Socials Bytes WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

Socials Bytes WordPress Plugin

This plugin allows you to display your social networks counts inside your WordPress site. It has a lot of features listed below:

  • WordPress Widget
  • WordPress Shortcode
  • Shorcode Generator Page
  • 6 beautiful themes optimize for any size of widget area and any background
  • 8 Networks available (Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Youtube, Feedburner, Envato Marketplaces (referral links supported), Digg, Dribbble )

Please, do not forget to rate it!!

Available Themes


Version 1.0 - 01/09/2012
Initial version

Download Socials Bytes WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

projectCMS (Project Management Tools)

projectCMS is a MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture application written for PHP , Mysql and designed for small and large websites that wants to manage loads of data and wants simplicity. With projectCMS Content Management you are able to create beautiful dynamic website.


  • MVC Architecture
  • Sha1 Protection
  • Secure, Fast , Smart
  • User Friendly
  • 3 Access Levels (Profile, personal data)
  • Project Management (Unlimited and own fields)
  • Agenda (Events & todo)
  • Content Management (Pages, Menu and Settings)
  • Reports System (Messages – inbox, sentbox…)
  • Application Statistics
  • Files Manager
  • And more…

I still preparing the video preview!

Download projectCMS (Project Management Tools)

smShopify WordPress Plugin (Widgets)

Display your Shopify products in a widget on your WordPress website!


This plugin has a few requirements:

  • WordPress 3.3.1 (Although this is not exactly true, you should be keeping your WordPress updated!).
  • A Shopify account (Pretty obvious eh).
  • Your theme must be widget ready.


Installation of this plugin is very simple:

  1. Upload the file “smShopify.php” to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Your widget is ready to be configured.


There are quite a few steps in this section so be sure to follow it carefully:

  1. Login to your Shopify account.
  2. Make a note of your shop name (IE:
  3. Next go to Apps->Manage Apps.
  4. Locate the text about a private application and click the “Click here” link.
  5. Under the private applications section, click the button “Generate new application”.
  6. Here you will need to copy the following information:
    • Api Key
    • Password
  7. Next go to Collections.
  8. You need to select a “custom collection” to use for the plugin. If you do not have a custom collection, create one. Click on the collection you wish to use.
  9. In the URL you will notice a number (IE:
  10. Now that you have all the Shopify information, login to your WordPress website.
  11. Since your plugin is already active, go to Appearance->Widgets and drag the smShopify Widget to your widget area.
  12. You will now see a place to insert the following information:
    • Title – Give your widget a title – IE: Top Sellers.
    • Shopify Name – Only the shop name, not the full URL .
    • Api Key – You copied this from Shopify.
    • Password – You copied this from Shopify.
    • Collection ID – You copied this from Shopify.
    • Remove Default CSS – If you know CSS and would like to customize the widget yourself then make sure this is checked.
  13. Click “Save” and you’re done!

Download smShopify WordPress Plugin (Widgets)

Advanced Text Widget Pro (Widgets)

Advanced Text Widget is a text widget that allows you to execute raw PHP code and shortcodes, and apply visibility conditions to it. In addition it provides ability to apply visibility conditions to every widget on your site. It comes with 10 default visibility conditions that will allow you to choose where exactly on your site each widget should be displayed. You can edit and/or add your own visibility conditions as well as export and import them.

Download Advanced Text Widget Pro (Widgets)

Photo Gallery Hover with transition CSS3 (Navigation and Menus)

It’s a Photo Gallery Hover with transition CSS3 – It’s a real navigation block fluid and attractive but also a photo gallery ideal for upgrading your website.

Can be arranged in several blocks or combined into a single line –

All images, styles, colors and size can be changed easily from the CSS file and super easy implementation –

Download Photo Gallery Hover with transition CSS3 (Navigation and Menus)

CSS3 Fullscreen Gallery (Tabs and Sliders)

This CSS3 Fullscreen Gallery will help you to build simple slideshows that don’t use any javascript.

The clean and commented code is easy to modify and comes with a documentation file.

Main Features

  • Fullscreen Gallery
  • Images fill the whole browser
  • Sticky Header and Footer
  • Works on Mouse Click
  • 2 Ways to navigate
  • Lightweight Markup
  • Responsive Layout
  • Cross-Browser Support (Modern Browsers)
  • No Javascript, only HTML and CSS
  • Easy to modify
  • Valid HTML /CSS Markup
  • Help Documentation

Compatible Browsers

  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Firefox 4+
  • Chrome 4+
  • Safari 4+
  • Opera 10+

Credit Photos

Please note that the photos of the preview are not included in the package. You’ll get placeholders ready to be replaced by your pictures.

