Steam Profile Widget (WordPress)

This widget can display information about your steam profile.

At the moment there are three different widgets included, but I am open to new ideas.

  • Profile information
  • Last played games
  • Groups

The widgets are loaded using ajax so they don’t slow down the page load. It is also possible to load more then one widget on a page.

The layout is provided by an external css file. This makes it easier to change the style to the style of your own blog layout.

Download Steam Profile Widget (WordPress)

Uber Audio WordPress plugin (Media)

The Über Audio WordPress plugin is designed to provide the ultimate listening experience from your sidebar. Über audio allows you to put together a custom playlist quickly and easily. You can create and store multiple playlists in the admin options of Über audio and then select one playlist to display at a time. There’s no limit to the number of tracks you can add to your playlist. The design of Uber Audio gives the user the ability to show or collapse the playlist for a simple viewing experience.

Über audio has been tested and is compatible with all major browsers. We’ve also tested mobile devices like iOS and Android.

For the best cross-browser compatibility it’s recommended using .mp3 files. Uber audio will play mp3’s, .ogg’s and .wav’s file but the consistency across browsers isn’t as good with files other than .mp3’s.

Über Audio has two different color schemes to choose from; a dark version and a light version. You also have the ability to adjust the primary and secondary colors.

PSD ’s are included in this plugin.

Download Uber Audio WordPress plugin (Media)

Jigoshop Wish List (Jigoshop)

Jigoshop Wish List – WordPress eCommerce Plugin

Jigoshop Wish List allows you to add Amazon-style wish list functionality to your Jigoshop eCommerce store.


For Customers
  • Each registered customer gets their own customizable wish list
  • Customers can easily add and remove products from their wish list
  • Customers can customize their list’s name and description
  • Customers can get a unique link to share their list with family and friends, or choose to keep their list private

Add to Wish List button

For Store Owners
  • Choose whether you want “Add to Wish List” buttons on individual product pages, catalog items, or both
  • Enable or disable customer-configurable lists
  • Enable or disable public lists
  • Customize button text, classes, table headers, and more through the admin interface

Jigoshop Wish List Control Panel

Jigoshop Wish List is built using the standard functions and classes.


Read the Support Guide

Private Wish List

  • The Jigoshop E-Commerce Plugin (version
  • A Jigoshop-compatible theme
  • A properly configured installation
  • WordPress 3.3+


NOTE : The following resources are used in the demo, but not included with your purchase of Jigoshop Wish List.

Download Jigoshop Wish List (Jigoshop)

PHP Gradiented Progress Renderer (Ratings and Charts)

This is a progress bar renderer for PHP . It renders some nice-looking gradiented progress bars into PNG .


It just looks this way:

Before going into module details please take a look at “preview screenshots” or to preview link #1 and preview link #2.


  • 19 skins included – and it’s easy to create your own skin
  • customizable width, height, border size and text – by simply changing the config of one function call
  • no additional dependencies – only standard GD in PHP
  • unique caching engine – with file locking, logging etc.
  • usage explained by examples
  • well commented source code – easy to customize or to learn from
  • apache mod_rewrite compatible


More demos, API documentation, examples description at

Download PHP Gradiented Progress Renderer (Ratings and Charts)

JQuery Ken Burns Fullscreen Gallery Slideshow (Images and Media)

Welcome to new Ken Burns Fullscreen Gallery Slideshow jam-packed with settings!

Ken Burns Fullscreen Gallery Slideshow is a clean and simple yet powerfull image gallery with multiple transitions included.
Some of the options include the possibility of having images in fit-inside, fit-outside or normal (untouched) mode, using the component in 100% fluid layout of a custom fixed size, playlist positioned on any side, menu and thumbnails vertical or horizontal orientation… etc

Options include:

  • Component fixed size or 100% fluid layout.
  • Image size options:
    • ‘fit-inside’ (fit image to window size, no cropping)
    • ‘fit-outside’ (image covers full window)
    • ‘normal mode’ (leaves images smaller than window size intact)
    • ‘force image fit mode’ (force smaller images to window size)
  • Playlist integrated ‘inside’ (hides on demand) or ‘outside’ (always visible).
  • Playlist position: top / right / bottom / left.
  • Thumbnail orientation: vertical / horizontal.
  • Menu orientation: vertical / horizontal.
  • 6 transition types with multiple configuration options (transition time, transition ease, directions, image size modes, component background color).
  • Transitions include:
    • Ken Burns (multiple configuration options with built in randomizers)
    • Alpha (simple crossfade)
    • Image Reveal (4 variations)
    • Image Slide (4 variations)
    • Image Split (6 variations)
    • Image Zoom
  • Unlimited image categories possible.
  • Unlimited images per category possible.
  • Can be used with only single image category (no menu).
  • Define maximum visible thumbnails or specific number.
  • Define maximum visible menu items or specific number.
  • Define thumbnails and menu spacing, thumb mask radius, optional rollovers.
  • Auto open playlist.
  • Auto open description.
  • Optional description for each image.
  • Optional different thumbnail size per category.
  • Autoplay slideshow.
  • Optional random play.
  • Global or individual delay (per category).
  • Optional advance slideshow to next category (loop categories).
  • Optional link for each image (blank/parent, open url in new/same window).
  • Link whole slide or just link icon.
  • Optional image preloader.
  • Set active category on beginning.
  • Public methods available.
    • Start slideshow
    • Stop slideshow
    • Load category (number)
    • Load media (number)
    • Previous media
    • Next media
    • Toggle playlist
  • Google fonts used.
  • Embed multiple galleries into single page (examples provided).
  • Special Thanks and Credits

    Images used in the preview are courtesy of Fotolia

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Download JQuery Ken Burns Fullscreen Gallery Slideshow (Images and Media)

ajSlideshow: A jQuery Gallery Slideshow Plugin (Sliders)

What’s ajSlideshow Plugin?

A jQuery gallery slideshow plugin is a perfect slideshow and it is as it looks. With sleek, smooth and simple cross fade transition this plugin is compatible with all modern browsers.

Hard to implement?
No, its real easy, you can use this plugin as most of other available jQuery plugins. But if you want some serious modifications, then I am here to assist you.

Download ajSlideshow: A jQuery Gallery Slideshow Plugin (Sliders)

Soft Mini UI (Navigation and Menus)


This “Mini UI” is a set of web elements with a clean modern look, including a dropdown navigation menu, 4 types of buttons and pagination.


  • Simple HTML code structure
  • Detailed documentation
  • Clean look
  • Almost pure CSS (only one little subtle pattern used)
  • Easy to use


The “Mini UI” is fully compatible with Google Chrome 4+, Safari 5+, Opera 11+, Firefox 4+ and Internet Explorer 9+.

Download Soft Mini UI (Navigation and Menus)

Share+ : The most awesome way to share your site (Social Networks)

Share+ is a very powerful & highly customizable social sharing jQuery plugin which gentles your site users to share the page to various social and bookmarking networks. Including three pre made (more coming soon) skins/themes at the moment for share+, you can choose the style that suits your site best and it gives you the power to modify and theme it to suite your sites design. Replace the long list of unusable sharing buttons on your webpage and add share+ to take its place. It will be neat, simple and organized.

This script uses the jQuery framework and works completely client side. So you can use it on static and dynamic webpages. ishare is so easy to use and you only need to add a single simple code and include two files for it to work. Supports facebook, twitter, digg, delicious, yahoo, email, fav, print, live, stumbleupon, orkut, google, tumblr, linkedin, myspace, evernote, bebo, technorati, reddit, newsvine, mixx, netvibes, google buzz and you can add your own!

Get notified of new releases and updates



  • Major social websites supported (including Facebook, Twitter)
  • Facebook Like, Twitter Tweet and Google +1 native buttons supported
  • Easily activate share+ by adding ‘shareplus’ as class to links or open it using javascript functions
  • Easily choose which social websites to display
  • Easy to modify the style using css stylesheet and with the help of three pre-made themes (more coming soon)
  • Use built-in functions to detect activation of share+ (when it is opened, closed, etc.). You can use this to run other JS functions
  • Numerous other possible customization

Easy to customize

Share+ is easy and highly customizable. Or you can just use the default settings. The styles are set in css for easy editing.

There are many social share website links pre-defined in the script but if you find one that is not there, you can just add it by adding a simple code.

And we have added a comment for almost every function in the script to make it easy for editing.


Currently there are three themes available. They are all designed using CSS3 and are fully customizable by editing the stylesheet. You can use these as templates to design and customize it for your own site or use them as they are. (More themes coming soon…). Got an idea for a theme? Let me know about it in the comments. :)

default theme
simple theme
clean theme


Firstly please check out the FAQ section and see if you could find any solutions there.

You can also contact me via the contact form on my profile page. I’ll be happy to help or provide support for my products. Support questions about my products on envato marketplaces sent via any other means will be ignored.

Please try to include the following information if applicable with your message.

  • Product name.
  • URL to your affected page.
  • Browser name & version.
  • + anything else that you think will help us generate a speedy response.

Page Views

Download Share+ : The most awesome way to share your site (Social Networks)

Classic Memory Game (Miscellaneous)

The classic children’s game is now available in a dynamic, jquery package. Adapted from one of my best selling flash files, this game looks and plays great on all browsers, including touch devices.

