Randomator Database Stuffit Generator (Database Abstractions)


Randomator randomizes random ramblings to reproduce and replicate realworld responses requisitioned by righteous research requests to reach relentless recyclable rows of respectable non-redundant repetitious revocable raw data.
Really ridiculous right? Rinse & Repeat!

Cliff-notes Description

This script generates customizable realword random information and allows you to save it as an SQL file or to insert it directly into the database.


I recently was tasked with building 2 custom shopping cart scripts and a full blow financial/accounting script – all of which have the potential of gaining millions of rows in the database. Scripts have to be written a little differently when dealing with such large database numbers. A simple ajax call is no longer so simple ;). In order to ensure my scripts can deal with millions of rows, I had to have a database stuffed with millions of rows – but I wanted realistic data to work with. So I took a small detour and build this Randomator Database Stuffit Generator.

What it does

Randomator Database Stuffit Generator pulls random info from predefined files – allowing you to customize the results to meet your needs. It also generates random info on the fly. Most importanlty, it products SQL files, AND /OR allows you to inject the data right into your database!! As if thats not enough, it will also allow you to save your configuration so you can generate more rows at a later time.

No Installation Required!!

Drop the folder to your server and that’s it! Load the index page and enter your database credentials and your all set!!


Randomly pulls an entry from customizable files.

List Entries File Size
First Names 15,499 149.56 KB
Last Names 18,840 192.62 KB
Street Names 27,086 482.05 KB
Town Names 9,480 127.23 KB
State [Name|Abb] 50 331 B
Zip Codes 42,742 622.44 KB
Country Names 239 4.95 KB
Email Addresses 29 500 B
Jobs 1,523 31.84 KB
Areacodes 322 4.12 KB
Credit Cards 754 6.75 KB
Cust Notes 150 92.37 KB

These are all in separate files so you can customize them to your local or needs.
The First and Last Names are multi-ethnicity.
The Street, Town, State Names, Zip Codes and Area Codes are all derived from the U.S. – though, it is very diverse.
Custom Notes are all Lorem Ipsum.


Carefully planned and cleverly designed, this script can generate just about anything containing letters, numbers and or symbols – no matter the format. For example: Phone Numbers, Credit Card numbers, Booleans [Yes|No, True|False, 1|0], Dates – in any format, Passwords, SKU ’s, Tracking Codes, Routing Numbers,


The Patternizer allows you format just about anything. For example, if you wanted to generate a SKU number with a specific pattern, you can.

You Want You Enter You Get Note
ABC -123 $$$-### ZPL -161 Notice the hyphen stayed the same
A1b2c3-|9Z8y7X $##+#|#$##$ L0c8h7|-5D9o0Z Notice the hyphens and pipe stayed the same. Also note the capitalization of the letters
A1b2c3-|9Z8y7X A##+3|9##X A0f8u3|-93v0X The A, 3, 9, and X Stayed put because they where entered into the format field.

Team Work

The Randomator, Generator, and Patternizer all work seamlessly together to deliver exactly what you want.


All generated information is fictional and does not depict any actual person, place, event, or account. Any resemblance to actual person [living or dead], place, event, or account is entirely coincidental.
All generated email addresses are designed to fail!! For example ”.com” has been replaced with ”.cxm” as cxm is not a valid TLD and guaranteed to fail. This is to prevent possible abuse by email harvest bots.
*All generated credit card numbers are designed to fail!! They will not pass the Luhn-10 Algorithm test. The system will override any attempt to generate an authentic looking card number.

Download Randomator Database Stuffit Generator (Database Abstractions)

WooCommerce Australia Post Shipping Calculator (WooCommerce)

Australia Post Shipping Calculator adds automatic postage calculations for Australian WooCommerce users. This plugin uses the new Australia Post json API available here: http://auspost.com.au/devcentre/


  • Domestic (Australia) and International shipping
  • Choose which (if any) International countries you will allow postage too
  • Optional “Handling Fee” to change ontop of Australia Post fee
  • Allows customers to get a quick postage quote by simply entering their post code
  • Adds multiple products together and works out the cost of them combined
  • Helpful error messages (eg: if the user enters the wrong post code)
  • If you have features suggestions please submit a comment!

