Gohstwriter Seo Travel +

Writing 50 Articles with SEO expertise, promotional and informative on travel, accomocation, services, products

Your profile :
You are an “Expert Ghostwriter”, English mother tongue or a highly skilled English writer.
You are also an SEO Expert, specialised in “Affiliate Marketing, Membership Make Money Online web sites, Internet Marketing articles, and website articles

SEO Requisities
You need to have proven results in achieving high click trough rates to url links, experienced in submitting to article directories, excellent grammar and spelling.
Your articles achieve top results in ranking and click trought rates
Only send a bid if you have proven experience in SEO

Writing Requisities :
No grammar or writing mistakes.
High in valuable content, without using too complicated words
The writing style should be such that it gives very valuable information that people badly want to know and that it motivates them to buy or know more.

The articles should be originally written and unique and able to pass through copyscape easily and Each article/review must content about 3 – 4% of keyword density.

If you also can write articles in French and or Dutch you have an advantage.

Length Article :
Articles between 450-550 words and motivating texts for website on personal, success and wealth development

Period :
10 articles every 2 days

Proven experience
You need to provide evidences of articles you have written for which sites, with testimonial of the owner of the site.

Subject :
Travel, accomodation, services, products
If you have written articles already on this subject, then provide examples when replying on this bid

Number of articles :
For this specific subject we start with 50 articles.
You can check our other posts on other subjects. If satisfied,
we will defenitely work with you more often.

Gohstwriter Seo Health

Writing 50 Articles with SEO expertise on health subjects

Your profile :
You are an “Expert Ghostwriter”, English mother tongue or a highly skilled English writer.
You are also an SEO Expert, specialised in “Affiliate Marketing, Membership Make Money Online web sites, Internet Marketing articles, and website articles

SEO Requisities
You need to have proven results in achieving high click trough rates to url links, experienced in submitting to article directories, excellent grammar and spelling.
Your articles achieve top results in ranking and click trought rates
Only send a bid if you have proven experience in SEO

Writing Requisities :
No grammar or writing mistakes.
High in valuable content, without using too complicated words
The writing style should be such that it gives very valuable information that people badly want to know and that it motivates them to buy or know more.

The articles should be originally written and unique and able to pass through copyscape easily and Each article/review must content about 3 – 4% of keyword density.

If you also can write articles in French and or Dutch you have an advantage.

Length Article :
Articles between 450-550 words and motivating texts for website on personal, success and wealth development

Period :
10 articles every 2 days

Proven experience
You need to provide evidences of articles you have written for which sites, with testimonial of the owner of the site.

Subject :
Health, treatments, remedies
If you have written articles already on this subject, then provide examples when replying on this bid

Number of articles :
For this specific subject we start with 50 articles.
You can check our other posts on other subjects. If satisfied,
we will defenitely work with you more often.

Gohstwriter Seo Selfhelp

Writing 50 Articles with SEO expertise on selfhelp, personal and professional development

Your profile :
You are an “Expert Ghostwriter”, English mother tongue or a highly skilled English writer.
You are also an SEO Expert, specialised in “Affiliate Marketing, Membership Make Money Online web sites, Internet Marketing articles, and website articles

SEO Requisities
You need to have proven results in achieving high click trough rates to url links, experienced in submitting to article directories, excellent grammar and spelling.
Your articles achieve top results in ranking and click trought rates
Only send a bid if you have proven experience in SEO

Writing Requisities :
No grammar or writing mistakes.
High in valuable content, without using too complicated words
The writing style should be such that it gives very valuable information that people badly want to know and that it motivates them to buy or know more.

The articles should be originally written and unique and able to pass through copyscape easily and Each article/review must content about 3 – 4% of keyword density.

If you also can write articles in French and or Dutch you have an advantage.

Length Article :
Articles between 450-550 words and motivating texts for website on personal, success and wealth development

Period :
10 articles every 2 days

Proven experience
You need to provide evidences of articles you have written for which sites, with testimonial of the owner of the site.

