Gilt Cash Machine Rolls On, Raises $35 Million

Gilt Groupe has just raised another $35 million according to a regulatory filing submitted on Friday. Gilt has not suffered for lack of cash, the online sample sale site has raised a total of $48 million in previous rounds from Matrix Partners and General Atlantic, its previous round of funding (July 2009) put its valuation at roughly $400 million.

Update: According to Gilt, the round is an extension of the last round, which included General Atlantic and Matrix Partners. The company confirms that this round puts Gilt at a higher valuation.

On the revenues front, Gilt’s trajectory has been even more impressive. When I talked to Gilt’s CEO, Susan Lyne, last fall she was predicting revenues of $150 million for 2009 (roughly triple 2008′s $50 million)— the company surpassed that bar with $170 million. She said Gilt was on track to triple its revenues again in 2010 (from $150 to $450)— don’t be surprised if Gilt surpasses the $500-million mark as well.

That growth should be supported nicely by Gilt’s recent initiatives: it launched Jetsetter last fall, an iPad app in April and a local flash sales site for New York, Gilt City. The Gilt City venture shows it’s hungry for a piece of the daily deal market, or rather, to go head-to-head with Groupon (which has also enjoyed a rapid acceleration in revenues and boatloads of investor capital— Groupon’s latest round of funding put its valuation at $1.35 billion). Although Gilt City pre-launch version only concentrates on the New York market, the company is clearly paving the way for a national campaign that would likely cover every major metro area.

If Gilt can take some of Groupon’s shine, that would elevate Gilt’s valuation even further, prepping it for what many believe is an upcoming/inevitable IPO. In an interview with the WSJ in May, Lyne said the company could go public as early as next year.

Google’s Nexus One Store Is Going Out Of Business

When Google launched its Nexus One Android phone, it also launched alongside it an online phone store where the Nexus One and future Android phones would be for sale. It was a slightly disruptive play to de-link the purchase of a phone from an actual carrier. The idea was, you could pick your phone, pick your plan, and mix and match.

Well, it didn’t turn out that way. Carriers don’t like to give up control. In fact, Verizon decided not to sell the Nexus One at all, and instead opt for its own more Incredible Android phone. The phone store turned out to be a flop, and Google just announced that it will be closing up shop online:

While the global adoption of the Android platform has exceeded our expectations, the web store has not. It’s remained a niche channel for early adopters, but it’s clear that many customers like a hands-on experience before buying a phone, and they also want a wide range of service plans to chose from.

The Nexus One phone will still be available through carrier partners. But Google’s online phone store will become an “online store window” showcasing Android phones available globally—directly from the carriers. Google has enough on its hands going up against Apple. It needs the carriers on its side if it wants to win the bigger battle.

AdMob Keeps Growing, No Thanks To Apple

Yesterday, Admob served its 200 billionth mobile ad, only nine months after serving its 100 billionth ad. The mobile ad network is still growing strong, with 160 employees and an annualized revenue run-rate above $100 million.

But ever since Google outbid Apple with its $750 million bid to buy AdMob, the original growth engine for AdMob—iPhone app ads—has been stalling. As you can see by the chart above showing share of worldwide ad impressions across the AdMob network by operating systems, the iPhone peaked as the biggest smartphone source of AdMob ads in November, 2009, right before the Google deal was announced. Since then, it’s been a slow but steady decline from 54 percent to 46 percent in March, 2010. Fortunately for AdMob, Android is picking up the slack, rising from 16 percent of ads served to 25 percent, during the same period. In the U.S., Android is already contributing more ad impressions than the iPhone for AdMob.

Of course, ever since Apple was spurned by AdMob, it’s made it more difficult for AdMob to compete on the iPhone. Apple went on to acquire AdMob rival Quattro Wireless, and plans to introduce its own iAds, which will tie into iTunes in unique ways. Apple may further hobble AdMob by blocking its ability to collect data from the apps which serve its ads.

So you can expect that iPhone percentage to keep on dropping (even if the absolute number of impressions keeps rising, also note that the iPhone figures above do not include the iPod Touch). The question is, can Android keep growing fast enough to make up for it?

TiVo Responds To Court’s Decision To Revisit Patent Case As Stock Plummets

TiVo is having a very rough morning.