Plugin Installation Process

  1. Check the requirements below
  2. If you have troubles installing the plugin please send us a support ticket by clicking here and we will gladly help.
  3. Download the zip file from CodeCanyon.net, and extract it to your desktop
  4. You will see a file called austpostwoocommerce-plugin.zip. Upload this to WordPress (Plugins > Add New > Upload)
  5. Go to the WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping Methods page
  6. Select the new “Australia Post” shipping method.
  7. Enter your licence purchase code
  8. Enter your originating post code (ie: where you will be posting items from)
  9. Enter your default product dimensions (handy if you have lots of products with similar dimensions!) or add dimensions to all your products individually.
  10. Choose which shipping methods to offer your customers (eg: Standard Parcel, Express Post, Delivery Notification)
  11. Do a few test orders to make sure it’s working
  12. You’re done!


  • WordPress 3.3 or higher
  • The WooCommerce plugin installed on your WordPress
  • Hosting account with php curl enabled (check with your hosting provider)

Automatic Updates

This plugin comes with Automatic Updates! You will be automatically notified in WordPress when an update is available (ie: new features) and you can simply click to upgrade.


Support for this item is provided on our dedicated support website: http://support.dtbaker.com.au

Future Plans

A JigoShop and WP eCommerce version will be available soon.

Download WooCommerce Australia Post Shipping Calculator (WooCommerce)

VuAll – Creative jQuery Grid Slider (Images and Media)


  • jQuery plugin.
  • Create your own grid slider any size, with unlimited number of images and any image sizes.
  • HTML5 canvas image blur effect with IE fall back.
  • Optional auto-rotate and delay time.
  • Optional amount of blur.
  • Optional text area padding amount and image border size.
  • Full documentation included.
  • Preview images from Fotolia not included in the download.

Featured on CodeCanyon

More Files by LGLab


free counters
Free counters

Download VuAll – Creative jQuery Grid Slider (Images and Media)

Killer CSS3 Image Hover Effects (Animations and Effects)

22 Different Image hover effects using just CSS3 . These effects will give your images and thumbnails a unique and modern effect.

Integrating the effects is simple and straight forward. Each effect has a lightbox option where all the code needed for integration resides.

Modifying the effects and integrating two or more effects together is simple.

Download Killer CSS3 Image Hover Effects (Animations and Effects)

IHC – Portfolio CSS3 Image Hover Caption (Animations and Effects)

The CSS3 is amazing. This item contain a CSS3 portfolio styling with 15 animation types. No javascript, no images. The source code is well commented and very esy to edit and understand.

Main features:

  • Valid HTML5 and CSS3
  • 15 animation types
  • 12 background colors
  • Bonus: 16 CSS3 buttons
  • Well commented source code
  • Documentation

Preview Youtube: http://youtu.be/1gK0lBuwlpg
Preview Screenr: http://www.screenr.com/sJPs

Download IHC – Portfolio CSS3 Image Hover Caption (Animations and Effects)

Mobile Device Detection (Miscellaneous)

PHP Mobile Device Detection is a script designed to provide an advanced yet simplistic level of device detection and forwarding to any website. The PHP Mobile Device Detection script was designed to allow users to easily detect any number of devices, provide customizations for the devices, or forward them according to their needs, and this is all done with one file!

Devices Detected:

  • iPhone
  • iPod
  • iPad
  • Android Mobile Phones
  • Android Tablets
  • Blackberry
  • Kindle Fire
  • Windows Mobile
  • Opera Mini
  • Thousands of Generic Devices (Symbian, Palm OS, Amazon Kindle, …)
  • And many many more. In fact, you can detect ANY device!

The script accepts unlimited detections and unlimited forwarding. You can can get as specific or as broad in your detection as you like. All you have to do it configure the script (Don’t worry, it is easy. I provide lots of instruction and examples.) and include it on your site! Just 1 File!!!

Change Log

  • v1.0 – 1/11/2012:
    • initial release.

Download Mobile Device Detection (Miscellaneous)

Full Android App Webview Template (Full Applications)

Smartphones have taken the world by storm and it seems that Android-based ones are ever popular. In fact, if you look at current app statistics, you’ll see that the Android app market is the fastest growing sector.

