Paragraft gets iOS Markdown editing right

I just discovered Paragraft, a text editor for iPad and iPhone that boasts some ingenious Markdown features (if I’ve lost you already, check out the TUAW Markdown Primer for a crash course).

The good parts of Paragraft blew me away enough that I’m able to overlook an ugly icon and some bad interface decisions to deliver a fairly glowing endorsement: this is the first app I’ve found that has really allowed Markdown on iOS to make sense.

There’s no shortage of Markdown-enabled apps on any Apple platform right now, and I love that. I love Markdown, and while it’s far superior to writing HTML or dealing with Rich Text in an iOS environment, I always miss the Markdown speed I can achieve in TextMate and other text editors on the Mac.

Nebulous Notes has the flexibility to start getting there, but you have to build all the macros yourself. Other apps handle auto-continuing lists, maybe adding bold and italics, but still leave you digging through multiple levels of iOS keyboards to get to some symbols. TextExpander Touch can help quite a bit, too, but none of these really tap the capabilities of the iPhone and iPad. Paragraft has made me begin to rethink the possibilities.

Continue reading Paragraft gets iOS Markdown editing right

Paragraft gets iOS Markdown editing right originally appeared on TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 17 Jun 2011 06:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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iPad 3 and iPhone 5 rumors, people doing prison time, and more in this week’s mobile news

Will the iPad 3 be launching in the fourt quarter of this year?

Three people have been arrested in relation to the iPad 2 leaks earlier this year.

Gizmodo has a nice iPhone 5 rumor roundup.

A bill has been introduced by US Senators Al Franken and Richard Blumenthal to enforce mobile privacy laws on the likes of Apple and Google.

Next generation iPad / iPhone GPU licensed to other manufacturers.

Open Source: Library For An Easy To Implement Copyable UITableViewCell

The UITableView is the most logical class to use when listing data.  There has been an extensive number of libraries to make the UITableView easier to use, and add functionality.

Ahmet Ardal has created a simple to use implementation of the UITableViewCell that allows the user to copy the data contents of the cell.  It is very easy to use, and Ahmet has created a small tutorial, and sample project to go along with the open source library.

You can see  the tutorial here:
CopyableCell Tutorial

The library and sample project canbe found on Github here:

A very useful functionality addition for UITableView’s.

[via Under The Bridge]

©2011 iPhone, iOS 4, iPad SDK Development Tutorial and Programming Tips. All Rights Reserved.



Comparison Of iOS Crash Report Managers

Last week I mentioned the open source QuincyKit crash report manager that provides both the reporting library to attach to your apps along with a server to handle the incoming crash reports.  The inadequacies of iOS crash reporting has caused libraries such as QuincyKit to be developed, and now many different crash reporting tools now have support for iOS apps.

Jeremy Fuller has written a comparison of several different crash report managers that work with iOS apps based on his own trials.  He has also posted a list of the different crash reporting tools available.

You can read his full post here:
Battle Of The iOS Crash Reporters

Jeremy’s ultimate conclusion was to just use HockeyApp (a premium online tool that works with QuincyKit), and with a free trial it definitely looks like the current winner.

©2011 iPhone, iOS 4, iPad SDK Development Tutorial and Programming Tips. All Rights Reserved.



How to implement PickerView Programmatically in iPhone

This is the PickerView example. In this example we will see how to implement PickerView Programmatically in iPhone. So let see how it will worked. Another PickerView reference you can find out from here DatePicker SingleComponentPicker and DoublecomponentPicker

Step 1: Open the Xcode, Create a new project using View Base application. Give the application “PickerView_Programatically”.

Step 2: Xcode automatically creates the directory structure and adds essential frameworks to it. You can explore the directory structure to check out the content of the directory.

Step 3: We need to add images in the resource folder.

Step 4: Open the PickerView_ProgramaticallyViewController.h file and make the following changes in the file.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface PickerView_ProgramaticallyViewController : UIViewController {

UIButton *pickerButton;
UIPickerView *myPickerView;
NSMutableArray *array_from;
UILabel *fromButton;
UIButton *doneButton ;
UIButton *backButton ;

@property(nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UIButton *pickerButton;
@property(nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UILabel *fromButton;



Step 5: Double click the PickerView_ProgramaticallyViewController.xib file an open it to the Interface Builder. First drag the button and label, and place it to the view window. Select the button and bring up Attribute Inspector and give the Title “PickerView” and bring up Connection Inspector and connect File’s Owner icon to the button and select pickerButton. And connect Touch Up Inside to the File’s Owner icon select PickerView: method. Connect File’s Owner icon to the label and select fromButton. Now save the .xib file, close it and go back to the Xcode.

