Restrict Content Pro – Premium Content Plugin (Membership)

Restrict Content Pro is a complete subscription and premium content manager plugin for WordPress. Create an unlimited number of subscription levels, including free, trial and premium. Manage member’s and their subscriptions, track payments, offer discounts with a complete discount code system, and provide premium, members only content to your subscribers.

Very Simple to Use

With all of the features you need to set up premium content at your finger tips, Restrict Content Pro makes it extremely easy to deliver premium content to your subscribers.

With multiple methods of restricting content, you will find it quite simple to restrict entire posts / pages or just portions of them. Want to show content to premium users only? No problem. Want to show content to non-registered users only (such as a signup form)? No problem. Want to show content to non-registered users and non-premium users? This is simple too.

Members Management

Restrict Content Pro includes a complete member management system that lets you easily view all active, pending, expired, cancelled, and free users. Member’s subscriptions can be added or modified at anytime. Discount codes used and payments made by members are all tracked, so you can easily view every payment made or discount code used by any member. Subscription packages can include expiration dates, and members’ subscription statuses are automatically changed when they reach their expiration date.

Unlimited Subscription Packages

With Restrict Content Pro you can create an unlimited number of subscription packages. Each subscription level includes a name, description, duration, and price. You can easily create free, trial, and premium subscriptions. Member counts for all subscription levels are tracked as well, so you can quickly see which subscription levels are the most popular.

A user’s subscription level is chosen during the registration process. All subscription levels are shown to the user in an attractive manner on the registration page. View the Join the Site page on Pippin’s to view a sample of the registration page and subscription levels.

All subscription levels include the option for one-time payments and recurring payments. While registering, users simply choose whether they want a non-renewing subscription that expires at a set time, or an automatically renewing subscription.

Integrated with PayPal Payments

All subscription payments are made via PayPal, allowing extremely fast and secure transactions. When a user signs up for a subscription, their account is automatically activated when the payment is complete. If a user has signed up for a subscription and then chooses to cancel it later on, their account on your website is automatically disabled as well, once the subscription reaches its end of term.

Additional payment gateways coming soon.

Discount Codes

Offer promotional discounts to subscribers with the complete discount code system built into Restrict Content Pro.

Create an unlimited number of discount codes and offer percentage or flat rate based discounts. Every time a discount code is used, it is tracked so that you can view the total number of times a discount is used, and it is also recorded to the details page of the member that used the discount.

Codes can be made active / inactive at any time and also have a protection system built-in that prevents users from using a discount more than once.

Payment Tracking

Every payment made to your website through Restrict Content Pro is recorded to the database for easy payment tracking. The Payments page of the plugin will display all payments recorded in the system, including the details of the payment, and will provide a number for the total amount of earnings made through the plugin.

Payments made by members are also recorded to the user’s meta information, allowing you to view every payment made by an individual user.

Data Export

In order to accommodate your own methods of tracking earnings and subscription sign ups, Restrict Content Pro includes an export function that allows you to download a CSV o all members or payments. You can generate a CSV of all active members of any particular subscription level, or a CSV of every member in the system. You can also generate a CSV of every payment that has been made.

The CSVs exported from Restrict Content Pro can then be used in whatever way you feel best. For example, you could export all of your expired members, then import them directly into Mail Chimp or aWeber and send them a special email newsletter encouraging them to renew their subscription. Or you could drop the payments CSV into your own financial tracking software.

Easy to Set Up

With just the right number of configuration settings, Restrict Content Pro is extremely simple to setup.

You can easily configure the messages that are displayed to non-authorized users when they try to view premium content; you can enter your PayPal email (for payments) and choose your currency easily. Also choose to enable jQuery validation on the registration and change password forms; configure the emails that are sent out to users when the sign up or modify their subscription.

A Sandbox (testing) mode is also included that allows you to test the plugin with PayPal before receiving any actual payments to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

Extensive Help

Every page of the plugin’s administrative interface includes a contextual Help tab that provides you relevant information at your finger tips. Forget about the hassle of opening an external documentation to find what you need; it’s all right there.

Also included with the plugin, is an additional built-in help page that includes documentation on all aspects of the plugin not covered in the Help tabs. In the Help page, is also a selection of introductory over view videos that give you simple, quick explanations of how to set up the plugin.

