AJAX Contact Forms (for WordPress) (Contact Forms)

This is a jQuery based AJAX powered HTML / PHP contact form with Twitter Direct Messaging, easily integrated into WordPress via shortcodes and functions.

Features include:

  • AJAX powered (no page reloads!) Save your bandwidth!
  • Instantly notifies you via the Twitter Direct Message API as well as via E-Mail.
  • Very easy to integrate into any existing WordPress page on your website.
  • All fields have a validation script so you get the * required info you need.
  • Improved Anti Spam ‘Captcha’, are you human? verification.
  • Make as many forms as you like, and customise them, all via the WordPress admin panel.
  • Integrated Animated Sliding Thank You / Success page.
  • Integrated AJAX Javascript Sliding Error notification, if fields aren’t correct or incomplete.

Server Requirements
Supports either PHP4 or 5. Captcha requires GD image library

Can be tweaked/modified once purchased if you know the PHP language.

Tags: twitter, contact, php, AJAX , validation, css, style, form, submit, process, fields, WordPress

04/10/2010 – 1.0 Released.

Follow us on Twitter

Download AJAX Contact Forms (for WordPress) (Contact Forms)

QuickOptimizer – minify your JS/CSS. Save traffic. (Miscellaneous)

QuickOptimizer is an easy-to-use optimizer for your JavaScript (JS) and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files. It saves you bandwidth and makes your website load faster.
It minifies your JS and/or CSS files and combines them so the user’s browser won’t have to download many files. This affects the loading speed because there are fewer HTTP requests that are made.
Most of the time the browser requests each file just to find out that it hasn’t changed and it can load it from cache. But in the meantime it waits for the HTTP requests to be processed. By merging the files together it has to make only one or two requests.
The CSS minifier compresses your CSS files to the absolute limit by stripping out unnecessary spaces and combining some properties together. The files can be up to 50% smaller after compression. It also has the ability to fix some CSS errors and delete duplicating properties, leaving the last one.

The JS minifier can compress your JS files and can reduce the file size by half, not considering the time you save from HTTP requests.

Can I compress CSS or JS that is put directly in the page, not in external file?
Yes, you can. And it will also be cacheable.

Great! But what about php processing time?
QuickOptimizer caches the compressed files. This means that it processes your JS and CSS files only the first time they are requested, the next time a cached file is needed it doesn’t have to compress it all over again, it just gives it to the user.
The cache is automatically updated when you make changes to your files. There is no need for you to manually clear the cache or to wait for it to expire.

OK, but what if something goes wrong? Does it have a failsafe?
Of course! The QuickOptimizer class uses PHP Exceptions and that means that if something goes wrong parsing your CSS /JS code you can fallback to your regular, non-modified, files.


  • Easy to use.
  • Saves you bandwidth
  • Merges JS and CSS files together
  • Your pages load faster with fewer HTTP requests
  • CSS and JS compressor with up to 50% compression rate
  • Fixes some CSS errors
  • Caches the compressed files
  • Compress CSS and JS on page

Note: this item uses CSSTidy and JSMin so it is all tested.

Download QuickOptimizer – minify your JS/CSS. Save traffic. (Miscellaneous)

ImgSlider (Sliders)

Imgslider is a jQuery plugin that simplifies the animation of images when hovered. Ideal for featured posts, banner ads, popular products, etc.


  • Cross-browser compatible. Works in IE 6 , 7, 8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome
  • Degrades gracefully when JavaScript is disabled. Images and CSS styling remain viewable
  • Easily add to any existing website or dynamically generated content
  • Very easy to customize
  • Semantic, valid XHTML and CSS
  • Powered by the ever popular jQuery JavaScript library
  • Includes detailed instructions

Download ImgSlider (Sliders)

Timeliner (Sliders)

A jQuery plugin that enables you to easily create timed slideshow presentations.

Including the plugin on your page will turn an unordered list into a slideshow with the list items as slides. Then style it by CSS , with or without images, and customize the behaviour using the plugin options.
Full documentation and examples included.


