All In One Email for WordPress (Utilities)


All in One email for WordPress smoothly resolves problems existing in WordPress default email subsystem
implementation by adding some new features and adding tweaking capability to existing ones.


  • Allows to change “From”, “Return Path” headers for emails sent.
  • Adds SMTP support to WordPress outgoing emails.
  • Supports SMTP authentication and SSL .
  • Built-in test email sender to catch errors early.
  • Enables HTML emails instead of plain text to make your emails more attractive.
  • Provides a builtin HTML email template with WYSYWYG editor and previewer.
  • Allows you to edit WordPress builtin emails (new user registered notification,
    password reset email).
  • Adds a secondary email for “new user registered” admin notifications.
  • Simple and sleek interface.

System requirements

  • WordPress 3.2. Probably, All in one email will work with older version, but was not tested on them.
    WordPress 3.3 is recommended to support WYSIWYG email template editor.
  • Minimum required PHP version is 5.2.
  • IE6 is not supported by the admin area.

Download All In One Email for WordPress (Utilities)

MoneyBee, jQuery+PHP+JSON Paypal & Card Processor (Forms)


MoneyBee is a smart & flexible payment processor which gives you the possibility to accept payments
through Paypal or, using Credit Cards.

It works over a PHP OOP class, and it can be used with its AJAX or PHP engine.

MoneyBee stands out of because of its flexibility. Not only it’ll give you this opportunity of getting paid,
but also of asking your clients extra information by setting your own custom form inputs.


MoneyBee comes with a LOT , and yes, I mean A LOT of features, you’ll have the chance to modify the script
with over 100+ of settings.

From form validation, to payment processing, MoneyBee has got it all.
By simply setting your form structure, it’s validation rules, and callbacks (yes, callbacks are accepted), the script
will not only validate it (based on your rules of course), but it’ll be smart enough to identify which fields contain
the billing information to be processed.

After that, it’ll communicate with the required gateway and process the payment, and return you data to be stored or manipulated
how you want.

This is an example of a server response:

      [TIMESTAMP] => 2012-01-07T01:23:33Z
      [CORRELATIONID] => 29972e04101ea
      [ACK] => Success
      [VERSION] => 2.3
      [BUILD] => 2278658
      [AMT] => 250.00
      [AVSCODE] => X
      [CVV2MATCH] =>M
      [TRANSACTIONID] => 8RP861118P0156647
      [status] => success

A huge list of features..

  • 100+ of settings to modify
  • jQUERY plugin ready to use and easy to implement and modify
  • Data encryption for you to be calm
  • Custom form validation rules & callbacks
  • Smart form processing
  • Integrate it ANYWHERE by just writing a couple lines
  • Many jQuery plugin settings, over 25+ settings
  • Complete & through-out documentation

Take a look at the demos here:
Three demos are included.
#1 Full AJAX demo with custom fields
#2 Separated gateways forcing form to only take ONE gateway (w/custom fields)
#3 Full PHP engine demo.

When you open up those demos, you’ll notice that item name & price have to be written, this is just for demostration purposes.
MoneyBee is so flexible & adaptable you’ll be able to integrate it with your current site, and maybe pull out
your product information from your databases ;)

Wanna take a look at the documentation and see I’m not bluffin?

What else? Mmm, a lot? Hahha
How about custom errors messages per field? That’s right, you can have those too!
With just a simple key and it’s value, you’ll be rocking custom error messages per field. Great!

You’ll love it.

How does it work?

Once you set-up your form, just open up your code and build the form settings, containing it’s label, input name, validation rules, callbacks and definitions.
MoneyBee will handle the form like a champion and return you a response to be processed.

Payments online have to be secure, and MoneyBee doesn’t stand back, by encrypting the information and validating it
completely, you can rest that you won’t have any headaches :)

You can pick your engine as I told you. Or AJAX (which is recommended) or PHP . Both work methods are basically the same, but AJAX
processes it’s responsed with JSON .

What’s included in the package

  • Main framework, containing payment processor and form validator
  • Pre-set validating functions
  • jQuery plugin ready to use (Minified & Source)
  • 3 documented demos for you to know how it works and implement fast
  • Complete documentation explaining every single function and setting
  • File containing all default error messages

How about if I need some help?

Don’t worry, you’ll be able to reach me through CodeCanyon, Twitter, Facebook or through and I’ll help you willingly.
Plus, the updates will be free for life, I won’t charge you anything for new bug fixes :)

No restrictions, no limits, pure awesomeness, MoneyBee will make you, make money.