Download Restrict Content Pro – Premium Content Plugin (Membership)

Social Auth WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

SocialAuth WordPress Plugin

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Social Auth WordPress Plugin

Socail Auth is a script that lets you authorize your sign-in with social newtorks like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo

You can make a login area on your website in order to do let your users to authorize their sign-in with social networks by purchasing and integrate to your website.No need regisration anymore!

Script Features

  • Login with Facebook
  • Login with Twitter
  • Login with Linkedin
  • Login with Google
  • Login with Yahoo
  • Enable/Disable login buttons
  • Plugin usage
  • Widget usage


  • WordPress 2.8+
  • PHP 5 .0+
  • Applications that are created on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin

Live Demo

You can view online demo here


Please do not hesitate to ask any question for this product by using contact form on my profile here

PHP Version

You can view PHP verson here

Download Social Auth WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

Shiny Hover Effect (Miscellaneous)

Follow me on CodeCanyon


Shiny Hover Effect could be apllied to any html element and could be customized for your own needs. image hover, link hover, Logo hover and works in all recent browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer 7,8,9 as well as Mobile Safari on iPhone/iPad.


  • Shiny Hover Effect
  • Shiny Hover Effect (packed)
  • jQuery Easing 1.3
  • Documentation & Examples


  • Easy to integrate
  • Cross browser support
  • Customizable
  • Documentation & Example included

Please contact me if you have questions or if you have experienced bugs while using Shiny Hover Effect.

Download Shiny Hover Effect (Miscellaneous)

Pixel Map (Canvas)

I just submitted an update that fixes a small bug. I will edit this when the item has been approved. If you have purchased already, email me through my profile and I can send you the file. Thanks!

A dynamic, jquery/CANVAS plugin with over 35 customizable options.

Use this pixel map as a great way to interact with you global customer base. Use any stylized image as tool tips or simple HTML text, and let the map do the rest.

Check out the documentation to see its full potential.

What is new with Animike Interactive?

Download Pixel Map (Canvas)

WeatherSlider WP – jQuery anim. WordPress widget (Widgets)

This is a beautiful weather slider WordPress widget with animated weather effects and 48 weather types.


  • 48 different weather types from a powerful weather API !
  • Showing current weather and three days weather forecast (mouse over the information box)
  • Easy-variable weather elements
  • Various animations (in most cases CSS3 support too!)
  • Flexible size from 240×200 to 1300×600 pixels
    (content, images and font size also auto resizing!)
  • Multiple (unlimited) locations in one slider
  • Multiple sliders in one screen (widget function)
  • Touch-control (iOS tested)
  • Keyboard navigation (optional)
  • Geolocation feature
  • Language support
  • Layered PSD attached


1.1 (20120106)

  • added touch control for mobile devices
  • added geolocation feature
  • daytime bugfix
  • switched-off animation bugfixes

Download WeatherSlider WP – jQuery anim. WordPress widget (Widgets)

Lite Invoicing System (Project Management Tools)

This script can be used to manage invoices and clients. You can create invoice, quotations using this very easy. And also you can manage your product or service list easily. Once you create the invoice or quotation you view them in PDF button and by clicking the button you can email the invoice and equation to your client instantly. PayPal express checkout has been integrated with this script. Payment tracking and receipt generation also implemented

Download Lite Invoicing System (Project Management Tools)

Easy Custom Styles For WordPress (WordPress)

Please check out the screenshots for a good idea of how this plugin works. Also, be sure to check out the full documentation, which includes step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial.

Easy Custom Styles for WordPress allows you to add any number of custom styles to the WYSIWYG editor on WordPress posts and pages. Simply create a new style with the easy to use CSS editor and live preview, select the text to style in the WordPress post or page WYSIWYG editor and choose your new style from the drop down menu. The style will be applied in the editor and on the front end of the website.

Custom Styles Dropdown

Main Features

  • Add any number of custom styles to your WordPress WYSIWYG editor.
  • Easy to use CSS Style Selector.
  • Apply a large variety of CSS styles to a paragraph block, or text selection.
  • Edit styles you have already set up.
  • Perfect for creating emphasis, for example, a warning or message, a call to action, quotes – anything you want!
  • Easy to use for website owners and developers.
  • Great for setting up pre-defined styles for client websites.

Download Easy Custom Styles For WordPress (WordPress)

Subscriber Traffic Pop for WordPress (Newsletters)

Subscriber Traffic Pop for WordPress takes the original jQuery version and puts it on steroids to create an awesome list building tool. Turn your traffic into an email list generating army by utilizing the Traffic Pop™ base as a way to generate tons of highly profitable email leads quickly and easily!