Step 6: In the PickerView_ProgramaticallyViewController.m file make the following changes:

#import "PickerView_ProgramaticallyViewController.h"

@implementation PickerView_ProgramaticallyViewController

@synthesize pickerButton,fromButton;

myPickerView = [[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 200, 320, 200)];
[self.view addSubview:myPickerView];
myPickerView.delegate = self;
myPickerView.showsSelectionIndicator = YES;

doneButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
[doneButton addTarget:self
doneButton.frame = CGRectMake(265.0,202.0,  52.0, 30.0);
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:@"done.png"];
[doneButton setImage:img forState:UIControlStateNormal];

[img release];

[self.view addSubview:doneButton];

[myPickerView removeFromSuperview];

[doneButton removeFromSuperview];


[super dealloc];

// Releases the view if it doesn’t have a superview.
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];

// Release any cached data, images, etc that aren’t in use.

#pragma mark – View lifecycle

// Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
[super viewDidLoad];

array_from=[[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:@"iPhone",@"iPad",@"iPod",@"iMac",@"Mac",


[super viewDidUnload];

// Return YES for supported orientations
return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);

// tell the picker how many rows are available for a given component
(NSInteger)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent:(NSInteger)component {
NSUInteger numRows = 7;

return numRows;

// tell the picker how many components it will have
(NSInteger)numberOfComponentsInPickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView {
return 1;

(void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
[fromButton setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[array_from objectAtIndex:[pickerView selectedRowInComponent:0]]]];


(NSString *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView titleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component

return [array_from objectAtIndex:row];


// tell the picker the width of each row for a given component
(CGFloat)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView widthForComponent:(NSInteger)component {
CGFloat componentWidth = 0.0;
componentWidth = 135.0;

return componentWidth;}


Step 7: Now compile and run the application on the Simulator.

You can Download SourceCode from here PickerView_Programatically

Weekly Poll: Is Apple Stealing Features from Developers?

With all the new features that are popping up in both Lion and iOS 5, there’s a lot of speculation as to exactly where Apple got these ideas. A company that’s known for its innovation is suddenly being accused of being completely unoriginal and building off of the work of others without giving credit.

For instance, some say the new Notifications Center is a derivative of Teehan+Lax’s famous home screen concept. TUAW takes this conversation even further with a recent article that points out several new official features that Apple owes to jailbreak developers.

One of the most shocking stories published in this arena is a recent Cult of Mac article where a Cydia developer claims that Apple not only stole his idea for Wifi Sync, but even ripped off his icon!

The interesting counterargument to all this is that we see all these ideas and demand that Apple give them to us, then we they do, we fault them for it! After all, is adding a unified notification screen really such a unique idea that Apple shouldn’t try it because others have done so? That argument simply doesn’t seem sound and is definitely no way to keep your users happy.

So what do you think? Is Apple shamelessly stealing the ideas of others or are they doing an admirable job of giving users exactly what they’re asking for? Where is the line between the two?

iPhone Game Friday: New Releases

Greetings, game fans! Another Friday, another roundup. This installment’s collection is quite varied; We’ve got everything from zombies to puzzles to 8-bit gaming lined up for you, so click through and pick your next addiction.

Call of Mini: Zombies

Call of Mini: Zombies

Call of Mini: Zombies

You’ve been craving more zombies, am I right? I hope so. If you’re anything like me then you’re beginning to feel that this whole zombie market is getting over-saturated. But the condition is not incurable, and Triniti Interactive delivers a very amusing and fun spin on things by placing you in a fully 3-D world and setting you loose to kill hilariously square-headed zombies.

You are also of the rectangular skull persuasion, and begin your quest with the name “Joe Blo.” The structure of the game is pretty much what you’ve come to expect: survive waves of zombies and use whatever weaponry you can find to mangle your way through the horde. There are 13 such weapons that you can use to defend against 12 different types of zombies for a nice sense of variety. This is reinforced by the fact that the weapons are actually different enough to be worth switching between, even in a frantic situation.

The graphics are amusing in style and look nice on an iPhone, though some of the textures could use a bit more detail, especially on a Retina display. The aspects that count most though — gameplay smoothness and fun factor — score high marks. It’s worth mentioning that the app runs on the iPhone and iPad, so 99 cents goes quite a ways. Worth a play, even if you’re sick of zombies!

Price: $0.99
Developer: Triniti Interactive Limited
Download: App Store





Also entering a saturated market is Meganoid, an 8-bit inspired platformer that claims to be reliving the glory of ’80s and ’90s games. The style is captured with uncanny accuracy and authenticity here, and that same spirit translates to all aspects of the game, for better or worse.

