for Mac users, how you can store and organise your recipes on OS X, and a particularly reliable option for an external hard drive.

Read on for plenty of handy Mac knowledge, and I hope you’ll find most of it useful for your own situation as well!

What external hard drive would you recommend for best reliability?

– LP

Drobo is a pretty cool little robot...

Drobo is a pretty cool little robot…

Well, there’s certainly no shortage of choice! External hard drives come in all shapes and sizes, and your choice will depend on a number of different factors. If reliability is the key point that you have in mind, I’d recommend an option that might be a little bit pricy, but should last you for several years to come.

Drobo make a range of different external hard drive enclosures, in which you put your own 3.5″ internal drives. This gives you the option of expanding storage as you need to, and keeps everything very flexible. You’ll need to put at least two drives in to start with.

The beauty of a Drobo is that it automatically keeps a redundant backup of all your information. Any time you save a file to the device, it ensures that it’s automatically stored on at least two separate hard drives. This means that if any single drive fails within you Drobo device, you can simply replace it with another one with absolutely no data loss.

Although this isn’t a cheap option, it’s definitely one of the best ways to have an unbelievably reliable external hard drive system. The basic Drobo starts at $399, and doesn’t include any hard drives (though it takes standard 3.5″ internal drives that are relatively inexpensive). I’ve been using one for a couple of years, and can’t recommend it highly enough!

What’s the big deal about Thunderbolt on the new Macs, and what will it work with?

– Samuel Holdsworth

Apple have committed to this new technology in a big way, and are essentially pushing for it to become a standard (rather than USB3.0). This is what Apple has to say about it, in a more concise sentence than I could muster myself:

Thunderbolt is a revolutionary I/O technology that supports high-resolution displays and high-performance data devices through a single, compact port. It sets new standards for speed, flexibility, and simplicity.

Essentially, it’s a new port – like USB, or Firewire – that has a much higher capacity than anything that has come before. It’s capable of transmitting video and data at phenomenal speed – you can move data to and from peripherals up to 20 times faster than with USB 2.0 and up to 12 times faster than with FireWire 800.

It’s also possible to daisy-chain devices and have, say, a few high-speed drives, a display, and several other peripherals connected at the same time. All without any drop in speed or quality.

At present, Thunderbolt hardware is fairly limited. A few devices already available are:

All of these are fairly high-end devices, but you’ll see it trickling down into more mass-market products soon.

I’m a budding chef and want somewhere to store my recipes. What software would you recommend for collecting a bunch of recipes?

– Jake Sergey

Good question! There are a bunch of different recipe apps available for the Mac, some of which offer a big range of bells and whistles, others that are a little more simplistic. Here are a few that you might like to try:

  • MacGourmet ($29) – MacGourmet helps you create and edit your recipes, wine notes and cooking notes, easily browse your entire collection and build your own custom lists for categories like appetizers or desserts. It has a really beautiful icon, and a simple interface design. We reviewed it a few weeks ago, so you might like to check out what we had to say.
  • SousChef ($30) – Most cooking software stops at letting you organize your recipes. SousChef helps you cook, start to finish. Find a recipe, cook it, modify it and share it with friends & family—all in one application. They have over 200,000 recipes in their “recipe cloud”
  • YummySoup! ($4.99) – YummySoup! allows you to easily create digital copies of all your favorite recipes and share them with friends and family with professional themed prints, email, and with Recipecasts.

Didn’t See Your Question?

If you asked a question but didn’t have it answered today, don’t worry! I’ll do my best to get to it in a future week. I love a challenge, so feel free to ask some weird and wonderful questions…

If you’d like to submit your query, you can do so here:Online Form – AppStorm > Ask The Editor

Thanks for reading, and let me know if you agree or disagree with anything I mentioned today!

Koku: A Fresh Approach to Personal Finance

In many ways it’s the holy grail of Mac apps. Apple has instilled an appreciation for the beautiful, the polished, and the carefully designed. And if there’s one part of our lives that screams out for an experience like that it’s money management.

I mean it makes sense, right? Computers are good with numbers, and people usually aren’t. Computers can be used to identify patterns and formulate projections, and people like to see patterns and projections. And on the Mac platform we should be able to get all of that lovely functionality wrapped up in an aesthetically pleasing package, right?

Well there’s a new contender that’s entered the fray: Koku. Making the rounds, Koku has attracted the attention of the Mac community. We’re all dying to know if someone new can build the type of financial monitoring app that we’ve all been looking for.

And so here we are. Let’s take a look at the areas that Koku excels in, and the spots where they need to do some work.

The Interface

An interface isn’t all about fashion. Just because there are polished pixels and fancy drop-shadows doesn’t mean the interface is well designed. It just means it’s stylish. The foundation that those styles are layered onto is even more important. Koku has chosen to forgo a personal “style” of user interface, sticking more to the subtlety that the default styling of OS X offers.

