Online Social Community

Online Social Community
We are looking for developers, preferably in DRUPAL that can make a easy to use and functional script for social networking.

We want Profilepages, guestbook, blog, gallery, video, buddylist, forum etc. Users blogs will be with their own banner, good editor.

Moderator and admin will add articles, events, event galleries (which user can tag and comment), event videos, approve profilepictures, featured blogs, etc.

When you bid on this project, please provide links of previous RELEVANT work. As close as possible for consideration and name which language/platform was used.


Expert In Joomla And In Css

Expert In Joomla And In Css
This is a simple project that you can do in 1 or 2 days.

If you are an employee and you are free during the night for almost 3 hours, this job is for you. (please in bid, you write if you are an employee).

Specific Request :

– good knowledge of joomla and css.

My request are these :
(I wish to use this design of venicehotelsnear for a new domain

a) You shift the website (joomla) of venicehotelsnear on new domain.
b) You replace “Venice” with “Rome”.
c) To setup the hotel search box of for new website
d) This page is created from hotelscombined, you should do a similar thing ( on this address ).

My buget is about 70 $

Cookie Website

Cookie Website
Need help creating a cookie website. Need to closely mimic the functionality (NOT DESIGN) of Need someone who is a competent designer who can take direction well. Must have portfolio of work to share. Also need logo creation as well. Already have site map/skeleton that you can use. Would like to have you design and then I can add all content using Joomla or similar program. Need complete delivery by March 25th, 2010, sooner would be even better. I prefer that you are in the US so we can have realtime conversations. Strong English speaker desired as I wish not to lose anything in translation which could stall the project timeline.

E-commerce Website Project

E-commerce Website Project
I require a TEAM to develop a eccomerce site. It will need to be custom and unique. Please do not bid if you do not have a team. More details will be provided.

Help navigate me through the whole SSL and payment processing bit in addition to setting up a shopping cart.

-Stock control management with Advanced password protected content

management system with the ability to update images, products and

categories, Show unlimited photos and descriptions of your products
-Discount coupons and voucher codes
-Automated email notifications when purchased
-Add/Remove/edit unlimited products/categories
-Search facility to help customers find items quickly within the website
-easy to use back end admin panel
-testimonial ( to be approved first)
-eccomerce online shop
-custom pages – about us, contact us,home etc.
– enquiry form
-automated newsletter functionality
– £ google adword advertising
-Search Engine Optimisation URL creation and registration
-stock control management
-easy to use shopping cart
-discount coupons/vouchers
-logo design
-search facility to find products
-accept all major credit/debit cards
-suuport for payment gateways – paypalpro,protx,worldpay,google

-customer account history (what was bought,when,how much etc.)
-multi currency support/shipping
-send to friend functionality
-view order status
-Option to checkout without creating account if desired
-option to checkout without creating account
-add personal messages to orders in checkouts
-ability to zoom into product images

Payment check :-,also ssl certificate secure

Simple Partial Site Design

Simple Partial Site Design
See the attached image for more details and website or PMB me.

1.) Test1 is the current design of the site
2.) Test is the rough draft of the future design of the site

I need someone to design and implement a top banner for my joomla template. I have all the images necessary to create the design.

I will provide you with the background image and logo image on the right top side. You will need to cut the “HF” circle logo out from my current website. Go to the current website and you will see the difference between the attached image and what it is now.

I want someone to take the images as shown in the attachments and merge them into my current joomla template. The center “HF” circle logo should be a link back to the main website.

This should be a relatively simple job, basically just implementing a banner. Additional design work to come for those who respond to emails quickly and complete the work in a timely manner.

Use the PMB for additional questions.

Create Music Website

Create Music Website
Create a website for people to download music and purchase CD’s

I have many more sites that need to be created in the future and am forming a team but need to find the right person to prove themselves for this one before hiring on full time….

I need a website that will allow people to listen to short samples of the songs but also allow people to pay and download songs in a secure way.

I will give specific instructions of the look of the site

if interested please send a message with the following:
-a list of sites you have created before
-what you would use to create the site (ie Joomla, wordpress,etc)
-what features you expect to include in such a site
– a site on the internet that you research that would look and feel how you would create this site
(cannot be one that you have created)

for serious inquiries I will send more details if needed

Joomla/virtuemart Template

Joomla/virtuemart Template
Looking for Joomla 1.5/Virtuemart 100% Tabless Template from current website design. Current template files will be provided if needed.

Should appear the same in all browsers
Should be optimized for fast loading (you can check
Should be fully XHTML 1.0 Transitional (

I must emphasize and stress the following 2 points (No payment will be made if this policy is not followed):

1. Attention to detail is absolutely vital and we are looking for a clean coded and error free, finish with all icons/text etc. Aligned properly.

2. There should be no workarounds or shortcuts – the Joomla set standard must be followed.

Please take note of the following before bidding:

– Any ridiculous bid that is higher than our budget (which is $100) will be ignored and marked as spam
– Communication will be via, GAF messaging, email and skype.
– Your feedback and ratings from other buyers will be taken into consideration
– You must Master the English Language

Only serious bidders who are experienced who are customer oriented and available to complete this project in a timely and professional manner.

No time wasters and no incompetent wannabees, please.


Joomla + Amember Integration

Joomla + Amember Integration
I have a site running on a Joomla template, and have installed aMember along with the Joomla plugin.

I have partially configured aMember, but this is not really what I know or understand. So, what is needed?

Full integration of Joomla login – ie login to Joomla automatically logs in to aMember – transfer of Joomla client db to aMember and mass email with new passwords once works completed.

Coupon codes needs configuring – there will need to be 3 different coupon codes, generating different subscription rates from the standard.

Subscription form at present only configured for Paypal, needs options for payment by bank standing order and bank transfer adding, and appropriate forms installing. And sign up form could do with being more site-friendly in terms of color scheme/decoration, without being over elaborate.

Configuration for subscription reminders needs implementing along with access restrictions if payment not made by given date.

Logos for Paypal and credit/debit cards need adding to pages.

Probably one or two other minor bits and pieces – all straight forward for a competent professional, and probably only a couple of hours I would guess.

Airplane Bookng Component J1.5

Airplane Bookng Component J1.5
For a flying club we need a Joomla 1.5 custom component for registered users to book the aircrafts on an h.o.u.r.l.y basis.

The partly-web2 frontend will feature extra user profile details, info on aircrafts, a color-coded calendar to view what aircraft are booked when and by who.

The backend will have joomla style lists of aircraft, users (those enabled to book), notices by email.

project estimated to 2 weeks work but this depends on skill of developer.
Graphic design and detailed specs will be supplied.
There will be a list of rules.. like users must have certain licences in their profile to access certain aircraft… (retractable undercarriage for example)

Autopaste Source Url

Autopaste Source Url
i need a joomla extension that will, when enabled, make this possible:

if someone copy text from my articles, it will automaticly include the source url (read more) after he pastes it.

for example try coping and pasting some text from here

please make bid and explain that you have understand what i want.

thank you