WordPress Anddeveloper
I need a single page sales letter done in WordPress, with a blog page, and private pages set up.
Category: Wordpress Projects
Blancer Wordpress Projects
Brand Website
Brand Website
i need someone to brand a website for me so that I can sell cd’s on ebay
Landing Page For Affiliate
Landing Page For Affiliate
need someone to write an awesome landing page for a product which teaches you all the steps to become a power affiliate
Rewrite Plr Products
Rewrite Plr Products
i need someone to rewrite plr products for me
Convert To WordPress
Convert To WordPress
I have the website, but it needs convert to the WordPress. Is that possible? Reasonable $$ please.
Static / Post Page WordPress
Static / Post Page WordPress
Here is my blog: www.joshuaobi.com
What I need is to have one home page and have that home page be where all my recents posts post to. Very simple.
All I have is $10.00
Substantial for about 10 minutes of work.
WordPress Webservices
WordPress Webservices
Need to integrate webservices with my wordpress site. Ideally the user would register on WordPress and get automatically added to another database that uses this webservice:
So 4 fields from my wordpress registration: first name, last name, phone, email get passed to the idxbroker database.
Also require the code and instructions on how to replicate the same solution on other wordpress sites we own.
Open to any other solution that would accomplish the same end result as well.
Clone Simple Wp Blog
Clone Simple Wp Blog
I want a clone of a very simple wordpress blog. It uses a freely available theme and some auto posting plugin that posts content daily based on my tags. It may also use other plugins that you must discover. This is a very simple job.
Clone Print Site
Clone Print Site
Clone http://www.printforchange.com/
online designer( Design online function) for some products, customer account login and artwork recall and shopping cart integrated with Google Checkout or Paypal.
But Design Online we need only for
Letterheads (A4, 210 x 297mm)
Flyers A4(210 x 297mm) and A5 (210 x 148mm) both portrait and landscape
Carbonless Forms A4 (210 x 297mm)
We will need to add more product designers over the next few months under a separate arrangement with yourself.
The designs will be provided by us. Only thing you are doing is the functionality.
Expand Our Facebook Group
Expand Our Facebook Group
We run a fashion publication and are looking for someone to get more people to join and become active in our facebook group. We will select person that has the best strategy. Currently stuck at 395 members. And no one participating in discussions. We also update daily with new fashion news.
Grow Our Twitter Following
Grow Our Twitter Following
We are looking for someone to grow our twitter following with relevant followers. We are a fashion publication and our status is updated several times per day with fashion news directly from our website. Looking for programmer with most creative idea that will avoid us geting banned and get relavant followers.
WordPress Website Error Fix
WordPress Website Error Fix
We are a medium sized church with a wordpress website on our own domain. Yesterday I was in the dashboard updating some content and I saw that I had 2 plugins that had available updates. I clicked on upgrade automatically for both (one was a CSS dropdown menu plugin; I can’t remember what the other one was) and the website was gone. When you go to the site, all you see is the theme skin, and this error mssg: “Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_css_dropdownmenu() in /home/”url”/public_html/wp-content/themes/”url”/header.php on line 55”