MoneyBee is a CodeCanyon EXCLUSIVE



  • Accepted on CodeCanyon

Download MoneyBee, jQuery+PHP+JSON Paypal & Card Processor (Forms)

Fading Menu with Notification Bar and Social Icons (Menus)

Fading Menu with notification Bar is a WordPress Plugin that will allow you to add your navigational menu (main menu or custom menu defined by you) along with notification bar at the top of your browser. Simply scroll down your browser a bit to see it in live action!

Welcome to our brand new WordPress Plugin. WordPress Fading Menu will implement a simple navigation menu that will turn on after a visitor scrolls down your page a bit. To see it in live action simply scroll down a bit and you will see the menu appearing at the top of your browser. The position where menu appears can be set via Administration Panel (in pixels from the top). The menu picks the data from your main WordPress Menu or from an additional menu that you can build in your WordPress Apperance/Menu settings.

Plugin also has the abilitiy to show a simple notification bar. You can set the text manually (with a simple text editor that will allow you to add links and change color on the fly), or set it to always show your latest tweet. This will allow you to always have an up to date notification bar with your latest news.

Social icons can be added to the right part of the fading menu. You can add your own social icons with the URL and alt text. There is no limitation to how many social icons you can add (apart from the horizontal space). You can find many amazing social icons at WebTreats.

Please check our website to get more informations about the plugin and to see a live demo!

Facebook Fan Page Themes

WordPress Multi Events Calendar

WordPress Accordion Slideshow

WordPress 3D Banner Rotator with Statistics

First version of accordion image rotator

Facebook flash photography template

Images in previews are not available for download and are only used in previews.

Featured items



Download Fading Menu with Notification Bar and Social Icons (Menus)

Birdo – Twitter Comments Plugin (Social Networking)


Birdo makes WordPress comments more powerful and social. It lets your users comment with a tweet, spurring the conversation and promoting your website at the same time.

How it works

When your user uses Birdo to make a comment on your website, he’s asked to authenticate with his Twitter account, and his comment will appear on your website and on his Twitter page, always with a shortened version of the post address.
This way, every comment is a promotion on the twitter social network to every friend of your user.

Try for yourself: View Birdo Demo


Augmented sociality

Increase the connection with your users, exploiting the hotness of Twitter. Add to WordPress the ability of tweeting your content.

Increased promotion

Expand your audience, giving your users the chance to promote your content in their social circles.

Raised traffic

Maximize your website exposure, putting your content under Twitter spotlights.

…Do more, with less

With simple functionality and an unobtrusive design, promote your content without punching your users on the eye.

System Requirements

We support WordPress 2.8+ Anyway we always recommend to use the latest version of WordPress, it’s safer and you get the latest innovations!


The plugin tries to automatically inherit the styles of your blog, but sometimes you can need to adjust the css for full integration (we can give you basic instructions, if you need).
Birdo uses standard WordPress functions to work, so it should be compatible with most themes. We are always adding compatibility to new themes, when we found some that it doesn’t work (if the theme is not coded correctly, and miss the WP hook Birdo uses, it could not work right out of the bat, but you can easily make it work with a one line addiction to your theme code. You probably won’t need to do that).

Download Birdo – Twitter Comments Plugin (Social Networking)

Social Tasks (Social Networking)

Social Tasks is Task Management inspired by Social Networking.

Add your tasks, brainstorm with your staff, get things done, procrastinate if you want until somebody gets you back on track, assign tasks to somebody else or simply discuss ideas before doing something that may not be the right thing to do.

About the Demo

  • Email Notifications are NOT enabled
  • Live Update is NOT enabled
  • New users approval is NOT enabled – everyone can login
  • Items can NOT be assigned to other users
  • I DON ’T FILTER CONTENT – I’m not responsable for spam or wrong things posted by users

You can read Full Documentation

You can watch a Demo Video
on YouTube Here

The IdeaManage Tasks and To Do’s like in a social network

  • Social Tasks is thought for a Team who has to manage Tasks
  • Social Tasks will be located on a private page of your website and will be accessible only by Team members, chosen by Administrators.
  • Team members can post items as they do in a Social Network: it will be a Stream of
    Tasks, Ideas, Notes and Messages from the Team.

