Joomla Basic Page&graphic Edit

Joomla Basic Page&graphic Edit
25 hours of work. This is an existing installation of the rocket theme Nexus on joomla 1.5 installation. No edits to core template file. Only changes to existing graphics and adding content.

Your bid is for 25 hours of work. You need to know Graphics/HTML/PHP/Joomla.

Start immediately. I will pay into escrow after I see the first two hours of work as long as you are doing good work.

I need a full time person for this type of work, so this could turn into a longterm engagement.

You can see this website at:

.htaccess user: brazil pass: brazil

You must be available via Skype chat (not during work, only for initial consult and reviews)

Expert In Joomla And In Css 2

Expert In Joomla And In Css 2
This is a simple project that you can do in 1 day.

Specific Request :

– good knowledge of joomla and css.

My request are these :
(I wish to use this design of venicehotelsnear for a new domain

a) You shift the website (joomla) of venicehotelsnear on new domain.
b) You replace “Venice” with “Rome”.
c) To setup the hotel search box of for new website
d) This page is created from hotelscombined, you should do a similar thing ( on this address ).

My buget is about 70 $.
the payment is done in this way :
20 percent with escrow when you do the point A.
10 percent with escrow when you do the point B.
20 percent with escrow when you do the point C.

When you have finished the point c, I will do the payment.

Gaming Site

Gaming Site

I need to do a clone of the site below. I think you should be able to use a cms like drupal or joomla that will have most of the functionality already to go. It should also allow for users to signup and create their own blog. There will be a guides section, faq section, codes and cheats, and also the message board. Users can add to faq, submit reviews, cheats, etc. Should be a simple project.

it will be a clone of

Tabbed Form 2

Tabbed Form 2
Code in PHP a form with 4 different tabs. The form will have 4 difference tabs with different input fields. There about a total of about 10 fields that need to be kept track off. The PowerPoint attached has the feel and look of the form a long with the fields and information pertinent. The form should use Ajax to populate the next tab. The next tab should not be accessible until the completion of the previous one. Each tab should not be enabled until all necessary information in the previous tab is calculated. Each form element will need a variable so that I can assign it a value or pull a value from it.

Coder will need to be flexible and make the necessary revisions after completed code. The form should look nice. Feel free too use any existing libraries out there or style sheets. This form will be implemented into a CMS system in a next project.

Joomla Developer

Joomla Developer
Hello Every

We have developed sales invoice and inventory software , now we want to extend our software to online .

What we expecting from the developing team is to create a small tool that extract the data from our program and update to joomla e-commerce sit. our software can automatically export the data from our database and export as XML file to server and we will export the picture also to the server . your job is to take this data and update to joomla e-commerce site.

The data that we will export to the server is Category, subcategory, products and picture for the products. The picture name is organized according to the Product ID.

the main objective of this project is , anybody using our software they can use this tool automatically to update to the e-commerce site , they don’t have to do the same thing twice entering the product information into our program and e-commerce site. Any changes happening in the XML data that we upload to server, this changes must immediately applied to ecommerce site. Specially the quantity of the product.

Link 2 X Joomla Using Jfusion

Link 2 X Joomla Using Jfusion
This is a simple and easy task for anyone understanding JFusion.

Need to use jfusion to link up and sync another joomla site database (slave)to my current joomla site (master)with dual login facilities.

Both joomlas already installed and up and running.. just need someone to configure jfusion to link up the websites and work in the right manner.

The following programmes all control the master site and are already in full use.
joomla 1.5.15

End Result wanted:

Client A logs into master site and is immediately logged into slave site too. S/He is also subject to all the user controls that applies to his/her membership status.

Transfer Vrtuemart -new Domain

Transfer Vrtuemart -new Domain
This is a simple project for a seasoned Joomla programmer –

Need an existing populated Virtuemart site with all it’s products and flypages to be exported to a new domain which has Virtuemart installed.

Both domains reside on the same server.

Would also require the programmer to provide a step by step of how it was done.

Joomla Drop Down Menus

Joomla Drop Down Menus
My website is created using joomla 1.5. I would like to add drop down menus (for top menu) and slide out menu (for the side menus). I also like to get some additional module positions added. Please list your price for this ASAP. Will provide website details for those who are interested in the project. Must be able to complete this project quickly and efficiently. Thanks.

Add Processor To My Virtuemart

Add Processor To My Virtuemart
I am currently using Virtue Mart for my online store located at thugdepot (dotcom) I need to add Verotel Processing. I have the account setup and everything. Just dont know if their is a component or will a custom one have to be built. Looking for someone to complete this in a timely matter.

Message me if you need more information.

Clone Of Ebay In Php With

Clone Of Ebay In Php With
I need a Clone of in php with many new features. I will suggest programmer to use and modify any existing free auction script available in market. Please tell me your minimum fees & time that will be required for this project. Along with fixed fees I will also give u 10% of my profits every month for first 10 months. For eg. = If I earn total U$D 25,000 in first 10 months . I will give U$D 2500 to u !! I will choose the lowest bid

Transfer Site & Files To Host

Transfer Site & Files To Host
This is an Emergency job I need my adult site transfered from one hosting company to another. My previous hosting company is having a problem and my sites can not be viewed. YOu can still gain access throuhg FTP and Cpanel. But you cant see anything on the interenet. I need for someone to copy the files over and make sure my joomla, galleries. is still working and pennywize. I need this down ASAP. PLEASE HELP.