Photos by Pixmac

Download CSS3 Fullscreen Gallery (Tabs and Sliders)

Pricing Tables for Websites (fully CSS based) (Pricing Tables)


  • CrossBrowser Support (FF3+, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE7 +)
  • Valid code by w3c
  • CSS2 /CSS3 Usage
  • No Background Images!
  • No JavaScript plugins!
  • Easy to Customize
  • Flexible Layouts
  • Coloured & Gray variations
  • Any resolution from 600px

Download Pricing Tables for Websites (fully CSS based) (Pricing Tables)

Clean Pricing Table Coded (Pricing Tables)

Clean Pricing Table, an awesomely clean pricing table for use with web hosting prices. By using this template, you will be showing off your prices with awesomeness and precision. This template comes fully coded in HTML & CSS (and of course HTML5&CSS3 where needed)

What you’ll get with this awesome package

  • Coded with latest HTML markup
  • Minimum use of images
  • Cool shadow effects
  • Fully documentated
  • & plenty more..!

Font’s used:
Bebas Neue –

Note: You can get the PSD version here

Download Clean Pricing Table Coded (Pricing Tables)

Business Pro CSS3 Buttons & Elements (Buttons)

Subscribe to rtabor7's new item feed

Follow Richard Tabor on Envato

Richard Tabor on Twitter

Richard Tabor on Dribbble

PurtyPixels on Facebook


A CSS3 /HTML business/professional, modern, UI element collection.

View the Video Screencast Demo

You get:

  • 72 Button Variations (four colors)
  • Four Member Login Forms
  • 6 Search Fields
  • 4 Navigation Bar Styles
  • 4 Separate HTML pages (One for each color)
  • 4 Colors (Dark, Blue, Green, Red)

View the PSD on Graphic River

Download Business Pro CSS3 Buttons & Elements (Buttons)

iPhone Polaroid Gallery (iPhone)

Polaroid Gallery project loads images from property list (XML) and display them like polaroids inside scrollview. Each image should be defined by file name and title. Title is displayed below image, each title is automatically cropped in gallery view if it’s too long. Since images are placed inside of scroll view user can scroll gallery vertically, each row show 3 images. Tap on each image display separate view where user can view larger image and user can share image over email. Email title is populated with title of image and image is placed in body of email.

Code is commented, so you’ll find it easy to make any changes. Project supports retina (4G & 4S) display, you’ll find @2x images included, project also includes Icon and Default image files. Image view that opens up after image is tapped in main gallery view will be displayed as modal view with flip horizontal transition style.

Thanks for your purchase!

Download iPhone Polaroid Gallery (iPhone)

Android Contact Form (Android)

This plugin allows you to easily add contact form to your application. The contact form will let the user send messages to your application’s admin.
You can configure the sender (the email used by your application to send messages) and the receiver (the email where you want to recieve user’s messages exp: [email protected]).

Download Android Contact Form (Android)

KenBurner Slider jQuery Plugin (Sliders)

KenBurner Slider jQuery Plugin

What is it?

Kenburner is the premium way of using a slider in your website. A combination of Ken Burns Effect, state-of-the-art Slider and Text Animations defines this slider.

Customize this slider with just a little HTML and CSS to your very needs. Give each slider some captions to transport your message. Use your Ken Burns Animated banner elements with the possibility of playing YouTube and Vimeo clips in a special detail view with describing text.

So what is so new?

For best perfomance it uses HTML5 Canvas Animation. If this is not possible in your browser it will FallBack to CSS Animation. And if you use a browser which does not this it will FallBack to a jQuery version. So it works on every modern browser (including IE7 /8) and on mobile devices with the best possible performance!

The Ken Burns is totally customizable: Start-, End Point, Zoom In or Out, Zoom Factor are all in the different slider parameters. Or go nuts and choose "Random"!

And do not forget that you not only can animate your picture transitions and the Ken Burns Effect but the elements (Text, Icons, Pics…) on each slide too. You can create unlimited amounts of objects and let them appear with style!

Does this really run on all browsers and on mobiles?

Sure it works on every modern browser (including IE7 /8) and on iOS(iPad,iPhone) and Android mobile devices due to its 3 Layer Fallback System. Touch swipe for iOS and Android mobile devices is of course included.

What are the features?

Is it hard to implement?

No! It is the typical way of implementing a jQuery plugin. You just need to know little HTML and Javascript.
The given example is an awesome start point to build your own slider out of it. Put the JS and CSS links in the head of your HTML site and put in some DIV elements for your items.

The Blur Transition Effect is based on the change of 2 images. Our Instruction PSD gives you the knowlegde to reproduce this effect on your pictures.

The images seen in the preview are licensed from fotolia and are NOT included in the download. The download of this item contains placeholder images with dimension labels.

  • Image and Thumbs fully resizable
  • Using Canvas Animation with FallBack to CSS Animation and also with FallBack to jQuery
  • Optional Ken Burns effect
  • Unlimited Caption Layers
  • Unlimited Slides
  • Customizable Ken Burns Effect (StartEnd-Position and Zoom or Random)
  • iPhone/iPad & Android Swipe Touch enabled
  • jQuery Conflict free plugin
  • Customizable 100% via Plugin Parameters / CSS / HTML
  • Easy installation in your Website
  • Special Easing
  • Example Page included
  • Example Picture Effect Instruction PSD included
  • 2 Pictures are used for Hover-Effects, so you can build every effect you wish (blur, greyscale…) with your favorite image tool
  • Download KenBurner Slider jQuery Plugin (Sliders)