Joomla/virtuemart Template 2

Joomla/virtuemart Template 2
Looking for Joomla 1.5/Virtuemart 100% Tabless Template from current website design. Current template files will be provided if needed.

Should appear the same in all browsers
Should be optimized for fast loading (you can check
Should be fully XHTML 1.0 Transitional (

I must emphasize and stress the following 2 points (No payment will be made if this policy is not followed):

1. Attention to detail is absolutely vital and we are looking for a clean coded and error free, finish with all icons/text etc. Aligned properly.

2. There should be no workarounds or shortcuts – the Joomla set standard must be followed.

Please take note of the following before bidding:

– Any ridiculous bid that is higher than our budget (which is $100) will be ignored and marked as spam
– Communication will be via, GAF messaging, email and skype.
– Your feedback and ratings from other buyers will be taken into consideration
– You must Master the English Language

Only serious bidders who are experienced who are customer oriented and available to complete this project in a timely and professional manner.

No time wasters and no incompetent wannabees, please.


Joomla Upgrade

Joomla Upgrade
We need to upgrade a complete Joomla 1.0.15 site to Joomla 1.5.15.

We have already done several other sites using the migrator plugin but this site must look 100% identical to the old one and is using a customized Rockettheme template (we have the original 1.5 version of this template in unmodified form).

Also all URLs (SEO friendly) must stay the same; there is a lot of wrappers with other websites in them and they must also keep the same URLs.

Old system uses Facile Forms for an inquiry form and that must be replicated with the same form using whatever component you like as long as it stays the same.

1.5.15 site must stay 100% CSS and W3C compliant and run on PhP5.3.

Joomla Site Fixes

Joomla Site Fixes
I have changes I need made to a joomla site. It’s located here www.rev(remove_this) I’m wiling to pay $100-150 for these changes.

These 1st 4 are somewhat fixed. I think 3 of them are done, but the mac issue may still be there. I’m not 100% that they are fixed though.

– Registration – Clicking Login or register on Mac (Firefox) brings up a blank box the first time. Sometimes the login will come up after a few tries. This also happens on the iPhone so it may be a MAC cross browser issue. This needs to be fixed. If you don’t have a Mac that is fine. We will work around it.

– Foot in the Door – A person who has received a FITD can forward it to another person, but the image and messages need to be sent as well.

– References – Upon approving a reference, it takes 12 minutes for that reference to be visible; the other processes of the reference are instant.

– 4 hr Job – Profile page defaults to YES upon re-logging in after someone has chosen NO. Search brings up everyone regardless of having chosen No.

Other issues that have not been dealt with at all and need fixing are:

(a) reference request issue Should be: (request, register, fill in, (user taken to profile pg), reference pending, approve, reference visible (via email) — as noted

(b) Search: some registered users do not come up… I went through JOOMLA Users — the register data for those who do not are no different than all the names that do come up. It’s 1 in 5 that’s not coming up.

(c) on Chrome — profile page, input info into “What do you do” , upon clicking Save.. people from the request email who can write on Profile are getting the error… this may not happen to you —

(d) new button. Top nav. Right of Profile “Add References” .. Links to the contacter page.

(e) Please push down the image on the register page (from the email request).. its cutting into the heading.

Custom Joomla Development

Custom Joomla Development
We need some quotes from experienced Joomla developers who are actual “coders” , not just template specialists.

We need to incorporate the following functions:

* A multilingual interface, front-end and back-end, that works fluently with all site functions
* A business directory
* An online community
* Integration of the directory and community, allowing members to keep track of their favorite directory listings
* A custom module that will allow community members to create projects and add directory listings to those projects as needed in the appropriate categories
* Video streaming/integration
* Ability to view use the site on mobile platforms as well.
* Integration of a ad server that allows for the targeting of ads to language specific content.

PHASE 1: Getting the multilingual site up and running with a functional directory module and video streaming cabability.

