gonTracker – simple, serious HTML5 time tracking (Miscellaneous Apps)

gonTracker is an awesome cross-platform time tracker app that can:

  • track your time across multiple clients and projects
  • produce daily, weekly and monthly reports for all clients and projects, or for individual client or project.
  • run on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iPhone and Android (and even IE in the near future)
  • work without an Internet connection, you can take it offline, record your time entries, then sync it with dropbox whenever you have an Internet connection
  • sync your data using Dropbox, so you can share the same time tracking data across your computer and mobile devices

Just watch the demo video and screenshots

If you want to use Dropbox sync feature, you’ll need a server that supports PHP 5 .2 and above.

Deploying and installing the app is very simple. Just extract the downloaded package, upload it to your server, then access the page using your devices. You can also add a shortcut to the home screen and run the app on your mobile devices as if it were a native app!

Right now, the app has the same UI for both desktop and mobile environments. In the future, I’ll make two distincts versions for desktop and mobile devices. The desktop version will have more advanced features and flexibility. Lots of new exciting features are on the way, so stay tuned!

Download gonTracker – simple, serious HTML5 time tracking (Miscellaneous Apps)

zenDoubleListWidget (Forms)

About zenDoubleListWidget

zenDoubleListWidget is a jQuery plugin allowing you to magnify a select element with multiple choice to a double list widget.
The double list representation improve user experience in your design.

No live preview but a video preview is available.


  • jQuery Plugin
  • Progressive enhancement
  • Many options available to customize
  • Unnecessary to modify your server code
  • XHTML markup validated
  • Supported by almost every browser

Download zenDoubleListWidget (Forms)

formReplacer – fully customize your form elements (Forms)

This jQuery plugin replaces default checkboxes, selects and radioboxes with more flexible and robust counterparts.

The biggest benefit is of course the ability to style those elements however you like!

Say goodbye to the pesky and inconsistent styling. Each element is created using common HTML elements like spans and lists. You only need to alter few CSS rules to completely change their appearance and match it to your image. Now that’s full control.

More then that, it also:

– provides a super easy way to check/uncheck all checkboxes,
– allows for selecting a range (with shift-click) of options in Select-Multiple element,
– uses progressive enhancement – users without JavaScript enabled won’t notice a thing :)
– preserves full form functionality ($_GET/$_POST, submitting – all works like it always did!)

Improved interaction and usability:

In case of a checkbox and radio, whole area (label including) is click-able and has hover effects which let user know, it’s click-able.

Note: for this to work you need to supply ‘for’ attribute in Labels, which is the best practice anyway.

Each replaced element is thoroughly documented in the README . CSS file is also fully documented. This way you know exactly what to change!

When you download this code, you will also get layered PSD of all the images used (checkbox, select and radio). You can alter the colors in no time, save, change some CSS rules and you have a completely different theme that matches your website!

Of course you can create your own images and css, they sky’s the limit!

Download formReplacer – fully customize your form elements (Forms)

SimpleFileEdit (Miscellaneous)

SimpleFileEdit is a simple file editor that you can configure and drop into a folder in your website so you can edit files without having to deal with FTP clients.

All you have to do is give the files in the folder write access, put SimpleFileEdit in it, and configure what extensions should be editable. From there you just access SimpleFileEdit and start editing!

You can see the help folder for more details on how to configure everything.

Download SimpleFileEdit (Miscellaneous)

CSS3 Mega Drop Down Menu (Navigation and Menus)

This Mega Drop Down Menu is perfect for creating unique menus easily. It’s CSS / XHTML only, there is absolutely NO javascript.

The content can be organized in 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 columns based on the 960 grid system.

This item comes with 9 color variants and a detailed documentation to help you start with your brand new menu.

CSS classes allow you to create lists, paragraphs with (or without) images, make your menu stick to the left or the right side, and create your own color schemes quickly.


  • 9 color schemes
  • Easy to customize
  • Valid XHTML / CSS 3 markup
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Up to 5 columns
  • Typography examples
  • Form stylings
  • Left or right alignment
  • Help documentation

Compatible Browsers

This menu has been tested (and works !) in all the following browsers :

  • Internet Explorer 6
  • Internet Explorer 7
  • Internet Explorer 8
  • Firefox 2
  • Firefox 3
  • Firefox 3.5
  • Firefox 3.6+
  • Safari 4
  • Safari 5
  • Opera
  • Chrome 4
  • Chrome 5

Download CSS3 Mega Drop Down Menu (Navigation and Menus)

Smoothnav CSS3 menus with transition (Navigation and Menus)

The Smoothnav Menus have 3 ready to use examples of menu using css3 transition, you can use it horizontally and vertically. This files does support multiple browsers, and includes a generator using less for easy customization.

It degrades nicely in browsers that don’t support css3 transitions.

Download Smoothnav CSS3 menus with transition (Navigation and Menus)

Sliding Contact Panel (Forms)

Follow Mordauk on Twitter
Check out Pippin's Pages.com

Current Version: 1.0

This is an elegant solution that puts a “sliding contact panel” on any site.

It will put a small “Contact” tab in the top left corner that expands to show a contact form and social media links when clicked.


  • Smooth jQuery Animations
  • Cross browser compatible
    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Firefox
    • Opera
    • IE 7 , 8, 9
  • Complete Form Validation
    • Required Forml Validation
    • Email Validation
    • Anti-Bot Math Validation
    • Fancy jQuery validation error messages
  • 15 Social network icons integrated (more included with files)
  • 5 color schemes
  • CSS 3 for lightning quick loading—no images harmed in production
  • Graceful degradation for non-CSS3 browsers
  • Detailed implementation instructions
  • Very well commented code

What about WordPress?