Subject :
Personal development, professional development, motivation, selfhelp
If you have written articles already on this subject, then provide examples when replying on this bid

Number of articles :
For this specific subject we start with 50 articles.
You can check our other posts on other subjects. If satisfied,
we will defenitely work with you more often.

Rental Script Recommendation

We need a property rental script recommended and installed. We need a script found that is for vacation property rentals. It needs to be able to take reservations and deposits through paypal. It also needs to have a banner ad system. Renters and Property owns should be able to sign up to rent or list their properties. We need this chosen and setup ASAP. We have a design that needs to be integrated. We’re just looking for an open source script that we can have customized later.

Social Network Site

I want to develop Social Networking & Photo sharing site specifically for wildlife lovers. Almost similar to orkut.com, but with some extra features like: • Displaying user location and location were photo was taken in Google Map. • Allowing user to create blogs, personalized URL of user profile (Ex: tom.sitename.com). • Integration with facebook, tweeter and other popular Social Networking sites. Please also provide suggestions and extra features that you think will be useful. Technical…

Crawling Application

I need a crawler/grabber that grabs user contact details from 3 different web sites (site name will be provided to only selected bidder) and stores it into database table. One of the site contains captcha Images. Please specify how you are going to deal with this. If required we can hire captcha data entry operator. Please give your suggestion on this. Please mention the programming language you are going to use, third party controls required, etc. You can also provide readymade applicatio…

WordPress Pro For Theme Custom

I have many clients that need a lot of different wordpress customizations. I am looking for a wordpress pro that will be able to handle all projects! Requires extensive experience with WordPress, its different widgets and ability to make any type of customization! Please review the theme itself, look at the code, css, etc to make sure you know what it will take to make these chances and how long it will take.

This project will be for http://www.onlyhotchicas.com blog
Want to take this theme http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/producer and customize it. Here are the changes required.

Featured pics. Want to reduce the size of pictures to 70% of current size.
Awesomeness, want to make the size a little larger than the size of the 3rd category, called girls!
On the bottom portion, the categories called: WTF, Funny, Brazilian Hotties, and UK hotties, I would like to have 3-4 pictures on each category going across and then if they want to see more of that category they can click a link called “More Great Pictures of …….” Whatever the category is.
When a picture is clicked on, it takes you to the post. I want 3 banners 300×250 each to be inserted between the ads for Google and the beginning of the post. The post title should be moved to be under the banners and before the post. Post should be aligned in the middle. The category list on the right, should start under the third banners.
On the left hand side of the post, I do not like the blogs on the left column as they appear now, I want to be able to put widgets that will show 160×600 banners etc.
When someone clicks on a picture within the post, currently they can see just a larger size of that picture. I would like the 3 300×250 banners on the top of the post to also appear on that page and the 160×600 banners on the left hand side!
I also want the option to put widgets under the pictures before the comments section. I assume I can remove the comments section within the theme panel.
One of the 3 banners from the top of the page need to be an email gathering widget where the visitor chooses to signup and receive a free ebook! These emails need to be stored in a way that we can easily notify them of each post.
Need a widget that will appear right below each post for viewers to vote as thumbs up or thumbs down!
Need a widget at the end of each story that will give the viewer the option or emailing the story to a friend. Want to be able to collect and store all these emails into a list that I can send faxes to!
Need to add a widget for people to click on and be able to go to the twitter account or vote for dig or reddit or stambleupon, etc.
Additional minor adjustments to the look after all changes will be made to make sure it looks great!

Cross Browser Issues In Site 2

Cross Browser Issues In Site 2

I have a website that was coded in WordPress. The design is great but the website is not coming together in Internet Explorer.

I need someone to come in and fix the cross browser issues.

I don’t do 100% escrow so don’t ask. ( I have have had programmers not finish work and so I will not move the money until the job is complete).

My references are my feedback. If the work is done to my specs I will pay a good bonus.

If you work with me I will continue to use you as a programmer.