Lqm Extension For Joomla

Lqm Extension For Joomla

My previous web developer has installed the LQM extension on my joomla site.

You can read more about this extension at:


This extension allows you to build forms for the user to input their selection and thereby filtering products

I would like this extension to be configured and a form created to filter my virtuemart products

This is a auto parts website and I want customers to be able to filter my products by year, make, and model.

Again the extension is already installed and I just need it to be configured correctly and the form be put on the index page

I hope this makes sense, please email if I sound unclear

Clone Dealspl.us

Clone Dealspl.us
I have a site that is called saleshout.com I want my site to work more like dealspl.us or dealvista….
I do not have a large amount of money for change I think there is a clone script out there that will do this.
let me know OR maybe someone can change so my postings get listed in google like theirs do or my site indexed like theirs. My site is older than theirs and has most of their features but i dont get pages indexed like thiers?
Need help form someone who knows what they are doing. If you can fix for me for reasonable price I will use you monthly after i see works.

Joomla Fix Bug/ Create Events

Joomla Fix Bug/ Create Events
I have errors in the backend of my joomla site and need to add registered events for site.

1. I have civicrm plugin installed. With this plugin I should be able to register signups and events and collect pay. I dont know how to set up forms for basketball, volleyball, track/field and softball for youth. also I am getting this error: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in /home/sheathle/public_html/administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/packages/PEAR.php on line 872

2. I have malware warning show up in Safari, but not in Firefox

3. And this is another error in backend panel: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<‘ in /home/sheathle/public_html/components/com_comment/joscomment/emoticons/funny/index.php on line 64

Customize Sobi2 Module

Customize Sobi2 Module
Site has Sobi2 Directory component, client wants module to display Categories as a vertical scrolling drop down menu, when category is moused over the entries show as sub-menu linking directly to details page. Also to include a listing next to the menu style is a section where businesses that offer a discount are listed by name and linked directly to details page.

Concept PDF attached.

New Joomla Website 1.5.15

New Joomla Website 1.5.15

I need a new website built in joomla.

Home: Top of page continually moving slideshow gallery
Information and history of business with an overview of services and products on offer.
Below Slideshow MENUS:

Products: Drop Down menus
-Article on each menu item + image

Services: Drop Down menus
-Article on each menu item + image

-Contact form (Community Builder)
-Google map
-Trading Hours
-Contact Details

Gallery:(Slideshow Pro)

This will be a slideshow gallery with thumbnails.

You will be able to set different galleries for different products/sevices.

Ie Car interior Gallery, Commercial Vehicle Gallery etc
Use elements an below as inspiration for site



Joomla Template Customizations

Joomla Template Customizations
We need someone that is an expert in Joomla to customize a Joomla template with contents that we will provide. We want to add contents to the joomla-based website and remove any reference to joomla from the website for professionalism. Please only submit if you are a joomla expert.

This can lead to multiple projects in the future.

We need to know the cost and timeline.

Thank you.

Psd To Joomla Bnrg

Psd To Joomla Bnrg
Need to convert the psd file to a joomla 1.5 template.

To have a look at the psd file go here:


Will also need 12 content boxes with css module class suffix code for user to change styles of boxes. You can see boxes here:

Any questions please ask.

Custom Virtuemart Plugin

Custom Virtuemart Plugin
My client has multiple physical store locations but no warehouse. They want the closest store to be notified when an order is placed.

I need a custom virtuemart plugin that will allow an order notification email to be sent to a specific email address depending on the customers shipping address.

I would prefer for this to be a plugin that would allow me to add in the email addresses from the admin. It also needs to be a plugin so that the client can still update vmart without breaking the code.