3D Image Flow Gallery (3D & Carousel)

In this new 3D image flow gallery, set the differences of rotation and distance on each axis between all pictures form the xml and make your gallery unique.

  • Real 3D: papervision library
  • Lots of customized settings: fully XML driven and easily customized
  • AS3 Full OOP programming
  • Allow jpg, gif, png and swf
  • Unlimited pictures
  • Autoplay or not
  • turn with mouse wheel
  • HTML texts: set link, list, bold, color, size,…
  • Contens package FLA file, as3 library, xml file, preview file, pdf documentation

Download 3D Image Flow Gallery (3D & Carousel)

OMNIA – Elegant Flash Website [ikoOte v2.0] (Creative/Portfolio)

The word “omnia” in Arabic means “wish”.
“Omnia – Elegant Flash Website” template is independent from – and is in no way – related to Samsung® or any of its brands.
“Omnia – Elegant Flash Website” template is in no way affiliated with, representing, associated, or sponsored by Samsung® or any brands or their copyrighted product.
By continuing to view this template or purchasing it, you are expressly and impliedly agreeing to all terms in this disclaimer.

  • Update 1.1.0 (v2.1) [13/8/2010]
    1. Added YouYube support to the gallery module.
    2. Added categorization to the gallery module.
    3. Added capability to display widgets.
      -Although the FLA source file is provided, the widget provided in the package is not meant for modification and is not xml driven.
      -The main purpose of this widget is to demonstrate the capability of using stand-alone SWF files as widgets.
    4. Fixed bugs relating to Flash application versions and minor bugs.
    5. Added template fonts.
    6. Removed line-distortion in the footer.

OMNIA is a full flash website that gives you the chance to finally have simplicity and elegance in one window.

While OMNIA gives you the professional look that you are searching for, you will not need to learn a single line of actionscript to install and use it.
Everything in OMNIA is XML driven, including its 13 modules.

In addition to the 13 packed modules, you can add more A.S.3.0 files to OMNIA and use them as modules.


You can display or autoplay an unlimited number of messages to your visitors in a stylish and an elegant way.

You can display an unlimited number of images or SWF files. You can select whether to enable autoplay or not, enable pause button or not. You can display information about the slide or hide it.
You can set the width and height of the slideshow and you can also set a URL for each slide from the XML file.

You can display an unlimited number of posts in style. You can link bewteen your posts easily using the deep linking feature. You can set the number of posts per page, offsets for the navigation buttons, dimenstion of thumbnails and large images, you can also link to an external page. All changes can be done via the XML file.

The HTML content page can be used for any purpose and it supports special characters and symbols. Size of the image can be changed from XML . You can show/hide the image from XML as well. You can set the width and height of the page. All can be done via the XML file.

Display an unlimited number of team members. You can set dimensions of each member block. You can set image dimensions, block colors and spacing from the XML file.
Each team member can have a link to his website, Twitter page or Facebook page.

Display an unlimited number of services. You can set dimensions of each block. You can set image dimensions, block colors and spacing from the XML file.

Display an unlimited number of media files (Images, Videos, SWF or Audio files).
You can set the number of horizontal and vertical thumbs, spacing between thumbs, gallery colors, autoplay options, tooltips…etc. All changes can be made via the XML file.

You can display an unlimited number of links. You can set dimensions of the image, module colors, spacing…etc. All changes can be made via the XML file.

You can display an unlimited number of projects. Each project can have a set of images or SWF files. You can turn auto play on or off from the XML file. You can select whether to enable or disable the launch button from the XML file.
Each image for each project can have its own URL that can be defined in the XML file.

You can turn attachments on or off via XML . You can set the allowed file types, maximum allowed file size from XML . You can edit the contact reason from the XML file. Each contact reason can have its own email address that can be defined in the XML file.
You can set colors and information via XML . You can also turn “Send me a copy” option on or off via XML .

Download OMNIA – Elegant Flash Website [ikoOte v2.0] (Creative/Portfolio)

3D Media Gallery (3D & Carousel)

Hey guys! Our 3D media gallery/website is finally up! I would definitely buy this because there are so many things you can do with it! This is totally customizable!


  • XML Driven
  • Color tags
  • Resizable
  • Advanced background manager (swf,flv,jpg)
  • Papervision3D
  • Can view pictures, swfs or videos
  • External link option
  • Fully customizable through XML


  • the front face of the thumbnails is actually one image (“mainimage”) that is split from actionscript
  • the number of rows and coloms, that the main image is split into, is set from the xml
  • the number of thumbnails can be grater than the number of content items (the flv/swf/jpg that show up when u click on a thumbnail)
  • the text on the backside of the content items is html text, however the hiperlinks dont work (papervision issue, found a fix but dont like it as i feel its messy)
  • be careful what swfs u use as a content item. some may not work, or cause errors. the ones that will work for sure are animations that dont change their dimensions. the ones that won’t work for sure are those that have “stage” references. Papervision does not put anything on the stage, it exists only in memory. so everything u see is actually just a distorted image.

    Used xml’s

  • config
  • content – use firefox to view this one. for some reason chrome (maybe other browsers too) cant read the style info
  • background

    Examples of customizing this

    Flickr Assets used in this template


  • Download 3D Media Gallery (3D & Carousel)

    XML Template Pro (Creative/Portfolio)

    Download File
    Includes all 3 skins with seperate source files.

    XML Pro Template
    A Powerful Dynamic Web Solution

    XML Pro Template powered with ASUAL SWFAddress | 3 Level Deeplinking.

