Jigoshop Bundle Rate Shipping (Jigoshop)

Bundle rate shipping allows you to provide special bundled shipping rates when a customer purchases multiple items in the same category.

For example, a shop selling books, DVDs and CDs might have the following bundled shipping rates:

Books: $5 for the first book, $2 for every book thereafter.
DVDs: $4 for the first DVD , $1 for every DVD thereafter.
CDs: $4 for the first CD, $1 for every CD thereafter.

The Jigoshop Bundle Rate Shipping Plugin adds this shipping rate calculator to your Jigoshop store with a simple, easy to use configuration panel that integrates seamlessly with WordPress and the Jigoshop plugin.

For added complexity, you can specify additional pricing layers for each category. For example, if you sell books, you could charge $5 for the first book, $2 for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th books, and nothing for any additional books purchased.

Bundle rate shipping can be turned on for specific countries, and can also be enabled/disabled on a per category basis.

Download Jigoshop Bundle Rate Shipping (Jigoshop)

UCM Plugin: Finance Manager (Add-ons)

This is a plugin for the Ultimate Client Manager – Lite Edition. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Ultimate Client Manager before using this plugin.

Basic Finance Management

This plugin gives your Ultimate Client Manager the ability to manage your income and expenses in a basic easy to use manner. Receive notifications when recurring bills are due, forecast your earnings and see an overview of payments recorded through your system.

Other UCM Plugins:

UCM Plugin: Download the PDF Invoice Generation Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Group Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Mobile Device View Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Simple Finance Manager Plugin

Finance Manager Features

  • Schedule recurring expenses (eg: web hosting bill every month)
  • Schedule recurring income (eg: adwords every 3 months)
  • Dashboard notifications when a recurring expense or income is due
  • Group your income and expenses in categories and account types.
  • See an overview of all previous payments recorded in your system
  • See a 6 month summary of upcoming recurring bills and income, with a basic running estimation of your bank account balance over those coming 6 months (you can adjust 6 months to whatever you like).
  • Adds the “Expense” column to your dashboard summary page, quickly see and compare your expenses between the previous days and weeks.

How to install

  1. Download and install the Ultimate Client Manager on your website
  2. Purchase this plugin
  3. Find your licence code for this plugin (click here for instructions)
  4. Go to Settings > Upgrade in your system
  5. Click the + button to add the additional licence code
  6. Enter your licence code for this plugin
  7. Click the upgrade button
  8. This will install the latest version of the plugin for you, and keep it updated in the future.


  • Working UCM install
  • Check the upgrade system works on your hosting account (in Settings > Upgrade)

More plugins

Please check the Ultimate Client Manager website to download more plugins: http://ultimateclientmanager.com/


Please send all support requests via a support ticket by following this link: http://support.dtbaker.com.au/support-ticket.html
We cannot answer support questions posted on the item comments.

Download UCM Plugin: Finance Manager (Add-ons)

UCM Plugin: PDF Invoicing (Add-ons)

This is a plugin for the Ultimate Client Manager – Lite Edition. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Ultimate Client Manager before using this plugin.

PDF Invoice Generation

This plugin gives your Ultimate Client Manager the ability to generate PDF invoices. You can print them out straight from the system or email them to the customer from the system.

You also have control over the PDF layout. Adjust the provided PDF template to suit your needs using the WYSIWYG editor. There is also a HTML editor available for more advanced PDF layout changes.

Other UCM Plugins:

UCM Plugin: Download the PDF Invoice Generation Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Group Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Mobile Device View Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Simple Finance Manager Plugin

PDF Invoicing Features

  • Save PDF invoice to your computer
  • Email PDF to customer
  • Once invoice is paid, the PDF invoice turns into a PDF receipt which can be emailed to the customer.
  • WYSIWYG editor to adjust your invoice template
  • Invoices PDF files are named with the invoice number in them (eg: invoice_123456.pdf)

How to install

  1. Download and install the Ultimate Client Manager on your website
  2. Purchase this plugin
  3. Find your licence code for this plugin (click here for instructions)
  4. Go to Settings > Upgrade in your system
  5. Click the + button to add the additional licence code
  6. Enter your licence code for this plugin
  7. Click the upgrade button
  8. This will install the latest version of the plugin for you, and keep it updated in the future.


