Joomla Experts Needed

Joomla Experts Needed

We are looking for following upgrades to our Joomla site ASAP:

1. Access control component allows users to see content based on their username.
2. User registration screen
A user registration and access control module needs to be added for 1 and 2

For now let the user categories be:
Customer- only customer sees previous client references page
partner- only partner sees partner page
Associate/Job seeker- only associate seeks careers page

3. Shopping cart

Shopping cart with visa , master card and ICICI net banking payment gateway.

Please present deadline for requirement 1 and 2 and Shopping cart separately.

NOTE: Post 5 best of your Joomla websites ONLY else your profile will be ignored.

We are a 10 year old company and we always pay. Payment thru Scriptlance Escrow only.

Happy Bidding


Social Network Meetup Clone

Social Network Meetup Clone
I want a social site like

If anyone has already done the project, I would like to buy the product for $150

It does not matter if it’s on Joomla, BuddyPress, ELGG or whatever

It does not have to look like Meetup

I need to have one site with different cities, interests and groups

New York Language Groups (Italian, German etc…)
Chicago Sports Groups (baseball fans, football fans etc…)

Only group creators can create events and dinner parties on a calendar that REPEATS (every other Monday etc…)
Member’s photos appear when they rsvp for events

Joomla Website/ Virtuemart

Joomla Website/ Virtuemart
Would like to update to the most recent version of Joomla and also make a few changes within the Virtuemart shopping cart
-add a CART button to the main menu
-errors on some products- on every BODY WASH, SPRITZ and SOAP it says under product description:
testLavender Body Wash. It should read lavender Body Wash
testlavender Soap- It should read Lavender soap etc etc
There is the word test in front of all these products which needs to be removed

Quick Job In Joomla

Quick Job In Joomla
JOB: Job is images convert into joomla 1.5 Incl. Joomfish

Two template website, PSDs are not available but i have jpg that is attached.
Projects needs to be finished within -7 ours, so please bid only if you can meet deadline, no compromise in time. Please place bid only if you have minimum 10 reviews and can meet deadline,
Aply only if you will available at all major IM after completing job for fixing and will available till 12:00 CET.

Joomla Registration Form

Joomla Registration Form
Need standard Joomla form expanded to include the following when registering for the site:

Name of Organization (*)
Type of Organization
Group Size
First and Last Name (*)
Zip Code
Email (*)
Phone Number
Best Time to Reach You
Questions/Comments (*)

Send Me My Free Sample! (Checkbox)

— Data must be able to be stored within Joomla, not just e-mailed. If this is not possible, please propose a solution.

Thank you!

Joomla Affiliate Store Addons

Joomla Affiliate Store Addons
I would like a full featured affiliate store component, modules and plugins for Joomla similar to the plugin for WordPress, but built from the ground up for Joomla 1.5 instead. The features would include:

* Works with almost any Joomla theme
* Create unlimited affiliate data feed stores
* Manage your affiliate IDs in one place
* Pick the products you want
* Pick the merchants you want
* Pick products from multiple merchants and multiple networks
* Include up to 100,000 products per store
* Product categories up to 9 levels deep
* Runs entirely on your web host
* Built-in breadcrumb menu for easy navigation
* Search engine friendly URL’s
* Masked product image URL’s
* Masked affiliate link URL’s
* 100% CSS design
* Validated / Standands-compliant/ HTML markup for optimal SEO
* Dynamic and/or custom category meta description tags
* Dynamic and/or custom category meta keyword tags
* Dynamic and/or custom product meta keyword tags
* Dynamic and/or custom product meta description tags
* Complete customization of every page of your store
* Easily move products from category to category
* Edit product titles
* Edit product descriptions
* Create custom page meta description tags
* Create custom page meta keyword tags
* Create new pages based on keywords
* Tag products with multiple keywords (ie. featured, holiday special, etc…)
* Every store page can have HTML embedded anywhere on the page
* Add HTML modules to any part of your store’s pages
* Add a group of products to any part of your store’s pages
* Add a list of categories to any part of your store’s pages
* Choose what to display on each page (product name, thumbnail, description, price, etc…)
* Edit category names
* Add category images
* Add category thumbnails
* Add category descriptions
* Set length of description of products
* Set number of products to show per page
* Choose to redirect your affiliate links immediately to merchant or first to a local product information page
* Show similar products on product details pages
* Display blog or store on your site’s frontpage
* Create different store styles for different WordPress themes
* Take advantage of WordPress’s 100’s of free plugins
* Random/Popular/Featured Products module
* Store categories module
* Joomla Plugin to Embed products inside content pages
* Joomla Plugin to periodically create articles about products (drip functionality)
* Create custom store templates
* PHP allowed in templates
* Create specific templates for individual product categories
* Create specific CSS id’s for individual product categories
* Create specific templates for individual product details pages
* Create specific CSS id’s for individual product details pages

