AJAXed login/signup PHP script (Forms)

This is a website component that implements a login/signup system, that you can purchase to integrate it in your web site.

The component consists of two parts:

  • Back-end part.
  • Front-end part.

– The back-end is a PHP script. It contains a main file with all the functionalities and 2 auxiliary files, that contain
configuration directives and an API collection, used by the main script.
It also contains a database, with just the users table, to register the user’s data
and credentials. The API also contains a minimum set of functions to manage the database.
The PHP script is secured against the SQL Injection (data escaping, error reporting disabled, fields verification with RegExp), against the
Hijacking attacks (checking the HTTP _USER_AGENT) and against the Email Header Injection.
The password is encrypted before to be inserted in the database. This means that if a user
forgets it, he/she can just request a new (temporary) password, that will be sent him/her via email. The login is based on the PHP SESSION , which duration
can be configured in the config.php file (one of the 2 auxiliary files).
If the user choises the remember me option also a (secured) cookie will be
created, to avoid future login. The cookie will be removed after the expiration (the duration is configurable) or after an explicit logout.

– The front-end is based on jQuery to implement the AJAX features. To integrate the front-end in your page you have to copy the forms markup
and the custom javascript file, but you can use your own CSS styling to completely customize the rendering of the dialog in the context of your page.
The CSS that we provide is only for presentational purpose:the core of the product are the PHP scripts, the custom.js javascript file and the login.html markup.
The HTML markup contains several forms, to perform the user signup (registration), signup verification, user login, password retrieving (if forgotten), change password. The user will see a form at a time,
according to his/her action and each form will communicate via AJAX with a specific section of the PHP script.
The PHP script will reply with a
JSON encoded data (for convenience). The complete signup/login process is performed in the same dialog, without reloading the page. When a user sends
the signup (registration) data he/she will be emailed with a verification code, that he/she have to copy and insert in a text box in the same registartion page
and send it to the server.
We have avoided to allow to the user to click on a link to verify his/her registration, to avoid that a user starts a registration
process on a page and ends it on another page, getting confusing.
The index.php page is only an example of a generic page that will use the login/signup dialog.

The forms data will be validated both on the front-end and in the back-end. The front-end validation is done for the sake of convenience of the regular user, to
help him/her to insert correct data; the back-end validation is done to protect the system against malicious users, that could not use the browser
to send the data, bypassing the front-end validation.

The signup form contains the minimum set of required data: an email and a password. But you can add any other field that you need,
without modifying neither the PHP script nor the javascript script, because both these scripts have been written to get all the fields present in the form; the only constraint
is that you have to set the forminput class and the name attribute equal to the field name present in the database. So, for example,
if you want to add the field address, you have to insert the following markup in the signup form:

<input type="text" class="forminput" value="" id="signup-address" title="" name="address">

Also, be sure that you have the field address in your database.

Live Preview and Live Demo

Clicking on the Live Preview button above you can see an ‘emulation’ version of the product, where you can insert an email ‘not real’ (but formally correct):
all the messages that you should receive via email will be displayied directly on the page.

You can view a full functioning installation at the following (external) link:
Live Demo

If you use this link you have to insert a real email address, that will be registered in our database, but it will be used exclusively to allow you to test the
product. No other use will be done of your email address.

Main features:

  • Fully AJAXed login/signup dialog: save your bandwidth and improve the user navigation experience.
  • Very easy to integrate into any existing HTML or PHP page on your website.
  • Very easy to tweak/modify once purchased if you know a little the PHP and Javascript (jQuery) languages.
  • Very easy to add user data fields without modifying the code.
  • Protected against malicious attacks.
  • Integrated AJAX JS front-end validation plugin, if fields aren’t correct or incomplete.
  • Uses standard PHP server features for a no-hassle installation.

The details about the installation/customization of the product will be provided in the README file that comes with the product itself.

If you have any questions, just leave a comment or drop me an email!

Download AJAXed login/signup PHP script (Forms)

Smart WordPress Blog Post Calendar (Calendars)

Smart WordPress blog post calendar is a unique way to display your archived post in a widget. Your visitors will able to explore your post archive most effectively and efficiently! They can easily browse the archive and if they want they can visit the specific post by clicking on the post title.
This will obviously added a new functionality for your website and this will increase your website’s page views.