  • Working UCM install
  • Linux hosting account
  • Check the upgrade system works on your hosting account (in Settings > Upgrade)

Other Plugins

For more information on other Ultimate Client Manager plugins please check the website: http://ultimateclientmanager.com/


Please send all support requests via a support ticket by following this link: http://support.dtbaker.com.au/support-ticket.html
We cannot answer support questions posted on the item comments.

Download UCM Plugin: PDF Invoicing (Add-ons)

Animation Particles Text (Canvas)

Very nice animation!!!!
create special effect with bezierCurveTo
effect of movement of text,
circle with special effect images
effect of semicircular upper / lower
line corner effect
effect of straight line
with a few modifications you can create images with special effects spectacular
OnClick Block animation.
Flash not required
WebGL not required, uses 2D context
Uses JQuery (included)
Works in any modern browser


Tells the browser that you wish to perform an animation; this requests that the browser schedule a repaint of the window for the next animation frame. The method takes as an argument a callback to be invoked before the repaint.


// Firefox
// IE 10 PP2 +
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame(callback[, element]);
// Chrome/Webkit

Super simple, fast and easy to use tweening engine which incorporates optimised Robert Penner’s equations.

Sparks.js is a library to help create 3D particles in Javascript.

It uses three.js for Vector classes and rendering and uses ease functions from tween.js.

JAVASCRIPT 3D ENGINE lightweight 3D engine with a very low level of complexity — in other words, for dummies. The engine can render using canvas, svg and WebGL.

Download Animation Particles Text (Canvas)

ImageMasker Kit (Images and Media)


One Scale Up is proud to present to you Image Masker – jQuery plugin for applying masks to images on your website.

Using it is as simple as one line of code and it comes with a collection of masks made by us. Forget about processing every single image with Photoshop to apply a mask to it. Now you can do it on the fly, and it just works!

However, the collection of masks that come with this product are only the beginning of the possibilities of this little plugin. If you decide to use your own mask, the possibilities are limitless. Have fun with it and please don’t forget to rate.


  • Easily apply a mask to your images
  • Only one line of jQuery required
  • Comes with a bundle of 12 premade masks
  • Use your own masks if you want to
  • Highly customizeable
  • Select on which side to apply the image to
  • Works with patterns
  • Works with full image masks
  • The limit is your creativity
  • Works like magic!

Requires jQuery 1.7.

Download ImageMasker Kit (Images and Media)

Code Repository | Snippet Manager (Project Management Tools)

Code Repository / Snippet Manager is a place you can save all your snippets of code.

Demo Login

User: admin
pass: demo

Attitude that fits you

The system has the ability mix and match different looks and styles to fit you. If i’ve done the math right, there’s something like 90 different combinations of mix-n-matches – some will make you Puke, and others are stellar – like the following ideas.
Clean for the tie type of person,
Gory for the off centered person,
Strong for the firm,
Flirty for the ladies
and Sporty my favorite!

• Features

Edit on the fly

Double Click the snippet, description, language, group, or tags to edit them on fly.

Auto Generated Menu

The menu is generated automatically by the Language [primary] and then by Group [sub menu].
Here is what my personal code repo menu looks like after the first day of importing my snippets. I’m still not done importing!!

Used Most – Top Most

The system tracks views of each snippet. The more you use it, the higher it will climb on the menu. This keeps you from having to drill down or hunt for your most used functions. Not only that, but it also brings your most used groups and languages to the top as well.