For instance, the gameplay is definitely the focus and is very finely tuned; however, unlike the modern standard for difficulty level, Meganoid opts for a more challenging paradigm where you’ll need actual skill and practice to overcome the levels. For now, there are 70 levels, with more promised for future updates. They tend to be fairly short by platformer standards, but they’re difficult, so you won’t feel cheated.

If you’re into fast-paced retro platformers, then Meganoid is an extraordinary little gem that deserves your attention.

Price: $0.99
Developer: OrangePixel
Download: App Store





If you like your gaming darker and more immersive, then the Unreal-powered dream:scape will be more up your alley. The fully 3-D environments, beautifully rendered, and accompanied by more than ten minutes of recorded voice acting come together to tell a story that will keep you interested until the end.

The story focuses on a man called Wilson who is stuck in a state of limbo between life and death, as he struggles to piece together his past. It’s not a fresh tale, but it’s told well enough to be engaging, and the world is just so cool to explore on your phone that the experience makes up for any shortcomings in the plot. The controls are occasionally frustrating, but it’s more a matter of getting used to them rather than a design flaw.

It’s not a game that you’ll breeze through lightly, but that’s what makes it all the more distinctive. If you like hidden object games or old point-and-click adventures in the style of Myst, then you’ll feel right at home in dream:scape.

Price: $1.99
Developer: Speedbump
Download: App Store


Ball Towers

Ball Towers

Ball Towers

One of the most impressive uses of a 3-D environment in an iPhone game that I’ve ever seen comes to us in the form of the seemingly innocuous Ball Towers. This puzzle game is an accelerometer controlled affair where you guide a ball through increasingly tangled levels without letting it fall off the track.

As is usually the case with successful games, Ball Towers is a simple concept executed to near perfection. The visual polish is amazing and the fact that the menu and game world is entirely integrated in a seamless 3-D virtual environment is both very cool and effortlessly realized. The complexity of what must be going on behind the scenes is never apparent; The game runs smoothly on even the biggest of levels. There are several level packs and a few different types of balls with differing characteristics that you’ll unlock as you play through the game.

There are also some helpful temporary modes including slow motion, rewind and one that shrinks the ball to a size that makes it easier to control. Despite not being a particularly fast-paced puzzler, Ball Towers is extremely fun and absolutely gorgeous to look at and listen to.

Price: $0.99
Developer: ASK Homework
Download: App Store


Movie Story

Movie Story

Movie Story

Closing off this week’s list is a promising copycat: Movie Story. You can probably guess that the game follows very closely alongside the gameplay system designed for GameDevStory, and for the most part, it’s a flattering reconstruction.

The gameplay is, of course, much the same, except that you’re running a film studio rather than a game one. The graphics are also notably shinier and more modern, which fans of the retro look may not find to be a positive move. The game unfortunately suffers from a number of missteps in this initial version, including an awful English translation and a bewilderingly slow speed for text and movement that doesn’t seem to have any justification and saps much of the vibrancy from the gameplay.

That being said, both are clearly quick fixes that we can expect in the next update, and setting aside those issues leaves us with a gorgeous GameDevStory clone that lets you relive some of the wild excitement of its inspiration in a new setting. It’s also free, so there’s no reason not to give it a try.

Price: Free
Developer: EverDude
Download: App Store


What Have You Been Playing?

There are many games that come out each week that we can’t feature, but if you’ve been sucked in by any then definitely drop them into the comments because we’d love to hear about them! Until July, farewell!

Quick Look: HQ

Quick Look posts are paid submissions offering only a brief overview of an app. Vote in the polls below if you think this app is worth an in-depth AppStorm review!

In this Quick Look, we’re highlighting HQ. The developer describes HQ as follow: “Speed, simplicity & style. The new, intuitively designed and stylishly simple app to help manage your busy life! All buff, and no fluff, HQ is unlike any other productivity app you’ve seen. Set deadlines, estimate and track time, color- code and filter YOUR data to suit YOUR needs using our trimmed down, lightning-fast and stylishly simple UI.”

Read on for more information and screenshots!




About the App

Here are the top five features you can expect to see in the latest version:

  • Unique look & feel
  • Simplicity and Speed
  • Key Visual Feedback at a glance (color, completion & due date)
  • “Quick Swipe” custom UI sorting
  • Thumb Friendly. Designed to facilitate thumbs for on-the-go input.

