Google Maps Editor for WordPress (Media)

Google Maps Editor for WordPress let you create beautiful maps within the WordPress text editor.

You have the choice between classical Google Maps style and five exclusive color themes made for Google Maps API .

Create as much markers you want on a map.

The Editor

The map editor is directly embedded in WordPress text editor

Map themes



Modern Countryside




I added some javascript functions to help you create maps, plug geocoder and add styles. Plus the full documentation.


This plugin needs WordPress 3 or superior versions, Google Maps API v3 and jQuery

Give some Love

You purchased this product and like it. Please give me a rating. It would be great help.

Download Google Maps Editor for WordPress (Media)

Social Buttons for Jigoshop (Jigoshop)

This Social Buttons Plugin for Jigoshop helps add the Social Sharing Button like Facebook Recommend, Google +1, Twitter Share, Digg it and Reddit to Products Page. So the customers who want to share the product with their friends can easily do that.

You can also select what button you want to display while setting up the Product in case you want to disable any social button from being added to particular Products. By default all buttons get added to Product.

Download Social Buttons for Jigoshop (Jigoshop)

BackSlider – Fullscreen Background Image Slider (Images and Media)

BackSlider – site background image slider is an elegant and flexible solution for creative designs. Among other features this plugin offers four different slide modes to choose from and ability to load images directly from Flickr or Picasa

Download BackSlider – Fullscreen Background Image Slider (Images and Media)

CarSale In App (iOS)

With this project, Xcode you have a powerful and comprehensive system to show your Car showroom in iPhone application, your application.

You can:
– Add your car from phpMyAdmin. Automatically appear in your application.
– Ability to set up the first screen with logo, description, speed dial, email and Facebook.
– Ability to set the map.
– Reach Your Car Showroom with a click, route calculation from the current position.
– Cool graphics.
– Much More …

Download CarSale In App (iOS)

All Categories Module for OpenCart (vQmod) (OpenCart)

The All Categories Module for OpenCart is designed to allow for store owners to display all of their top level categories on a single page, while also taking advantage of the category image feature built into OpenCart. Using a custom built modular system, this module does not modify any of the core OpenCart file structure, maintaining the ability to upgrade OpenCart as needed. For the select instances where modifications to the core file system are required, vQmod™ (aka Virtual Quick Mod) is used to make the changes needed virtually without actually modifying any of the core files.

Once installed, the All Categories Module for OpenCart will create a link at the beginning of the Top Category links, which when clicked will direct the user to the All Categories page. This All Categories page displays all Top Level category links both by name and by the custom image selected in the Category administration section of OpenCart. Additionally, this module preserves and allows for the use of all Layout features of OpenCart such as the Content Top, Left, Right, & Bottom features used when placing various modules across the OpenCart system.

Overall this is a very simple and lightweight module in which it’s elegance is best found in its simplicity. The size of the category image is controlled from the OpenCart System Settings page, allowing for use of the dynamic resizing found within OpenCart. The Categories will then gracefully space themselves as needed depending on the size of the images, the amount of space available, and if there are any modules on the left or right sides of their container.


This module was built and tested using OpenCart, and vQmod 2.1.6. While there should be no problem using this module on previous version of OpenCart in the 1.5.x series, or vQmod in the 2.x series, we cannot guarantee any other specific combinations of software versions will be compatible. Should you have any issues installing or using this module, please contact us through our CodeCanyon author page so that we can offer any suggestions or fixes that may be required.

What’s Included

Included with this module is a series of .PHP and .TPL files which are added to the Catalog area of the OpenCart installation, as well as a vQmod Module file which is added to the vQmod installation.

Change History

Version 1.0.0 (current)

  • Initial software release

Download All Categories Module for OpenCart (vQmod) (OpenCart)

Quick Browser Detection Popup Notification (Add-ons)

Features – Browser Notification Made Easy

Do you wish to notify your website users about browser compatibility of your web app? This plugin does this for you very easily!