A federal appeals court stated today that it will revisit a digital-video recorder patent dispute between TiVo and both Dish Network and EchoStar. TiVo has sued the companies back in 2004 over its patented DVR technology back when the two were still a single company.

They won the suit, but the court has now decided to reconsider its verdict, which is a bit of a cold shower for the company.

Today’s decision pushed TiVo shares down as much as 36 38 percent.

The company moments ago released a statement on the matter:

“We are disappointed that we do not yet have finality in this case despite years of litigation but we remain confident that the Federal Circuit’s ruling in our favor will be reaffirmed after all of the judges on the Federal Circuit have had the opportunity to review the merits of this case.”

Update: and here’s the Dish / EchoStar statement:

“DISH Network and EchoStar are pleased that the full Federal Circuit Court of Appeals has granted their petition for rehearing en banc. We believe the issues that will be considered by the full court on rehearing will have a profound impact on innovation in the United States for years to come.”

In March 2010, a panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a trial judge’s decision to hold Dish and EchoStar in contempt for infringing on TiVo’s DVR patent. The companies then urged the court to reconsider, and the appeals court has granted said request earlier this morning. The court said it will take a second look at its March finding.

More details on BusinessWeek.

The market is busy beating TiVo with a stick – let’s see how long that continues.

Information provided by CrunchBase

Google Voice Goes After Impressionable Young Minds; Students Get Invite Priority

Google is adopting an Apple strategy today. The search giant is giving students priority to its invite-only phone service, Google Voice. Clearly, Google is trying to go after impressionable minds to gain early adopters of their technologies, which is something that Apple has been doing with its products for some time. The company implemented a similar strategy with Google Apps and Google Wave. The college student market is key because that’s where many people get trained, start relying on, and form brand allegiances to apps and technologies.

Google naturally believes the features of Voice, including the integration of Voice with email, free text messages and the ability to read voicemail in a transcript form are ideal for students and their lifestyle. Of course, this claim isn’t off base but I think those features are useful for anyone, which is why we find the service compelling overall.

Now when a student signs up for Google Voice with an .edu email address, he or she will be given priority over other applicants for the service. There’s even a special page for students to sign up for Voice. Apparently any student who applies will automatically receive an invite within 24 hours. Maybe I should have kept that old college account active after all.

Allegro Portable Internet Radio

Allegro Portable Internet Radio


Let’s face it, terestrial radio is all but dead. Who wants to wade through all the commercials and limited avalability of the FM or AM dial? I listen to internet radio all the time, when at work at my desk and even on my iPhone when in my car and this little baby while now complete my internet radio experience.

The Grace Allegro Wi-Fi internet radio can run for about 8 hours on six AA batteries and streams over 16,000 radio stations from the likes of Pandora, Sirius and Live365. Is has built in 802.11b/g/n support and even has an iPhone remote control app so you can change stations without walking up to the unit.

You also get MP3/WMA/Real Audio/WAV/AAC/AIFF codec support, alarm functions, built-in speaker, 4-line display, standard remote control.

The unit will cost you $170 and is available right now from Grace Digital Audio

Awesome Rubik’s Cube Solving Robot

Awesome Rubik’s Cube Solving Robot


I know that there are 100’s if not 1000’s of websites and applications that will help you solve the almighty Rubik’s Cube, but how cool is having a Lego robot built with the Mindstorms kit do it for you.

By using a Lego webcam and some homebrew software, the CubeStormer scans the Rubik’s Cube and can solve it in about 20 turns. “20 turns, I can do that with my eye’s closed” you might say, but can you not only solve a Rubik’s Cube in 20 seconds, can you also preform those 20 turns in a few seconds? Check of the video after the break of the CubeStormer in action.

Built entirely from lego elements with a lego web camera to scan the faces of the cube, The solve engine (algorithm) running on the computer is provided by the incredible “Cube Explorer” software which also provides the colour recognition required to determine the exact location of each coloured square.

DIY ROV Submarine

DIY ROV Submarine


This yellow submarine isn’t exactly the same one as John and Paul sang about but it is an extremely impressive DIY ROV submarine with built in camera.

Made completely out of PVC pipes with some pumps tossed in to help it move and sink, this project and easily be put together by anyone with some spare cash and time.


The entire sub is controlled by an Atmel Mega32 microcontroller. The video fee and system control is fed to the surface using a cable (they say that wireless video as well as leak detection and torpedos is a future add-on).