Requirements: iOS 3.2

Price: $2.99
Developer: Sleeping Giant Apps

Vote for a Review

Would you like to see us write a full review of HQ? Have your say in our poll:

Would you like to see HQ reviewed in-depth on AppStorm?customer surveys

Quick Look posts are paid submissions offering only a brief overview of an app. Vote in the poll if you think this app is worth an in-depth AppStorm review! If you’re a developer and would like to have your app profiled, you can submit it here.

3do: Delightfully Unique Notifications for Your iPhone

Some of us are responsible enough to look at our calendars and to-do lists without prompting, some of us need a bit of gentle prodding to get things done, and some of us need to literally be yelled at. If you live alone, however, or your housemates are unwilling to remind you of every appointment or due date, perhaps it would be best to have your iPhone yell at you. Phones also tend to be more reliable than roommates, spouses, parents or children.

There are a number of iPhone apps on the market to help you remember appointments, due dates, tasks and the like, Cleversome perceived a gap to be filled in ease of use and pure convenience, and recently released their own notification app, 3do. But does 3do really offer anything new? Is it worth the $4.99 price tag? Let’s take a look after the jump!

Unique Interface

The most noticeable difference between 3do and its competitors is not functionality, but interface. Instead of setting parameters for your notifications by pressing buttons and typing in details, 3do attempts to give you more natural way of interacting with the app, and features some uncommon but appealing visual effects.

3do's main interface, and a shot of a 3D animation

3do's main interface, and a shot of a 3D animation

Interacting with 3do

When you first open 3do, there will be a couple of sample tasks that give instructions on how to use 3do’s unique interface that make it quite simple to pick up, but without these instructions (which I deleted without reading) 3do could actually be a little difficult to figure out.

There is very little “tapping” done in 3do, most actions are achieved either through swiping, scrolling or tap-and-hold.

Adding Tasks

Adding a task to 3do is pretty simple, if a little unusual. You start out predictably enough: hit the + button, describe your task. When you’re done entering text, you swipe your finger across the task, right to left to set the date, left to right to delete, mark important, mark complete, or share. When you swipe across the task, a 3D animation makes it look like each task is a 4-sided block rotating around. Pretty slick!

Adding and editing a task

Adding and editing a task

Setting the Date, Time and Alarms

3do has a unique date-setting interface, where you first select the type of due date (no due date, once, daily, weekly, monthly), and then the due date interface minimizes and you’re invited to pick a date and time. This confused me a teeny bit at first, but I quickly grew accustomed to it.

Setting the task type and due date

Setting the task type and due date

After setting the date, you can set up to 2 alarms for the reminder or task, for example, you could set alarm 1 to remind you 20 minutes before an event, and alarm 2 to remind you on time. If you prefer just to set one alarm, you can set one (or both) fields to “no alarm”.

Setting one or two alarms

Setting one or two alarms

Other Unique Interactions

Like I said before, interacting with 3do is a bit different form your average app. For example, to delete a task, swipe from left to right, and then tap-and-hold the trash icon, and the task will slide away. To edit a task, tap-and-hold on the task description and the keyboard will slide up.

3do Reminders

When it’s time for an alarm to go off, you get a standard push notification and pre-set alarm sound on your iPhone, when you “slide to view” the task, you’re given the option to re-set the alarm at various increments, mark the task completed, or ignore the alarm. I love this “snooze” feature because I often need to be reminded repeatedly about appointments and phone calls I need to make, but I might not initially think so. 3do also allows you to set multiple alarms at the same time, and displays due dates in natural language (e.g. “tomorrow” instead of “05/31/11″.

Push notification and reminder options

Push notification and reminder options


3do settings, which are accessed by dragging the screen up, give you a lot of customization options for default tasks and behaviours. You can set default alarms for all new tasks, for example, on alarm 30 minutes before, and one on time. You can also set the default due date for tasks according to availability or relative time: you can set certain times at which you are most likely able to get things done, for example, 5PM, or you can set the default due time to a specified interval after the current time. Using settings you can also control sounds, time intervals, and which tasks show in the icon badge.

3do settings pannel

3do settings pannel


I’ve always been the type to keep a to-do list on my mac (Wunderlist at the moment) and keep due dates in iCal, however, I must admit that I still miss appointments regularly, and often need a bit of prodding to get things done. While I don’t like using my iPhone for general task management (I work on my computer so prefer a desktop app), I found 3do a great solution for reminders about dates, appointments, and mundane things like picking up a prescription.

3do’s interface is unusual, and it’s often considered best practice in user interface design to give people what they expect and not introduce foreign interactions (especially in a daily-use productivity app). That being said, 3do doesn’t have much of a learning curve, and the interface they employ quickly feels intuitive and satisfying.

