Engineering Colleges Details 2

Engineering Colleges Details 2

We need a list of engineering colleges in india along with following details in a excel file.

1) College Name
2) Website Link
3) Contact Email
4) College Address
5) College Phone Number
6) Placement Officer Name
7) Placement Officer Email.

More then 800 engineering colleges in India. All grades colleges need to be considered.

No compromise over data quality, bid only if you can provide complete data. Bid only if you can provide complete set of data. Don’t waste our time as last 2 programmer did.

Money can be escrowed only after seeing nearly 50 sample data.

Facebook Fan + Followers

Facebook Fan + Followers

I am looking to quickly generate TARGETED fans and followers for my company’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.

I am looking to get this done within the next 7 -10 days.

Optimal new followers, subscribers and fans would be around 1,500 for facebook.

If you feel you can do this QUICKLY and SAFELY (without having the account shut down), please submit a PMB, and include a PROVEN TRACK RECORD.

I am looking to move on this quickly, and will select the programmer who has the best track record submitted to the PMB.

Facebook/twitter Follow People

Facebook/twitter Follow People


This is a simple quick project that could turn into many more projects.

Basically I need you to follow several hundred people and do some things to help build the fan base on Twitter and Facebook.

We already have these accounts and networks set up so all you will be doing is following people with the specific criteria I give you so we have a lot of people follow us back.

Also, let me know if you have any experience with this, building social media followers in general, that would be helpful.



Data Gathering / Entry

Data Gathering / Entry

Hello, I would like someone to assist in gathering / grabbing data of celebrities and thier current information. Attached to this request is an excel sheet showing the fields that are required for this project.

The fields are:

First name
Last name
Business Address (multiple Addresses)
Source Link

The images should be named to match the serial numbers (see excel)

Need Active Users For Website

Need Active Users For Website

Hosting website needs active users.
We have some directory names and you will submit to them. Also, you will post in forums, websites etc. Generally, you will find where to post and submit.
This will be ongoing. The more users you find, the more money you earn. But, the users who don’t use the service actively will not be counted.
Preference will be given to experienced individuals. Please bid per 100 users.

Happy bidding,

Copy And Paste 215 Description

Copy And Paste 215 Description

We have minor edits to do to an xml document. This is a simple cut and paste data entry project. You will need to use notepad for this project. We will send you the necessary files needed for this project

You need to be accurate and give us a list of any problems you had so we can check them.

You must use Yahoo IM OR Skype Chat for immediate communications.

This project includes:

1. Exchange Yahoo or Skype Chat info and time zone info.

2. Review the list of edits.

3. Ask any questions you have by IM or Skype Chat.

4. Make the edits to ONE record, and IM or Skype Chat us as soon as you are done so we can check it.

5. Make the edits to the rest of the document, CHECK IT CAREFULLY AGAINST THE ORIGINAL TEXT RECEIVED, and deliver it by email when it is done.

6. We will check your work and see if you missed anything in your check of the pages. We do pay bonuses for work that is correct the first time! If you missed anything we need you to correct it quickly.

THIS PROJECT IS READY TO START NOW. Please do not bid if you cannot start immediately.

Please post a PMB if you have any questions! See our reviews for excellent communications, fast payment.

Data Entry – 1200 Phone No ( 2

Data Entry – 1200 Phone No ( 2

I have 1200 names, and need you to look up their phone numbers in an online phone directory.

It should take about 10 seconds per record, depending on your internet connection speed.

Roughly 300 records can be found in 60 min.

I will give you the website where you can copy and paste the customer details and then see their phone numbers.

i will also give you a PDF document with a list of their last names, first names and postcodes.

All you have to do is:

copy their last name, paste into the website input box for “last name”.

Tab to next box (“initial” box), type first letter of first name.

Copy and paste their postcode into “postcode” box on the website.

Click submit.

the website will then show their phone number

can you put them into a spreadsheet for me – first name, last name, suburb (included in PDF), postcode, phone number.

I need these phone numbers within a few hours.

Twitter And Facebook Fans

Twitter And Facebook Fans

I am looking to quickly generate TARGETED fans and followers for my company’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.

I am looking to get this done within the next 7 days.

Optimal new followers, subscribers and fans would be around 1,000 for facebook and 750 for Twitter.

If you feel you can do this QUICKLY and SAFELY (without having the account shut down), please submit a PMB, and include a PROVEN TRACK RECORD.

I am looking to move on this quickly, and will select the programmer who has the best track record submitted to the PMB.

Thanks and good luck!

Re-map Data Entry

Re-map Data Entry

We need the current products on the site remapped into the right categories on our website.. we need it done TODAY Products must be the the right category and sub category. and must be visible on the site in the right place.. all products must be shown in Category “All” also. We will no accept trial and error.. we need people with experience site is magento based, and all the products are already on the site.

Post Events And Send Emails

Post Events And Send Emails

Looking for data entry person for light data entry work and email communication. Person will need to be computer savvy and have internet access for offsite work: work Involves posting of events on web site and late one move over to uploading videos and music upload of music to web site.

1. I will forward email on events information to you which will be the form of a press release, flyer or /or point you to a web site to get event information.

2. Will than login to system and post information for events

3. Send generic email to the original source of the email using our company email to send out messages and cc two persons on it.
Please let me know the turning around time to post events and send out generic email How many events you can post for with a month is a small project but the work is not $25.00 per month. Work is not hard or intensive.