The Main Interface

The Main Interface

I like the UI. As subjective as that comment is, I felt like it’s a good place to start. The right-hand side of the window is the main view of your account information and transactions. The left-hand side of the view offers you options to change what you see in the right-hand view. You can change the account that you’re viewing, or enter into various report views which we’ll touch on later.

Koku also supports, and quite heavily encourages, tags as a way of organizing your transactions. We’ll get into that a little more later on too, but suffice it to say that you can access a list of all of your tags by clicking in the titlebar of the left view.

Accounts and Transactions

The real core of Koku is in the experience of viewing your accounts and inputting your transactions. If your bank or credit union is one of the ones supported by Koku, then you’ve got the best user experience you could hope for: Koku takes care of that for you. For the rest of us though, we’ll need that experience to be as frictionless as possible.

In the bottom left hand corner is a “+” button which reveals a dropdown, the first option of which is “New Account”. Now we have a two step process, the first asking us to choose the type of account that we’d like to create, and the second offering us options we can configure for that account.

Adding an Account

Adding an Account

I think this process could be streamlined a bit, perhaps merging the two steps into one slide-down window. Considering that the options can change depending on the type of account that’s being created, perhaps those options could be adjusted, with some nice animated effects, if it’s needed.

Transactions are initiated at the bottom of the page, in the main/right-hand view. The controls for working with them also live at the bottom of the window. Keyboard shortcuts are nicely implemented for adding transactions and such, for those who wish to get up to speed with Koku quickly.

Adding a Transaction

Adding a Transaction


Koku is based upon tags for organizing your transactions. You can apply multiple tags to individual transactions. Adding tags is straightforward, and built into the UI for adding a transaction. In fact, it’s probably harder to add a transaction without a tag than to add one with a tag.

Adding a Tag

Adding a Tag

I think this mindset really works well. Often times, tags can be cumbersome and complicated. But I think Koku has implemented the well, and they really make it much easier to come to grips with your financials. In fact, Koku has some more tricks up it’s proverbial sleeve when it comes to getting a better look at your financials. And tags are a pivotal part of it.


An important part of any good money management app would be tools to help you better understand where your money was spent, where your income came from, and how all that might look in the near future. In this area Koku doesn’t disappoint. Koku comes with three reports built-in: spending distribution, spending history, and a summary of your accounts.

Koku's Built-in Reports

Koku's Built-in Reports

All of these reports have beautiful animations baked in, showing off the portion of the report that you’re focusing in on at the moment. But it doesn’t stop there. Koku also offers you the ability to generate your own custom reports, based on the ones provided, so you can target certain areas of your financials with more scrutiny.


If you’re new to the Mac, or just to the world of personal finance apps, I whole-heartedly suggest that you give Koku a try. Their website offers a free trial download, so you can see for yourself whether or not the app would work for you, and your lifestyle.

While it may not be the flashiest app out there, I think Koku brings a well-executed feature set to the table, especially considering it’s currently in its current version. Hopefully the app and its developers will continue to invest in Koku’s development, so the app can help all of us understand how to invest ourselves.

Splash Screen with TabBar and TableView in iPhone

This is the TabBar and tableView example . In this example we will see first display the Splash screen later after comes tableview in TabBar controller. So let see how it will work.

Step 1: Open the Xcode, Create a new project using Window Base application. Give the application “TabBarWithTableView”.

Step 2: Xcode automatically creates the directory structure and adds essential frameworks to it. You can explore the directory structure to check out the content of the directory.

Step 3: We need to add two UIViewController in the class in the project. So select the project -> New File -> Cocoa Touch ->ViewController class and give the class name ”Tableview” and “SecondView”.

Step 4: We need to add background image in the Resource folder.

Step 5: Open the TabBarWithTableViewAppDelegate.h file and make the following changes in the file:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface TabBarWithTableViewAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {

    UITabBarController *tabBarControlller;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITabBarController *tabBarControlller;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;


Step 6: Double click the MainWindow.xib file and open it to the Interface Builder.First drag the “Image View” from the library and place it to the window. Select the window and bring up attribute inspector and select the “logo.png”.Drag the TabBarController from the library in the interface builder. First select the first tab from the TabBarController and bring up Identity Inspector and select “TableView” class. Do the same thing for the Second Tab and select “SecondView”. Now save it, close it and go back to the Xcode.