3do is extremely streamlined, such that you can enter as much or as little information about a task as you need, and don’t need to waste your time filling out each field if you don’t want to. Now that I’m used to the interface, I can’t think of a faster, more straight-forward way to add reminders. Though the customization options aren’t that extensive, the “availability” and default options are powerful and very helpful, and don’t overwhelm.

If you’re willing to spend a minute or two getting used to the 3do interface, you might find that it saves you a lot of time adding tasks, which is helpful when you need to get everything written down before you forget it. Is the price too steep? Maybe. There are certainly other, cheaper (or free) apps that perform the same end function: reminding you of events through push notifications and sound alarms. Personally, I think the streamlined interface is probably worth a couple extra dollars, but I’m a sucker for well-thought-out user interface design.

Though I know similar apps are available, I had a hard time tracking them down in the app store, anyone else find a notification app they really love? What do you think of 3do’s bold, original interface?

MagicPlan: Point and Tap to Map Your Entire Home

It’s the big day, and soon you’ll be moving into a new house. It’s got more square footage, a mammoth master bathroom and more storage than you can use. But before you move into that sweet new pad, you’ve got to figure out where your furniture is going to fit, and how. Going around the place and making a floor plan with a tape measure and a pad of paper is tedious though. If only there was a better option.

And yes, there is. Well, that’s what MagicPlan is here for, anyways. Using just your iPhone’s camera, you can map out your entire place, and create a final floor plan, all in the palm of your hand. But is it any good? Let’s take a few minutes and find out, shall we?

How It Works

If you think about the place you live, whether it’s your apartment, house, or the crawlspace underneath your neighbor’s shed, there are lots of different components other than just four walls and a door. There are closets, cabinets, moldings, arches and more, all of which give you a certain amount of square footage to put your furniture and stuff. To find out how much room you have, MagicPlan uses the camera in the iPhone to determine where each component of the room meet up, then creates a diagram of the space. Confused yet?

See that green line? That's important.

See that green line? That's important.

Take a look at the picture above. That vertical green line up there with the crows feet at the bottom is how MagicPlan does its magic. You stand in the middle of the room, and turn either clockwise or counterclockwise. At each bend in the room, you align the green line with the connection, tap the screen to lock in the location then move on to the next. If it’s a door, you add the door and which way it opens. Closets work the same way, although I didn’t see anything about adding windows. Once you’re all done, you get an overhead floor plan of the room, complete with dimensions.

How Well Does It Work?

Conveniently enough, I happened to be moving around the time this app came out, and my wife and I wanted to figure out where everything would fit in our new place. Since she’s a kitchen cabinet designer, her attention to detail on these kind of things is pretty high, so I figured it would be a good test of the app. I’d walk around the house with MagicPlan, while she went with a tape measure and a pad of paper. I love it when a plan comes together.

Pick the room, then scan away to get your layout.

Pick the room, then scan away to get your layout.

I started off by picking a room — my future office — and stood as close to the center as possible. About five minutes later, I had the entire room scanned and I was presented with my floor plan. Now at this point, I could make any adjustments I needed to, like enter in measurements I had taken with a tape measure, or readjust any of the lines if they weren’t connected correctly. Now I just had to do the rest of the house.

The Results

So how well did it work? I didn’t end up measuring the entire house, just three of the rooms that I needed to figure out what furniture I was going to use. At the end of it all, I had three rooms that, by just using MagicPlan, were perfectly diagrammed. The measurements though, not so much.

Pivot and move around different rooms to connect them all together.

Pivot and move around different rooms to connect them all together.

Each wall was pretty consistently 6 inches shorter on MagicPlan than our actual measurements. Now I’m not sure exactly why that is, but each time, same result — almost uncanny, and a bit disappointing.

So Why Recommend This Thing?

I’m a bit OCD, so before I move or setup an office, I usually use some kind of room layout program to get the floor plan, then I put together where each piece of furniture or equipment needs to go. Before I became a Mac user, my go-to program was Visio, but now I don’t have many options that I really like. Even when I used Visio, it would take me hours to measure, layout and input in each wall, and the results were often off just a little bit.

View the property on a map, which uses the iPhone's GPS.

View the property on a map, which uses the iPhone's GPS.

MagicPlan makes the input and layout substantially faster. What used to take hours, now takes an hour at the most, even if the numbers aren’t 100-percent correct. And verifying measurements is a lot faster than measuring once, typing it into a program and adjusting as necessary. That means that by scanning the rooms first with MagicPlan then verifying everything with a tape measure, I still get the job done quicker overall.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the app isn’t perfect, but I think with some fine tuning it may be just right. Even in its current state, it’s easy enough to use that it makes the floor plan process straightforward.