  • Very customizable by CSS & plugin options
  • Use any type of html / media types inside the slides
  • Use a global or individual slide interval
  • Optionaly show / hide most of the features
  • 4 transition types (fade, slide, reveal, instant)
  • Compatible with all common browsers, even IE6
  • Multiple instances on the same page possible
  • User can click a node to start the associated slide
  • User can click the timeline to start the associated slide
  • User can pause/resume the presentation
  • Keyboard functionality (space = pause/play)
  • Contains fully commented source code
  • Contains documentation/help file

Download Timeliner (Sliders)

EZ Gallery – Image, Video and YouTube auto gallery (Images and Media)

EZ gallery is a one stop shop for getting a feature rich, hassle free, multi media gallery running on your web site / project.

It is a continuation of my auto gallery script, but with a fully redesigned backbone. it still provides the full directory and sub directory scan, but is now loaded with a ton of new features.

As well as written documentation, the download contains video tutorials as well for your convenience.


  • Supports multiple top level directories
  • Supports jpg, jpeg, gif, png
  • Supports .mov movie files
  • Can build galleries of youtube videos
  • Pagination
  • Link to facebook
  • Image captions
  • Gallery descriptions
  • Automatic nivo slider generation
  • Cached thumbnails
  • Thumbnail orphan clearup

Download EZ Gallery – Image, Video and YouTube auto gallery (Images and Media)

Pure CSS3 Sticky Footer (Navigation and Menus)

This CSS3 Sticky Footer will help you to create unique footer with CSS /XHTML only, there is absolutely NO javascript.

The content can be organized into simple “drop-up” lists or in 1, 2 or 3 columns based on the 960 grid system.

This item comes with 2 variants (black and glass) and a detailed documentation to help you start with your brand new footer.

CSS classes allow you to create lists, paragraphs with (or without) images or make your menu items stick to the left or the right side.


  • Available in “dark” or “glass” style
  • Easy to customize
  • Valid XHTML / CSS 3 markup
  • Cross Browser Support (starting from IE6 )
  • Up to 3 columns
  • Typography examples
  • Left or right alignment for the menu
  • Help documentation

Compatible Browsers

This menu has been tested (and works !) in all the following browsers :

  • Internet Explorer 6
  • Internet Explorer 7
  • Internet Explorer 8
  • Internet Explorer 9 (Beta)
  • Firefox 2
  • Firefox 3
  • Firefox 3.5
  • Firefox 3.6
  • Firefox 4 (Beta)
  • Safari 4
  • Safari 5
  • Opera
  • Chrome 4
  • Chrome 5
  • Chrome 6
  • Chrome 7

Download Pure CSS3 Sticky Footer (Navigation and Menus)

CSS3 Bubbles (Miscellaneous)

100% pure CSS3 powered speech bubbles, customisable with any hexadecimal colour and background, whether it be a solid colour, texture or even an image.


  • Pure CSS3 – No image at all
  • Simple to use, just copy and paste
  • Fully tested and compatible with in FireFox 3, Safari, Chrome 5, Mobile Safari (iPhone, iPad)
  • Easy to create your own coloured bubbles (4 lines of simple CSS code, see images)
  • Works on any background, light or dark, solid or textured, or even an image

Download CSS3 Bubbles (Miscellaneous)

CSS3 Premium Button Pack (Buttons)

Please Note: Preview Screenshots are not in proper order. They are going to be readjusted soon. Till then please consider Screenshot 11 as the first screenshot.

CSS3 Premium Button Pack is created using pure CSS3 markup. These buttons are simple to use and easy to implement which
require Zero Images to create. You can use these buttons for any kind of websites. All of the html and CSS files are
fully commented so that anyone can use them. With this pack we have also included a detailed instructons.html and
CSS3 Button Cheat Sheet.pdf.