Step 7: In the TabBarWithTableViewAppDelegate.m file and make the following changes in the file:

#import "TabBarWithTableViewAppDelegate.h"

@implementation TabBarWithTableViewAppDelegate

@synthesize window=_window,tabBarControlller;

(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    [_window addSubview:tabBarControlller.view];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
    return YES;

(void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application

(void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application

(void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application

(void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application

(void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application

    [_window release];
    [super dealloc];


Step 8: Open the TableView.h file and make the following changes in the file:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface TableView : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource> {
        NSArray *listData;

@property(nonatomic,retain) NSArray *listData;


Step 9: Double click the TableView.xib file open it to the Interface Builder. First drag the Navigation bar from the library and place it to the view. Select the navigation bar from view and bring up Attribute Inspector and change the Title of the Navigation Bar “TableView”. Now drag the TableView from the library and place it to the view . Select the TableView from the view window and bring up Connection Inspector and connect dataSource to the File’s Owner icon and delegate to the File’s Owner icon. Save the .xib file, close it and go back to the Xcode.

Step 10: In the  TableView.m file make the following changes:

#import "TableView.h"

@implementation TableView
@synthesize listData;

// Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
(void)viewDidLoad {
        NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"Sleepy",@"Sneezy",@"Bashful",@"Happy",@"Doc",@"Grumpy",
        self.listData = array;
        [array release];
        [super viewDidLoad];

// Override to allow orientations other than the default portrait orientation.
(BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
    // Return YES for supported orientations
    return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);

(void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
   [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];

(void)viewDidUnload {

(void)dealloc {
        [listData release];
    [super dealloc];

(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
        return [self.listData count];

(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
        cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    static NSString *SimpleTableIdentifier = @"SimpleTableIdentifier";
    UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:
        if(cell == nil){
                cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero
                                       reuseIdentifier: SimpleTableIdentifier] autorelease];
        NSUInteger row = [indexPath row];
        cell.textLabel.text = [listData objectAtIndex:row];
        return cell;


Step 11: Double click the SecondView.xib file and open it to the Interface Builder. Select the view and bring up Attribute Inspector and change the background color. Save the .xib file, close it and go back to the Xcode.

Step 12: Now compile and run the application on the simulator.

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UAE carrier Etisalat says 4G iPhone 5 will ship this year

Dubai’s Gulf News is reporting that United Arab Emirates-based carrier Etisalat is in talks with Apple to sell a 4G iPhone 5 later this year. Ali Al Ahmad, Chief Corporate Communication Officer of Etisalat told the Gulf News, “Yes, we are in talks with most smartphone manufacturers including Apple on the rollout of the 4G handset, iPhone 5 later this year. As the first telecom organization to roll out the 4G network, LTE, in the Middle East, we have already started talking to them for the handsets and chipsets in them.”

However, despite Ahmad’s assertion on an LTE iPhone 5 later this year, readers should approach this news with caution. Right now there are no solid facts about the next iPhone. The next iPhone will be the fifth-generation iPhone, but no one can even agree on its name, let alone the telecommunications technology it will have.

Some say the fifth generation iPhone will be called the “iPhone 4S,” while others say it will be known as the “iPhone 5.” However, regardless of the name, there are rumors that the iPhone won’t see 4G LTE until the sixth generation iPhone (which could very well be called the “iPhone 5”). It’s entirely possible that carrier executives like Ahmad could be confusing the version and name with associated telecommunications technology.

But at the risk of fanning the flames, it’s also possible that Apple could roll out a 4G LTE-equipped iPhone in the fall. The company is pushing back the new iPhone hardware launch later this year than in the past and the extra time could provide the wiggle room to wait until there are enough 4G chips ready in a slim enough form factor to fit the next generation iPhone without compromising its design — something current 4G chips can’t do.

UAE carrier Etisalat says 4G iPhone 5 will ship this year originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Dear Aunt TUAW: Help me monitor security video from my iPhone

Dear Auntie,

Hey Auntie what’s up? I would love if somebody over there can point in the right direction of the best iOS-friendly business security system.

I would love to be able to control my security DVR and view it remotely on either my iPad or iPhone so I can keep an eye on my small business when I am away…..

Love the site and keep up the great work,


Continue reading Dear Aunt TUAW: Help me monitor security video from my iPhone

Dear Aunt TUAW: Help me monitor security video from my iPhone originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Facebook acquires Mac development house for design talent

Facebook has just bought Dutch Mac development house Sofa, according to a company blog post. In the Mac world, Sofa is best known for four of the Mac apps that it makes: Kaleidoscope, Versions, Checkout and Enstore.

However, Facebook’s acquisition of Sofa had nothing to do with the Mac apps — it was purely a purchase to get the company’s design talent. “Terms of the deal are not being disclosed. But again, this is a pure talent acquisition for Facebook. And we’ve heard the main emphasis behind it is to continue to boost their [Facebook’s] product design talent,” according to TechCrunch.

Fans of Sofa’s apps don’t have to worry about their future however. Though Facebook purchased the company, it did not purchase the rights to the apps. The company says that Kaleidoscope and Versions will live on, but Sofa will need to find homes for the apps at other development houses. Checkout and Enstore will also survive due to joint partnerships that were formed to create the apps.

Facebook acquires Mac development house for design talent originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 10 Jun 2011 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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