Help With Joomla + Virtuemart

Help With Joomla + Virtuemart
We need some help in configuring our VirtueMart correctly and to get it working smoothly. It a rather basic setup currently hosted at a professional web-hosting company in Denmark.

Currently we have an issue, where it’s not possible to add items to the basket or proceed to check-out. It gives a blank page. This happed after an upgrade to Joomla 1.5.15 and VirtueMart 1.1.4. It has been working smoothly before the upgrade.

In addition we would like to have it show prices without VAT or with VAT based on what the customers wants.

We would also very much like to have it setup to use SEF URLs instead of the default Joomla URLs, and generally have optimized for SEF.

After those changes it might be, that we want have the shop made more unique or more customized.

Joomla And Virtuemart Changes

Joomla And Virtuemart Changes
We require the following changes to the existing VirtueMart setup on our production server:

– the font needs to be arial
– listings in categories and search results need to be top aligned (valign=top)
– there needs to be an option to sort categories by brand (if available)
– the manufacturer details need to be available on the propduct description page
– on the “my account” page we would like to be able to manage the content that is displayed on the initial login screen
– we would like to upload multiple images for each product (if available)
– we would like an option to display related products on the product description page (if available)
– only australia should be an option in the shopping cart
– we would like to be able to set stock levels so that they automatically decrease when a new product is purchased — whent here are 0 products the item should be unavailable

This is an urgent job that needs to be completed as soon as possible. Please quote cost and timeframe. The earlier this can be done the more chances of getting the job.

Social Network For Poker

Social Network For Poker
I need somebody to help me integrate and customize my website using Joomla and JomSocial. I have already installed Joomla, JomSocial, MyBlog, Kunena Forums, jpfChat. And I have integrated large video storage via Amazon S3. I need somebody to help me integrate all this together with my current Joomla theme. Menu items, modules, install logo, etc. This should not be a hard job for somebody that is experienced in Joomla and JomSocial. I would expect it to take only a couple hours. We can work closely to get the exact look and feel I am going for. And I will come to you in the future if I ever need anything else. The actually project can be discussed more in detail. Thank you for your interest.

Real Estate Mls Quick Search 2

Real Estate Mls Quick Search 2
I have a Joomla site for Real Estate. I would like the home page to offer a search tool that searches the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) for available homes. See for example. We are using a search service called Navica ( Their service provides us access to MLS. See our page The Navica system gives us a URL to build a wrapper around. We need someone who can grab the search capabilities of Navica and create a quick search for our home page and show new listings… again, just like

Adjusting Flash In Template

Adjusting Flash In Template
A flash file has to be adjusted in a joomla template. See It has to be a Hawaiian music promotion sie, the current template and flash file is designed for e Time Sharing company. So some creativity is needed. The old site can be seen at

The flash source file is being sent to you when accepting the job.

Joomla File Conversion Site

Joomla File Conversion Site
I’m in need of someone to make a joomla file conversion site. It needs to be done in 20 days or less. I’m willing to pay $150-250 for the site. It’s mostly just programming. You can use plugins and what not as much as you want.

This project is for the development of a new File Conversion site that will allow users to convert different media files through the web based conversion service, similar to Zam(remove_this)
A graphic designer will be handling the majority of the cosmetic design for the homepage / inner pages, so all bidders should submit bids for the Programming / Coding work ONLY for the development of this website. While the majority of the design work will be handled by a graphic designer, the winning bidder will be responsible for some light design work. Note the designs will be done in 7-10 days. So you’ll have to do work outside of that until then.
Key Features that need to be implemented:
1. File Conversion Types – The website will need to be able to convert all the files types from http://www.zam(remove_this) … EXCEPT FOR CAD FILES. The web based conversion process should work just as it does on that site, allowing users to convert files for free by uploading files and downloading videos by inserting the URL.

2. Premium Members Section – The website will need a Premium Members Section (similar to Zam(remove_this)zar) that allows users to create paid accounts that offer additional conversion services including faster conversions, online storage for managing conversions, etc. Users also need to have the ability to make changes to their account information, change their password / email, etc.

3. Automatic Email Notifications – We need automatic email notifications to be sent out every time a customer signs up for the first time, makes certain changes to their account, monthly subscription payment is due, etc. In addition, when someone fills out the Contact Us form or a new user signs up, we need an automatic email notification sent to our administrator email account.

4. Merchant Account Integration – When users sign up for a premium subscription plan, the web developer must be able to integrate our Merchant Account to process the payments (we will be using PayPal).

5. Backend Administration – As site administrators, we need the developer to create a simple to use back end that allows us to manage customer accounts including:
– View Customers’ accounts / account activity / payment activity
– Suspend / Delete / Create Customer Accounts
– View Conversion History / Remove illegal files
– Conversion Statistics reporting the total # of conversions

6. Progress Bar – When users are uploading files on either the Free or Premium sections of the site, we want a progress bar implemented that shows the progress of the conversion.

The website will consist of the following pages:
Sign Up
Contact Us
About Us
Account Login / Admin for Customers
As mentioned before, the majority of the design work for the home page and inner pages will be handled by our graphic designer and this project is primarily for the programming / development of the site.

You will be responsible for putting the site on the server and installing it and what not.


My site, (Joomla!) works fine in IE8, Safari, Firefox (mac & win), but in IE8 I am having slight layout issues. The things come to mind the most:

1. There is space at the top, right below the header. This can be seen by comparing firefox with IE7.

2. There is also a newsletter signup form near the top that is now rendering right. In fact, you can barely see it.

3. Also, their is something funny about the menu bar. graphically, it does not seem balanced. You can also see this by comparing with FF.