This Sliding Contact Panel was originally released as a WordPress plugin, and it can be found here.

100% Cross browser compatible

My Other Plugins

WordPress plugins by Pippin Williamson

Mordauk’s Plugins

Download Sliding Contact Panel (Forms)

Umbrella Text Messager (Miscellaneous)

Umbrella Text Messager (UTM for short) is an entirely object-oriented library for PHP that provides a common interface for multiple SMS -gateway services and manages the hassles normally involved with each of them, enabling developers to conveniently send dynamic text messages with minimal code.

Length limitations are not an issue because UTM will automatically split up long messages while intelligently maintaining readability by ensuring that partial words are not left at the beginning or end of message segments. Other features like multiple recipients and message personalization per recipient make UTM a powerful library that will save any developer a lot of time and frustration.

The word “umbrella” in the name is used in the same manner as the phrase “umbrella term.” UTM supports multiple SMS gateways, but only a few gateway-specific options keep the interface from being completely universal. The same methods are used regardless of the choice of gateway, so the code for sending a message with one gateway can easily be adapted to use another gateway instead if your needs change.


UTM currently supports four gateways. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but the choice lets developers choose whatever fits their specific needs. If you would like to see another gateway supported, be sure to let me know.

  • email
  • Google Voice
  • Twilio
  • Cloudvox


  • The choice of multiple gateways complements developers’ specific needs.
  • The code interface for all supported gateways is nearly identical.
  • Limitations and requirements specific to each gateway are handled behind the scenes.
  • Long messages are automatically and intelligently split up while maintaining readability.
  • Messages can be sent to as many recipients as needed.
  • Messages can be personalized for each recipient by using conditional tags and replacement tags.

International Support

The email, Twilio, and Cloudvox gateways all support international numbers to at least some extent. At this time, Google Voice does not seem to support international numbers.

Although foreign languages are not necessarily unsupported by UTM , they are not specifically supported at this time, and the supported gateways may or may not be suitable for languages other than English.

Carriers (applies to the email gateway only)

The following carriers are currently supported by the email gateway. If you need support for one not listed, just let me know. Also, realize that this list is for the email gateway ONLY . Carrier support for the other gateways is entirely dependent on the gateway services themselves, not UTM .

  • AT&T
  • Alltel
  • Boost Mobile
  • Bouygues Télécom
  • Centennial Wireless
  • Cincinnati Bell Wireless
  • Cricket
  • Metro PCS
  • Mobi PCS
  • Orange (U.K.)
  • PowerTel
  • Qwest Wireless
  • Rogers
  • SFR (France)
  • Southern Linc
  • Sprint Nextel
  • T-Mobile
  • T-Mobile (U.K.)
  • U.S. Cellular
  • Verizon Wireless
  • Virgin Mobile
  • Virgin Mobile (Canada)
  • Vodafone (U.K.)


  • MMS messages are not supported.
  • Languages other than English may or may not work.
  • International numbers are not entirely supported.


Update: I submitted an update that includes the Swift Mailer dependency in the software package and loads it automatically, rather than requiring users to download it separately and reference it themselves. As soon as the update is approved, the following with no longer apply:

The email gateway relies on the Swift Mailer library, which you will need to download separately. Further instructions are included in the documentation that comes with the UTM software package.

All other dependencies are already included in the UTM software package. UTM loads them automatically as needed.

Download Umbrella Text Messager (Miscellaneous)

Horizontal Hero (Miscellaneous)

Horizontal Hero is a library filled with 70+ prestyled horizontal lines.


  • CSS only
  • Support for all major browsers
  • Degrades gracefully with special horizontal lines (which make use of :after and :before) in Internet Explorer
  • Most horizontal lines are in 5 different sizes (superthin, thin, normal, thick and superthick)
  • Good online documentation

Download Horizontal Hero (Miscellaneous)

Easyforms – Generate Forms from DB (Database Abstractions)

Easyforms allows you to automatically generate forms from MySQL tables, process submitted forms to add data into the table, and generate paginated HTML tables to gracefully output your database to your web pages.

Forms and tables generated with Easyforms are flexible, allowing you to change field names and remove fields that you don’t need. They are also protected from SQL Injection attacks, allowing you to use Easyforms for any kind of form in any kind of web site.

Download Easyforms – Generate Forms from DB (Database Abstractions)

Twitter Authentication (OAuth) Class (Social Networking)

Twitter Class is PHP based class that simplifies user authentication on twitter. As we know, twitter these days (exactly on 31 august 2010) has deprecated the old version of authentication called “Basic Authentication” and since then all request must be authenticated with OAuth system.

“OAuth is a simple way to publish and interact with protected data. It’s also a safer and more secure way for people to give you access. We’ve kept it simple to save you time.”
? OAuth web site.
If you are courious to know more about the OAuth authentication system please visit – http://www.oauth.net and you will learn more techniques about implementing this system.

By using this PHP class you are able to fetch twitter user infromation about profile, friends, statuses and statuses of friends with extra details that tiwtter offers with it’s own API . Also you can post statuses and delete them by using two-four lines declaration for each operation. The class itself is simply to understand and presents to you functions list that are very easy to use.

As another feature of this script is User Authentication via Twitter. This is similiar to Facebook Connect but instead of using Facebook Accounts, someone preffers to integrate the twitter system to he’s company web site or personal site.
The best of this feature is because it requires only ONE -LINE-DECLARATION to apply this system and everything is connected with Twitter. You can view how this system works and see the source code of Example 5

Warning: By the time, Twitter may update it’s own API and can cause issues that won’t let this script work normally, and I will upload new versions of this script, which you can download from your account at CodeCanyon (free of course).

Download Twitter Authentication (OAuth) Class (Social Networking)