Event calendar show event of your site by custom post type . Which will not increase your site page view.

Smart wordpress blog post calendar show your blog’s all post by month in calendar. It gives visitor a short overview of your blog post. Visitor do not need to see each and every post by navigation. They are able to view each day post in smart blog post calender’s cell.

So it will be a vital plugin for your blog to increase the page view and inspire people to view more post from the site.


  1. Awesome presentation
  2. Displays post’s title, date, number of comments on mouse hover
  3. Multilingual (option to change day/month name)
  4. Fully customizable to match your theme look & feel
  5. Flexible template system
  6. Fully optimized and uses caching to improve performance
  7. Can be displayed via any widget location

Download Smart WordPress Blog Post Calendar (Calendars)

Multi-step Indicator (Navigation and Menus)

This Multi-step Indicator is an implementation of the Progress Bar Design Pattern, also known as “Progress Indicator”, “Multi-step Progress Bar”, “Wizard Steps”, “Progress Train”, and “Steps Left”. It comes in two slightly different implementations (Modern and Legacy) and 2 color variations.

Download Multi-step Indicator (Navigation and Menus)

iPhone Camera Self-Timer (Audio/Video)

Easy for inexpert developers!
XIB design, just drag and drop!

Documentation inside.

Be happy, with Camera Self Timer, you will finally appear in your photos !!

Choose between 10, 15 or 20 seconds of time, lay your iPhone on a flat plane and go in the frame with your friends!

Functions included:

– 10,15 or 20 sec. of timer
– Auto Focus
– Snapshot Preview
– Torch Mode
– 3 Shoots Sequence
– Audio Beep Warn

With the 3 Shoot Sequence the possibility that anyone have open eyes is greater!

Shoot unforgettable photos with Camera Self Timer and show what your iPhone can do with this fantastic application!

Download iPhone Camera Self-Timer (Audio/Video)

Member Role Admin Tool (Membership or Authentication Tools)


You don’t need to create members’ repository solution again and again for your MVC3 web applications, because this tool allows to manage the members in one place and has many options to customize the sign up and the sing in process. You can use this tool for your main domain and for sub-domains in the same time even for your development environment, because this solution has very very simple API to get Members, Roles and other stuff from the repository.

How to protect your application? Just add one attribute on a class (or a method) with a role definition, that’s all, so the authenticated members can use it only!

Member Role Admin Tool helps to support Single Sign On (SSO) concept for your ASP .NET MVC3 applications. Single Sign On (SSO) is a term used to indicate when a pool of applications need a centralized authentication, so that users login once and access to any application.

V1.0 Released – July 1, 2012

Product Description

Implementing a single sign on is quite simple, and can be done by configuring the applications using the web.config file and this tool will help you to create machine key (for validation and encryption/decryption proposes) and manage members (users) and their roles.

The general concept is this: members are created, activated, possibly approved by admin, roles are assigned to members. Members can self register and activate their account or admin can to do that.

Main Features

  • Single Sign On concept support
  • Public registration form
  • Activation email
  • Change password email
  • Email templates support
  • Audit Event log
  • Machine Key Generator
  • Mail domain restriction
  • Bootstrap Themes
  • Responsive design
  • Simple API
  • Live member search
  • Secret admin URL
  • Multilingual support ready
  • Role / Member import & export via CSV
  • Ability to change public form design
  • Public forms default language
  • Import/Export file example
  • Member Profile
  • Custom Member Profile Fields


  • MS IIS 7 /6
  • ASP .NET 4.0 MVC3
  • MS SQL Server 2008 (possible compact edition 4.0)

Browser support

Role Member Admin is tested and supported in major modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox

  • IE 8 +
  • Chrome
  • FireFox 3+
  • Opera 11+
  • Safari 5+

Package Content

The package contains:

  • SimpleTools.RoleAdmin.Web – Admin application
  • SimpleTools.Web.Example – Example application
  • Demo.Export.Import.Files – export/import file example
  • Database.Install.Script – Install SQL script