Functions File

In the menu, next to each snippet is a checkbox. Placing checks in the boxes will allow you to see all checked snippets at once. In other words, you can select a hand full of snippets, copy them all at once and drop them into a single file.

No Limits

There is no limit to the number of languages or groups you can save to the system.

Internal Search Engine

Search by Tags, Names, and Snippets. When you search the system, it will first search for a matching tag. If none are found it will search in the Names, again, if none found, it will search the snippets themselves.

Import | Export

The system allows you to export and import snippets from other installations. You can export them one at a time or your entire collection.

Database Backup

You can backup the database at anytime by the press of a button.

Saved Deletes

When you delete a snippet, its not actually deleted, but rather moved to another table where you can restore it later if you need. There is no restore function at this time. You will need to do this via phpMyAdmin or similar.


This download does not contain any snippets pre installed. It’s fresh and clean!

To ensure I do not violate anyone’s copyright, I am choosing not to include any snippets with the download. However, purchasers will have access to my code repository where they can pickup snippets for free. My personal repository is still not complete, but I should be available in the next few days.

Download Code Repository | Snippet Manager (Project Management Tools)

Twitter Viral and Marketing Social App (Social Networking)

Did you ever dream to get a viral app fully integrated to the Twitter experience? You’ve got it. With this app you can let you users connect with their Twitter account before being able to access your reserved content.

You can define any locked content you want (video, article, download link…). And of course you have access to your connected users Twitter timeline. So basically you can potentially reach hundreds and thousands of your users followers, when posting a Twitter update on their timeline !

Here is the full list of features:


– Get and store in your database your users Twitter basic information
– Your users can update their email address from a dedicated account page
– Ability to post a message on your users Twitter timeline
– Ability to send an email to your users
– You can send message to only one, or a selected group of users !
– Pagination system to show only a number of users per page
– Preview any user data stored in the database (email, username, Twitter image etc)
– Build-in tool to export your users data into a CSV format
– Automatic autopost on your users Twitter timeline when they first connect
– Ability to delete the users from the backend interface
– Customize the content reserved for connected users right from a backend form

This app can get you more traffic into your site, can be used for your marketing campaigns, and enables you to potentially reach all your users Twitter followers !

Download Twitter Viral and Marketing Social App (Social Networking)

Fancy Product Preview for Jigoshop (Jigoshop)

Fancy Product Preview for JigoShop converts the product thumbnails on your JigoShop catalog/category pages to a fancy product preview gallery. Simply roll over an image thumbnail and be greeted with a larger image preview and/or gallery of additional images. See the live preview and full documentation.

Main Features

  • Show all product images in the catalog/category listing, as a fancy pop-up gallery.
  • Your customers can have a much more intuitive shopping experience.
  • Choose the number of images to show.
  • Customise the Fancy Preview border.
  • Enable/disable the Fancy Preview shadow.
  • Fade out of other products on the page.
  • Choose the Fancy Preview image dimensions and cropping.
  • Choose the pagination position.
  • Choose the pagination colours.

Download Fancy Product Preview for Jigoshop (Jigoshop)

Image Manipulator (Images and Media)

Image Manipulator is a PHP class with the purpose to manipulate images in different ways.

The main function of the class is to resize images for the sake of making thumbnails or simply changing the dimensions. The script will not lose the aspect ratio and is designed to crop the most important area of the original image instead of just centering it when parts are omitted due to resizing.

The script also allows you to easily add a watermark on the image for copyright purposes with an intuitive way to position it.

A minor functionality of the script is to convert the image to grayscale (black and white) in one easy line of code.

Once you’ve manipulated the image according to your needs, you can either save it as a file or allow the class to change the content type and output the newly created image directly.

Using the GD Image Library, it can manipulate all of the major image formats and maintain transparency for png and gif images.