1. Integration of Joomla/JoomFish compatible directory module.

We have evaluated both SOBI2 and Mosets Tree options. Most agree that the Mosets code is more in sync with Joomla’s API and we are leaning in that direction. We welcome SOBI2 ideas if you have them but you will have to prove to us that SOBI2 is stable and able to do what we need. Then, and only then, will we consider using this module. The directory module also needs to be compatible with Yootheme templates and SEF functional.

2. Address format and other directory module tweaks to match the chosen interface language. Since our site will be targeting English and Japanese in the front-end and back-end, addresses in the directory need to be properly formatted.

Case in point:

123 Apple Street
Shibuya, Tokyo 123-4567

Japanese ( to be viewed in Japanese characters ):
123-4567 Tokyo Shibuya Apple Street 123

We can explain this in more detail later.

3. Additional directory module/plug-in development for specific features we are looking to implement.

4. Video streaming integration

PHASE 2 : Integrating the ad server, community and other small additions

1. AJAX Poll Module

Joomla has a poll module already but it is weak and unattractive. We’d like to enhance that module with AJAX features so that it functions on its own in the sidebar without disturbing the main page’s content. Again, needs to be JoomFish compatible.

2. Integration of a community module

As stated above, the community feature is one that aims to allow members to use the directory (from Phase 1 above) to the fullest. Conversely, we hope to limit community interaction at first, due to privacy reasons.

Members should be able to manage their own profiles and these profiles must also be connected to their business directory listings.

Members must be able to save certain directory listings into their favorites folder.

Members must also be able to create “projects” that they can add directory listings to.

3. Ad server integration

At this point in time, we like the iJoomla Ad Agency module and would like to integrate it into the site but will consider other modules if more appropriate. Key point here is the ability to serve ads to language specific content.


We are looking to develop a relationship with a developer. This is not a one-time contract and the site will need to be carefully updated in line with Joomla and related module updates.

We will need to see specific examples of your previous Joomla development history.

You must also be willing to sign an Non Disclosure Agreement.

Please submit your estimates on a Phase basis as described above. We are looking for round number estimates.

We look forward to getting to know you.

Format Joomla Page

Format Joomla Page
I need this page
formatted to look closer to this list of songs.

When a link is click I need the article/ audio player to open in a small popup the same way as on (click the song title not the artist)

The page uses a great K2 content component that has all the fields we need. I just need them stylised and formatted.

So all the functionality is there and ready to go just need is it formatted.

We’re hoping to get this done today.


Super Fast Sugar Install

Super Fast Sugar Install
I want to have the sugar community open source CRM installed onto my system.

All the documentation can be found here:

if you are a Sugar Pro this should be a quick buck for ya!

I would also like to install the sugaryCB Joomla extension on a site that already has Joomla installed:

There is a link on the homepage that will need to link to the login page of the CRM.

These should be really fast projects for someone who knows what they are doing.

I would like to get going on this pretty quickly so I plan to select a bidder soon.

Again, please only bid if you have experience with Sugar and Joomla. If not, please do not bid.

Feel free to ask any questions via the PMB.


Urgent: Secure Form – Joomla

Urgent: Secure Form – Joomla
need a secure form created on my Joomla site – secure processing has to be set up and it has to integrate with my account so that payment are automatically processed.

Current form is at:
has to be recreated on

Secure processing is not yet in place – would need programmer to set up.

URGENT: needed within 24 hours

Ecommerce Site On Joomla

Ecommerce Site On Joomla
Need to create an ecommerce system to sell designs my company creates. here are the requirements – ONLY Bid if you have the full ability to complete this project as stated:

1. People need to be able to add MULTIPLE designs to the cart and pay over a secure site.
2. I need this integrated with my existing company website on Joomla.
3. This will also serve as our design portfolio so that people can browse our work. thumbnail will be an area of the design and has to open to full, enlarged view of design
4. Needs to have sort options so that people can view items by category
5. items need a tagging system for proper search functionality
6. Security for payment processing
7. API integration so that payments automatically go into our account

Need this set up within one week. Second week will be for testing, tweaking, adjusting, and launching.

When responding, send samples of similar projects you’ve worked on.