If you need your floor plan to be absolutely accurate, you should probably draw it out on graph paper and measure each wall individually. But if not, or even if you just want to do it quicker, then MagicPlan should work out just fine. In the end, it was still a valuable tool in my move, which is why I’d recommend it to others.

Meet the Developers: Zootool Founder Bastian Allgeier

I was recently honored with the opportunity to have a discussion with the founder of one of my favorite web services: Zootool.

Today we’ll give you a look into our chat with Bastian Allgeier about why he created Zootool, what challenges he faced transitioning a web service into an iPhone app and whether or not we can expect to see an iPad version any time soon!

What Is ZooTool?

Zootool makes it easy to bookmark, organize and share, images, videos, documents and links from all over the web. It’s like your personal scrapbook for the things you like and get inspired by each day.



About Bastian

I’m currently living and working in Mannheim, Germany. I studied Communication Design at the University of Applied Sciences here in Mannheim and graduated with my Master’s degree in November 2009. I started working as a self-taught web designer and developer about 10 years ago, long before I went to Uni, but somehow had the feeling that I should make it more “official”.

The first version of Zootool actually happened to be my bachelor thesis project in 2007 and I built the best part of the current version for the Master degree, so it was definitely worth it to go that way.

At the moment I’m working about 50% as a freelancer on client projects and 50% on Zootool.

What does a typical day look like for you?

After having a chaotic schedule and weird working hours for years, I finally found it to be essential for me to have a mostly organized workday to maintain my sanity! I start working at about 9 AM, go out for lunch at 1 PM and finish working at 7:30 PM. I know it sounds awfully boring, but it really helps me to stay focused.

I’m working from home, so I’m sorry about not being able to show you pictures of a fancy 600 square meter Zootool office!


Bastian’s Home Desk

The first thing I normally do in the morning, is to check all Zootool stats, Twitter and email. I used to read a lot of RSS feeds, but stopped a few months ago because it simply takes too long and the important stuff somehow always pops up on Twitter sooner or later.

I don’t really have a fixed schedule when to work on client projects or when to work on Zootool. I just try to balance both as well as possible. Switching between design and development and between Zootool and client projects has become the key for me to always stay motivated. I love working that way.

What’s on your iPhone right now?

“Facebook has become a really important way for me to get in contact with Zootool users”

My most used third-party apps (beside the Zootool app *cough*) would be the official Twitter app, Wunderlist and the Facebook app. The Twitter app still feels like the snappiest, most native way of using Twitter on the iPhone to me.

Wunderlist kicked Things out about a few weeks ago, just because I can’t stand to still not have OTA sync in Things. And Facebook has become a really important way for me to get in contact with Zootool users, so I use it quite a lot.

Why did you create ZooTool? What does it have that other similar services don’t?

I was always searching for a good way to collect all the inspiring things I find on the web each day. I had a huge pile of bookmarks in Safari, which became totally unusable and none of the web services out there had what I was looking for.

“I wanted to build a tool that I could also use for videos, documents and websites that gave me previews for all my various collected resources. ”

FFFFOUND had just become really popular and I loved the idea to be able to collect images from all over the web instead of bookmarking text links or saving those images on my hard drive. But I wanted to build a tool that I could also use for videos, documents and websites that gave me previews for all my various collected resources.

The special thing about Zootool is that it can automatically detect different types of content – images, videos, documents and links – by their URL. So when you bookmark a video from Youtube or Vimeo for example, it will know that it is a video, give you matching tag suggestions, a preview image and the embedded video right in your bookmark collection.

With Zootool you can collect images from any website, videos from more than 30 video sites, pdf documents, javascript, CSS and text files, slideshare presentations, scribd documents, tweets, rss-feeds or any other website content and you’ll always get the best possible preview for it.


ZooTool Public Feed

What challenges did you face transitioning a browser-based service to a native iPhone app?

“The truth is that it was super hard. You have to consider and plan so much more.”

I must confess that I thought it’d be pretty easy to design the iPhone app. Everything is defined. You can rely on the size of the screen and that it will look the same on every device. But the truth is that it was super hard. You have to consider and plan so much more, when you try to squeeze a lot of functionality into such a small screen, every additional button and UI element becomes really, really painful.

The good thing was that I found an outstanding developer and a real good friend in Nicolas Cormier, who decided to help me with the app and spent hundreds of hours in the last year building it in his spare time with me. He helped me a lot to keep focused with the design and to build an app that feels native but has tons of custom UI styles and elements at the same time.