  • HTML5  subscription form with built-in validation, wrapped inside of the awesome Traffic Pop™ base.
  • Subscription Manager – Keeps track of all emails+names in a WordPress styled format allowing you to quickly prune your email list!
  • Remembers users who already subscribed, will not create duplicate entries in the database!
  • One Click Export! – Allows you to export your email list into .csv or .txt format for use with pretty much any sending service such as MailChimp and Aweber.
  • Set countdown time, background opacity, popup message, and more right from the gorgeous AJAX admin panel.
  • Wait timer allows you to set the frequency (how often) users will see the popup.
  • Granular page control! – Fine tune which pages Subscriber Traffic Pop should appear / not appear on as well as separate home page settings.
  • Optional close button.
  • Advanced Close – Optional close methods for the popup including ESC key to close, and clicking outside of the popup to close.
  • Awesome control panel and manager are styled to fit in perfectly with the WordPress dashboard.
  • Includes full documentation and install instructions!

Download Subscriber Traffic Pop for WordPress (Newsletters)

jQuery Product Slider Plugin (Sliders)

The Product Slider is a jQuery plugin you can use to display your images, Youtube or Vimeo videos. The CSS3 animation is driven by Animate.css. It’s mobile friendly, which support your touch device.


Please remove the preview iframe bar on the top, otherwise there is a flash white in Safari. It works fine without the iframe.


  • CSS3 driven animation.
  • Support YouTube and Vimeo videos.
  • Auto delay slideshow, paused when user hover the image.
  • It’s lightweight.
  • Mobile friendly.
  • Graceful degradation, it will works on the browser which don’t support CSS3 transitions too.
  • FAQ and uncompressed javascript files are included in the source package.

Available plugin settings

containerClass: 'slideContainer',  // the slider's container
showNums: 3, // display how many thumbnails
easeInType: 'bounceInRight', // the text block's animation style
slideShow: false, // auto delay slideshow
slideShowDelay: 4000 // the delay second of the slideshow

Recommendations For You

jQuery OneByOne Slider Plugin:

Download jQuery Product Slider Plugin (Sliders)

uMenu (Navigation and Menus)

uMenu v1.0

This is a CSS3 navigation menu with Html5 semantic markup.
It has 2 layout(horizontal, vertical), 7 color themes.
You can use link, image or search box (with CSS3 animation) as menu items.
Easy to use and install, well documented, no images and JavaScript/jQuery.

For more info watch the live preview and the screenshots.

If you have any question or you need some customization (colors, fonts, etc.) please contact me. Thank you!


  • Smart CSS3 design
  • No javascript, no images – just CSS
  • Cross-browser
  • Two layouts (horizontal and vertical)
  • Simple set up and customize
  • 7 default color themes
  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • Menu items with icons

Browser Support


Free counters!

Download uMenu (Navigation and Menus)

Web Media Grabber WordPress Plugin (Media)

If you want to grab, retrieve or download media such as images, video files, audio files and flash files from a public web site and use them locally in within your own WordPress blog, Web Media Grabber Plugin for WordPress is the perfect tool.
Extract and download anything from anywhere to your server file system! Use the downloaded media into your own WordPress pages or posts without external hotlinking.

Other WiseLoop web grabbing related products:

Plugin Description

WiseLoop Web Media Grabber WordPress Plugin is designed to download media resources from the web and use the extracted media inside your WordPress blog.
This WordPress plugin allows media extraction and embedding by using a complete and intuitive administration panel featuring powerfull media extraction engines combined with a friendly media browser.
The extraction engine is capable of downloading images, movies, audio and flash files from the internet as long as the target URL contains or refers media files using web links (a href tags) or various tag attributes (src, embed, param, movie etc.). Also, the media grabing engine is able to identify more than the obvious media resources having the most common file extensions – it will find the media generated dynamically by the servers or media files that have no valid extesions or no extensions at all (such as images generated at runtime by the web servers); the identification is made by checking the server response header when pinging the tested media resource.
The smart caching feature stores the usefull information about founded media (HTTP headers, width, height for images etc.) and so, it improves the grabbing speed, saves bandwidth and prevents useless pinging of the grabbed media.

