Custom Acl Joomla

Custom Acl Joomla
I am creating a website for a military tactical company that wants a online catalog only available for military, and homeland security people. They want a system that when a user registers for the site assigns them to a certain group based on there branch of service, as well as confirms they are using a .gov or .mil email address. Then the content the see when they log in needs to be targeted toward that military or government branch. They need to be able to view multiple groups. I need to be able to add and delete user groups. They need a user profile.
Must be integrated in to Joomla.

Shopping Cart Website Install

Shopping Cart Website Install
i need a shopping cart integrated , customized with the website .
i need it to be installed and ready to go. when i say ready to go. the payment method, privacy policy , a few items. and more. i will go in more detail with the programmer

I am quite familiar with ftp but not sure how to install it .

currently i made the site with dream viewer . flash . but am trouble having the site show up on the search engine b/c of it being made in flash ..

I already have a few ideas in my mind.

Volusion To Joomla

Volusion To Joomla
I need site converted from Volusion to Joomla and Virtuemart. This needs to be done in 10 days or less. I’m willing to pay $100-150 for this work.

You may have to change the look of the converted site some, but not that much.

Forms (contact us and franchising) need to be ran through joomla forms, not

Needs to convert all data (customers, categories, products, etc.) to new site.

You’ll have to connect it to the merchant account and payment gateway. Installation and all that included in this project.

There may be other small changes needed.

And that’s about it.

Joomla Re-captcha

Joomla Re-captcha
Our joomla site receives a huge amount of spam. We need the re-captcha code inserted into the login page of the site to prevent spammers from creating new user accounts. Here is the site: I believe they are creating new accounts through the forum we have on the site: Please quote a price and timeframe for implementing the re-captcha code. Thanks.

Shirt Creator

Shirt Creator
Dear Leadies and Gentlemen,

We want to sell tailored shirts on Internet. Our goal is to offer our customers a service like / To change the functionality fabric,collar,cuff etc. is very important.

I think the creator was built with Photoshop. I need following options as well for man and women:

– model
– fabric
– collar
– cuffs
– frontstyle
– Pocket
– buttons
– thread colour
– backstyle
– bottomstyle
– monogram

ALL Functionality like tailorstore and youtailor are required!

Good Luck

Joomla/virtuemart Project

Joomla/virtuemart Project
Hello, I purchased the following template at

I need someone to install Joomla, the template on my server and set up the virtuemart cart.

I would also need virtuemart tweeked so it can have the correct options for me to sell my product.

I will change all the content and pictures, and logo. I would just need the programmer to show me where and how to do this.

Joomla and Virtuemart is a prerequisite for this project. Basically, I need a programmer to install my already purchased template and have it ready for me to edit it and ready to go.

Thank you

Joomla 1.5 – Breezingforms

Joomla 1.5 – Breezingforms
I’m running a website based on Joomla 1.5 which has a component called BreezingForms 1.7.0 installed. I have created a form but when you go to that page via SSL it shows an error message saying that the page is trying to load both secure and non-secure items.

I need to fix this error message. I think I have narrowed down the error to 2 CSS sheets, 3 scripts and 1 image file that is causing the alert.

I have been working for 2 days trying to figure out how the component is inserting the 2 css, 2 scripts and 1 image without using SSL. For some reason the JURI::root() is returning http:// instead of https://

I need someone to follow back the PHP code and figure out how it is doing this. I then need it fixed.

The solution can only come from editing the BreezingForms component. I don’t want ANY Joomla core files hacked. Once the solution has been found, I would like the programmer to provide me with the exact lines of code that were changed for the future.

I WILL NOT pay for this up front. The money will be transferred once confirmation has been made that the problem has been fixed and the solution provided by the programmer (the lines of code that were changed).

Please state: “I agree to your terms” in you bid. Any bids not containing this text will not be considered.

Pornhub Redtube Grabber Joomla

Pornhub Redtube Grabber Joomla
I am using joomla 1.0.14

I need a component that will let me mass grab videos from pornhub and redtube.

– mass grabbing with keywords I type in. do not double grab same videos
– grab to some categories in the section Adult. when I run it, I will choose what category the grabber will grab to.
– grab title to title in joomla, keyword to keyword in joomla, thumb picture to intro text in joomla, and embed code to body in joomla. size of the embed code is 640×420
– auto grab features: make the component auto grab new videos from every day from pornhub and redtube. I am not sure if this feature is feasible. If you can to exclude auto grab in your bid, let me know by PM

I need pro only. Please do not bid unless you have very good feedback.

I am not having some redtube and pornhub grabber script from AVS so if you want I can give it to you so you can customize it for my joomla site


Joomla Site Re-design

Joomla Site Re-design
We have a basic joomla site, which is essentially just a brochure site for our software company.

We have hired a designer who is producing new graphics, but we need an experienced joomla developer to implement the new design.

You will need to create templates for the site, which meet the specifications of the designer.

You will also need to implement a number of simple forms, which collect information requests, store them in a database and email them to our support team.

The site is not very complicated, but we do need it to look very professional, and we also need to provide SEO for the site.

Jamroom-joomla Bridge

Jamroom-joomla Bridge
I need a bridge between Jamroom and Joomla.


– I need that my users can signup in Jamroom or Joomla and the both signup are writed in the same database (joomla db).

– Users can login in Jamroom( listeners) or Joomla.

– Dual login, if a user is logged in joomla is too logged in Jamroom or vice versa.

– If it´s possible I want that this bridge were a plugin of jfusion open source component for joomla, I need this because two briges in the same web will crash the db.

We have in mind more projects in the future, if the programmer works great we will work more times with him.
Please only joomla experts.

Best regards,