Our personal challenge was to find a productive way to work together even though he lives in Oslo and I live in Mannheim (we’ve still never met in person!). We found Basecamp and Dropbox to be extremely helpful in that situation and it’s sometimes still hard for me to believe how much work we got done that way.

What are your main goals with ZooTool for iPhone. Who should use it?

“The main goal of the app is to provide a really cool way to browse your collection and the collections of other Zootool users.”

The main goal of the app is to provide a really cool way to browse your collection and the collections of other Zootool users on the go and to be able to add new content to your “Zoo” on MobileSafari or from your clipboard very easily. We always wanted it to feel like a standalone app, which works great with the web app, but also without it. So basically everybody who’s looking for a great, visual way to collect content from the web on the iPhone will enjoy it.

Has launching the iPhone app brought new users to your service?

Definitely! The app had a good start so far and it’s really cool to see that people sign up for the app, who didn’t know about Zootool from the web before.

Can we look forward to ZooTool for iPad?

“I think that Zootool fits on the iPad really, really well.”

We just started working on Zootool for iPad and hope to be able to launch it soon. It will be another challenge to transfer a mixture of the iPhone app and the web app to the iPad, but I think that Zootool fits on the iPad really, really well, so I can’t wait until we got it ready.

What’s next for ZooTool? 

I’m currently working on our upcoming pro accounts, which will bring lots of additional features like syncing your shared links from Facebook or Twitter or bookmarking via Email. My goal is to make Zootool a central hub for all stuff you like on the web and to make its content detection even smarter.

Thanks Bastian!

A huge thanks to Zootool founder Bastian Allgeier for taking the time to share a bit of his life and work with us. It was really great to get some insight into what goes into such a great service and the challenges that arose during iPhone app development.

Now comes your chance, leave a comment below with a question for Bastian and if he gets some time in that crazy work day he’ll try to throw out a few answers. In the mean time, be sure to check out both the Zootool web service and the accompanying iPhone app!

After Effects This Fortnight

The last two weeks have seen more AE news on tutorials, plug-ins, etc. and more action on the Premiere side too while FCP X waits in the wings.


After Effects

Chris & Trish Meyer posted several tutorials: After Effects Apprentice Free Video: Overview of Per-character 3D Text, CMG Hidden Gems: Chapter 27 – Keying, After Effects Apprentice Free Video: The “Cascade” Type Animation Recipe, and CMG Hidden Gems: Chapter 26 – Color Management.

Filmaker IQ helps you Clean a Dirty Lens in After Effects in a quicktip video:

Steve Kirby talks about features in The future of After Effects. Paul Conigliaro had a quickie wishlist: Folders in AE Timeline on Motion League.

Chad Perkins posted a 3-part video series on the basics of Rigging an Arm in AE with Shape layers, parenting, and expressions.

@spacesimon couldn’t save an AE proj because it was over 2.15 Gig. Apparently the new AE filter Lut Buddy was bloating his project with lots of 3D 32-bit Float LUT’s applied.

Impossible Engine discusses Fisheye tracking and compositing workflow and made a CS 5.5 AE Project available on Vimeo.

Chris Zwar takes A quick look at multi-pass compositing using After Effects.

Ideas to Creations has a bunch of AE stuff to share including Join Points with a Line with Expressions.

Joren Kandel added 3 short videos on using C4D, the .RPF format, and AE. Here’s a sample:


NLEs has been tracking Apple, see particularly FCPX 1.0 “It will not be ready for professional use” says Larry Jordan (with 4 videos):

Scott Simons discusses things that might be answered next week in My burning questions about Final Cut Pro X, and Premierebeat adds 10 Noteworthy Final Cut Pro X Related Videos and Posts – What We Know & What to Expect. The new features from the old Apple Color look like they may be good.

Compositing in Premiere Pro by Eran Stern shares real-time compositing experience in Premiere Pro using the Ultra Key and Track Matte Key effects and how to overcome the limitations of the Track Matte effect using advanced tips and tricks.

Andrew Devis promotes Understanding Automation Modes in Premiere Pro, demonstrating the clip-based key-framing approach and the track-based automation mode. Devis also posted part 1 of  Understanding Transform Effects in Premiere Pro.



Premiumbeat roundsup 10 Great Online Resources for DSLR Video Production and Post.


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How to Make a Magic Book Using Adobe Illustrator

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Want to add a touch of wonder to you’re vector images? This tutorial is a guide where you will find ideas to create a magic book. In the first half you will learn how to make an open book, in the remaining steps you’ll make the background and add the magic effects. You can apply these effects to other projects.