There are lots of ways to code Android Apps, but using a webview, meaning that you host the files it shows on your webserver, has a lot of advantages, particularly for the beginner. Firstly, it’s really quick and doesn’t rely on complex coding skills. Secondly, because you host the files on your normal web hosting server, you can change the content as often as you like.

This makes a webview app very flexible and particularly suited to online brochures, special offers and local business information. Your app will take up the whole screen, with a button at the bottom for users to click to visit a webpage of your choice.

This zip file gives you the files you need to have a working webview app very simply and quickly. You need to have Eclipse and Android SDK installed, but after that, it’s a copy and paste job!

Extra included features include allowing users to zoom in on your content to make it easier to read, double-tap to zoom, and giving them the choice of saving the app to their phone or SD card.

Apps made using the template can be found at https://market.android.com/developer?pub=Healthier+Me

Download Full Android App Webview Template (Full Applications)

All In One Email for WordPress (Utilities)


All in One email for WordPress smoothly resolves problems existing in WordPress default email subsystem
implementation by adding some new features and adding tweaking capability to existing ones.


  • Allows to change “From”, “Return Path” headers for emails sent.
  • Adds SMTP support to WordPress outgoing emails.
  • Supports SMTP authentication and SSL .
  • Built-in test email sender to catch errors early.
  • Enables HTML emails instead of plain text to make your emails more attractive.
  • Provides a builtin HTML email template with WYSYWYG editor and previewer.
  • Allows you to edit WordPress builtin emails (new user registered notification,
    password reset email).
  • Adds a secondary email for “new user registered” admin notifications.
  • Simple and sleek interface.

System requirements

  • WordPress 3.2. Probably, All in one email will work with older version, but was not tested on them.
    WordPress 3.3 is recommended to support WYSIWYG email template editor.
  • Minimum required PHP version is 5.2.
  • IE6 is not supported by the admin area.

Download All In One Email for WordPress (Utilities)

MoneyBee, jQuery+PHP+JSON Paypal & Card Processor (Forms)


MoneyBee is a smart & flexible payment processor which gives you the possibility to accept payments
through Paypal or, using Credit Cards.

It works over a PHP OOP class, and it can be used with its AJAX or PHP engine.

MoneyBee stands out of because of its flexibility. Not only it’ll give you this opportunity of getting paid,
but also of asking your clients extra information by setting your own custom form inputs.


MoneyBee comes with a LOT , and yes, I mean A LOT of features, you’ll have the chance to modify the script
with over 100+ of settings.

From form validation, to payment processing, MoneyBee has got it all.
By simply setting your form structure, it’s validation rules, and callbacks (yes, callbacks are accepted), the script
will not only validate it (based on your rules of course), but it’ll be smart enough to identify which fields contain
the billing information to be processed.

After that, it’ll communicate with the required gateway and process the payment, and return you data to be stored or manipulated
how you want.

This is an example of a server response:

      [TIMESTAMP] => 2012-01-07T01:23:33Z
      [CORRELATIONID] => 29972e04101ea
      [ACK] => Success
      [VERSION] => 2.3
      [BUILD] => 2278658
      [AMT] => 250.00
      [AVSCODE] => X
      [CVV2MATCH] =>M
      [TRANSACTIONID] => 8RP861118P0156647
      [status] => success

A huge list of features..

  • 100+ of settings to modify
  • jQUERY plugin ready to use and easy to implement and modify
  • Data encryption for you to be calm
  • Custom form validation rules & callbacks
  • Smart form processing
  • Integrate it ANYWHERE by just writing a couple lines
  • Many jQuery plugin settings, over 25+ settings
  • Complete & through-out documentation

Take a look at the demos here: http://htm.gs/moneybee
Three demos are included.
#1 Full AJAX demo with custom fields
#2 Separated gateways forcing form to only take ONE gateway (w/custom fields)
#3 Full PHP engine demo.

When you open up those demos, you’ll notice that item name & price have to be written, this is just for demostration purposes.
MoneyBee is so flexible & adaptable you’ll be able to integrate it with your current site, and maybe pull out
your product information from your databases ;)

Wanna take a look at the documentation and see I’m not bluffin?