Main Features

  • intuitive administration panel;
  • download of all images, video, audio and flash file formats to localhost file system;
  • advanced media extraction filtering by type, bytesize, image width or height, count limiter;
  • search for media the whole target URL or only inside a designated HTML area specified by a tag;
  • smart grabbing engine;
  • insert the downloaded media inside the blog pages and posts;
  • friendly media browser provided to view, delete, insert into pages and navigate through the downloaded media;
  • smart caching for fast processing;
  • technical documentation for the grabbing engine provided also;
  • lightweight and easy to use;


  • WordPress 3.0 or newer


  • Step 1: make a folder named /web-media-grabber-wordpress-plugin under the /wp-content/plugins directory;
  • Step 2: copy entire archive contens to the new created /wp-content/plugins/web-media-grabber-wordpress-plugin folder;
  • Step 3: activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress administration page;
  • Step 4: access the plugin administration panel through the ‘Settings’ menu of WordPress administration page;
  • Step 5: go to the Settings section and set the download directory name (or leave it as default) – the download directory will be created under /wp-content, so make sure it is writable;



WiseLoop assumes no responsibility for any abusive use of this software product and/or violation of any terms of usage of the grabbed web pages.
If you decide to use this software product, do it with responsibility and make sure that you are allowed to grab media from the desired web page by checking its terms of usage.

This software product is sold exclusively on Please do not download it from elsewhere.

free counters

Download Web Media Grabber WordPress Plugin (Media)

WordPress Social Bar (Social Networking)

Item Description:

The WordPress Social Bar is a professional and elegant plugin that adds the possibility of show your social profiles in a sleek and innovative way.

Set the quantity of icons, links, texts, and speed animation easily.

Click Here to see the Frontend demo.


  • jQuery Framework
  • 20 Social Icons included
  • 2 Different Color Styles (Clear / Dark)
  • PSD Files included
  • Cross-Browser Support
  • Simple to Customize
  • Well Documented

Credits for his awesome pack of icons.

Non-Wordpress Version?

Click Here for the non-wordpress version of this plugin.

Recommended Items

Download WordPress Social Bar (Social Networking)

smWatermark WordPress Plugin (Galleries)


The smWatermark WordPress Plugin is the only plugin you need if you want to protect your images with a custom watermark. Unlike other plugins that only allow you to do a text watermark, this plugin allows you to upload a custom PNG image.


There are also a stackload of options available with this plugin.

  • Set position of watermark
  • Set quality of watermark
  • Set the min-width images need to be to attract the watermark (Great for not applying the watermark to thumbnails)


  1. Once downloaded the plugin zip file, login to you WordPress website and click on Plugins-> Add New
  2. Select the Upload option at the top of the screen & then browse for the zip file and click Install Now
  3. Once the plugin has successfully installed and activated, you will see a submenu under Settings called smWatermark.


Once the plugin has been installed, you will need to configure the plugin to work how you want it to. When you click on the smWatermark link under settings, you will see the following options:

  1. This is where you upload the watermark image. We recomment a transparent PNG as this gives your image the best watermark effect
  2. This is where you preview your watermark image and have the ability to remove it and re-upload another one
  3. This is where you set your watermark position. Remember there is a 10px padding so your watermark doesn’t rub the sides of your image
  4. Here you can set the quality of the watermark
  5. Now this setting is important. If you do not set any value here, all images will be watermarked. This is not such a good idea for thumbnails. So in our example we set it to min width of 300px wide.


We provide support should you need it. You can submit a ticket via our support desk at

Download smWatermark WordPress Plugin (Galleries)

Web Development Accelerator (Miscellaneous)

Check here for a video preview explaining how to define your own code snippets:

Web Development Accelerator is a browser-based code editor and snippet repository that helps developers lower the time spent on web development projects and increase their productivity.

The application comes with 90 pre-written code snippets (more to come in future releases) that cover some of the most overused HTML , JavaScript, CSS and PHP tasks that a web developer usually needs to do.

The application can easily be adapted to your specific needs, as you can define your own custom snippets and save them for future reference, so you don’t have to spend time writing the same piece of code for every new project again and again.

The menu is very flexible and you can add and remove menu options on the fly, which helps you further in customizing the application according to your needs and reordering the menu options according to your taste.

Other features include syntax highlighting and easy file export.

You can easily embed the application into a larger project you’re working on, or just use it as the preferred snippet repository for your web development team. Another great idea is to combine it with a desktop code editor, so you can take advantage of code snippets + real-time syntax highlighting.

Download Web Development Accelerator (Miscellaneous)