Bee Portal

Bee Portal
We would like to develop a website based on the Joomla CMS. In addition to standard Joomla functionality, the site will contain a number of custom database tables with user forms to populate the database. Some data processes will also be required:
– Calculation of sample averages, min and max values
– Data presentation: reports in table and graph formats

The site will feature unique membership type, such as administrator, ordinary user, moderator, etc. with custom workflow based on membership type.

Social networking functionality and Interface to twitter, facebook, etc. which will include invitations to new members (and tracking the origin of an invitation).

The attached ppt provide a broad outline of the site’s main features. A standard template may be used as long as it matches our company branding.

Joomla Module – Link Fix

Joomla Module – Link Fix
On a client site, [ attorney fender .com ] I need to fix some article links on the homepage. For anyone who knows JOOMLA and how to control Joomla modules/plugins like RokTabs and RokCandy this should be quick and easy.

If you go to the homepage on the site, you’ll see there are some link buttons toward the bottom of the page that say ‘Read’ or ‘Read More’ THAT DON’T WORK. They link buttons don’t go anywhere. The articles are already in the system, but the link buttons go to them, and they need to.

I need this done for $15, and I also need email instructions on how I can do it myself in the future (included in price).


Checking/correcting Code

Checking/correcting Code
I need someone to go through my site and check/correct code for me.

My banners are not showing up properly & I need a ‘Forgotten Password’ set up on my log in’s.

My previous coder sent me this message:

‘The banner section was not working, would not add a banner and threw out several errors. I have fixed this, and recreated the file structure so now banners will upload correct, and the right thumbnails are produced. The banners you have already uploaded was missing, which prompted me to try and upload a test one, which then lead me to see the errors that was present.

I have also pruned the database to remove the redundant entries, as this was causing errors.

I have had to modify you .htaccess too as it was dominating the server, and no other pages could be loaded other than adgamemaster front end and admin, which meant the bingo pages could not be shown, and i could not test the xml for the banners’


I believe needs a designer/coder to have the following skills:

Joomla 1.5


Joomla Module Customization

Joomla Module Customization
I have paged that are created using the address book module customized but I am not able to edit the css, meta data, or add any other content on the pages that are dynamically created. If you actually read this description then please respond with the word information architecture. This should be very simple and I hope to hear from someone that can actually do this. No template messages please. I don’t care about all the services you can do or the other template sites you have done, I want to hear that you have actually customized some joomla modules and you understand my issue and you can resolve. Don’t just say that but something relative to this exact project.

Joomla Fix

Joomla Fix
We need a good Joomla programmer to fix a module on a live site. We would also like to use this person to work on the site in the future to maintian and install new modules. The work need to be done immediatley. Shouldn’t take more than a few minutes for an experienced programmer.

Joomla Web Site

Joomla Web Site
Hi there

I want to have a simple website where people can read tales stories posted from other people and as well submit thier stories.

It should have:

– simple graphic
– stories submit form page
– the stories page they should have the buttons to share the article on various networking sites and platforms like rss, facebook etc etc.
– customizable space for ads, banner, affiliation in order to get a few $ for the maintenance of the site

Domain registered and hosting set it up already.

Budget is limited as well as the project is fairly non-clomplex, please contact me for a bid.

Kind Regards


Convert Site To Joomla 1.5

Convert Site To Joomla 1.5
We need an existing site converted to Joomla 1.5. Our existing one is done in FlesCMS and we have outgrown its capabilities. A clone of the existing site is desired. Additional development will be done later. The hosting will be at in our account.
You can see the site at
Please respond back with your turn key pricing and turnaround.

Debug Joomla

Debug Joomla

I have recently launched a basic Joomla site, but it seems that everyday around the same exact time it goes down with different errors.

– One day the prefix changed on its own from _jos to _jos1. The next day it changed itself from _jos to j0s. Following day it gave me a 500 Error related to htaccess, then followed by permissions being changed and causing restricted access. Today it is showing up as blank (no errors, just white page). I have not been editing any files since the first day this happened, aside from editing the config/htaccess/index pages back to normal with correct permissions.

This site is now live and people can’t access it. I really need help debugging this issue.

This has been happening for the last few days. I believe it may have something to do with a faulty configuration.php, or a bad module/component.

I am having trouble debugging this situation, right now the site shows up as blank

Convert Joomla Classifieds

Convert Joomla Classifieds
I have a Joomla classifieds component that I want converted to a coupon component. Most of the script will remain the same except for a new name.

These are the tasks (might be a few more to make the component work for us):

1. Rename the component. Since classifieds is already installed on my site, this new component & modules need to be renamed. (com_coupons, etc.)

2. User can either A) Upload image as the coupon with no other text; or B) upload small image and fill in the fields to state the coupon value. (currently the script has some fields and an html editor) See some of the coupons at: to see the 2 different types.

3. Integrate small bar code script; will provide.

4. Add pop-up print coupon window.

5. We might turn off one of the display coupon options.

6. Fix the regions page so that it is lined up and clean, less space between items. (Maybe a pull-down list)