How it WorksWhat you can do with Social Tasks

  • Team Members can post the following Items:
    • Task – It’s something that needs to be done by someone on the team
    • Idea – Its something that needs to be discussed with the team.
      It will become eventually a “Task” if the team likes the idea or can be trashed if not approved by the team.
    • Note – Its something that doesn’t fit on Tasks and Ideas.
      Its a personal note
    • Message – Its a message for someone or for everyone in the team.
  • Each Task can have one of the following Status:
    • Waiting to be done.. – when it’s waiting to be done by someone in the team
    • Done! – when a member of the team complete the task.
    • Working on it – if a member of the team is working on that
    • On Hold – this task is “on pause”, not urgent or waiting for external factors.
    • Trashed – This task is not required anymore and should not be done.
  • Each Item can be assigned to a member:
    • Tasks, Ideas, Notes – if directed to a member, means this member has an important role on that item. The item will still be available to the team to read it and comment it.
    • Messeges – if assigned to an user, only that user will be able to read and comment that message.

InteractionHow the team will interact with the Stream

  • Each item, can be commented by the team.
  • Each member of the team can change the status of a task (IE. can change the status to Done when the member complete it).
  • If a members post a link, the link will be parsed with a preview image (if available) and with the title of the linked page
  • On Inbox page, a member can see items assigned to him/her.
  • The stream is not ordered by Priority, but by Buzz: means that a most discussed task will be on the top. Each update on a item will bring it on the top of the list, so everyone will always know what’s going on.
  • Each posted item can be edited later by the user who posted it (or by Administrators).

Team MembersThey will help you getting things done!

  • Users – Users can post new items, leave comments and edit their iposted items
  • Administrators – Administrators can add new team members and can edit or delete everything the want. 1 Administrator is required, but there is no maximum. Administrator can do everything that a user can do too.

FeaturesWhats included on Social Tasks

  • Live Update – the stream will be always updated: when users post a new item, comment or change status, the item will be updated on the other current viewing users. For example, if user A and B are watching the stream at the same time and user A add a new item, user B will get an update on his/her current loaded page and a sound notification with the new item – no need to reload the page to check for new items or comments!
  • Infinite scrolling – As members will start adding items, they’ll notice its addicting: the stream will become longer and longer.. but it’s not a problem. Social Tasks load items as you scroll down the page.
  • In Line Editing – Items can be edited online (if allowed by user permissions):
    just click what you want to edit and.. edit it!
  • Google Account Open ID – users can login with their Google Account, so you don’t need to care about storing password and the don’t have to remember a new username and a new password!

Download Social Tasks (Social Networking)

Hotels Management and Reservation Platform (Miscellaneous)

The platform provides all necessary features for managing website with hotels and reservations. It includes:

– Manage different categories
– Manage destinations
– Manage hotels
– Create new pages
– Manage reservations module
– Searching in all destinations and hotels
– Languages manager and translating the website in any language
– Mod Rewrite
– Advanced SEO functionality for all modules
– Unlimited photos for each hotel including multiple upload
– Very easy for modification and integration
– TinyMCE Editor integrated

For administration you can login from here:
user: admin
password: password

Note: Write/Edit/Delete rights are disabled because this is a demo.

Download Hotels Management and Reservation Platform (Miscellaneous)

osCommerce 2.3.1 Dynamic Meta Tag Module (Plugins)

Dynamically generate meta info for your osCommerce online shop! This simple to install module will dynamically help your web store with your SEO campaign.

One of the weakest areas of osCommerce is search engine optimization. A default osCommerce installation generates nothing more than a page title, and then appends the store name to that! The store name is not something potential users will search for when shopping. And to make matters worse, the osCommerce URL structure can very well cause a shop to receive duplicate content errors.

You can now have complete control of your shops default titles, as well as generate unique titles for each and every page of your osCommerce online merchant. And you’ll never worry of duplicate content errors, as this module ensures the SE’s know which page is really served. Simply set your default values from within the admin, and let the module do the rest of the work for you.

What does it do?