Make It Easy And Fast Order

Make It Easy And Fast Order
will give you an idea about my existing website : www… then if you tell me yes ,i will close with your bid ..don’t bid if you are not able to accept your bid ….and respect your offer …
my website for is bespoke jeans business. I would like my customers to be able to order online via an ordering system. So for example, they pick their cloth, enter there waist size,and all the measurements like size, style of jeans etc. Then they are able to pay quickly(paypal ). I receive the order form and put jeans into production. I have the images for fabrics all already in my website etc., need to fix some of them only ,to make them all function correct and properly …
Make (website ) work in Internet explorer , now only works in Mozilla Firefox , also connect the link wwww… to www…… , the two sites in one,

Need TO KNOW of a flash designer that can create a “do it yourself apparel design page”.

mY WEBSITE allow visitors to design their own Jeans ,
– User can select different choices of material.
– The admin can upload any style of apparel for the public to chose.
– End product will export a vector ready file for manufacturing.
– End product can be exported into ecommerce backend.

If you are the best person for the job, send me samples of flash work you have done in the past. Do not apply if you have not create such a flash project in the past.

When submitting a bid, please include links to your previous work.

Samples of what i am looking for:

http://www. ujeans(dot)com

Job Type:

* Flash
* Javascript
* E-Commerce

let me know if you have experience in this Cain of work ?and how long time ….


Two Joomla/virtuemart Stores

Two Joomla/virtuemart Stores
I need a programmer with two special skills. Very familiar with Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart (with store web design talent) and secondly skilled in SEO. You will be creating a store for my wife. You will start with a basic load and then set it up per her and my description. I would expect you to know what questions to ask us to get the store set up right.

It will be CSS based with consistent them. I think Joomla takes care of that by nature.

I have an account on a server (php) that will be used with existing url names. It has worked with Joomla before and in the CPanel, Joomla 1.5 can be installed. You can use that for initial load if so desired.

The products being sold are currently sold on ebay and do very well. It is a craft product store so the site will need to reflect a craft theme or look. Paypal will be the merchant account for now. Although products will be loaded one at a time, it must be capable of loading via a csv file. This must be proved by a working example of uplaod.

The site must have the shipping options set up per our description. Including USPS, Fedex and UPS.

It must have a blog.

It must have the ability to have discounts and coupons.

It must be able to track customers, and emails. It must have a bulk email feature for sending out notices and newsletters.

The SEO portion of Joomla/Virtuemart must be fulling working and setup properly. We would expect good (1-5?) SEO rankings after 1-2 months. Or whatever would be expected with a very good SEO design.

The second store will be identical to the first store. After the first store is designed and working, it will be installed as is on another URL site. I will make the modifications to this site in terms of content and theme. Your task will be to set it up and get it working identical to the craft site.

Please read the requirements carefully. You will be required to fulfill all of them.

I am an easy guy to get along with, my wife may not be with regard to what she might want on her site. So you need to be prepared to make some cosmetic and function changes as she needs them as you go. If that become excessive you will be entitled to additional charge. No additional charges will be made without prior notification to such intent before starting that work.

Generic responses will not be considered. Provide evidence that you have read this offer.

Check my feedback and history. I will check yours.

Thanks and good bidding.

Arts Website

Arts Website
Dynamic Website & Data Management System: Integration of contact information for members and individuals purchasing tickets to our email campaigns and event management system with useful information about Arts to the general public.

Static website: Information about concerts, seasons and who we are without any contact management system or event management system.

Key Principals for Website:

1. Promote our concerts

2. Promote our season

3. Promote Arts as an organization and all Indian classical art with education of our audience

Key Qualities New Arts website should have:

1. One or two clicks to get access to critical information (concert info & purchase tickets).

2. Create a user experience for people to come back to Arts website for more than just concert information.

3. All aspects of the website (event management, contact management and content creation) should be able to posted and worked by non-technical person.

PHASE – I (Key Features/Modules)

· Revamping of the website.

· Event Management & Booking System (Sell Concert Tickets)

· E-mail Campaign Management

· Membership Management System

PHASE – II (Key Features/Modules)

· Contact Management System

· Counter on website

· Finalization of design & layout

PHASE – III (Key Features/Modules)

· Photo, Audio & Video Gallery setup

· Able to sell Adv. space

COMPLETE FEATURE LIST (website for the next 10 yrs)

Key Features/Modules:

1. Revamping of the website. Finalization of design & layout.

2. Event Management & Booking System (Sell Concert Tickets)

3. Membership Management System

4. Contact Management System

5. E-mail Campaign Management

6. Able to sell Adv. space

7. Counter on website/Track visitor (count various aspect of what they do at our website)

8. Online Shopping

1. Revamping of the website. Finalization of design & layout.

· Finalization of layout

· Creation of necessary sub-pages

· Population of content

· Social Media Integration

· Feedback Form (to query Suggestions, Sales, Information, Requests related topics)

2. Event Management & Booking System (Sell Concert Tickets)

· Easy Interface to create events (Admin)

· Event Calendar

· Event Information with related photo gallery & videos

· Buy Tickets & payment gateway integration

· Member Login & booking of special events

· Print Tickets

· Attendee confirmations at event venue

· Booking Reports & Amount Collection Reports w.r.t event

3. Membership Management System (Users)

· Member Registration with payment gateway integration

· Member Profile Management

4. Contact Management System(Admin)

· Contact List (Add/Update/Delete)

· Contact Search by email ID

5. E-mail Campaign Management

· Email Template Management

· Bulk Email Sending to Contact List

6. Advertisement (Selling Ads)

· Advertisement space creation

· Manage adv.