Features – Browser Detection Made Easy

  • Detects all the modern browsers
  • Supports – ‘ie’, ‘firefox’, ‘chrome’, ‘safari’, ‘webkit’, ‘opera’, ‘netscape’,’konqueror’, ‘gecko’ and ‘flock’
  • Detect Version number.
  • Zero Configuration – No Installation hassles
  • Lightweight.
  • Easy to Use.
  • Well Documented.
  • Uses standard PHP – No additional extension support needed.
  • Detection – Minimum 2 Line of Code.
  • Very Flexible – You can specify your custom detection routine.
  • Extendible Browsers List.
  • Ease of Integration.
  • Highly Readable Code.
  • Fully OOP based – PHP 5

Bonus WordPress Plugin

  • WordPress plugin included
  • WordPress plugin to display user friendly message that you are using old browser with upgrade link

Download Quick Browser Detection Popup Notification (Add-ons)

Wordpres Automatic Video Audio Image Fast Tooltips (WordPress)

This is a Nice wordpress tooltips plugin which support image tooltip, video tooltip, audio tooltip, text/link tooltip, glossary,speech bubble…, and so on.

Features Of WordPress Tooltips Plugin:

Quick load speed:everything is CSS , no image are used.

Easy to use: Dim-witted system, all things just need 5 seconds, you don’t need to edit older posts because tooltips works automatically, just input the content in tooltip management page one time and it will works on all articles automatically, this is really cool if you have an older blog with lots of articles.

Show any content in tooltip box: video, audio/song, image/photo, advertising, links/text, show tooltips for nextgen gallery,Show tooltips on image,Show tooltips on button…

Any post types and pages supported.

Multi language/UTF8 supported: supports any alphabets/language.

7 preset stylesheet and beautiful color schemes: White, Blue, Light, Dark, Red, Cream, Green.

Customize tooltip box: You can customization whole stylesheet in customization panel or css file easily, you can set any color, opacity, width, show method, hidden method… for tooltip box.

Multi trigger method: You can select show/hidden your tooltips when: Mouse Over, Double Click, Click, Mouse Leave, Mouse Enter, Mouse Out, Mouse Move, Mouse Up, Mouse Down.

Multi positioning options: bottomRight, bottomLeft, topRight, topLeft, topMiddle, bottomMiddle, rightMiddle, leftMiddle

Automatic positioning: tooltip position is calculated automatically.

Unlimited number of tooltips.

Multi browsers supported: Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 3+, Google Chrome 4+, Opera 9+, Safari 4+.

Easy to install: this is a Dim-witted system,no complex settings on back end,you do not need add any php code in your wp, you do not need to remember or insert any short code in posts, you do not need to change any css code, what you need to do is just active it and it will works well automatically, if you hope more customization features please just click your mouse and everything will be okay.

Detailed documentation.

Assign tooltip to keywords: tooltip will be displayed for these keywords.

User-friendly: pretty dotted keywords will catch your readers eye and keep the style of your site and not harass your readers.

Mobile devices supported: our tooltip works well on Android, iOS,Tablet and other mobile devices.

Easy to use: you don’t need to edit older posts because tooltips works automatically, just input the content in tooltip management page one time and it will works on all articles automatically, this is really cool if you have an older blog with lots of articles.

You can find a demo at this page:

Download Wordpres Automatic Video Audio Image Fast Tooltips (WordPress)

MonsterPay Payment Gateway for WooCommerce (WooCommerce)

Gateway Website

MonsterPay makes it easy for merchants to sell their products and services online by providing user-friendly, secure payment processing and fraud prevention services. When selling your products via MonsterPay, payments are made directly into your MonsterPay Account, from which you may monitor and manage your business growth.

Accept secure, multi-currency credit card payments and instant EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) on your website. We make it easy to start selling by providing you with Free Selling Tools

Download MonsterPay Payment Gateway for WooCommerce (WooCommerce)

CSS3 Cube Slider – jQuery 3D slider (Sliders)


Cube Slider uses CSS3 transform property for creating 3d cubes elements and animating then in a cube slider. Using css3
images can be putted in a three dimensional space. If the browser does not support css3 transform then the slider falls back in a standard
jquery slider that uses jquery easing plugin for animation images. Due to CSS3 still to complete as standard this plugins in css3 mode is best on Chrome and Safari, meanwhile works well in firefox with some small screen bugs.


  • Compaltible with all browsers in fallback mode
  • Real 3D with CSS3
  • Best in Chrome and Safari
  • Title support
  • jQuery Easing for fallback slider
  • Vertical and Horizontal rotation
  • Auto play mode

free counters

Download CSS3 Cube Slider – jQuery 3D slider (Sliders)

Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin (Sliders)

Slider Revolution! Responsive WordPress Plugin – The Revolution is here!