This game is controlled by XML and you can easily customize the images and speed of the flips, fades and reveals. Included is a card PSD so you can start making your own version immediately. Robust documentation included.

View the documentation

What is new with Animike Interactive?

Check out my entire portfolio

Download Classic Memory Game (Miscellaneous)

WP e-Commerce Random Product Widget (WP e-Commerce)

Contact us. We'll get back to you ASAP!Subscribe to our items RSS feedFollow us and be the first to get new exciting items!

  • improve sales by showing of random products
  • show products from all or one specific category
  • modify products display layout with an easy template system – no file editing!
  • hide out of stock products
  • show as many products as you like
  • customize product thumbnail size

Available product template variables

  • {name} – product name
  • {link} – URL to product page
  • {description} – product description
  • {description2} – additional product description
  • {price} – product price
  • {image} – complete <img> element

Product details and docs

Download WP e-Commerce Random Product Widget (WP e-Commerce)

Simple Breadcrumb – PHP Class to Create (Miscellaneous)

Why use a breadcrumb?

They are the main tool to improve a website or a system usability, make more “user-friendly” a page and give a boost to the SEO score.

Simple Breadcrumb is a PHP class that allow you to create dynamic breadcrumbs in minutes, just writing two lines of code.

Please check the live preview and see how simple is to use it!


  • Easy and fast implementation
  • Automatic step builder
  • Full structure control
  • Lightweight, stand-alone class file
  • Basic PHP knowledge required

How To use

You can find all the functionalities examples in the live preview.
Each point is explained with code and a visual preview.

The documentation, included in the zip package, contains the complete class guide.

Download Simple Breadcrumb – PHP Class to Create (Miscellaneous)

Facebook To WordPress Plugin (WordPress)

Facebook To WordPress Plugin

Now you can automatically update your blog posts from Facebook.
This plugin has the capability of retrieving your Facebook Status, Notes, Links and the Feed, automatically transform them into WordPress Posts. By employing WordPress’ Cron or an external cron, the plugin checks for any new updates at an interval and retrieve them. In short, this is the closest one can get to Realtime Facebook to WordPress Integration!

No need for dual work or copy paste routine.

Call it Seamless Facebook Integration!


F2W has many features that you will find handy for your WordPress site:

Many Facebook Objects to follow

You can follow a page’s feed, or a page’s status, or notes or just links. You can virtually follow any page.

Ability to follow many pages or users

You can follow many pages or users’ objects. Theoretically you can follow up to 15 sources.
So imagine the power you will have of integrating posts of interest!

Automatic Post Thumbnail

If you post a link on Facebook, that image which appears on the left is automatically grabbed
and uploaded on your blog as an attachment post. It is then inserted as a Post Thumbnail.

Category Creation

You can declare the category for the posts that you are following. If the category is not already there
it is created.

Set Post Author

You can also set a default post Author who should have editor capabilities

Format Preservation

If you publish a note, that note’s formatting is preserved. Bold text will be bold text and italics will be italics!

Set Post Status

You can also set post status, whether all post should be published, be pending, drafts of be set for the future.

You can use external Cron

The default is to update every 15 minutes using WordPress’ Cron, but to achieve non-user-dependent
updating you can set an external cron that can run at a shorter interval even minutely!

If you love it, review it!

If you love this plugin, review it on your blog, somebody may love it too. Rate it positively too!



First production release

Download Facebook To WordPress Plugin (WordPress)

Mobile CMS (Project Management Tools)

Create a mobile website with ease

Clean and simple CMS to build jQuery Mobile websites.


  • Responsive CMS
  • Create multi language websites
  • 200+ button icons
  • Icons available in two sizes (18×18 & 36×36) for Retina display
  • Easy to customize templates
  • Templates compatible with jQuery Mobile themeroller
  • integrated image editor
  • SQLite database for minimum overhead and maximum performance
  • Lifetime upgrades + new modules


  • PHP >= 5.2
  • PHP extensions (enabled on most hosts)
    • GD library
    • SQLite
    • PDO extension
  • .htaccess support (rewrite_module)


Check out the demo at

Download Mobile CMS (Project Management Tools)

Stripe Credit Card Gateway for WooCommerce (WooCommerce)

Stripe is a gateway plugin that allows you to take credit card payments via Stripe payment gateway directly on your site.

Customer use their credit card during the checkout process and Stripe handles the rest. This lets your users never leave your website for making payments.

You must obtain a valid SSL certificate to ensure your customer credit card details are safe.

Download Stripe Credit Card Gateway for WooCommerce (WooCommerce)