Personal Shopping Site

Personal Shopping Site

I need a personal shopping service website preferably in Joomla
Combination of features from and
But I want a more attractive interface with a diffent colour

Also, I will need a professional custom logo that

Mainly buyers will visit the site and click on the category(this will display the subcategory) they want from the left panel(Admin must be able to set this category and subcategory)

When the click on the category they want, it will take them to a custom order form where they will order the quantity they want and enter their address,
Buyers will select a time for item delivery still on this form
Also buyer will select urgent or regular service(Admin will set these prices from the backend)
They will pay for the total of the item and so on.

Admin will be able to add product, and their prices on the backend
And many other function to administrate the site

I will explain this into total to the winning bidder
Please note: I prefer a joomla based site if not, any other option will be welcomed

Also, to win this project, you will be available for 30 days support

Honest bidders only
Please send me sample personal shopping / ecommerce sites you have done
High bids will be deleted

Thank you

This project will commence this ASAP

Format Joomla (k2) Page

Format Joomla (k2) Page
I need this page
formatted to look closer to the attachment.

The page uses a great K2 content component that has all the fields we need. I just need them stylised and formatted. The component also allows for featured boxes like the 2 large boxes I have shown in the attachment. The ability to add images is also already set up.

So all the functionality is there and ready to go just need is it formatted. When a link is click I need the article/ audio player to open in a small popup.

We’re hoping to get this done today.


Quick And Easy Joomla Blog

Quick And Easy Joomla Blog
We are looking to quickly add a blog to our website.

the key features of this blog are:

Here are a few things that I am looking to add the this blog portion of the site.

1. at the end of each blogpost, I would like to have the “Add This” automatically placed at the end of each article. Registered version of “Add This” will be provided. You can see on the submitted .jpg of the page there is a handwritten “Dont forget to share” that will need to be formatted so it appears and aligns with the “Add This” plugin.

2. Install the “AutoFacebook1”. This plugin allows you to automatically post the title, a link and extra text of your Joomla! articles to your facebook status message

3. Install Ping.FM plugin

4. The link to the page will only display the most current post.

5. Install “RSS Feed Creator” for rss syndication. (only if required for RSS feed submissions with joomla)

6. Menu options installed at the right of the page.

7. Allow for comments by views which will capture name and email address and add them to a joomla form.

Should this project require purchase of any Extensions, I will be happy to do so on my end.

This really should be a FAST project for someone who knows what they are doing!

I am looking to complete this project as soon as possible.

Feel free to send a PMB should you have any questions.

Fast Joomla Form

Fast Joomla Form

I have a form created in Joomla, with all the respective fields that just needs to be visually formatted.

You can see the field values here:

I would like the following done to this form:
have it posted on a page with a different header (will be provided)
formatted to look more like a PDF application form, or visually to my satisfaction.
after submission, will load thank you page.

Like I said, this should be a quick project for any of you Joomla experts out there. I am looking to get this done fast (hopefully today), which means you get paid today!

Feel free to send me a PMB should you have any questions.


I.e Flash Embed Issues

I.e Flash Embed Issues
We are having issues with our Joomla site in Internet Explorer. When we attempt to embed any flash including YouTuBe videos the website doesn’t fully load.

We feel it is an issue with our web banners, as the banners do not load on these pages either.

You can view the issue here:

The error we are getting is:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; eSobiSubscriber; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618; InfoPath.2; AskTB5.6)
Timestamp: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 16:21:08 UTC

Message: HTML Parsing Error: Unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed (KB927917)
Line: 0
Char: 0
Code: 0

We have already replace all the ‘drumload’ we can find thorughout the site and are still having the issue.

We are hoping to get this solved today.

W.h.t Joomla/ezrealty Upgrade.

W.h.t Joomla/ezrealty Upgrade.
I need to have my site upgraded and migrated to the latest Joomla version1.5.15 or later and the EzRealty software updated to the latest version 5.4.6 as soon as possible.
I will provide the template ja_hedera and I will provide the EZ Realty update/upgrade as well as I get all free updages.
Please the attached file for the full specs of the project.

Thank you.