Install Admin Application

  1. Create empty database;
  2. Create database user and assign dbo rights to the user;
  3. Execute MS SQL Management Studio and execute Database.Install.Script\InstallDatabase-v1.0.sql
  4. Change connection string in Web.Config file in SimpleTools.RoleAdmin.Web, see example below:


        value="server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;database=SimpleTools.RoleMemberAdmin;user id=SimpleTools.RoleMemberAdmin; 
        password=SimpleTools.RoleMemberAdmin" /> 

  5. Create web site in IIS or application in virtual directory and copy content of SimpleTools.RoleAdmin.Web folder. Remember that you must use .Net 4.0 application pull.
  6. Add read/write permission on avatar virtual folder for IUSER user.
  7. Set domain attribute in form tag to your root domain (without sub domain name) :


          <forms loginUrl="~/Account/SignIn" protection="All" timeout="180" domain="mydomain.com" name="myApplicationCookie" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true" enableCrossAppRedirects="true" defaultUrl="~/"/>
  8. Use the following admin login:

    Name: [email protected]
    Password: admin
    URL : http://www.yourdomain.com/Admin

    Remember that you can change default admin URL in order to secure admin UI entry point.

  9. See Help & FAQ area on admin web site.

You can install the tool on your root domain (for instance accounts.mydomain.com) or use virtual path like this http://www.mydomain.com/security.

Install Small Demo Application

Example application helps to understand key concept of role and member admin tool in action:

  1. Create web site in IIS or application in virtual directory and copy content of SimpleTools.Web.Example Web folder. Remember that you must use .Net 4.0 application poll.
  2. Check web.config file and change accounts.yourdomain.com to you account URL :
        <add key="ssoUrlSignIn" value="http://accounts.yourdomain.com/SignIn"/>
        <add key="ssoUrlSignOut" value="http://accounts.yourdomain.com/SignOut"/>
        <add key="ssoUrlSignUp" value="http://accounts.yourdomain.com/SignUp"/>
        <add key="ssoUrlForgotPassword" value="http://accounts.yourdomain.com/ForgotPassword"/>
        <add key="ssoUrlProfile" value="http://accounts.yourdomain.com/Profile"/>
        <add key="ssoAvatar" value="http://accounts.yourdomain.com/Avatar"/>
        <add key="ssoAPIUrl" value="http://accounts.yourdomain.com/Admin/API"/>
        <add key="ssoAPIMemberName" value="[email protected]"/>
        <add key="ssoAPIMemberToken" value="HYXMvDsQWhGhbShE7yS1"/>  

You can install the tool on your root domain (for instance app.mydomain.com) or use virtual path like this http://www.mydomain.com/myapp.

Support your needs

If you have problems, questions, ideal, etc… Contact me via email [email protected] Please contact us with any questions you may have via the contact form on my author profile page. Updates – Available FREE to existing purchasers.

Download Member Role Admin Tool (Membership or Authentication Tools)

jQuery Dynamic Grid: XML Gallery (Images and Media)

Dynamic Grid: XML Gallery

This is the first product of a series that uses the Dynamic Grid engine. With Dynamic Grid: XML Gallery you can create the image gallery that you want. The script gives you huge control over the layout and animations, and the possibilities are endless. Literally endless – the script is smart enough to generate unique layouts every time it launches, which means a unique experience for your visitors on every page load.

Which is pretty cool.


With the Dynamic Grid engine you have the power to create exactly the layout you need. And if you don’t know what you need, the script comes with solid default settings that create a beautiful and random layout on every page load!

If you want to tackle the settings a bit you can create anything – horizontal 1-row scroller, vertical 1-column scroller, grid with square cells, grid with random number of cells, or even – a grid with random number of cells and every cell with a random height!

You get the idea…


Keeping up with the hot stuff on the internet, of course that Dynamic Grid: XML Gallery is responsive. Just don’t specify a width for the plugin and it will just fill it’s parent element. Sweet!

Image scaling/centering

How many times have you tried using a plugin, slider or whatever and you needed to have images with an exact size?

Well not here. Doesn’t if your image is larger, smaller, taller, thinner or whatever – it will not break the plugin. Even more – it will get scaled and centered properly, so it all looks nice and clean. Check out the demos once again – the images there are going into cells of all kinds of sizes and proportions and nothing looks bad nor broken.

Just looks like it should.


With Dynamic Grid: XML Gallery you have two options to plug in your content: with XML file, or HTML code. Both ways are equally good, they are both really simple to implement and they work!

