AJAX Commenting Platform (Forms)

This component allows you to install a fully AJAX commenting system on any webpage (requires jQuery).


  • Allow users post comments and replies on any webpage
  • ALL operations are controled by AJAX so no waiting time!
  • Comments rating system!
  • Comments report system!
  • Administration Panel where you can manage your threads and comments
  • Comment Geotagging!
  • Easy setup and costumizable with your own CSS
  • Gravatar support (Can be disabled if you want)
  • SPAM protection
  • Optionally require comment approval before going live
  • Optionally show user’s country name and/or flag
  • Optionally show user’s browser and/or OS (usefull for websites about technology)
  • Facebook style comment scrolling
  • Automatically convert website links and email addresses to clickable links
  • If you have experience with CSS and/or Javascript you can costumize as much you want
  • NO waiting time. All the actions are handled via AJAX
  • Requires PHP and MySQL server. Also needs jQuery framework

    Download AJAX Commenting Platform (Forms)

    ProxySourcesFinder (Windows)

    ProxySourcesFinder – version 1.0

    On internet you can find tons of sources of proxies but most are dead, exhausted or too old to be used.
    With ProxySourcesFinder, all sources found has been created or updated in last 24h maximum!

    This tool use a unique process to find the latest sources of public proxies.
    In one click, you’ll get many URLs of fresh lists, ready to be harvested with a proxy scraper.

    Every 24h ProxySourcesFinder will find new sources!
    Not need to run this process several times a day, just once and you’ll get enough proxies for the day.

    The duration of the process is around 15 sec. to 1 min.

    Fast – Full threaded – Quick start guide include

    Download ProxySourcesFinder (Windows)

    Simon Says iPhone Game (Games)

    This is complete Simon Says iPhone game. Goal of game is to follow the pattern of colors as long as you can. Game is complete solution, feel free to use existing images or add your images and publish it to iTunes store. Code is commented, so you’ll find it easy to make any changes. Game supports retina display, you’ll find @2x images in “retina” folder and preretina images in “normal” folder. Project also includes Icon and Default image files, all button images have highlight state image. Game consist of two views: start and gameplay. Gameplay view is displayed as modal view with flip horizontal transition style.

    Thanks for your purchase!

    Download Simon Says iPhone Game (Games)

    Youtube App for Titanium (Full Applications)

    “Youtube App” is a solution for creating cross platform Youtube API based mobile video application. It fetches Youtube standard feed as well as main categories. There is a search video feature with option to sort search results by view count, rating & time. See screenshots for more details.


    • Browse Youtube standard feeds & categories
    • Search videos by keywords
    • Sort search result by view count, rating & time
    • Watch video inside the App using embed code
    • Based on Youtube API V2

    Thank you for your interest!

    Download Youtube App for Titanium (Full Applications)

    jQuery Social Bar (Social Networks)

    Item Description:

    The jQuery Social Bar is a professional and elegant plugin that adds the possibility of show your social profiles in a sleek and innovative way.

    Set the quantity of icons, links, texts, and speed animation easily.


    • jQuery Framework
    • 20 Social Icons included
    • 2 Different Color Styles (Clear / Dark)
    • PSD Files included
    • Cross-Browser Support
    • Example demos included
    • Simple to Customize
    • Well Documented


    http://paulrobertlloyd.com/ for his awesome pack of icons.

    Recommended Items

    Download jQuery Social Bar (Social Networks)

    jQuery Notify (Miscellaneous)

    Whether you want to alert a user to a change or tell them their latest modifications were saved, this plugin makes it easy to create eye-catching notifications.

    jQuery Notify is easy to implement, fast loading and will improve the usability of your website. It comes pre-loaded with a simple style which is easily modified using basic CSS and includes jQuery 1.7.1.

    For the more advanced user jQuery Notify gives you the option to use up to 4 separate callbacks on each notification item which fire at key points in the invocation process.

    Check out the demo for more information…

    Download jQuery Notify (Miscellaneous)

    lvPlayer – Premium Audio Playlist (Media)

    This playlist player is supported by all major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE7 -9, Opera etc.) and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android etc.. It comes with a lot of Options and a great API .