For more info on the existing product for WordPress, visit

DO NOT borrow code from this wordpress plugin. There are other affiliate plugins that are open source where you can “look” at their code, but do not copy. I want similar features, but seek completely original CSS and PHP code, SQL databases, etc.

Joomla Design For Video Site.

Joomla Design For Video Site.
We have a site that is not yet fully programmed but needs to be quickly.

It is a joomla programed all-video site, similar to , and

I need that site to be properly programmed so it works fast and smooth and every button is working properly, all navigation and functions. It’s almost done but needs more work to perfect it. I need this real quick…

Our site is:

We are not quite finished this site, it needs excellent programmer to finish the site, you must know video site programming also. I need this done in 2 days. I have 3 other projects to follow also, but this must be done correctly first as it is the key site for the other sites.

The site has been done using Joomla; the customizable video player and API, etc., is supplied to me by my Business Account with Viddler:

The links below show all the features we have used and all the features that we can use that are supplied by Viddler.

I have the viddler for business plan, viddler hosts all my videos and we use their API, etc. – you can see this information on their site and see their Developer button.

You have complete access to anything you need from the features Viddler offers us.

The http://www.yourtowntube site has these additional programming needs that have not yet been finished:

I think you will clearly see when you review the site that there are things that are missing or do not yet function properly. Here they are in detail

1. The 4 town choices at the top of the home page:
Princeton, Lawrenceville, Pennington or Hopewell

The site is a site like YouTube, but instead of uploading or viewing videos for all around the world, it is only for videos from the local towns. We will be having many of these sites around the USA, but first we need to get this site correct.

People can select to view videos or upload videos to be seen from each of these towns only, or ALL these towns. When people view the site they can select to see eachof the town’s videos individually or All towns’ videos

When people register they choose the towns they want to upload videos to. When people upload videos they choose the towns they want to see their videos. Most people will probably select All towns, these towns are very close to each other.

Each town should have their own identical looking home page, see jpg attached, only Princeton changes colors – (to orange and black)I can send the Princeton jpg & psd. The Main Home page you see when someone enters YouTownTube is the All towns page, From this page a user can choose to see each of the 4 towns’ videos only by choosing one of the towns, Princeton, Lawrenceville, Pennington or Hopewell. Videos that are uploaded are tagged for each of those towns and will show from each of the town’s home pages, or they are tagged with all.

We need to make sure these pages can be selected, remember all are identical except Princeton has different colors.

2. The big ½ Off OR MORE banner should go to a page that you need to create where the body of the page can look like Explore/Recently Uploaded page (see example link below. Please do the page and make the connection between the !/2 Off OR MORE banner and the new page.

You can copy the interior of the page, the thumbnails layout of viddler’s page, where they show all the Recently Uploaded videos, EXCEPT UNDER EACH THUMBNAIL WE WANT 3 LINES OF TEXT INSTEAD OF ONE.:

It is very important that I be able to easily and frequently change the thumbnails and the text for them.

