Joomla/ Virtuemart

Joomla/ Virtuemart
Would like to update to the most recent version of Joomla and also make a few changes within the Virtuemart shopping cart
-add a CART button to the main menu
-errors on some products- on every BODY WASH, SPRITZ and SOAP it says under product description:
testLavender Body Wash. It should read lavender Body Wash
testlavender Soap- It should read Lavender soap etc etc

Facebook Api Debug

Facebook Api Debug
We ahve setup a Joomla! website with a facebook integration.

Currently there are JS conflicts that prevent the site from working properly in firefox. We need someone to debug that particular issue.

We also need to check compatibility of the site across the main browsers in use today.

The final issue will be to install the “friend selector” from the Facebook API on a page.

You will be given full access to the site fort he two days we envisage it will take to complete this project.

Usd 49 Run

Usd 49 Run
Hello programmars.
I Recently buyed the standard edition of “Artisteer”, a great software to make custom Themes in the following:

Even a novice can make themes, just like cut, copy, paste in it. More than 7 fonts, and numerous color themes radymade. Supports all frameworks and hosting. One button export in any of the above formats. You can even create Joomla themes in one step from any html/css/dot net site. Not a word of programming required.

Its cost is about 130$ in the official artisteer website

But here I am seeling it for $49.
There is no hidden cost. The license is not something that has to be renewed. Its unlimited forever pack. Single installation file and nothing too circuitous about installation.
Install and make themes in 5-10 minustes, All custom themes, with anything, anywhere.

Make me aware if anyone wants to buy it for 49$.

Thank you

Track Revenue From Website

Track Revenue From Website
need some advice in regards to that we want to track revenue generated by diffrent websites, at present we are tracking with googleanalytics with a href like this:

in our booking module we have the possiblity to add a variable called “source” that can give us the info about where booking came from

we have a php page called reservasjon.php
that starts the booking prosses



<head runat=”server”>
<div id=”container”>
<div id=”bodytext”><iframe name=”I1″ src=”<?=$language?>&arrival=<?=$arrival?>&nights=<?=$nights?>&rooms=<?=$rooms?>&adults=<?=$adults?>&children=<?=$children?>” method=”post” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ height=”1800″ width=”100%” align=”center” border=”0″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”>
De browser ondersteunt geen in line frames of is momenteel zodanig geconfigureerd dat in line frames niet kunnen worden weergegeven.


the iframe calles to a server… if we at the end put something like &children=<?=$children?>&source=”varible” then this should do the trick

so what we need help to is modify the incoming hrf so we can get the “source” tag put in to the reservasjon.php
this should be a session variable so the website dont get credit 5 month later if they come back…

Joomla Reinstallation And Fi 2

Joomla Reinstallation And Fi 2
I have a client who have a damaged joomla website infected with the iframe and javascript include scripts that loads some remote file.js which are considered as viruses etc..

I know multiple solutions such as:
1- reinstall joomla files to overwrite all infected files and fix the problem
2- do fresh installation and see how the database works

what i do NOT want to happen:
1- lose the database entries
2- lose any of the previously installed modules
3- lose the original customized template design

Yes we do have several modules installed such as video and image gallaries so your job also to identify those and not overwrite them if you are overwriting files or reinstall them if you’re doing fresh installation

its fairly simple task for any joomla expert and my job is to find this expert and resolve this problem as project manager i have lots of project to manage and have no time to implement this.

as you can notice this is pre-paid job so do not bid unless you’re free to work immediately.

certified web master with 10/10 rating, feel 100% confident with working with us

if you do it perfectly you’ll be hired on long term basis with KDEV leading outsourcing form on the past decade

Best Regards,
K DEV Founder

Virtuemart – Send Serialnumb 2

Virtuemart – Send Serialnumb 2
I would like to be able to send serial numbers when a downloadble product is purchased.

The serial numbers Would ask Stored in a table, Together with the product ID and I Would populator this data manually through the admin area.

If customer has payed, and his order’s state will be “confirmed” (from “pending”), then an email is sent to him with the product serial. Note: We just want to sell just 1 product/license per order!

Customer can see his serials also visiting his orders (depends on state), and vendor is always able to see them.

System: Joomla 1.5.15 (new installation) & Virtuemart 1.1.4 stable