  • Allows administrator to input default site title, meta description, and keywords. If no keywords are set, then category names will be generated in place.
  • Generates titles from category, manufacturer, product, review info, and static page names.
  • Generates meta descriptions of product pages and review info pages. If a product description is not available, then the default meta description is used.
  • Generates keywords using category hierarchy or product names, depending upon the page loaded.
  • Categories and Manufacturers will use product names from within their hierarchy as keywords.
  • Product pages will use other product names as found within their same category. New products page will generate list of new products.
  • Static pages and home page will use a list of all categories, unless a default keyword list is input.
  • All dynamic descriptions are trimmed at the nearest whole word after 250 characters.
  • All dynamically generated keywords are limited to 16 words.
  • Generates canonical URL structure to ensure search engines know the default URL path and there is no duplicate content penalization.
  • Admin may choose their own character to use as meta delimiter.
  • Allows input of ID for Google Site Verification
  • Allows input of ID for Bing Webmaster Tools
  • Allows input of ID for Alexa Site Claim,

Aren’t there other modules like this?

There are other meta tag contributions available, however, most are:

A. Not thorough enough.

B. Overly complicated.

C. Add huge overhead.


D. Outdated!

Remember, this meta tag module is for osCommerce Version 2.3.1. Just upload 3 module files, add 2 small code additions, and the hard part is over. Next install from your shops admin and configure how you like.

I have been coding custom solutions for osCommerce for over 7 years and will offer full support for this module.

Download osCommerce 2.3.1 Dynamic Meta Tag Module (Plugins)

jQuery Grid Style Slider (Sliders)

This is a jQuery grid slider with support for multiple categories, expandable html content, and lightbox.
The slider is fully configurable and resizable through the plugin’s parameters and stylesheet.

Features include:

  • Customizable number of columns and rows.
  • Support for multiple categories, with menu for easy category selection.
  • Expandable panel supports ajax, iframe, and inline content.
  • Multiple transition effects available, including horizontal slide, vertical slide, and fade.
  • Able to load unlimited number of thumbnail tiles, each with customizable caption and link.
  • Thumbnail tiles can support images as well as flash objects.
  • Show or hide components, including play button, directional buttons, and indexes.
  • Can set slider to automatically play on startup with customizable delay.
  • Detailed html description can be set for each tile and displayed in expandable panel when selected.
  • Embed html tags and regular text for captions and detail descriptions.
  • Captions can be set to align top, bottom, left, or right. Also, captions can be set inside or outside of tile.
  • Able to have captions appear on mouse over, with different transition effects.
  • Able to shuffle thumbnail tiles in random order.
  • Basic lightbox plugin included.
  • Support for mouse wheel scrolling.
  • Support for iOS and android devices.

Download jQuery Grid Style Slider (Sliders)

Facebook Subscribe for WordPress (Social Networking)

Facebook Subscribe for WordPress brings you full control and support of Facebook’s New Subscribe Button social plugin. FB Sub for WordPress is the only plugin offering full shortcode + template tag support for WordPress.


  • Includes a custom shortcode with built-in TinyMCE plugin that allows you to quickly generate / configure subscribe buttons and insert them into posts and pages right through the editor!
  • Includes a custom template tag that allows you to quickly and easily place customized subscribe buttons anywhere in your theme site wide!
  • Includes a built-in widget for adding a fully customizable subscribe button widget to your sites widget enabled sidebar / footer / etc!
  • Supports all kinds of button options including the profile url, button layout, showfaces support, and color scheme support!
  • Includes gorgeous Ajax Admin Panel – Enabled / disable the Facebook API to place nice with rouge themes and plugins, you can also set your Facebook API Locale for other languages!
  • Works on any WordPress site big or small!
  • Includes full documentation and install instructions.

Download Facebook Subscribe for WordPress (Social Networking)

Translate It (Miscellaneous)

If you are looking for free alternative to Google Translate API and you don’t want to pay for translations this PHP class will solve your translation problems and needs.

Supported Languages

  • Auto Language Detection (auto)
  • English (en)
  • Turkish (tr)
  • Arabic (ar)
  • Bulgarian (bg)
  • Catalan (ca)
  • Albanian (sq)
  • Croatian (hr)
  • Czech (cs)
  • German (de)
  • Greek (el)
  • Danish (da)
  • Polish (pl)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Estonian (et)
  • Filipino (tl)
  • Italian (it)
  • Finnish (fi)
  • French (fr)
  • Hindi (hi)
  • Hungarian (hu)
  • Indonesian (id)
  • Japanese (ja)
  • Korean (ko)
  • Latvian (lv)
  • Lithuanian (lt)
  • Maltese (mt)
  • Norwegian (no)
  • Persian Alpha (fa)
  • Portuguese (pt)
  • Romanian (ro)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Serbian (sr)
  • Slovak (sk)
  • Slovenian (sl)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Swedish (sv)
  • Thai (th)
  • Ukrainian (uk)
  • Vietnamese (vi)

Note: This PHP Class is using another API to detect language automatically (if needed & selected). If detected language is in supported languages then gets the most reliable language which is detected and translates. It doesn’t effect caches or logs.