    Additionally playlist player also allows you to share on social networks, reporting bugs for administrators, …..

    With the features I’m sure you will love. If you like this code, please follow me. Thanks all.

    Download lvPlayer – Premium Audio Playlist (Media)

    Background 3D Parallax (JavaScript)

    The easiest way to get a 3D parallax effect on your website. This plugin allows you to create a full-screen background parallax effect.

    There are a total of 4 layers that can be animated independently. To setup just choose the pictures, then choose and play with your settings.

    I have also included an option to have a full-screen slideshow with the parallax effect on top of that.

    Download Background 3D Parallax (JavaScript)

    Furnine Under Construction Timer – WP Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Furnine Under construction Timer WordPress Plugin

    This easy plugin adds a count-down timer splash screen to your website during website maintenance stage. You can change all of the content that displays on splash page via WordPress back-end settings for UCT .


    • * Easy settings panel to change count-down timer settings
    • * Post currently working status
    • * Update percentage completed via progress bar
    • * Simple activate or deactivate the count-down timer from WordPress back-end
    • * Social media (twitter and facebook) integration
    • * Newsletter subscrption form – this form will send email of with email address of people subscribe for newsletter to your email address.


    Demo Link – front end

    Change log

    v1.0 - December 21, 2011
    * Initial Launch of the plugin

    Download Furnine Under Construction Timer – WP Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Groupon PHP Client (Social Networking)

    Groupon Client is a light weight, object oriented PHP Wrapper around the Groupon REST API . This client gives any PHP based website easy access to Groupon with the following supported features:

    1. Access to all Groupon Locations

    2. All available deals for each location

    3. Fine grained details on each Deal.

    4. User submitted posts/comments on each Deal

    5. Global “Groupon Says” Commentary feed

    6. All data can be returned in either JSON , XML or as PHP Objects

    6. Super easy to install with just 2 lines of code.

    Download Groupon PHP Client (Social Networking)

    WordPress Social Counters & Ranking (Social Networking)

    Show your social counts, prove yourself, attract people, strengthen your network, promote your business. It has dramatically helped us improving our social stats. Get Word Press Social Counter And Ranking Plugin and be ready to face the truth.

    In the fast past few months we have realized that how important social stats are for a website to quickly promote business or blog. It makes a big impact on a person’s mind to determine how powerful this website / blog is. These stats will help them to decide whether to join your network or find a better one for product or knowledge he can rely upon.


    Displays the number of:

    • Facebook Page Likes
    • Alexa Rank, Google PageRank
    • YouTube Channel and Feedburner Feed Subscribers
    • Twitter, Dribbble, Forrst and Digg Fans & Followers
  • Feed Subscribe Box for inviting users to get subscribe to your blog feeds.
  • Enable and disable any of these networks to perfectly fit your needs.
  • Fluid layout set automatically to you WordPress widget size.
  • Customizable widget background, border, colors according to your theme.
  • Updates every four hours to reduce API calls and load time.
  • Default values as a fallback, if any of the APIs is not reachable
  • Support for all major browsers
  • Free future updates, to support even more networks and additional features
  • Freedom

    Our plugin will give you freedom for activating services that you want to show to your reader or users. Suppose if I want to show Facebook Fans and Twitter Followers count only and do not want to show Digg, Dribbble, Forrst fans – followers count. I would prefer as a programmer to show my stack overflow reputation over my social count. I can also decide whether I want to avail ranking facility such as Google page rank and Alexa rank of my site / blog.


    • WordPress 2.8+
    • PHP 5 .0+

    Future plans

    • Add even more networks (e.g. Google+, Delicious, LinkedIn, Mail Chimp, aweber…)
    • New additional styles

    Some More Words

    If you really liked this plugin then take a minute and rate it. It would be highly appreciated by our team. If you have rated it anything less than 5 star then please let us know where were we lacking and didn’t fulfill you expectations. We are all open for your suggestions do not hesitate to contact us. Please go to this link and just fill contact form. We are just one step away.

    Download WordPress Social Counters & Ranking (Social Networking)