3. People Groups and Explore buttons:

The People Groups and Explore buttons and their sub-menus are very important to me. look at viddler’s and you can copy their interior page layouts, I can send a jpg of how the Explore page should look, it is simply our red website navigation and look with the interior of the page done like viddler’s explore pages.

An Explore button should be after the Groups button before Your Platinum Page.

Using as a reference the Explore sub-menu in viddler, we do not need the Featured Videos page.

For reference, see Viddler’s Explore sub-menu: – ours needs advertisement banners – see the example of the explorev1.0. page we supply you is easy: you can place the banners like that – needs the advertisement banners as above – needs banners as above – needs banners as above – no banners

4. Today’s Highlights section is very important and is not quite done correctly yet.

There is a Today’s Highlights section on all the home pages, Princeton, Lawrenceville, Pennington or Hopewell

And on all the different colored pages (Your Health & Beauty, Your Unique Shops & Dining, Your Family Fun & Education and Your Platinum Page.

We do want it on any of the other pages such as information pages such as About, Advertisers, People, Explore, etc.

The content in Today’s Highlights stays the same for all the town pages (Princeton, Lawrenceville, Pennington or Hopewell), . But the content changes on the Your Health & Beauty, Your Unique Shops & Dining, Your Family Fun & Education and Your Platinum Page – The jpgs attached have the proper content for all those pages, but the content for all the pages is not yet correct on the actual site that was programmed.

See the attached jpg for how it should look, i also have the content that forthe buttons and inside window that easily changes on the other pages.

There needs to be 4 buttons under the selection thumbnail as the attached jpgs have,

See this site link below for reference, this is where the general idea to follow for the functioning of the Today’s Highlights section is this:

See their Today’s highlights section on this page, that is EXACTLY as I want my Today’s Highlights to work, except every selection in my site needs to be to a video, not to any text pages as Comcast does, mine is no text pages, all videos when anything is selected.

Observe that in their “Today’s Highlights” window, you see 4 buttons on the bottom of the section –( the jpgs attached are done correctly).

You see in the Comcast Today’s Highlights:
there is a thumbnail photo, a Headline, a Description, and 4 bullet points. Under that are 4 buttons. The jpgs attached have this designed correctly, on the site you can see this is not yet correct. We need it to be like the jpgs attached and when a selection is made it needs to go to the video viewing page our video viewing page should look like the attached file website_innerv1.0.jpg

That is what my Today’s Highlights should contain – it should work exactly like Comcast except the choices need to be videos that I can change everyday, (not text pages like Comcast has). And, I only want 3 bullet points instead of 4, You can see that Comcast has 4.

(we have the psd files for all pages, except the Group, People and Explore pages, but we do have a file that shows you how they should look, it is easy to follow, it is basically our site with the look of Viddler’s interior where they arrange their thumbnails.)

The 4 Today’s Highlights button names and the content changes on the main home page and the 4 colored pages: Gold, blue, purple, platinum. It stays the same for all 4 town’s Home pages.


5. Register page: please make sure this always works smoothly.
Sometimes after you Register, see the attached screenshot: 2 messages came on one says: “Your account has been created…” and also the message “This username/password already in use. Please try another…” shows up also -, (see attached screenshot of the register page that shows these 2 messages appearing simultaneously..
Check this out by registering a few times to make sure this does not happen.

6. Please put a registered mark on YOURTOWNTUBE logo on top of each page.(just off the top right side of the E, above the .com camera).
a real little one like these guys use:

7. Your Platinum Page: I need to do some content changes on this page. It will function exactly as the other colored pages do, but I need to give you updated content.

8. Navigate through the site, if you see anything else that does not function properly let me know.

9. Also, the page layouts designs of the attached jpgs need to be followed exactly (we also have the psd’s for all these pages). There are spacing issues in the listings section of Video Category and Area Businesses that were not followed exactly.

Virtuemart – Send Serialnumber

Virtuemart – Send Serialnumber
I would like to be able to send serial numbers when a downloadble product is purchased.