Download Image Manipulator (Images and Media)

Secure Login System (Miscellaneous)

Secure Login System

SLS is a new and complex web application that can be used to protect pages you need to be hidden from visitors and visible only to the registered members as well as an user management tool, because it comes in two packages:

  • Minimal Version – which can be used only as a login application, for multiple users or single user
  • Extended Version – which contains both the login application and, as an extension, a backend, for admin users only, where you can manage members

This application comes in two parts, one is the PHP Class that handles all the Server Side processes and other data, and one is the jQuery Plugin which handles the forms and all the processes with Ajax and smooth transitions, without page redirects.

jQuery Plugin

Is a jQuery Plugin that generates a login, register, recover and register form, with a lot of options and easy to edit if necessary.

  • Generates a login form for the user just by including the latest jQuery library and by selecting the element you want the form to applied to
  • Handles the login proccess and every action with Ajax
  • Instead of throwing a message, if the credentials are wrong, it shakes ( custom function made for this, it doesn’t require jQuery UI )
  • Smooth successful login or lockdown message without redirects
  • Toogle button in case the user has to register or he forgot the password, or chose another way to login ( Twitter, Facebook, Google ), coming in the new version
  • Smooth Register form genereated without redirects, in case the user chose to register
  • Register process handled with Ajax and smooth form fade out and login form fade in if the registration is successful
  • Recover Password form genereated without redirects, in case the user chose to register
  • Recover process handled with Ajax and smooth form fade out and Reset Password form fade in if the email is valid and found in the database
  • Reset password process handled with Ajax
  • Smooth form fade out and login form fade in if the resetting is successful
  • Debug option available, if the user chose to have every message in the console
  • Center the forms and objects option, it can be canceled and done via CSS
  • Autocomplete option for inputs, it can be turned off or on
  • Actions options for Ajax handling for each form
  • Shake options to control the login form and recover form number of shakes, the distance and the duration
  • Option to link a different icon for the labels that have one and choose a different placeholder / label name
PHP Class

Is a php class that takes care of the login process and it’s related features ( registration, password recovery and password reset ) as well as the admin backend processes.

  • This class has an advanced login process and a very secure hashing algorithm for passwords and secret password recovery codes
  • It uses an complex algorithm to encrypt the username and the password for hashing process
  • It creates a random salt key for the user, based on the previous encrypted username and password, an important note, the salt key is never stored in the database, in conclusion, without the salt key a hacker can never decrypt the password
  • Then the password hash is created based on the sha512 hash_hmac algorithm ( using the typed password and the salt key generated before ), and then it’s either stored in the database in case this was done for registration or password reset or it is checked against the database if the login credentials are checked upon login
  • User registration process with custom messages during it and a confirmation email upon successful registration
  • Email validation when registering and captcha for human check as well as already registered username / email check
  • Password recovery process with custom messages during it
  • Reset password process with custom messages during it but only if the password recovery form is passed
  • Password recovery process requires a valid and registered email ( checked against the database ) and if successful an authorization code is sent to the confirmed email address ( this code doesn’t get you logged in, it can be used only to reset the password but the specific email address for it is required )
  • The reset password process has as well custom messages during it and it carries on as it follows: it’s a simple process that requires the authorization code provided in the email, the email address that the code was requested for and the new password, if all valid the password is successfuly changed / resetted
  • Is important to know that this system uses sessions to check login and as well to login and logout
  • This system has a simple way to verify if a user is logged in, it checkes a session, created only if the user is logged in, and if it’s not found it returns and json encoded message for possible ajax handleling ( I have used it like this but at any time you can add a redirect )
  • The same priciple is applied when the user loggs out, the created session is destroyed
  • It is very important to know that in each file in the “actions” folder there us a “sleep(2);” line, this makes sure that you are protected against brute force attacks
  • As a supplimentary feature to be protected against brute force attacks, this login system has a lockdown mode which is activated if the numer of login attempts set in the “settings.php” file is exeeded, this makes the login useless because it doesn’t do anything from now on
  • And finally as an extention to the class there is a backend for admins, a user management tool let’s say, and it has the following features:
    • Admin User Password Change
    • Create New Users
    • Delete Users
    • Assign Admin Role To Users
    • Demode Admins To Simple Users
  • Each of the above processes has custom messages set in the “settings.php” file
  • The password changeing relies on the same principle as the password resetting does, but instead of the email you need your username which is already printed out, and instead of the authorization code you need to know your old password, the rest is the same
  • Creating a new user is as simple as it gets, you only type a username, his email and the password, and it’s done, in case the email address or the username doesn’t exist already ( the email is also validate as well )
  • Also deleting a user doesn’t require to be a skilled human, the users are listed in rows and you simply hit “Delete” to remove the desired user, a custom message is throwed in case it was deleted or not
  • Assigning and Demoding Admins is the same, listed users ready to be made admins or demoded
  • Another note, each time a connection to the database is made the table is optimized to avoid Overhead
  • The class also has extensive settings, first of all you’ll need to open the “settings.php” file located in the same folder as the class, then you’ll see a lot of things there, but for each one you have an attached comment with an explanation to what each one does