Lightbox integration

While this plugin is great for viewing images right from your website, your visitors would want to click and view an image in full size. This is where Lightbox comes in. The most popular image gallery script out there, it’s simply the best way to view images in their full sizes.

More Dynamic Grid

Dynamic Grid: The Engine

Download jQuery Dynamic Grid: XML Gallery (Images and Media)

UCM Plugin: Club Membership Subscription Manager (Project Management Tools)

NEW : – Data Encryption plugin just released!

UCM Plugin: Secure customer Data Encryption

Get up to date PHP Scripts from dtbaker
Try online demonstration for free
Follow on Twitter
Email Support
This is a plugin for the Ultimate Client Manager – Lite Edition. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Ultimate Client Manager before using this plugin.

Club/Group Membership Manager

This plugin lets you easily manager your recurring membership fees for your small club, group or organisation. Create your own membership subscription levels (eg: $5 every week, $10 every 6 months) and then give each member a different subscription. When the members due date is coming close a reminder will be created. An invoice is generated for each membership payment, and when the invoice is paid a receipt is generated as well.

Optional Features: Also install the UCM Group Plugin – assign your members to different groups! Another Optional Features: Also install the Newsletter Plugin so you can easily send your club members fancy email newsletters.

Club Membership Subscription Features

  • Import Members via CSV
  • Search for members based on name, phone or email address
  • Create as many subscription levels as you like (eg: $5 every week, $10 every 6 months).
  • Assign members to different subscription levels.
  • Reminders when members subscriptions are due for renewal.
  • Generate tax invoices for member subscriptions
  • Generate receipts once membership invoices are paid

How to install

  1. Download and install the Ultimate Client Manager on your website
  2. Purchase this plugin
  3. Find your licence code for this plugin (click here for instructions)
  4. Go to Settings > Upgrade in your system
  5. Click the + button to add the additional licence code
  6. Enter your licence code for this plugin
  7. Click the upgrade button
  8. This will install the latest version of the plugin for you, and keep it updated in the future.


  • Working UCM install
  • Linux hosting account
  • Check the upgrade system works on the hosting account (in Settings > Upgrade)

Other UCM Plugins:

UCM Plugin: Secure customer Data Encryption
UCM Plugin: Club Recurring Subscription Membership Manager
UCM Plugin: Download the Mass Email Newsletter System
UCM Plugin: Download the PDF Invoice Generation Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Group Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Mobile Device View Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Simple Finance Manager Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the POP3 Email Ticket Support System
UCM Plugin: Quick Pin - Page Bookmark Script
Freelance Database Management: Table Sort Plugin

Product Support

If you require assistance please feel free to use our support system by clicking here. Please do not post support requests on the item discussion board – these are not checked regularly and your question may go unanswered for weeks.

Download UCM Plugin: Club Membership Subscription Manager (Project Management Tools)

Facebook Event Promoter WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

This plugin brings your Facebook Event to you website. Your visitors can RSVP , invite friends and share your event all done on your website.


– Invite Friends
– Share on Facebook

Compatibility with Facebook Walleria

If used with Facebook Walleria Plugin, you can also display the event’s wall on your site where visitors can comment and like posts

Quick Start Video

View Quick Start Video

Download Facebook Event Promoter WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

UCM Plugin: Data Encryption (Project Management Tools)

Get up to date PHP Scripts from dtbaker
Try online demonstration for free
Follow on Twitter
Email Support
This is a plugin for the Ultimate Client Manager – Lite Edition. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Ultimate Client Manager before using this plugin.

Password and other Data Encryption

This plugin lets you encrypt sensitive data in UCM so it is safe from prying eyes (eg: hackers or disgruntled staff members). Perfect for keeping customers FTP /cPanel details encrypted.

This plugin uses a “master password” to unlock any data. Technical detail: Encryption and decryption is handled “client side” in JavaScript. Your master password never goes to the UCM system. This is a very secure feature.

See the screenshots for a step by step guide on how to encrypt and decrypt information with the UCM system.

