Mega Pricing Tables (Miscellaneous)

This is a beautiful and clean pricing table. Cool buttons, nice hover effects and more. It’s very easy to set-up and even easier to customize.

This Pricing table comes with a fully layered PSD to create your own custom style.

  • Works in all major browsers (WORKS NOT IN IE6 )
  • CSS3 Enhancements
  • PSD Included
  • Lightweight code


Download Mega Pricing Tables (Miscellaneous)

Real-time Tweet Timeline (Media)

In current real-time streams data flows in from the top to bottom in a single column. This makes for a poor reading experience because the text you are focused on gets suddenly and unexpectedly shifted hundreds of pixels. By stacking the items in a single column and shifting the entire column once it fills makes for a much stabler and predictable motion while allowing a continuous feed of new items.

* Easy to install/customize
* Used the Prototype/Scriptaculous libraries
* Timeline is draggable
* Tweets flow into the timeline in real-time in a stacking/sliding motion making movement more predictable for the reader
* Connects to Twitter using jsonp so you don’t need to worry about rate limits or setting up a proxy. (no php/ruby required)
* Javascript uses a single class to be customizable and extendable. (you could easily incorporate Facebook, Flickr or any other service into your timeline)
* Garbage collection keeps the DOM clean. (customizable)
* Staging items in the DOM before adding to the stream significantly reduces the number of Twitter requests. Users should be able to let this run continuously and not hit the Twitter rate limit! (unless you speed it up by about 4-5x)

Download Real-time Tweet Timeline (Media)

Timezonr PHP Class – User-set timezone (Miscellaneous)

Timezonr is a simple way to implement the ability to have users choose their timezone so all dates and times reflect their current time. With this easy to use PHP class, you as a web designer, can add time localization to your website. With easy to use functions, you can provide the ability for the user to set their local timezone for easier readability and more accurate times. Some of these functions include setting a default timezone, setting the timezone based on the user’s input, automatically creating a dropdown menu with all available timezones, and we have also included some bonus functions like getting formatted date/time and easy-to-read formatting of time. Timezonr uses PHP sessions and cookies (if desired) to remember the user’s timezone preference.

Download Timezonr PHP Class – User-set timezone (Miscellaneous)

WizyLike Like/Unlike WordPress Plugin for Posts (WordPress)

WizyLike is a WordPress plugin that allows registered users or visitors to like/unlike your blog posts. It allows the user/visitor to like your post one time only and unlike it of desired. WizyLike has 3 style options and 12 colour options for maximum customisation. The mark-up is dead easy to style so if ready made styles doesn’t suit you, go ahead and make your tailored style ;).

Through the plugin’s settings page you can setup the colour, style, users-only limit, like text (eg ‘like?’) and finally the unlike text (eg ‘unlike’). You can also disable WizyLike on single posts (see screenshots).

Note: The live preview is open for visitors to like the ready made posts on there. You can switch the style and colours live on the post page. enjoy ;)

Download WizyLike Like/Unlike WordPress Plugin for Posts (WordPress)

compressIt – compress what you want (Miscellaneous)

Allow you to compress any folder, recursively or not, according to a pattern (eg. .jpg), or not, and download it in one step.

compressIt provides an api to make a zip file with all you want in it :

You customer need to download a picture folder in his website ?
“Damn, your pictures are scattered into many folders!”
compressIt do it in 4 lines.

You need to download all *.txt files in your website but they are scattered in lot of folders?
You need a incremental backup of anything?

compressIt do all these tasks for you in a fast and comprehensive way.

Download compressIt – compress what you want (Miscellaneous)

Drop-o-Matic | HTML5 Friendly Drop Menu (Miscellaneous Apps)

This is a very clean and simple HTML5 friendly drop navigation script. It uses the Prototype JS library and is written primarily using HTML5 and CSS3 markup. The drop menu script can be configured to show any type of content. Examples are included as well as detailed commenting to help you set it up.

Download Drop-o-Matic | HTML5 Friendly Drop Menu (Miscellaneous Apps)

PHP Easy Portfolio (Project Management Tools)

With this script, you can easily create your portfolio website! A great way to present your work over the Internet. It would be great for creating not only personal portfolios, but also company websites. You can add new works, delete or edit existing ones in the admin panel, add client testimonials, choose different styles, edit your ‘About Me’ page and link it with social media profiles, choose featured images to be shown on the homepage, and many more. Don’t forget to check the screenshots and live preview!

  • Easy and fast installation
  • Utilizes with MySQL database
  • Show your client testimonials
  • Web based installation
  • Built-in WYSIWYG editor
  • Automatically generated thumbnails
  • Different color&style options (black, white, silver)
  • Social media supported “About Me” page
  • Lightbox-supported image gallery
  • Pagination
  • Easy to customize CSS /XHTML
  • Advanced admin panel

Administrator Panel


Username: admin
Password: admin

Download PHP Easy Portfolio (Project Management Tools)

Video subtitles (Miscellaneous Apps)

With subtitler you can add subtitler to your HTML5 videos based on standard srt format subtitles. You can use HTML tags to add some styling your subtitles. And the look of the subtitles can be customized with CSS .

How to use

To use the script you add the following script to your page after loading jQuery and the subtitler plugin:

$('#video').subtitle("", {style:{'background': '#000', 'opacity': 0.8}, width: 400, height: 300});

Download Video subtitles (Miscellaneous Apps)

Canny Comment System (Forms)

Canny Comment is an advanced Ajax commenting system built for any website in need of some voice.