Future tools attached to this application will come, such as Twitter / Facebook / Google / Linkedin login ( signup ) and other as users request. Also keep in mind that this application is very modular and well documented, so it would be easy to use only parts you need without having a headache with understanding the code. And more important, you don’t need to create forms for each of the features, all of it is created with a single line of code.


  • Spin JS – Used for the login form, during the processing, it’s open source and it’s not a part of this script, you can use anything you want instead of it ( Click to view )
  • jQuery Tools – As well, does not take part of the script, I used it only to show you how this script works ( Click to view )
  • Icons – This is part of the login script and if you want to buy it separately you can do so ( Click to view )


Changelog                                                Secure Login System

-application v1.0 released                               05.01.2012
-in pending for sale on Envato Marketplaces              05.01.2012
-rejected because of over saturation of similar 
scripts reasons                                          06.01.2012
-application v1.1 released                               20.01.2012
-in pending for sale on Envato Marketplaces              20.01.2012
-approved for sale on Envato Marketplaces                21.01.2012

Download Secure Login System (Miscellaneous)

Point Of Interest (POI) Auto Map For WordPress (WordPress)

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ”-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1 .0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”>
<html xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml”>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8” />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

Create Location Aware WordPress Sites In Minutes

Poi Auto Map combines the power of Google’s Maps and Places APIs to give
you a simple way to add highly interactive Point of Interest maps to your WordPress
website. All you need to do is define a starting address and a list of point
of interest categories and POI Auto Map does the rest. Move the map and watch
the points update. You can also define a database connection from which to
source your POI points. This is the largest update yet in both features and performance.

Works well in any WordPress website and any v3.0+ compatible theme.

This is the WordPress Plugin Version of: http://codecanyon.net/item/point-of-interest-poi-auto-map/101599 . All configuration is done from the WordPress Admin Dashboard.

See a working simple shortcode example here: http://wp2.australele.com

See a working advanced shortcode example here: http://wp2.australele.com/advanced-poi-auto-map-example/

New In Version 5.0:

  • Google Places Integration
    • Access Google Place Information
    • Use Google Places Types
    • Combine Types with search by name for more granular results.
    • Returns multiple results limited only by search radius setting.
    • Uses JSON result set for best performance
    • Can use Googles POI icons for places locations
  • Geolocation – Location Aware
    • Automatically find your current location
    • Ideal for Mobile Applications
  • Mobile / Full Screen Example Included
    • Includes JS / HTML and CSS
    • Works well on ios / android / wm, phones and tablets
  • External Info Window
    • Have infowindow content be shown in an external DIV instead on the standard info window bubble
  • Improved Interface
    • Scrolling Categories List
    • Expand / Collapse Categories List
  • Database Performance
    • Database records are now returned as JSON .
    • Significantly faster for large record sets.
  • Removed Items
    • Panoramio and Wikipedia Layers
    • XML File Processing