UCM Data Encryption Features

  • Ability to encrypt any extra field within the system (extra fields are those ones you can create yourself from the “more fields »” button)
  • Create multiple encryption vaults with different master passwords. If one master password is discovered this will limit their data access. Or you could have all FTP details encrypted with one password, and all cPanel details encrypted with another password. Up to you!
  • If you forget the password there is absolutely no way to decrypt the information. Not even by me, the developer. This is industry standard RSA and AES cryptography, serious stuff!
  • Keep a history of who access what information, when they access it, and from what IP address (are staff members looking at details from home?).
  • You can encrypt data without typing in the master password, but to decrypt it you need the master password. (This is the public / private key cryptography at work).
  • Technical Jumbo: Javascript RSA library is used to generate a 1024 bit public and private key set on the client side. The private key is encrypted using AES with the master password. The encrypted private key and the public key are then sent to the UCM system and stored in the mysql database. To decrypt something the secure private key is sent to the browser, then in javascript it is decrypted with AES using the same master password. If the private key is decrypted successfully in JavaScript then it can be used to decrypt our information which is then shown on the screen. Phew!

How to install

  1. Download and install the Ultimate Client Manager on your website
  2. Purchase this plugin
  3. Find your licence code for this plugin (click here for instructions)
  4. Go to Settings > Upgrade in your system
  5. Click the + button to add the additional licence code
  6. Enter your licence code for this plugin
  7. Click the upgrade button
  8. This will install the latest version of the plugin for you, and keep it updated in the future.


  • Working UCM install
  • Linux hosting account
  • Check the upgrade system works on the hosting account (in Settings > Upgrade)

Other UCM Plugins:

UCM Plugin: Secure customer Data Encryption
UCM Plugin: Club Recurring Subscription Membership Manager
UCM Plugin: Download the Mass Email Newsletter System
UCM Plugin: Download the PDF Invoice Generation Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Group Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Mobile Device View Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the Simple Finance Manager Plugin
UCM Plugin: Download the POP3 Email Ticket Support System
UCM Plugin: Quick Pin - Page Bookmark Script
Freelance Database Management: Table Sort Plugin

Product Support

If you require assistance please feel free to use our support system by clicking here. Please do not post support requests on the item discussion board – these are not checked regularly and your question may go unanswered for weeks.

Download UCM Plugin: Data Encryption (Project Management Tools)

CSS3 Side Menu (Navigation and Menus)

CSS3 Side Menu is an item directly inspired by the Envato marketplaces and is a complete solution to build quickly fixed menus. The content remains accessible from anywhere on the page and this menu works only with CSS .


  • Fancy side menu
  • Easy to integrate and customize
  • Dark and light color schemes
  • Left or right alignment
  • Can hold (almost) any kind of HTML element
  • 3 columns grid
  • Styled form elements
  • Works with CSS
  • Clean and attractive element
  • 100% valid HTML /CSS markup
  • Uses some CSS3 effects
  • Cross-browser tested

Please note that this product doesn’t include a working contact form, it only provides styled elements.

Compatible Browsers

  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Firefox 2+
  • Chrome 4+
  • Safari 4+
  • Opera 10+


07/01/2012 – Version 1.0

  • Initial release

Credit Photos

Download CSS3 Side Menu (Navigation and Menus)

SlimPicker – HTML5/jQuery ColorPicker / Setter (Canvas)

Slim, Simple & Elegant jQuery Color Picker/Setter

SlimPicker Features:

  • Color Picker – Set the input value to the picked color.
  • Set any html/css color property such as background-color, color, border-color etc.
  • Easy to use – set a class on any element and add the optional sp-target attribute to set what color property to change.
  • Uses HTML5 canvas element.
  • Cross browser capable.
  • Mobile Ready – Android and Apple.
  • Extremely lightweight(Slim, Slim, Slim)- Only 2KB.
  • Slim, Simple and Elegant.

Download SlimPicker – HTML5/jQuery ColorPicker / Setter (Canvas)

BB Code Editor + Parser (Forms)

BBCode or Bulletin Board Code is a lightweight markup language used to format posts in many message boards. The available tags are usually indicated by square brackets ([ ]) surrounding a keyword, and they are parsed by the message board system before being translated into a markup language that web browsers understand—usually HTML or XHTML .

BBCode was devised to provide a safer, easier and more limited way of allowing users to format their messages.

Download BB Code Editor + Parser (Forms)