This is a great project that will bring you hours and hours of fun.

Handheld Gamecube Mod

Handheld Gamecube Mod


Sure, we have seen our fair share of game console mods here at, but never one so shinny (just look at all those finger prints!).

The sweetest part of this whole mod is how Techknott hid the optical drive behind the flip-up LCD screen. The whole mod looks comfortable to use, just wish the finish was something other than chrome so you don’t have to be constantly cleaning it. Check the video out of it in action after the break.

RFID Reader For Your iPhone

RFID Reader For Your iPhone


Benjamin Blundell built a hardware interface for his jailbroken iPhone that reads RFID signals. By patching in his homebrew hardware to his iPhone via a standard iPhone USB cable the reader detects low-frequency tags and will soon be able to read MIFARE tags as well.

You can bet you will never see this app approved in the official Apple app store, but just imagine how cool it would be to read RFID tags with your iPhone. Check out the video after the break

[Link via Hack a Day]

tech.nocr.atRFID Reader For Your iPhone originally appeared on on 2010/03/16.

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Arduino Powered RC Lawnmower

Arduino Powered RC Lawnmower


As a male who owns a home with a lot of grass there is nothing more I hate then cutting the grass on a hot sweltering day. Since my son is only three and he can barely reach the mowers handle I’m SOL with getting him to do it.

Maybe I should build this awesome radio controller Arduino powered lawnmower? I can just sit in a lawn chair and drink a beer while the Lawnbot 400 does all the heavy lifting for me. I would quickly become the envy of all the males who live on my street. Check out the video of it in action after the break.

This instructable will show you how to make your Arduino into an R/C interface that you can use for just about anything requiring remote control. I will also show you how I built an R/C lawnmower using my Arduino, a cheap R/C transmitter and receiver pair, and a couple of electric-wheelchair motors from Ebay. I have used this interface to control anything from basic LED’s to Bipolar stepper motors, mini-robots, lifeless R/C cars from the thrift store, and even a 100lb lawnmower (all with appropriate motor controllers). It is very flexible and easy to change and very simple to set up.

[Link to Lawnbot build tutorial]

Alarm Clock App Knows When To Wake You

Alarm Clock App Knows When To Wake You


This might be nothing more than smoke and mirrors but the Sleep Cycle alarm clock claims to analyze your sleep patterns and chooses the best time to wake you up. You place your iPhone face down on your maters and the app analyzes your tossing and turning and figures out you sleep cycle.

I haven’t tried it yet, but for 99 cents I have already downloaded it and am ready to see if it will work tonight. I’ll keep you posted.

Modded PSP Includes LEDs, Camera And More

Modded PSP Includes LEDs, Camera And More


What do you get when you take a stock PSP Slim 2000 and add a second joystick, 32GB of flash memory, a second port for charging, and a built in camera? A usable PSP, that’s what.

Of course the unit is running custom firmware so you can easily run every emulator under the sun and make the PSP usable. Check out the video after the break of the modder explaining what he did.

tech.nocr.atModded PSP Includes LEDs, Camera And More originally appeared on on 2010/03/19.

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Exchange To Google Apps

Exchange To Google Apps


Microsoft slaves rejoice, you can now migrate your entire company’s database of contact, emails and calendars from Microsoft Exchange to Google Apps. The tool, which is a small download from Google, works with both Exchange 2003 and 2007.

You do need to be a Google Apps Premier or Education Edition customer, but other than that it’s free and easy to use.

Microsoft’s set of web apps are just around the corner, I wonder if Google rushed this out the door in order to start putting a dent in the Microsoft corporate Armour.

Create a RJ-45 Cable Tester

DIY RJ-45 Cable Tester


Cable testers can be super expensive, but if your trying to trouble shoot a cable drop or run then you know how valuable one can be.

Our favorite kids over at Instructables have a great how to on building your own on the super cheap. A quick trip to your local big box home improvement store and your favorite electronics store (hell even radio shack should it all) and a few bucks is all you will need to build this.


Besides your basic DIY hacking tools you will also need the following …

  • 8 LED’s
  • 20cm of Cat5 Cable
  • 9V Battery Clip and Battery
  • Wall Mount Box
  • 2 RJ-45 Female Jacks
  • 220ohm Resistor
  • Female RJ-45 Mount Plate

Once you have all your components assembled head on over to Instructables and make your way through all the sets.