New In Version 4.0:

  • Google Maps API v3.0
    • Re written for Google Maps API v3.0
    • keyless api
    • faster mapping / geocaching
  • Removed XML file processing

New In Version 3.0:

  • Database connector
    • Add Markers to the map from your own database
    • Assign custom marker icons to each group or each individual point
    • Add your own custom HTML to the marker point’s popup
    • Street View and Driving Directions Included
    • Only markers from the database that are on the current map area are
      loaded – better speed.
    • Batch / Bulk Geocoding tool included – convert addresses to latitude,
      longitude pairs
    • Must be running PHP 5 .1 or better and MySQL
  • User Printable Street Directions
    • Customize what gets printed with your own logo

v2.0 Features:

  • Integrated Streetview
  • User Search categories
  • Search for locations
  • Photo and wikipedia layers
  • Simple Integration
  • 100% Native Javascript – No Jquery, MooTools, etc
  • Fully CSS stylable
  • Full Documentation Included
  • Full Geocoding – Just provide an address. No messing with Latitude
    and Longitude
  • Dynamic results – no DB or data entry required if you don’t want
    to connect to a database

Perfect For:

  • Location Based Services
  • Mobile Direction Sites
  • Creating an advanced Location / Contact page on your site
  • Realtor / Estate Agents
  • Community Guides
  • Restaurant Guides
  • Photo Galleries

Download Point Of Interest (POI) Auto Map For WordPress (WordPress)

BlogNews – iPhone blog app – WordPress editions (Full Applications)

BlogNews is a full native App for iPhone and have been build to respond the demand of the owners of WordPress Blog / Magazine and who want to offer to their users a profesional iPhone App.

Really easy to setup, just copy past yours RSS Feeds URL and the app will finish it.

You will spend max 10 minutes to setup completely the App !!!

Features :

– SlideShow loading images from server web
– Grab automatically news from your blog / magazine
– Google Analytics integrated, get info about yours users
– Social media integrated, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
– Custom design with the look of the website.

More information on Screenshot page and video description.

This version work successfully only with WordPress RSS feeds.
If you have doubt about compatibility with your website feel free to contact me.

Download BlogNews – iPhone blog app – WordPress editions (Full Applications)

Save Your Place (iPhone)

Save your place in the world. Perfect for never forgetting that coffe shop you went to or the train stop where you saw that cute girl who got away. Save place uses core data to store a users location. Easily delete the application by flipping the view.

Along with storing a location Save Place allows you to store a name and image icon.

easy to edit and fit into any application.



Download Save Your Place (iPhone)

Full Android App WebView Template with Admob Ads (Full Applications)

Smartphones have taken the world by storm and it seems that Android-based ones are ever popular. In fact, if you look at current app statistics, you’ll see that the Android app market is the fastest growing sector.

Putting ads in your app is a great way to make extra income, but with Google Adsense banned in apps, you’ll have to use the next best thing – in-app advertising. Admob (owned by Google) is one of the biggest advertisers out there, and it’s very simple to add to your app.

There are lots of ways to code Android Apps, but using a webview, meaning that you host the files it shows on your webserver, has a lot of advantages, particularly for the beginner. Firstly, it’s really quick and doesn’t rely on complex coding skills. Secondly, because you host the files on your normal web hosting server, you can change the content as often as you like.

This makes a webview app very flexible and particularly suited to online brochures, special offers and local business information. Your app will take up the whole screen, with Admob adverts appearing at the bottom.

This template gives you the files you need to have a working webview app very simply and quickly. You need to have Eclipse and Android SDK installed, but after that, it’s a copy and paste job!

Extra features include allowing users to zoom in on your content to make it easier to read, double-tap to zoom, and giving them the choice of saving the app to their phone or SD card.

Download Full Android App WebView Template with Admob Ads (Full Applications)