Need Help With Breezingforms

Need Help With Breezingforms
I have a form set up on my joomla site that uses BreezingForms. I have set up the for correctly, but for some reason the summary page will not show any results. I need this fixed ASAP. Also, when the user clicks the submit button, I need this form data sent to the printer (with the image of the check printed below). I do not need the header/ navigation/ or any other information to print.

Below is a link to the form as it is now. Fill it out and click next to see the broken summary page.

Admin Login / Gallery

Admin Login / Gallery
I would like an admin area added to a website that I already have, there will be the ability for the client to login with their own password and once in there will be a page displaying gallery icons containing images, the user can then add and delete the images and have the ability to download the images using a download button.

The user will also be able to add descriptions to the images.

Simple Mod To Joomla Module

Simple Mod To Joomla Module
I use a module called DBirthdays for my Joomla 1.5 web site. It basically allows me to display upcoming birthdays on my Community Builder site. I set the table and field that contains the birthday and upcoming birthdays are automatically displayed. That works well as is.

I would like to use this module for two other purposes and need it slightly modified.

First, I want to display this same module but I want it to show Anniversaries. Adjusting the module settings to point to an anniversary date in the database is simple enough, but I need the module adjusted so it only displays anniversaries that at least 1 year old. Right now new hires/members appear in the display as having 0 years. They should appear until they are at least one year old.

Second, I want to use this module to display New Members. Basically, it should query against a date field that I will select and then display the member ONLY if today’s date is within X days of the sign-up/registration date. This modified module will not display these members again next year, like the Birthday and the Anniversary modules will. It will only display the member once when they first join our website. Also, this module must be able to display the members horizontally, instead of vertically like the Birthday and Anniversary modules will.

I will want to run ALL THREE of these modules at the same time, so pleas build accordingly. I would like for the modules to be modified and then compressed as genuine installation files that I can install on numerous sites.

Ideally you have a joomla site where you can develop, test, and demo what I need. You can get DBirthdays from for free. I will place money into escrow and release the funds after I receive two modules (the Anniversary and the New Member modules) that I can successfully install on my own site.

Thank you.

Solicitors Website

Solicitors Website
We need a solicitors website in joomla. We would like for it to look similar to;

We like the layout and simplicity. We do not want a copy just something similar.

We think one of these templates might be okay to customise almost like the reference site;

If you do not think this template is okay please look in or Template Monster for any other template you want.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

File Conversion Site Joomla

File Conversion Site Joomla
I’m in need of someone to make a joomla file conversion site. I’m willing to pay $200-300 for the site. It must be done in less then 2 weeks though. It’s mostly just programming and you will need to chop up the psds which have been designed. You can use plugins and what not as much as you want.

This project is for the development of a new File Conversion site that will allow users to convert different media files through the web based conversion service, similar to Zam(remove_this)
A graphic designer will be handling the majority of the cosmetic design for the homepage / inner pages, so all bidders should submit bids for the Programming / Coding work ONLY for the development of this website. While the majority of the design work will be handled by a graphic designer, the winning bidder will be responsible for some light design work. Note the designs will be done in 7-10 days. So you’ll have to do work outside of that until then.
Key Features that need to be implemented:
1. File Conversion Types – The website will need to be able to convert all the files types from http://www.zam(remove_this) … EXCEPT FOR CAD FILES. The web based conversion process should work just as it does on that site, allowing users to convert files for free by uploading files and downloading videos by inserting the URL.

2. Premium Members Section – The website will need a Premium Members Section (similar to Zam(remove_this)zar) that allows users to create paid accounts that offer additional conversion services including faster conversions, online storage for managing conversions, etc. Users also need to have the ability to make changes to their account information, change their password / email, etc.

3. Automatic Email Notifications – We need automatic email notifications to be sent out every time a customer signs up for the first time, makes certain changes to their account, monthly subscription payment is due, etc. In addition, when someone fills out the Contact Us form or a new user signs up, we need an automatic email notification sent to our administrator email account.

4. Merchant Account Integration – When users sign up for a premium subscription plan, the web developer must be able to integrate our Merchant Account to process the payments (we will be using PayPal).

5. Backend Administration – As site administrators, we need the developer to create a simple to use back end that allows us to manage customer accounts including:
– View Customers’ accounts / account activity / payment activity
– Suspend / Delete / Create Customer Accounts
– View Conversion History / Remove illegal files
– Conversion Statistics reporting the total # of conversions

6. Progress Bar – When users are uploading files on either the Free or Premium sections of the site, we want a progress bar implemented that shows the progress of the conversion.

The website will consist of the following pages:
Sign Up
Contact Us
About Us
Account Login / Admin for Customers
As mentioned before, the majority of the design work for the home page and inner pages will be handled by our graphic designer and this project is primarily for the programming / development of the site.

You will be responsible for putting the site on the server and installing it and what not.

Additional information submitted:
02/17/2010 at 16:27 EST:
Additonally different members will have a storage plan.

Free Users –

Maximum File Size = 200MB

Ads and Popups

Lowest Conversion Priority

Only Convert / DL 1 file at a time

20 Second Wait to Download after file has been converted

Basic Plan –

1GB Storage Space (allow users to store/share/delete previously converted files with customer admin section once logged in)

Faster Download Speeds (Priority over Free users)
No Download Wait time (20 second wait for Free users)
Resume Broken Downloads
No PopUps, but will have Static Ads
Convert / Download up to 10 files at once

Maximum File Size = 500MB
File Conversion Progress Bar
Share converted files with friends through Social Networking / email links (Similar to Addthis)

Pro Plan –

5GB Storage Space (allow users to store/share/delete previously converted files)

Faster Download Speeds (Priority over Free and Basic users)
No Download Wait time (20 second wait for Free users)
Resume Broken Downloads
No Ads or Popups
Convert / Download up to 15 files at once

Maximum File Size = 1GB
Secure Conversion over SSL
File Conversion Progress Bar
Share converted files with friends through Social Networking / email links (Similar to Add (removethis)

Joomla Editing

Joomla Editing
Make 3 extra fields by registration:
– firstname
– lastname
– companyname
data must saved in joomla user database

if user is logged in user must be able to edt these details like he can edit the normal details
in admin admin must also be able to edit these 3 extra fields
in admin user management while listing users these fields must be visible

DT register
– automatticly fill in the fields by registration for a event

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