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Top 10 Audiotuts+ Posts for 2011 (So Far)

We’re almost half way through 2011. A huge thank you to our regular authors, and those who have contributed quick tips this year. Here are the Top 10 Posts for 2011, based on the number of times they were visited, the number of comments they inspired, and how you rated them. Let us know your favorite in the comments.

Top 5 Tutorials

  • 4 Foolproof Ways to Make Your Home Studio Sound Better

    4 Foolproof Ways to Make Your Home Studio Sound Better

    It’s easy to make music at your home today. However, you can’t put up low budget monitors and a microphone and call yourself a studio. There is a difference between a nice home recording studio – even if it’s just one spare room – and a low-cost corner in your bedroom, especially if you want to make money with it. We all start somewhere, even if it is in the corner of our bedroom but what separates the men from the boys is being able to take it to the next level. What follows are some of the foolproof ideas to make your home recording studio sound better.

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  • 6 Simple Ways to Achieve Separation in Your Mix Downs

    6 Simple Ways to Achieve Separation in Your Mix Downs

    Creating a full, rounded and involving mix can be pretty challenging and one of the hardest bits is placing each instrument in it’s own defined space. Once you move past more than three or four elements there is always a danger of things becoming muddy. This is why we need to create separation.

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  • 5 Compression Techniques and How to Use Them

    5 Compression Techniques and How to Use Them

    Inspired by the great reception I received from 6 Frequencies and How to Spot Them I decided to do something similar with different types of compression. Compression is a tricky subject for many, and there is no “one” great method for any situation. Compression is subjective depending on what you are workings with. However, in the following tutorial I’m going to give you a few quick “go-to” techniques when you want a specific sound.

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  • 6 Different Frequencies and How to Spot Them

    6 Different Frequencies and How to Spot Them

    I can never get enough information on EQ. I love to know how everybody EQed a certain vocal or drum sound to get that tight punch or shimmering highs so prominent in a mix. When you’ve mastered the EQ spectrum and you know where to go when you need to fix or embellish something, you are definitely ahead of the game.

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  • 5 Simple Ways to Add Punch to Your Drum Parts

    5 Simple Ways to Add Punch to Your Drum Parts

    In this tutorial we are taking a look at how to add punch, shine and edge to your drum parts. So whether you have a cool drum loop that lacks that certain something or an entire drum group that needs a lift, these simple steps should point you in the right direction.

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Top 4 Quick Tips

  • Quick Tip: Use Multiple Audio Interfaces on Mac OS X

    Quick Tip: Use Multiple Audio Interfaces on Mac OS X

    This is a true gem for Mac users especially when most DAWs do not allow you to use multiple audio interfaces. This can be very useful if you have multiple audio interfaces and want to use them together for more simultaneous inputs and outputs. I am sorry about this tutorial will only apply to Macs so Windows users are out of luck.

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  • Quick Tip: EQing Saxophone

    Quick Tip: EQing Saxophone

    Nothing sounds quite like the saxophone, and proper EQ can be the difference between a screaming pop alto solo and what appears to be middle school jazz band. In this tutorial, we’ll examine the EQ range of the alto saxohpone to deal with typical issues like muddiness, boxiness, and to add clarity and presence. Though this tut uses Alto saxophone, what we discuss here is directly applicable to all members of the saxophone family.

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  • Quick Tip: How to Ensure Your Masters Are Not Overlimited

    Quick Tip: How to Ensure Your Masters Are Not Overlimited

    More and more relative beginners are taking on their own mastering. This is great but if you plan to get the job done yourself there’s a few key things you should know before starting your first mastering sessions.

    One of the key things to look out for is the final level of your finished master and the amount of reduction to your music’s dynamic range. In most cases you will only need to look to your final limiter to address both of these issues. Let’s take a look.

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  • Quick Tip: Epic Drum Sequencing with QL Stormdrum – Part 1

    Quick Tip: Epic Drum Sequencing with QL Stormdrum – Part 1

    Probably most of you have played computer games or have watched movies, where the music is made with large percussion hits and really low ethnic drums. I remember watching the Warcraft 3 introduction video, where the attack of the orcs was accompanied by smashing drums. I always wanted to capture that sound and in this quick tip I’ll try to explain you some of the techniques I’ve come across in my experience.

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Top Article

  • 20 Windows DAWs Worth Using

    20 Windows DAWs Worth Using

    Most of the world use Windows computers, so the chances are you’re one of them. So if you want to produce music on your computer, what are your options? Fortunately there are a heap of them – most of the big name digital audio workstation software works fine on Windows, and they’re not your only choices. So sit down and take a menu. We list the “big gun” software you can choose from, some inexpensive (less than $100) alternatives, and a few free options.

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