Viral Facebook Web App (Favorite Animal) (Social Networking)

Favorite Animal is a lightweight Viral Facebook Web App written in PHP , the user can chose from a variety of animals (can be added unlimited animals) and the script will automatically post a picture of the animal on the user’s wall along with URL to your website and a small description, he can comment on his profile or other profiles and more, so start making some traffic/money now!

Demo: Facebook Web App (Favorite Animal)


  • When a user logs in for the first time (It will post on his wall your website link); (All user’s friends will see this)
  • Post on user’s wall when he is making an animal favorite (It will post on his wall the animal he made favorite, along with a picture of it, and a url to your website); (All user’s friends will see this)
  • Adsense Ready
  • Users can:

  • Chose their favorite animal;
  • Like their profile or any other profile;
  • Comment on their profile or any other profile;
  • Update 1.1 [8/12/2012]

  • Fixed some MySQL database issues.
  • Note: The script works on domains/subdomains.

    Download Viral Facebook Web App (Favorite Animal) (Social Networking)

    PHP LBEvents – AJAX Events Calendar (Calendars)


    PHP LBEvents is a php script that allow you to create and manage events to display on a calendar. You can easy to create events and display it, you can also insert the calendar into any website. With 3 layout support, you can easily to move back and forth to view events in month, week or a day.


    • Auto Installer – easy to install
    • Easy to include into any website
    • Admin Panel
    • Manage users
    • Manage events
    • Manage categories
    • Create multi calendars
    • Multi options to settings for each calendar
    • 3 views – month/week/events list
    • Translate month name, day name
    • Grant category for each calendar
    • Set the first day of week
    • Show/Hide button to switch view
    • Show/Hide navigator button – next/prev month, next/prev year, next/prev day…
    • Set default view for calendar
    • Set default date/month/year
    • Set default calendar on home page
    • Google Map intergration
    • Show number of event or list events on calendar
    • Fully Ajax front-end

    Live Demo


    1.0 – 12 August, 2012 – Released

    Download PHP LBEvents – AJAX Events Calendar (Calendars)

    Subscribe to Unlock Content (Newsletters)

    Subscribe To Unlock Content is a plugin that allows to lock important content on your WordPress website and display it for subscribed users only. All you need to do is to wrap protected content with shortcodes [subscribelocker]...[/subscribelocker]. If people want to view this content they must submit their contact details. After submission all locked content became visible. Very simple workflow. All submitted data is saved in database or can be re-submitted to MailChimp or iContact newsletter systems. All saved data can be exported as CSV -file to be used with any other newsletter systems. Subscribe To Unlock Content is a perfect way to extend functionality of your website.


    • Modern and secure opt-in form: CSS3 AJAX -driven opt-in form.
    • Lock important content: don’t display important content until user submitted contact details.
    • Remember subscribed visitors: plugin remembers users who already subscribed the page (using cookie).
    • Regular locker mode: content is completely hidden until user submitted contact details.
    • Soft locker mode: content is visible for search engines (for users it is locked through JavaScript).
    • MailChimp supported: contact details can be submitted to MailChimp through their API .
    • iContact supported: contact details can be submitted to iContact through their API .
    • WYSIWYG editor: edit content of subscribe box with visual editor.
    • Accept shortcodes: Insert any shortcodes inside of subscribe box.
    • CSV Export: all data can be exported as CSV -file to be used with any newsletter systems.
    • Terms & Conditions supported: enable or disable terms and conditions for opt-in form.
    • Shortcode driven: wrap protected content with shortcodes [subscribelocker]...[/subscribelocker].
    • Caching plugins friendly: plugin uses PHP and JavaScript to avoid problems with caching plugins (for soft locker mode).
    • Easy to install: install and activate the plugin as any other plugins.
    • Translation ready: plugin might be translated to any language.
    • WordPress Best Practices: no any alerts from Plugin Check and WP_DEBUG.

    Front End Functionality

    The best way to understand the idea of Subscribe To Unlock Content is to see live example. Click “Live Preview” or visit demo link. On “Live Preview” website you can subscribe and then view locked content.


    1. Install and activate the plugin like you do with any other plugins. Once activated, it will create a menu “Subscribe To Unlock” in left side column in the admin area.

    2. Click left side menu “Subscribe To Unlock >>> Settings” and do required settings. Set locker mode, e-mail template, MailChimp and iContact parameters, etc. Please look at the screenshot below to see what kind of settings you can do there.
    Back End Functionality: Settings

    3. Go to any post/page edit page and wrap locked content with shortcodes [subscribelocker]...[/subscribelocker]. This shortcode is replaced by opt-in form automatically.
    Back End Functionality: Post Edditor

    That’s it! Enjoy using the plugin.


    If you have problems regarding using the plugin, please contat me and I’ll help you.

    Download Subscribe to Unlock Content (Newsletters)

    Geome Slideshow – Content Slider, Photo Gallery (Sliders)


    Geome Slideshow is Jssor plugin, it implements Content Slider, Banner Rotator, Photo Gallery, Image Slideshow and Layer Slider.

    Infinite transitions, 64 predefined transitions and the most scalable transition tunning tool let you choose your own transition in large amount of selections.
    The most important point is that it covers almost all javascript enabled web browser, it also covers almost all platform directly with no installation. Simply embeds codesnipet, it would work on WordPress, Joomla and Drupal, Blogger and eBay Store/Listing etc.
    With Jssor.Compress, it works out light weight, anonymous wrapped javascript code, there is no library version issue, no conflicts with any other javascript libray.
    Also, it is compatible with wordpress,joomla,drupal,blogger,ebay listing, ebay ad,vbulletin,android and ios.


    • Light weight, high performance javascript code, compress to minimum 15.6 KB.
    • Infinite transitions, 64 predefined transitions, and transition tuning tool.
    • Touch/mousedown to freez animation, release to continue.
    • Simple embeding with code snipet, no css, javascript file.
    • Anonymous wrapped, free embeding code snipet, no javascript library version conflicts issue. No conflicts with any other javascript library.
    • Cross browser friendly, all javascript enabled browsers supported (IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome 3+, Safari 3+, Opera 10+, iOS Safari, Opera Mobile, Android Browser, Maxthon, RockMelt, SeaMonkey, DeepNet and Avant etc.).
    • Cross platform friendly, almost all platform supported by embedding code snipet (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc.).
    • eBay friendly
    • Blogger friendly
    • Search engine friendly
    • High ratio javascript compress tool.
    • Show/Hide Navigator, Direction Navigator.
    • Mouse over to show Navigator, DirectionNavigator.
    • Position of Navigator, Direction Navigator configurable.
    • Can embed any HTML code as caption, lots of caption transitions.
    • Content slideshow, use any HTML content as slide.
    • Detailed documentation with examples

    Download Geome Slideshow – Content Slider, Photo Gallery (Sliders)

    Word Clock (Calendars)

    This is a special sort of clock where a grid of characters is displayed and the time is displayed by highlighting words on the grid.
    The clock updates every five minutes.

    The grid is completely customisable by an external css file.

    The word grid is currently available in three languages: english, french and dutch. Contact me if you would like to have youre language added.

    Online documentation and examples can be found at

    Download Word Clock (Calendars)

    MyPersonalHotSpot (Windows)

    MyPersonalHotSpot is a portable application to easily activate a
    WiFi virtual hot spot on Windows7 machines using the Microsoft “wlansvc”
    A personal hot spot can be very useful on vacancy to upload movies and pictures
    with your iPad or iPhone, to create a LAN with your friends and so on.
    All you need to do to run the hotspot is:

    • Input the SSID hotspot name
    • Set a valid WiFi password (8 to 63 characters)
    • Activate the “wlansvc” service (if it is not already running)
    • Press the “Start hotspot” button and wait a few seconds
    • Your personal hot spot will be available when the network list shows the
      item “Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter -> Connected”
    • Use the context menu (right mouse click on the main interface) to get
      extra options and language selection.
    • … now you have your personal access point to share your smartphone, tablet, mac, linux, other pc, etc or share internet connection or send/receive files

    Works only on “Microsoft Windows 7” systems

    Download MyPersonalHotSpot (Windows)

    URL Uncover – uncover any short url (Miscellaneous)

    URL Uncover is great tool to find out the real link hiding behind a short url. It could lead to a malware or trojan infected website which could cause damage to your system or fetch important information without you knowing. It checks and scans the website first and makes sure that the website is safe to visit or not. This website has been tested with more than 100 top url shorteners and all of them are working flawlessly.

    Current Latest Version: v1.1

    Change Log:

    • v1.0
    • – Added ajax spinner
    • – code cleaned
    • v1.0 – v1.1
    • – added error handler
    • – improved frontend
    • – web fonts now load locally
    • – trust level bug fixed
    • – misc. fixes


    • – PHP 5 server
    • – Mod_rewrite enabled
    • – Curl enabled
    • – Safe_mode disabled


    • – PHP Powered
    • – Ajax Frontend
    • – Website Screenshot
    • – Twitter Bootstrap Based HTML5 Framework
    • – URL Scan
    • – Trust Level
    • – Google web fonts
    • – No Database needed
    • – Ajax contact form
    • – Highly customizable template
    • – Supported over 100 top url shorteners
    • – Clean design
    • – 100% Full open source code
    • – Simple documentation

    Next release updates:

    • – and other ads network urls bypass
    • – Browser plugin
    • – Web API

    Live demo:


    Download URL Uncover – uncover any short url (Miscellaneous)

    Easy Author (Utilities)

    Easy Author is a powerful and easy to use plugin that lets you acknowledge guest blogger and authors as a whole. Basically all you have to do is fill out a form in the wordpress visual editor, add author information in the required fields and your done. It has php and shortcode support so you can add author meta and data anytime and anyware.

    The plugin comes with a styled box that is editable and customisable or can be disabled on the Easy Author settings page but probably the greatest feature is that you can grab individual author meta and data for example if you wanted the authors name you could simply add this PHP <?php echo easy_author(name, $post_id); ?> or this wordpress shortcode [ea value=”name”] and its not only just the name value you can grab, it can also be the authors email, bio, facebook URL , Twitter URL , LinkedIn URL , Google+ URL or their websites URL .

    For more information please visit

    Download Easy Author (Utilities)

    LangQuery – PHP Multiple Language Class with Param (Miscellaneous)

    I’ve looked everywhere for language classes before writing this class but I realized there is no class doing everything i need as easy as in my head.
    So I started to write easiest and the best possible language class and I think this class will be number one language class.

    Features :
    Super Easy
    Super Fast
    One line code Setup
    Auto Remember Language
    Auto Detect Browser Language
    Parameter Support
    .ini Based Language Files
    Integrated Change Language Feature
    Returns String or In-line Echo Feature

    Example Code


    $L=new LangQuery();
    // All Setup is ONLY ONE LINE
    // Browser language detected and loaded if available
    // Write Hello World
    // Write Hello World Easier - In-line Echo Feature
    // You don't have to write echo. Just add '>'
    // Use in Strings
    echo("Hello Universe. {$L('hello_world')} Hello Europe");
    // Write my age with parameter
    // Write my name and age with parameters


    Download LangQuery – PHP Multiple Language Class with Param (Miscellaneous)

    HoverTransitions – jQuery (Miscellaneous)

    HoverTransitions allows you to create numerous transition animation effects for webpage elements. The effects are performed by breaking the element into smaller boxes and animating the appearance of each of them according to different patterns and effects. The effects occur when events are performed. All animations are highly customisable.

    Download HoverTransitions – jQuery (Miscellaneous)

    SimpleFAQ – Frequently Asked Questions (Help and Support Tools)

    SimpleFAQ – Frequently Asked Questions Script

    SimpleFAQ is a neat little script for anybody who needs (or wants) to offer their users a F.A.Q page. SimpleFAQ allows you to manage your questions and is not crammed with needless features. It does the job simple & fast ;).


    • Template System using Smarty: So you can customize the look ‘n feel of SimpleFAQ
    • Password-protected Admin Panel: Manage your questions & answers
    • Search: So everybody finds what they’re looking for
    • Categories: Categorize your questions
    • Amazing default template using Twitter Bootstrap/nostyle template for creating your own
    • Add the features you want: Familiar with Smarty? Great! Customize SimpleFAQ the way you want it


    1. Purchase & Extract SimpleFAQ
    2. Upload it to your server
    3. Change MySQL settings in
    4. Visit your site and install it
    5. Delete the install folder
    6. Start your F.A.Q!

    Contains Documentation.

    Live Demo:
    Password: password

    Download SimpleFAQ – Frequently Asked Questions (Help and Support Tools)

    Mathemachicken: iPhone Educational Game (iOS)

    Mathemachicken is a unique educational game which teaches basic mathematical operations with the help of the chickens. The primary goal of the game is to add, subtract, multiply and divide the eggs laid out by the first two chickens. The user represents the answer by making the third chicken lay eggs by touching it. The answer is submitted by poking the cow. The game is finished once the user answers 10 questions correctly. The game has been designed in a way that the answer will never be greater than 10. The user can also pop the eggs of the third chicken by just touching them.

    Additional features are listed below:

    1) Hilarious sound effects when the chicken lays an egg
    2) Physics effects when the chicken lays an egg
    3) Ability to pop the eggs of the third chicken by touching it
    4) Point based system to keep the user motivated
    5) Applause sound for the correct answer

    Download Mathemachicken: iPhone Educational Game (iOS)

    WordPress Post Timeline (WordPress)

    Item description

    The WordPress Post Timeline let you display a list of post in a beautiful and really easy way with wordpress

    It is done with a facebook style layout (vertical) and is totally responsive, so it fits in any theme !

    With a few click you can it as a shortcode or as a widget !

    Main features

    • Responsive – It fits screen
    • Smooth animations – Show/Hide Comments and Tags
    • Shortcode – The plugin come as a full featured shortcode
    • Widget – The plugin come as a full featured widget

    Download WordPress Post Timeline (WordPress)

    jQuery Zoomable Product Viewer Plugin (Images and Media)



    • Optional close button position.
    • Support Vimoe and Youtube video.
    • Optional click to zoom feature.
    • Optional auto delay slideshow. Paused when user hove the image.
    • Lightweight, easy to setup.
    • Preload Enabled.
    • Mobile Friendly, works fine in iOS5.

    Recommendations For You

    jQuery OneByOne Slider Plugin:

    Download jQuery Zoomable Product Viewer Plugin (Images and Media)

    URL Shortener Admin/Stats Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    This Pro expansion pack for the script has an admin panel allowing you to over view all of your links and manage them. Along with a few other nifty settings have a look for your self at our live demo via the button above.

    Individual Url Stats:

    Admin Panel:

    Username: demo

    Password: demo

    Features List

    • Admin Panel Delete, Change
    • Ajax Search
    • Individual URL stats

    Check out my other script:

    Download URL Shortener Admin/Stats Plugin (Miscellaneous)