Create an Eye-Catching Eco-Friendly Shoe Advertisement – Psd Premium Tutorial

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In this Psd Premium tutorial, author Wojciech Pijecki will demonstrate how to create an eye-catching, eco-friendly shoe advertisement using several stock images. This tutorial is available exclusively to Premium Members. If you are looking to take your design skills to the next level then Log in or Join Now to get started!

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iOS SDK: Music Library Access

With music library access your applications can incorporate the songs, audio books, and podcast collections of your users. This functionality can be used to enhance gameplay by allowing users to play their own soundtrack, build custom media-player applications, and more! NOTE: In order to test this functionality you will need a physical iOS device and […]

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7 Features iPhone Could Have Had if iOS 5 Got Facebook Integration

iPhone Facebook Integration

Apple recently boasted about Twitter integration on the upcoming iOS 5, but what if we had gotten Facebook integration instead?

iPhone already lets you link your friends’ profile pictures to their contact information in your phone, but Facebook features are otherwise restricted to the Facebook app itself.

Below are 7 Facebook features that we could have had if Apple had gone through with Facebook, instead of Twitter, integration on iOS 5:

  1. Add a friend on Facebook through your Contacts.
  2. Post a photo to your Wall or to a friend’s Wall directly from the Photos app.
  3. Get updates in your status bar about incoming Facebook messages, comments, and other Facebook Notifications.
  4. Post to Facebook systemwide.
  5. Check into Facebook Places in the Maps app.
  6. Facebook Chat integration in Phone or Messages.
  7. Link Facebook Events into your iPhone Calendar.

No one knows for sure why Apple chose to integrate Twitter and not Facebook as a core part of the iOS platform, but one thing is certain: Facebook integration would be a much-valued feature for many users, and potential users, of the iPhone.

I use Twitter and will appreciate Twitter integration on iOS 5, but Facebook integration would have been even better, in my opinion.

What Facebook features would you like to see integrated into the iPhone?

7 Features iPhone Could Have Had if iOS 5 Got Facebook Integration is a post from Apple iPhone Review.

First panels from Steve Jobs comic book

Just the other day we told you about the upcoming Steve Jobs comic book biography, and now PC World has the first few panels of the work to check out. It looks … good? It’s definitely a more traditional affair, so Steve won’t be displaying any latent superpowers or flying around.

Instead, as you can see above, it might actually be a pretty pertinent historical document on Apple’s history and Steve’s professional life. The original release claimed the book would show both sides of Steve’s sometimes rough personality, but what we see here seems to be pretty common knowledge so far.

Note that these sketches are still being called work-in-progress, which is why they’re in black-and-white and don’t have any comic book panels. The final book is set to come out for US$3.99 and will be available in a bookstore near you.

First panels from Steve Jobs comic book originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 00:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Three sent to prison in China over iPad 2 leaks

A Chinese court has sentenced three people to prison for collaborating to steal information from Foxconn about the iPad 2 before it was unveiled to the public. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Shenzhen Bao’an People’s Court found that the general manager of MacTop Electronics Company illegally offered a Foxconn employee 20,000 yuan, or about US$3,000, plus discounts on MacTop products for information on the iPad 2 last September. The Foxconn employee then paid another Foxconn employee who worked in the research and development department for digital images of the iPad 2’s back cover.

Cover accessory manufactures can typically make a killing if they have their covers for new Apple devices out the day the new product ships, which makes information, such as the dimensions of a new iOS device, very valuable. The general manager of MacTop was sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined 150,000 yuan. The two Foxconn employees were sentenced to 14 months and 13 months, respectively, and fined 100,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan.

There was no word on how the investigation led to the three employees, but Foxconn did issue a statement saying, “We cannot comment on matters of internal security, but Foxconn takes its commitment to protecting its intellectual property as well as that of its customers very seriously and undertakes all appropriate actions to safeguard against any violations.”

