Very Quick Update Of Joomla

Very Quick Update Of Joomla
I am using a CCK (JSeblod) in Joomla, and need the site editing so that a user is able to contact the person who wrote the article.

You can see the page which needs editing:

I need that so when the user clicks “Administrator” or “Scriptlance” (i.e.) the person who wrote the article, they are taken to the contact form for that user.

This job will take an hour max.

Joomla Graphics – Change

Joomla Graphics – Change

We need a Joomla expert that can design a administrator template.

We want to change the graphics in the administrator view.

Attaching image to explain exactly what we want we need to be changed. Its basically only a graphics change all other menus and buttons should work like they do now.

We can supply all the graphics in any format needed.

We need this done by today or tomorrow.

Many Thanks for help,

Best regards,

Fax Control Panel Fixex Joom 2

Fax Control Panel Fixex Joom 2
I need a fax site that has been made to have a control panel that is like my(remove_this) The site it made and 70% of the control panel is made, but I need to change the look of the control panel to look like my(remove_this) and have the progess bars that site has.

The site is www.fax(remove_this) login using admin and password 123456 after you login go to the bottom of the page and click on the control panel.

So this job will require programming and design. I’m willing to pay $100 more because I need it done in 4 days or less. So I’m willing to pay $200 ($100 more for the short time frame).

Note: Each day you get it done before Sunday you will get $30 for eacy day. Each day you take longer then Sunday you will lose $30 a day.

Add Content To Joomla Template

Add Content To Joomla Template
I have a joomla template uploaded ( but I need my content and menus to work properly. I have attached an outline of what I need the site to look like and say and I have also attached the original template.

The outline is basic text to show where everything needs to be, I obviously want it designed so it flows with the site and it looks good. I am also new to Joomla and will need some help with the admin.

Each page on the menu needs to be created as well and I will fill in the content as needed.

Please only bid if you have worked with joomla and please ask any questions prior to bidding.

Joomla Virtumart Member Access

Joomla Virtumart Member Access
Seeking a Joomla professional to edit the database and code of a web site being developed. NO EXTENSIONS for this project
There are two products (membership access products) that when ordered will enter info into the databse telling the database that this user bought this product and WHEN, then when they log in, based on what they baught product 1 will give them access to product 1 downloads page and same for product 2. When they log in the log in checks the databse to see if they have 1 or 2 for download page access

This needs to be developed without the use of extensions

The site is using Virtumart, the client needs to be able to edit users and their access to things based on what they baught

product 1 is member ship access 1 with INSTANT access upon successful payment to member ship access 1 download page, and product 2 is is member ship access 2 with INSTANT access upon successful payment to member ship access 2 download page, there are other products in there as well, but these should be left alone

there should also be a time limit that can be edited for both membership access levels so that admin can tell the cms when to turn off the memerbship access (length of time to allow access and should be editable)

seeking professional developers only

Joomla: Remove Legacy

Joomla: Remove Legacy

we have a website which is running on Joomla 1.5.14 but still uses the legacy plugin to work. All our components/modules/plugin’s are native Joomla 1.5 but still something is causing us to use the legacy plugin.

We believe the template is causing this but we are not sure.

Your job is to find the cause of this legacy issue and change the website’s code so the legacy plugin is not needed anymore.

Make a good bid and you can start direct!


A Simple Website

A Simple Website
i need a website that works like this: visitors write their stories/articles and that’s partly displayed on homepage. If people want to read further, there should More button to display them in full. To load stories, there won’t be any registration but the stories will be approved by admin. People will be able to comment on stories. There should be also buttons for Most Read and Most Commented on the homepage.

Well, basically this simple. But my imagination just doesn’t work further and if you have done something similar before, please include your work in PMB. Just showing text stories is a dull and boring, isn’t it?