Note: API which this PHP class is using has bad word filter therefore it may not translate abusive words. I noticed some people are trying to translate abusive words, I just wanted to mention why it is not translating.

Please Don’t Forget

If you have any problems with this PHP class please don’t forget to inform me before rating it under 5 stars. I will do my best to assist you and solve the problem you have.

If you want me to help you fast, please don’t forget to contact me form here.

Change Log

Version 1.3 (01.17.2012)

  1. Auto Language Detection (using another API )
  2. translate method improved.

Version 1.2 (01.15.2012)

  1. Ability to translate more than 1000 characters.
  2. Ability to define delimiter for translations more than 1000 chracters.
  3. translate method improved.

Version 1.1 (01.10.2012)

  1. Enable/Disable Caching
  2. Enable/Disable Usage Logs
  3. Machine Translation / Human Segments
  4. Can work without cURL
  5. Use IP address of visitors for high volume usage

Download Translate It (Miscellaneous)

Plus IMDb Scrapper (Miscellaneous)

Live demo:

Plus IMDb is an advanced scrapper wich stores the movies in a database, along with the posters and other details. Also on each movies you have trailers displayed automatically from YouTube.

Every movie page have Title & Description tags included for SEO purposes.

Movies are taken in the moment you search the movies in the Search Box, so if a visitor comes on your website and search for Mildred Pierce for example, if the movies wasn’t searched before, it will automatically grab it from IMDb, and store all the details, and after that, return the result.

Movies can be searched by Years, Stars, Genres and Countries.

When a movie is grabbed, you get the following:

  • Title
  • Poster
  • Year (of the movie)
  • Plot
  • Story
  • Trivia
  • Release date
  • User votes (from IMDb)
  • Countries
  • Stars
  • Genres
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
  • Oscars (number)
  • Also for evey movie, the script will automatically display trailers from YouTube.

    Every movie page will have “Similar Movies” wich will display random movies from the same genre of the movie displayed.

    Requierments: PHP , MySQL, Apache, Rewrite and cURL.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE : I already included a Disclaimer page and Privacy policy pages, updated as of today, but remember to check atleast monthly the IMDb Copyright and Conditions of Use.

    Download Plus IMDb Scrapper (Miscellaneous)

    WP e-Commerce Earnings Graphs (WP e-Commerce)

    The WP e-Commerce Earnings Graphs plugin will add an “Earnings Graphs” page to the WP e-Commerce plugin Product’s menu.

    The plugin will display graphs of monthly earnings for the current or selected year. The earnings are calculated from the total price of all orders for each month.


    Graphs powered by the GraphUp plugin by GeertDD.

    Download WP e-Commerce Earnings Graphs (WP e-Commerce)

    Gopher Hunt (Games)

    In the high desert amid the cactus and scorching sun lies the lurking gophers peering around the hillsides and gullies. Only one task remains; the skills needed to eradicate those nasty little creatures that try to peak around every corner, sometimes even carrying cherry bombs to divert a hunter’s attention. Get your act together and outsmart them little buggers.

    Features include:

    + Increasing difficulty levels!
    + A complex scoring system!
    + Three strikes and your out!
    + Background music option!
    + Thrilling game-play graphics!

    Download Gopher Hunt (Games)

    miniFTP (Loaders and Uploaders)

    A simple way for clients to upload files to you. No coding knowledge is required. From the intuitive admin panel, the administrator can add or remove miniFTP accounts. The administrator can also monitor the size and recent activity of each account.

    Handy alerts are displayed using jqery. They slide down and when clicked slide back up out of the way.

    Preview video:

    Download miniFTP (Loaders and Uploaders) Credit Card Gateway for WooCommerece (WooCommerce) is a gateway plugin that allows you to take credit card payments via directly on your site.

    Customer use their credit card during the checkout process and handles the rest. This lets your users never leave your website for making payments.

    This extension uses the AIM API to pass credit card details to from your site. You must obtain a valid SSL certificate to ensure your customer credit card details are safe.

    Download Credit Card Gateway for WooCommerece (WooCommerce)