    But How works this 3Level Deep linking?
    Consider you have a News in your Archive and want to call this direct on your start page, with 3Level deep linking you be able to create a link as:
    News session>Archive>wished News Page and load it with one click!

    Imagine how useful would be this for such options like:
    • Photo of the week
    • Movie of the week
    • Employee of the week
    • etc…

    This will be also a good news for whom consider SEO in Flash websites. 

    We’ve implemented this option on our some interactive modules here, like PhotoGallery, VideoGallery, Worlwide Branches Map and etc…

    Template Overview

    All part of this Template Contents can be customized via XML files, check the Online Help for a detailed instruction.

    Template Colours:
    1- Design Colour is fully dynamic [Current one: 0099CC] and it can be change in TemplateColour.txt
    2- Text Colours comes from CSS files
    so feel free to change them without opening FLA file.

    Home Page

    It’s an external swf file.
    This could be a good sample to show you the advantages of using Deeplinking in your Templates, such options like LastNews, Employee of the week and etc… make your Template more touchy and also help you in SEO of your website.
    Home.FLA included in project, so try to create your amazing HomePages considering help file and replace it with current one.
    we also work on some sample Home moduls like [Multimedia, Game, Photography, Realestate, …] and upload them here as an update ASAP :)

    About Us

    This is also an external flash file that can be easily edited via XML and CSS files.


    This Flash module let you put your Projects under unlimited categories and load each of them with a Deeplink URL .

    A good solution to show the Our Last Project on your Start Page
    There is also a Mini Image Rotator for projects with Multiple Images, first Image will show in Projects Menu and the rest will show in Project Content area with a Slideshow.


    This Flash module let you put unlimited Categorized News on your Template and load each of them with a Deeplink URL .

    A good solution to show the Last News on your Start Page

    Our Team

    This Flash module let you put unlimited Employee on your Template and load each of them with a Deeplink URL .

    A good solution to show the Employee of the week on your Start Page


    An Inspiration room for who needs a short relaxation with Nature, Comments and Music.
    Separate Comment, Delay and Colour setting on each Image or swf, gives you the ability to create your own Inspiration art!


    This Flash module let you put unlimited Photos and FLV Movies under Gallery categories and load each of them with a Deeplink URL .

    A good solution to show the Selected Photo or Movie of the week on your Start Page


    with scroll Thumb Menu and SlideShow brings you maximum Comfort during Photo viewing.


    with PHP send Video Link option make you able to share your amazing videos.


    Here you be able to set you Blog Link as an external Link.


    Worldwide Branches Map is an efective Flash Module that let you show your Branches Information on a Worldwide Map and load each of them with a Deeplink URL .

    A good solution to show A new Branch Opening on your Start Page


    A PHP form with contact Departments option.
    All Form Contents and Design, departments and their email addresses can be easily edited via XML and CSS files.

    MP3 Player

    A slick player design that loads and play unlimited Songs via XML .

    Download XML Template Pro (Creative/Portfolio)

    Contact Form / Captcha Verification (Forms)

    Captcha Contact Form

    Is a Flash/PHP based contact form with Captcha Verification


    • Easy to use
    • PHP contact form wicth works on PHP enabled servers
    • One Movieclip contained, just Drag and Drop to your project
    • Status message for each field and captcha error
    • ActionScript 3
    • Well documented

    The image used for the captcha is generated dynamically on the server using PHP .

    The 5-character string that is used to generate the image is stored in the user session for later verification.

    The contact form include the Pure AS3 Spinner Preloader

    Download Contact Form / Captcha Verification (Forms)

    RoundSlider AS3 (Other)

    A RoundSlider control allows user to adjust an angle or similar values.
    This component can be used to create volume regulators in sound/video players or as angle controller for some visual editors.


    • FLA -based editable component, built in the same style as the standard User Interface components, so it’s very simple to use user defined skins to customize it’s appearance.
    • Simple class structure similar to standart Slider component, so Sliders can be replaced with RoundSliders with very little changes in code.
    • Nice and clean ASDoc documentation.

    Download RoundSlider AS3 (Other)

    Storm MP3 Player (MP3 Players)

    The Storm MP3 Player expands, opens and unleashes the fury of a storm cloud animated to your music. Mouse over it and the cloud pursues.

    In addition to opening/closing the MP3 player’s case, other controls include: play/pause toggle button, next track button, previous track button, volume control slider, and a track info toggle button.

    The colors of the player case and storm clouds are customizable as shown in the preview. Style it to fit your website.

    Following are all of the settings that can be customized via the included XML text file…

    • openAtStart (specifies if the player is fully open at runtime)
    • autoPlayOn (specifies if music begins playing immediately at runtime)
    • initialVolume
    • continuousLoop (specifies if player stops after one complete play through)
    • randomStart (specifies if the starting track is chosen randomly from the list of available tracks)
    • Color Settings (case color, two cloud colors, cloud glow color, viz background color)
    • Your MP3 tracks (url location, title, and artist)

    Example FLA files in CS3 /CS4 format, ActionScript 3.0. Flash Player 9 or higher

    (Note: MP3 music tracks used in the preview are NOT included in the downloadable files. The first MP3 track in the preview is an excerpt from “Drifter” by AudioJungle author Adamjamescuz. It is available for purchase here: http://audiojungle.net/item/drifter/67307 )

    UPDATED 8 /14/10
    Streaming functionality has been added. The user can specify the number of seconds of buffer time in the XML file.

    Download Storm MP3 Player (MP3 Players)