Create a responsive(mobile friendly) or fullwidth slider with must-see-effects and meanwhile keep or build your SEO optimization (all content always readable for search engines). See the heaps of custom transitions/animations for each object on the page! Customize this slider with our convenient drag&drop backend to your very needs.

This plugin features tons of unique transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.

See some more Backend Infos here!


Create as many layers and sublayers as you want. Use images, texts or any other HTML elements, including embedded videos, as layers and animate their appearance one by one (different appearence times and durations).

We made it compatible with all major browsers (including IE8 & IE9 , Firefox Chrome, Opera, Safari) and mobile platforms like iPhones/iPads/Androids.

Yes it is totaly responsive and could also be used as a fullwidth slider! Please check it out on your mobile device too:


Enhance your WordPress website by adding a unique and attractive slider!


  • Image and Thumbs fully resizable
  • Using CSS Animation with FallBack to jQuery
  • Unlimited Caption Layers
  • Unlimited Slides
  • iPhone & Android Swipe Touch enabled
  • jQuery Conflict free plugin
  • Customizable 100% via Plugin Backend
  • Easy installation in your Website
  • Special Easing
  • Vimeo & Youtube Supported
  • Optional Shadows included


The images seen in the preview are licensed from fotolia and are NOT included in the download. The download of this template contains placeholder images with dimension labels.

WordPress Themes by ThemePunch

Components by ThemePunch

Download Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin (Sliders)

Simple. Secure. Login v3 (Forms)

I have re-written one of my most popular applications from the ground up. This is a fantastic and very secure login application with a built in user management system.

It’s powered by AJAX which means no reloading of web pages everything happens asynchronously.

This item allows users to login, register, edit profiles, retrieve lost passwords. Oh and users have to validate their account using their email addresses.

Administrators get to see their whole user database and allows editing of them, you can set status such as admin, activated or banned.

SSLv3 uses SHA1 password encryption and is also protected against CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attacks. It also shuts the user out after x amount of failed login attempts (In the demo I have set it to 6)

You can lock down pages very easy bu just using the following lines of code:

$c = new core(true);

The documentation covers this and many other things in much more detail.

Admin Account
Username: admin
Password: password

Member Account
Username: monroe
Password: password


Download Simple. Secure. Login v3 (Forms)

Facebook Like To Watch for WordPress (Social Networking)

Tap into Facebook’s 950 million+ users with Like to Watch for WordPress. Like To Watch allows you to quickly and easily set up videos on your site using the web’s most popular video services that users must Like and share on Facebook before they can be viewed. More Fans = More Traffic = More $$$$!

Like To Watch for WordPress


  • Lock any YouTube or Vimeo video behind a Like button, no way to play until Like is pressed! Even works with short video links!
  • A great way to increase your Facebook Fan count using your sites content!
  • Includes powerful tinyMCE toolbar plugin that allows you to generate Like to Watch shortcodes without typing a single line of code!
  • Also includes a template tag for advanced users to use in themes with dynamic content, enabling like to watch across your entire site quickly and easily!
  • Single Unlock feature allows you to choose if each video needs to be unlocked, of if the user can unlock all videos on your site after unlocking a single video.
  • Unlimited number of videos per page!
  • Includes 10 different overlay image effects with 2 color schemes!
  • Support for ALL Facebook API locales, just enter your country code and the Like button will be rendered in your locale!
  • Uses the new HTML5 version of the Facebook Like Button
  • Allows for both Dark and Light Facebook color schemes with default option to change the scheme site wide at your whim!
  • AJAX Settings / Admin Panel!
  • Proven to quickly increase your Facebook Fan Count and in turn your site’s traffic!
  • Includes full documentation and instructions!
  • Free updates!

Compatible With All The Popular Browsers

  • Google Chrome – All Recent Releases
  • Firefox – All Recent Releases
  • Safari – All Recent Releases
  • Opera – All Recent Releases
  • Internet Explorer 7
  • Internet Explorer 8
  • Internet Explorer 9 & 10

Download Facebook Like To Watch for WordPress (Social Networking)