
Hello Progammers.

First off im sorry for my horrible eng

Im looking for installment and som development on an already existing script.


As of now, i want to be able to ad cliksor ads under ad management, and i also i want to use xmoov php. like the mods posted in this link.
Only differences is that i want an up to date player and core.
and still be able to use the vidoad function in vidiscript.

I want u to install this on my server. and must work to my satisfaction.

For the Skin/layout. I want it to be inspierd by the Umbrella Corp from resident evil, the logo and all that whit a twist of anime.

Donation integrated whit my paypal api is also wanted. And the page optimized for ads.

Think that was all.

And the one who gets this job, i also want for fouter updates on the site.

Insert Php Inside Html Page

insert php code as the listed code inside one html file. and make it work as an html file.

{component QuickSearch}
{component IndexVideo lists=’latest|toprated’ active=’toprated’}
{component IndexProfileList lists=”featured|online|new” count=8}
{component BlogIndexList }
{component PageSidebar}
{component ForumLastTopics}
{component EventIndexCalendar}

i followed the instructons found on internet to do modify the htcess file but it did work, so I need somebody more experienced than me.

Clone A Freelance Website

Would like to build a website 90% similar to using PHP and MySQL. Please check this website out! Thanks! I do not need all functions under the “Ask the Experts” tab. This is a freelance website. Same principle as,, or However, this project is easier than or It serves United States only. It does not need the Milestone, workroom, and Escrow systems. It needs a messaging system for buyer and freelancers. Projects are searched by US City, State or ZipCode with radius calculation. This plugin function is available by acquiring shareware or from vendors.

To make this project easier, faster, and cost effective, you can modify existing or shareware freelance scripts.

It needs two end user logins –

Business(consumer or buyer) and Freelancer(service provider)
Business can post their projects onto the site.
Freelancers can bid/quote on the projects.
Feedback + Rating system for Buyers and Freelancers
Portfolio system where Freelancers can upload their work, pdfs, images, cv, etc into a gallery.
Fees. Option for admin to charge per jobpost /monthly fee/ and/or take a commission from each job. Preferably through Paypal and Credit Cards.
Buyers and Freelancers can ALSO Register/Login through Facebook Connect.
Newsletter System.
RSS Feed for jobs.
Search System for Buyers and Freelancers.
Freelancer can save their search and receive updates based on their choices via email.
Featured Freelancers module/feed
Recent Jobs module/feed

And of course an admin panel to regulate all of these things.

I would appreciate seeing previous work of a similar nature when placing your bid. Clone

I need my website to be cloned after enabled with certain features. please make a login and check it thoroughly and let me know what are the steps to make it correct and more user friendly.

Also I need SEO services done. So please check it thoroughly make a login and let me know.

Also I need to tell you this could be done by php experts. Please Object oriented programmers in PHP, dont make bids, as you wont be able to do anything on this site.

I will need Opensocial done & Facebook connect too. And some customization in layout.

And yes while writing private message, mention your login, so as I can understand you have really checked the site. Thanks!

Validate Curl Post

Correct the attached php code to make a valid Curl post to a SOAP webservice.

The post format would be Soap 1.2

WSDL Service description:

Transaction description:

Project will be paid as your solution has been tested successfully.

Encode & Decode Email Address


I send emails from my autoresponder, sometimes I get accused of spamming, when in reality I am not. So this is what I am thinking of.

Is the a bit of code, javascript or ?? that would do the following:

I have a tag in my autoresponder for the email address example: [email]

The tag supplies the email address, then have the code *scramble* or encode the email address so it does not have the ( a t ) sign… it is just a series of random charactors

Then If I get accused of spam, I could decode the scrambled code to get the email address back for proving or removing–

The reason for this, is that sometimes when I get a spam complaint, the email address is *munged* or removed-


Debug & Update Php Site

1)The admin page is not showing when attempting via The files are there. Probably needs debugging.

2)Center all pages so they properly display in various screen resolutions to avoid gap (see red arrow). White spaces on left & right sides.

3)Front Page – Center & change address/ info from image to actual text so it can be edited in php file.

see attached for url & details

Credit Class And Gift Voucher


This will be for a clean first time install of “Credit Class and Gift Voucher/Coupon V5.21 contibution for osCommerce RC2/RC2a” to my website…, I am specifically interested in the % discount section as well as an overide commission based on $ sales targets for individual clients don’t know if this is part of the same or a seperate module).

Psd To Xhtml/css ++ Modify

I need a psd converted to xhtml / table less css that validates and is good clean code. See attached image of the psd for reference.

Additional tasks:

There are two areas that contain photo / images on it and I need this area to be able to have several images that will cycle say every 10 seconds. Should be fairly simple script for my use.

This is a personal site that will have two sections that will display recent blogs posts from my vbulletin forums, this project is to on top of converting the psd to html is to also create the php code that will display recent blogs of to user ID within my forum blogs. The DB is on the same server as the website and it should be a quick job.


Secondary tasks: I would like a additional quote through PMB on taking this current psd and creating two additional pages. An about me page and a Contact me page, please do not include this as part of your bid on the above project as I have not fully decided if I want to do this depending upon the costs.

This project should not take more than a few hours to complete if that so bid accordingly, additionally I would like a quick turnaround so 24 hours from the time of being awarded the bid.

Please have methods to communicate other than email as I want to be able to award this and communicate immediately.

Text Book Exchange

I am trying to create a site for my university, where students can sell/trade their books for free on a site similar to craigslist. The local book stores here sell books at $150+ and then only but them back for maybe $10. My idea is to allow a free place for students to sell to each other, which will allow the seller to receive more money than selling to a book store, and will allow the buyer, to receive the book at a far greater discount.

I have attached a document that explains what I am looking for. I feel this is a relatively easy site that can be developed in a matter of days. Please read the document and place a bid, thank you.

Paypal Pro Minor Issue

I am installing Paypal pro as a payment method, but am having problems getting it finalized.

There is some path issue or something wrong elsewhere. I was able to get my Cs-cart site working to the point where a customer can select Credit Card as a payment and enter their details. But the payments keep failing.

Just need to figure out where the issue is.