• Ajax-Powered
– Snappy jQuery-driven Ajax
• 100% CSS UI
– No images!
• Intuitive Admin Panel
– Manage comments your way, no config file hassles
• Comment ratings
– Let users rate each comment
• Admin approval
– Approve comments before making them live
– Receive emails of pending comments
• Client and server side validation
– Ajax and PHP front-end validation
• Fully sanitized data
– Safe from MySQL attacks
• Spam Protection
• Bad word filtering
• Refined jQuery animations
– Impress your audience
• Inline-labels for comment forms
– Makes things simple for your users
• Admin approve, deny, delete buttons
• Sort comments ascending or descending

This system is great for any site without comments, CMS sites, blogs. Even let Canny Comment take over your current commenting.

Download Canny Comment System (Forms)

Dynamically Load Multiple Minified Compressed CSS (Miscellaneous)

This simple script enables you to load multiple CSS files as a minified compressed version without changing your actual CSS files. This reduces the transfer rate of your CSS from the Web Server to the Browser and definitely gives a positive impact on your bandwidth usage as well as it loads faster. This script also caches the CSS files to reduce the number of requests to the web server everytime the website is visited.


  • Combines Multiple CSS Files into 1 Output.
  • Removes Line Breaks, Comments, Extra Spaces without disturbing the original files.
  • Compresses the output using PHP ’s ZLib Module.
  • Compresses the output up to 85% dynamically reducing the file transfer size and saves bandwidth.

Online Demo

The Demo URL will show you the Minified Compressed CSS version in which we have loaded 3 different CSS files and combined, minified and compressed them as 1 Output.

To View the Original Files. The URLs are:

Download Dynamically Load Multiple Minified Compressed CSS (Miscellaneous)

HTML5 Blue Video Gallery (3D)



This player uses the latest html5 tehniques. For example – it uses HTML5 LocalStorage to remember the last volume you had before you exit and sets back that volume when you come back. All the player graphics are driven by XML .


  • Focus on the video – the fullscreen button let’s you enjoy the video on the whole browser window
  • All graphics driven by XML – very easy to change position and image
  • Description box – provide a description to your video very easily due to the description button
  • Keep your site up to date with technology – this player utilizes the latest HTML5 video and LocalStorage tags.
  • Remembers your preferences – this player uses Html5’s LocalStorage in order to store the last volume you have set, so when you close the page and open it later, the volume is right back where you left it
  • Compatible with all major browsers, including IE – provides flash fallback for the browsers that don’t support the video tag ( you can specify which video to play through FlashVars )


    Video from –

  • Download HTML5 Blue Video Gallery (3D)

    Custom Picasa Gallery (Miscellaneous Apps)

    Want a Quick Video Overview of How it Looks/Works?

    Why Use a Custom Picasa Gallery?

    I built this custom gallery out of necessity. I love Picasa, but disliked the fact that there wasn’t really any way to customize my PicasaWeb album—at all, really. So, I began researching other web storage galleries around the web: SmugMug, ZenFolio, Phanfare, etc. They all had pros and cons, but, most noticeably, they were too dang expensive, when compared to Picasa’s super cheap web storage!

    The answer, I decided, was to utilize their API and build my own JavaScript-based custom gallery.

    What’s Cool About It:

    1. AJAX based. No page loads!
    2. Store your photo gallery on a custom domain, like “”
    3. Special support for the latest modern browsers, including client-side storage, and a slider to zoom in and out the photos, just like Picasa’s desktop app.
    4. It’s 100% skinnable, unlike PicasaWeb. If you’re familiar with CSS , then dig in! Add your logo, change the color scheme, change the layout….that’s the whole point. Make Picasa fit your needs.
    5. Browse all of your albums via thumbnails, as well as a drop down list in the sidebar.
    6. Lightbox functionality
    7. Keyboard navigation
    8. And plenty more. Plus…this application is being actively developed. As feedback comes in, more improvements will be made!


    • This custom Picasa gallery utilizes a decent amount of HTML5 type stuff. :) What that means is that, the newer your browser, the better the gallery will perform and look. I recommend Google Chrome for personal browsing. However, this gallery will work Internet Explorer 7+. Just keep in mind that the presentation isn’t quite as sharp due to the browser’s faults. Nonetheless, it works.
    • Regular non-dev Joes don’t know how to work with databases and server-side coding. That is specifically why this app is JavaScript-dependent. It’s for both developers and casual users. What this means, though, is that this is dependent upon JavaScript being enabled in the user’s browser. Not a big deal at all, but should be noted.

    This item is being actively developed, so expect numerous updates over the coming months, as suggestions roll in. Updating is free and super simple.

    Download Custom Picasa Gallery (Miscellaneous Apps)

    Noty (Miscellaneous Apps)

    Noty is a simple widget for taking notes about the current page. A potential use is taking notes on a blog post for commenting later.

    Noty uses several HTML5 and related technologies, using the browser’s native functionality wherever possible. It is designed to work in modern browsers.

    • Drag-and-Drop support via the browser’s native API . You can save excerpts from the page simply by highlighting text and dragging to the widget.
    • Persistent storage of notes for browsers that support it. Notes are saved in the user’s borwser for future visits.
    • Sharing of notes with link via Email or Twitter
    • Automatic URL shortening for sharing via
    • Ability to scroll directly to the source of a note on the page (not available in Internet Explorer)
    • Fancy CSS3 effects (box-shadow, gradients and transitions)
    • Fully semantic HTML5 markup
    • Collapsable widget, remembering the state for the next page. This is useful in case the widget covers part of the page.
    • Tested to work in current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari

    Download Noty (Miscellaneous Apps)