Three sent to prison in China over iPad 2 leaks originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 23:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Apple Back to School promotion starts June 16 with a $100 gift card

Apple’s annual Back to School promotion begins June 16 and runs until September 20. There are a few things different with this year’s promotion compared to years past. First, the promotion is starting about two weeks, on average, later than in earlier years. Secondly — and most notably — this year’s promotion will not include a free iPod with any Mac purchased. Instead, buyers will receive a $100 gift card that is good in the Mac App Store, iTunes Store, App Store or the iBookstore.

MacRumors offers photographic proof of this year’s promotion and its changes. Many may be dismayed over the lack of a free iPod, but it’s likely Apple feels that with the success of the iPod touch, iPhone, and Macs, it doesn’t need to offer such an incentive to get people to buy this year. A $100 gift card for use in the Mac App Store and other online stores could actually be more helpful to students and parents. There are several companies selling textbooks in the iBookstore, and there are hundreds of Mac apps that could be useful in a school setting (like the iWork suite).

The fact that no free iPods will be offered during this year’s promo also leaves the launch of the next iPods and iPhones totally up in the air. It used to be expected that Apple wouldn’t launch new iPods before the Back to School promotion ended, as it was a way for the company to clear out inventory. Now, however, the Back to School promotion is not tied to any specific timetable.

Apple Back to School promotion starts June 16 with a $100 gift card originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Ad network revenue shows iOS and Android are almost tied

A monthly report from Mobile ad network Millennial Media paints a familiar picture of the smartphone market. According to impressions data, the iPhone is the top individual phone on the ad network, while the iPad is on the rise with a 29% jump in impressions from last month. Apple was the top manufacturer with a 30% impression share.

On a platform basis, Android was the leading smartphone OS with a 53% impression share, while iOS was a distant second with a 27% impression share. Rounding out the platform listing is RIM at 17%, Symbian at 2% and Windows Phone 7 at 1%.This impressions data reflects the number of times an ad is viewed.

Ad revenue from apps paints a different picture than the impressions data. In ad revenue, iOS and Android are neck and neck. iOS had a slight lead with 45% share, while Android had a 43% share. RIM grabbed 9% of ad revenue, while the remaining 3% is picked up by other platforms.

iOS is holding a slight lead over Android, but the green robot is closing in fast. In April, iOS was at 50% and Android was trailing with a 39% share. In May, that gap narrowed and in June the two platforms may trade places.

Ad network revenue shows iOS and Android are almost tied originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Apple reportedly prepping first Apple Store in Sweden

Apple is planning on opening its first retail store in Sweden, according to [Google translation]. While doesn’t cite their source, a recent Apple job listing for a Payroll Supervisor in Stockholm lends additional credence to an upcoming Swedish Apple store. Besides the report and the job listing, there’s not a lot known about the Swedish Apple store.

It’s likely that it will be located in the capitol of Stockholm. Apple does always like having its first store stand out, so it’s probable that it will be in a renovated historic or aesthetically pleasing modern building in a high-traffic area. Apple just opened its 325th retail store in Lyons, France and plans to open a total of 40-50 stores in fiscal year 2011, which ends in September.

Apple reportedly prepping first Apple Store in Sweden originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Angry Birds creators plan new game, location-based platform

Rovio’s next big plan for Angry Birds is to add in some location-based features, according to GigaOM, with a platform they’re calling Angry Birds Magic. The platform will use location-based information on a number of different smartphones (including, presumably, the iPhone, though there’s some reference in the plan to near-field communications, which of course the iPhone hasn’t yet included), allowing players to use where they are to both unlock new content, as well as compete locally on leaderboards for a certain area. Rather than do what an app like MyTown has done and try to spread the content around to everywhere, Rovio says it’s planning to be more strategic, using certain locations and certain features to try and monetize the game and engage the audience (like providing specials at a certain retailer during a sale, or other ideas like that).

The company is also planning a brand new app called Wine and Dine (no kidding), as well as an Angry Birds cookbook (featuring egg recipes, of course). Wine and Dine will still be in the Angry Birds universe, but will supposedly be “more about the pigs.”

Rovio also reportedly has more new games on tap (including some that aren’t Angry Birds related), so it sounds like they’re keeping busy up in Finland.

Angry Birds creators plan new game, location-based platform originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 18:15:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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