What else? Mmm, a lot? Hahha
How about custom errors messages per field? That’s right, you can have those too!
With just a simple key and it’s value, you’ll be rocking custom error messages per field. Great!

You’ll love it.

How does it work?

Once you set-up your form, just open up your code and build the form settings, containing it’s label, input name, validation rules, callbacks and definitions.
MoneyBee will handle the form like a champion and return you a response to be processed.

Payments online have to be secure, and MoneyBee doesn’t stand back, by encrypting the information and validating it
completely, you can rest that you won’t have any headaches :)

You can pick your engine as I told you. Or AJAX (which is recommended) or PHP . Both work methods are basically the same, but AJAX
processes it’s responsed with JSON .

What’s included in the package

  • Main framework, containing payment processor and form validator
  • Pre-set validating functions
  • jQuery plugin ready to use (Minified & Source)
  • 3 documented demos for you to know how it works and implement fast
  • Complete documentation explaining every single function and setting
  • File containing all default error messages

How about if I need some help?

Don’t worry, you’ll be able to reach me through CodeCanyon, Twitter, Facebook or through http://ijm.gs/ and I’ll help you willingly.
Plus, the updates will be free for life, I won’t charge you anything for new bug fixes :)

No restrictions, no limits, pure awesomeness, MoneyBee will make you, make money.

MoneyBee is a CodeCanyon EXCLUSIVE



  • Accepted on CodeCanyon

Download MoneyBee, jQuery+PHP+JSON Paypal & Card Processor (Forms)

Fading Menu with Notification Bar and Social Icons (Menus)

Fading Menu with notification Bar is a WordPress Plugin that will allow you to add your navigational menu (main menu or custom menu defined by you) along with notification bar at the top of your browser. Simply scroll down your browser a bit to see it in live action!

Welcome to our brand new WordPress Plugin. WordPress Fading Menu will implement a simple navigation menu that will turn on after a visitor scrolls down your page a bit. To see it in live action simply scroll down a bit and you will see the menu appearing at the top of your browser. The position where menu appears can be set via Administration Panel (in pixels from the top). The menu picks the data from your main WordPress Menu or from an additional menu that you can build in your WordPress Apperance/Menu settings.

Plugin also has the abilitiy to show a simple notification bar. You can set the text manually (with a simple text editor that will allow you to add links and change color on the fly), or set it to always show your latest tweet. This will allow you to always have an up to date notification bar with your latest news.

Social icons can be added to the right part of the fading menu. You can add your own social icons with the URL and alt text. There is no limitation to how many social icons you can add (apart from the horizontal space). You can find many amazing social icons at WebTreats.

Please check our website to get more informations about the plugin and to see a live demo!

Facebook Fan Page Themes

WordPress Multi Events Calendar

WordPress Accordion Slideshow

WordPress 3D Banner Rotator with Statistics

First version of accordion image rotator

Facebook flash photography template

Images in previews are not available for download and are only used in previews.

Featured items



Download Fading Menu with Notification Bar and Social Icons (Menus)

Birdo – Twitter Comments Plugin (Social Networking)


Birdo makes WordPress comments more powerful and social. It lets your users comment with a tweet, spurring the conversation and promoting your website at the same time.

How it works

When your user uses Birdo to make a comment on your website, he’s asked to authenticate with his Twitter account, and his comment will appear on your website and on his Twitter page, always with a shortened version of the post address.
This way, every comment is a promotion on the twitter social network to every friend of your user.

System Requirements

We support WordPress 2.8+ Anyway we always recommend to use the latest version of WordPress, it’s safer and you get the latest innovations!


The plugin tries to automatically inherit the styles of your blog, but sometimes you can need to adjust the css for full integration (we can give you basic instructions, if you need).
Birdo uses standard WordPress functions to work, so it should be compatible with most themes. We are always adding compatibility to new themes, when we found some that it doesn’t work (if the theme is not coded correctly, and miss the WP hook Birdo uses, it could not work right out of the bat, but you can easily make it work with a one line addiction to your theme code. You probably won’t need to do that).

Try for yourself: View Birdo Demo

Download Birdo – Twitter Comments Plugin (Social Networking)