  • No images required
  • 6 different sizes
  • 20 Colors
  • 29 Corner radius values (from 2px to 30px)
  • Special buttons with arrows created using CSS
  • Premium call-to-action buttons

Browser Compatibility:

  • These buttons work perfectly in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari
  • In Opera, buttons lose gradient (see screenshot)
  • We have used PIE (see below) to emulate CSS3 properties in IE8 . However, it does not show the text shadow. All normal buttons
    work perfectly in IE6 -7.

External Script:

How to Implement:

Just add some classes and link your html file to the CSS . That’s all. Suppose, for a link you want to create a green standard size button with 16 px corner radius. Just type:

<a href="#" class="button standard green r16">Button Text</a>

free counters

Download CSS3 Premium Button Pack (Buttons)

Widgets (Utilities)

Widgets is a ExpressionEngine 2.1 module that allows even your least experienced client or to manage chunks of intelligent content on there site without needing to learn loads of tags, HTML or call you in to help.

Widget Areas can be defined (header, sidebar, news page footers, etc) then Widget Instances can be added in. Available Widgets currently include HTML blocks, Twitter Feeds, RSS Feeds, Google Maps and Social Bookmarks, but more will be included with each release.

Preview video: http://blip.tv/file/4059118

Download Widgets (Utilities)

HTML plugin (Tags)

Using this plugin you can strip, encode and decode HTML inside tags or chunks of text. For example you could do:

{exp:channel:entries channel=”news”}



Encoded: {exp:html:encode}{body}{/exp:html:encode}


Have a look at the screenshots for a better example of how this works. Simple, and a life saver at a pinch!

Download HTML plugin (Tags)

Multi Language Support Extension for EE 2.x (Utilities)

This extension provides the foundation for Multi Language Support in EE 2 .x front-end – your web site.

The extension is packaged with helper plugins one that provides an easy way to output any text from language files located in language folder; the other that provides an easy way to create a language switcher navigation.

Download Multi Language Support Extension for EE 2.x (Utilities)

Premium Event Manager (Calendars)

Premium Event manager is a perfect solution for event programs, plans etc to show on your site. Loaded with tons of features, theme as well as size choose you will love it. It has a beautiful backend admin and elegant interface with lightbox to show the details.

Features Includes

  • Live search and pagination support of events in the front page of the backend.
  • Front page table has important options for each event.
  • UTF8 unicode support.
  • PDF export both all and particular events
  • CSV exportboth all and particular events
  • Google Calendar import and export
  • Custom theme chooser
  • Custom size chooser
  • An inbuilt calendar in admin to manager both personal and public events
  • Flexible settings
  • Lightbox details shown in front end calendar
  • Weekly and monthly events support
  • Download pdf in calendar for each event.
  • Both list and calendar view supported.
  • WYSIWYG editor
  • Good documentation


  • Icons – wefunctions and famfam silk icons
  • TCPDF for pdf generation

Download Premium Event Manager (Calendars)

EasyEdit (Loaders and Uploaders)

EasyEdit is an easy-to-use, cross-platform webpage editor that makes editing any webpage a pinch – even for non-technical users!

It works with any static HTML file, and it will even work with pages containing server-side scripting; provided that the area marked to be editable is static.

How does it work?

It’s dead easy to add EasyEdit functionality to any webpage! Just add the required JavaScript slug at the end of the body tag and mark out an area to be editable.

Full instructions are provided in the zip file.


  • Super easy to install to any webpage
  • Password protection ensures only authorized users can make changes
  • Fast and lightweight, no long page loads
  • Requires no HTML or programming skills to use – it’s as simple as Microsoft Word
  • Compatible with URL rewriting
  • In-page editor – accurate WYSIWYG editing right in your browser
  • Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike-through, Superscript and Subscript formatting options
  • Intuitive image insertion, positioning and resizing
  • Hyperlink addition and deletion
  • Many more formatting options such as fonts, lists and links – just to name a few

Download EasyEdit (Loaders and Uploaders)