The serial numbers Would ask Stored in a table, Together with the product ID and I Would populator this data manually through the admin area.

If customer has payed, and his order’s state will be “confirmed” (from “pending”), then an email is sent to him with the product serial. Note: We just want to sell just 1 product/license per order!

Customer can see his serials also visiting his orders (depends on state), and vendor is always able to see them.

System: Joomla 1.5.15 (new installation) & Virtuemart 1.1.4 stable

Install & Configure Virtuemart

Install & Configure Virtuemart
Looking for a programmer who has previously worked with VirtueMart. After VM is installed on my Joomla site, I will need advice as to which modules and plugins to add. Programmer will then configure for use with Paypal subscriptions and add my items (items and categories already in database format/no photos needed). Items will be inventory so once the item is gone, it will no longer be shown on my site.

Joomla Yoo Zoo And Zomsocial

Joomla Yoo Zoo And Zomsocial
I Need A Highly Experienced Php Developer That Knows Joomla! Yoo Zoo Component And JomSocial Component Inside Out!…

Pmb Me For Details But Take Time To Write The Message and Dont Send Auto Generated PMB’S

I Am A Developer Also Just Dont Know These That Well So You Will Be Working Along Side Me On My Server…


Joomla Yoo Zoo And Jomsocial

Joomla Yoo Zoo And Jomsocial
I Need A Highly Experienced Php Developer That Knows Joomla! Yoo Zoo Component And JomSocial Component Inside Out!…

Pmb Me For Details But Take Time To Write The Message and Dont Send Auto Generated PMB’S

I Am A Developer Also Just Dont Know These That Well So You Will Be Working Along Side Me On My Server…


Programmer ( Php Css )

Programmer ( Php Css )
This is a simple project that you can do in 2,3 days
Specific Request :
– good knowledge of joomla and css.

My request are these :

For website Paris Hotels :
a) You shift the website (joomla) of venicehotelsnear on new domain (I will send the file of backup). You don’t forget to put the editor ().
b) You replace “Venice” with “Paris” in Homepage and in different pages.
c) To setup the hotel search box of for new website www.?????????.com
d) This page is created from hotelscombined, you should do a similar thing ( on this address http://hotels.???parishotels????.com/City/nammeofthe city.htm. ().

For website Amsterdam Hotels :
a) You shift the website (joomla) of venicehotelsnear on new domain (I will send the file of backup). You don’t forget to put the editor ().
b) You replace “Venice” with “Amsterdam” in Homepage and in different pages.
c) To setup the hotel search box of for new website www.?????????.com
d) This page is created from hotelscombined, you should do a similar thing ( on this address http://hotels.???????.com/City/nameofthe city.htm. ).

For website London Hotels :
a) You shift the website (joomla) of venicehotelsnear on new domain (I will send the file of backup). You don’t forget to put the editor ().
b) You replace “Venice” with “London” in Homepage and in different pages.
c) To setup the hotel search box of for new website www.?????????.com
d) This page is created from hotelscombined, you should do a similar thing ( on this address http://hotels.???????.com/City/nameofthecity.htm. ).

Delivery time : 2,3 day.

When you have finished all the points of a website, I will do the payment. My budget is 240 USD, then 80 USD for every website.

Square Foot Calculator

Square Foot Calculator
I have a need for a square foot calculator for Virtuemart running under joomla 1.5

in essence I need them to choose a width, a width fraction, a length, a length fraction and then do the math L x W / 144 x Price

so a blind that is a 34.00 x 72.00 should be 34×72=2448 / 144 = 17 x price

This is for 1 product entry in virtuemart, I would like it to be installed as a component for virtuemart

here is the link to the working calculator under oscommerce which we are phasing out

I need the following drop down boxes

Width: Variables will be from 7 to 72

Width Fraction: .00 to .75

Length: variable will be from 12 to 84

Length Fraction:
