Gomoku Android Game (Android)

Full source project (Eclipse).

Gomoku is an abstract strategy board game. Also called Gobang or Five in a Row, it is traditionally played with go pieces (black and white stones) on a go board (19×19 intersections); however, because once placed, pieces are not moved or removed from the board, gomoku may also be played as a paper and pencil game. This game is known in several countries under different names.

Black plays first, and players alternate in placing a stone of their color on an empty intersection. The winner is the first player to get an unbroken row of five stones horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Download Gomoku Android Game (Android)

Like & View – jQuery Facebook Content Locker (Social Networks)


Increase advertising revenue and the number of visitors to your site using the content lock based on the Facebook Like Button. Lock the most interesting part of your articles, links, images, videos, etc.

The plugin allows you to lock the specified content on the page until the user clicks on the Like button. It intrigues users and significantly increases the number of likes for pages that generates an additional traffic from the social network.


  • Blocking any type of content: text, images, links, forms, etc.
  • Smart lock depending on the type of the locked content. For example, the links are locked differently than text paragraphs.
  • Unlimited number of locks using on the page with the blocked content.
  • Full integration with the already installed Like Buttons.
  • About 20 parameters to configure the plugin!
  • Any url can be specified to like.
  • Easy and completely ready to use plugin.
  • Fully customizable appearance.

What do I get after purchase?

  • Open, unminified source code.
  • Documentation with explained options and examples.
  • Lifetime support.
  • Free updates.

Change Log

1.0.2 – 08/14/2012 (under review)
Separate html examples were added.
1.0 – 08/14/2012
Initial Commit.

Download Like & View – jQuery Facebook Content Locker (Social Networks)

Codeigniter Leave Manager (Project Management Tools)


Leave manager is a simple system that helps organizations manage employee absence and manage leave applications. It can be used by organizations of all sizes, including ones that have colleagues/employees in different locations.


  • The system includes the features listed below for each user level :-

    1. Users
      1. Apply for leave
      2. Cancel applied leave before approval
      3. View current leave days
      4. View the leave schedule for all users in the organization/department
      5. Can print a leave form
    2. Administrator
      1. Can add leave on somebody else’s behalf
      2. Approve leave or give reasons if rejected.
      3. Add leave types
      4. State which leave types reduce one’s leave balances
      5. Insert holiday days so that leave days are not deducted in case it lands on a holiday
      6. Can view department requests
      7. Can print out leave balances

Demo Credentials

Admin Username: admin
Admin Password: password

User Username: demo
Admin Password: password

The above accounts shouldn’t be edited. All data entered will be removed in a day or two.

Support and Documentation

Please drop us a line on [email protected] with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.

Download Codeigniter Leave Manager (Project Management Tools)

Advanced PHP Multiple Images Uploader (Loaders and Uploaders)

PHP Multiple Images Uploader is a HTML5 powered image uploader which allows you to upload multiple files at once by drag’n’drop images from your PC, the images uploaded can be made public or private.

  • Admin Panel
  • User Accounts
  • File Preview (before upload)
  • Drag & Drop images from your PC
  • Public and Private image upload
  • Custom Image Extensions
  • Custom Image Size
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Image preview

and more…

Admin Interface: http://image.pricop.info/index.php?a=admin

User: admin
Password: [email protected]

User Interface: http://image.pricop.info/index.php?a=user

User: demo
Password: demo

Note: The script works on domains/subdomains.

Download Advanced PHP Multiple Images Uploader (Loaders and Uploaders)

Net Up (Miscellaneous)


Net Up is a domain uptime checking tool that doesn’t require you to pre-register domains with the system. It works “on-the-fly” meaning that if for some reason Netflix stops working for you, you can check to make sure it’s not just your connection to Netflix. The unique feature of Net Up is that it allows other users who visit your site to “volunteer” the use of their server by offering to host a Net Up client script on their server. By doing this all future requests for a domain name will be able to bounce off of that user’s server so users of your app will be able to get a globalized opinion of the webstate of that domain.

Confused? Don’t be. Once this is setup, it runs by itself. You don’t need to approve the “Ping Servers” or anything. Buy it, upload it, forget about it (until you need to use it of course).


– Test the status of any website.
– System validates DNS records to confirm the website exists in the first place (saves on bandwidth and processing power).
– Ability to validate uptime of a domain with https.
– Communication to “Ping” Servers is via a unique API key. Protecting your server and their server.
– Create a “Ping” Network : Utilize the World Wide Web and get a globalized opinion of a websites status. ie. If servers in Germany, Tokyo, and the USA all report the website is offline, chances are it’s offline.
– Really easy installation.
– Friendly Support Team : Email us at [email protected]

Download Net Up (Miscellaneous)

Vimeo SEO user playlist for wordpress (Media)

Vimeo SEO user playlist for wordpress

Vimeo Playlist SEO with jQuery for WordPress allows you to turn an unordered list of Vimeo links into a video playlist. The php script makes the Vimeo list on a fly and uses the latest Simple Api.

You can choose to make a video playlist with videos, likes , appears_in , all_videos and subscriptions from a user.

There are many options which can be set in the php script and in the jQuery function.
Includes the new html5 player (iframe) if the browser supports html5.
This is the only vimeo script available with search engine optimalisation (SEO) Almost drag and drop.

A great future is that you will only have to set the width of the player and the height settings will be auto adjust

So no more messing with advanced css settings !


http://rikdevos.com/demos/wordpress/vimeo-playlist-normal/ (wordpress version)

http://www.cfcms.nl/vimeo/ (non wordpress version)

Key Features:

  • Easy to adapt in your wordpress site
  • All colors can be set in plain css
  • OOP based
  • SEO (search engine optimization) optimized. The biggest advantage over other full javascript or flash solutions is that the tiltles and descriptions from the video’s are placed into the source of the page so it can be retrieved by the search engines
  • All scripts are well documented and uses shortcodes
  • Works in all major browsers

NOTE : The wordpress version doesn’t have the up down sliding box


Also a wordpress youtube version is available.


Download Vimeo SEO user playlist for wordpress (Media)

Multilingual Date and Time Class (Miscellaneous)

With our Multilingual Date and Time solution, you never have to deal with the date and time headaches in php again. Let US do all the painful jobs!!!


Universal Date Format and Time Zone support

  1. All functions can support multi-format input even in the parameters of one function: System will auto-detect different date formats such as timestamp, SQL date format, date with month in word and the ambiguous date formats.
  2. User-define ambiguous date format: such as m-d-Y, d-m-Y (separator can be in ’-’, ’.’ or ’/’)
  3. User pre-defined time zone


  1. Support multilingual: All words are in user defined statements for easy translation
  2. Output format: User can pre-define date and time format of all output or over-ride default format with specific format


  1. Auto-detect multiple date formats and convert them to timestamp, SQL Date/time format, or any user defined format
  2. Calculate length of a time period with 6 precision levels from year upto second and display in user defined language.
  3. Sort dates in multiple formats and output result in standardized format
  4. Calculate the difference of 2 dates / times and return the result any of the 5 different units, that is, week, day, hr, min, sec.
    (User may also choose to show or ignore negative results.)
  5. Check if a date is fallen within a particular date range, before or after that range
  6. Extract dates in an array that are fallen within a particular date range and format them in user-defined format
  7. check number of days in current month or a given month
  8. check number of days in any month before or after a given month, eg. last month or 2 months later
  9. check if current year or a given year or the year of a given date is leap year or not
  10. leap year check of any year before or after a given year or the year of a given date
  11. Get date or time of timestamp or string in any date/time format
  12. Get information of any given date, such as day of year, name of day of the week, week number, month and year . User defines names in their own language.

For more details, please refer to http://www.WebExpert-hk.com/en/multilingual-date-time-class

Functions list

  1. GetStamp($time=’‘)
  2. GetSQLTime($time=’‘)
  3. GetDate($time=’’,$format=output_date_format)
  4. GetTime($time=’’,$format=time_format)
  5. GetPeriod($fromtime=’’, $totime=’’, $precision = 2)
  6. GetDiff($fromtime=’’, $totime=’’, $unit=’day’,$shownegative=true)
  7. CheckRange($chktime=’’, $start=’’, $end=’‘)
  8. isLeap($time=’’,$offset=0)
  9. Days_in_month($time=’’,$offset=0)
  10. GetInfo($time=’’,$type=’weekday’,$num=true,$longname=true)
  11. GetInrange($dates=array(), $start=’’, $end=’’,$format=output_date_format)
  12. GetSort($dates=array(), $order=SORT_ASC,$format=output_date_format)

How to Use

1. Declare the PowerDateTime class with:


2 There are 2 ways to call the function. Please see below examples:

i) MDT ::GetSQLTime($yourdateinfo)

ii) $a = new MDT
echo $a->GetSQLTime($yourdateinfo)

Please refer to the code file for more descriptions.

For more examples, please refer to http://www.WebExpert-hk.com/en/multilingual-date-time-class

Download Multilingual Date and Time Class (Miscellaneous)

Arcade Management System (Miscellaneous)


You can learn more about Arcade Management system from the documentation. It is also included in your download.

Arcade Management System (1.0.0) also supports multiple languages and custom themes. You can read more about that from the documentation linked above. There’s also a custom 404 page, here’s an example.

For now, you can view the administration in the screenshots but there will be a link to an administration demo with some actions disabled in the description once we’re done working on it.

If you like our work and would like to see more from us then please don’t forget to rate . Report all the bugs you find to our e-mail or comments. We will fix them as soon as possible.



Home page with latest actions
Manage advertisements
Enable or disable game categories
Manage featured games
Adding games manually or fetching from Mochi Media
Host games (downloads fetched game)
Editing/deleting games and users
Multiple editing
Five different user groups
Promoting users to moderator or admin
Banning users
Trash bin from where you can restore deleted units


Sort by category and order by statistics
Search for games by name or keywords
Rate, comment and add games to favourites
Integrated Mochi Media leaderboard
Featured and spotlighted games


Points and level system
Profile page with friends, favourites and statistics
Rating and commenting users
Send and recieve private messages
Each user gets a unique avatar (identicon) that can be changed

User Settings

Upload new avatar
Change password and e-mail
Edit description

Points & Levels

Every user starts out as level 1 upon registration. They can earn experience and levels through various actions:

  • 1 point for playing a game they haven’t played before
  • 1 point for commenting a user or game
  • 1 point for rating a user or game
  • 1 point for receiving a rating
  • 25 points for referring a user

When a user plays a game with the leaderboard enabled and submits a score, the user gets as many points as the number of other players (s)he beat. For example, if a user ranks third in a game that has 10 score submissions, the user receives 7 points.

To reach level 2, a user has to earn 50 points. As the level increments, so does the amount of points needed to reach the next level by 50. On the users page, you can order users by how many points they’ve collected in a certain time period. Each user can also see how they rank on the sidebar.

User Groups

  1. Owner: the first account you create during setup; has all the privileges
  2. Administrator: has access to the administration, but cannot view the Settings nor Advertisements tabs
  3. Moderator: cannot access the administration, but has privileges on the site (deleting comments)
  4. User: doesn’t have any special privileges, this is the default group
  5. Banned: cannot log in to the site



  1. Upload the downloaded files on a web hosting of your choice
  2. Give write permissions to /cache/ and /public/db/ folders using an FTP client or a file browser your hosting provides (usually chmod 755 or 777 if that doesn’t work)
  3. Open your browser and navigate to the site
  4. You should see the Arcade database setup page (screenshot)

Database setup

  1. Driver: your database type (most commonly MySQL or PostgreSQL)
  2. Host: the database server host (usually, if not, consult your hosting)
  3. Username, password: database user and password that your host should provide
  4. Database: name of the database you want to use
  5. Prefix: this will be prepended to all of the table names that the script creates in the database, this is useful if you only have one database and use it for multiple sites

Once you finish the database setup, you will be prompted to create a user account. The account you create now is the most privileged user on the site, it has access to the administration and can create other administrators. Once you finish this step, you’ll be on the home page logged in as the owner.

There’s more information available in the documentation.

Download Arcade Management System (Miscellaneous)

USA Rollover Map Plugin (Utilities)

USA Rollover Map Plugin

This plugin allows you to insert via wordpress shortcode a fully custom flash based rollover map of the US into your wordpress installation.


  • No flash or XML knowledge is required to edit this map.
  • All control and modifications to the map are done via a easy-to-use interface in the wordpress admin panel.

State Settings:

This is what you can modify for each state:

  • Enable/Disable
  • State Name
  • URL
  • Open in
  • Default Color
  • Hover Color
  • Click Color

Map Settings:

  • Background Color
  • Background Opacity (Transparency)
  • Border Color
  • Lake Color
  • Gradient Color
  • Shadow Color
  • Abbreviations Color
  • Map Stylesheet (You can choose from one of the four built in stylesheets).


This plugin was developed by Paul Tocknell and is built upon the XML Interactive USA Map.

More details

Download USA Rollover Map Plugin (Utilities)

Airport Database for WordPress with Text Spinner (Utilities)

Create a huge site with 22,238 airports from around the world with unique content that Google loves instantly!

This plugin will automatically import the database and allow you to create your own unique content by spinning text and using variables from each post.

Example Output

Example HTML

Spin Your Text

Each post that it makes you can also enter your own article using the spin technique that will make each of your posts content rich and unique. The plugin supports the below format.

This is the {correct|right|proper} format to use.

Use Variables

Inside your text that you are spinning you can use the below variables to make each page even more unique.

[spin1] = Airport Name
[spin2] = Airport City
[spin3] = Airport Country

Example – This is the {correct|right|proper} format to use if you want to {find|locate} an airport in the city of [spin2] with the name of [spin1].

Indexing System

With large websites you need a way to display all the posts with ease and you can do this using our A – Z widget or shortcode. With these you can get the typical browse by letter which will increase your changes of getting all your pages indexed.

Installation and Configuration Video

What video on how to install and configure this pluing on Vimeo

Download Airport Database for WordPress with Text Spinner (Utilities)

Image Resizer and Thumbnail Creator (Images and Media)

Image resizer and thumbnail maker.
You can select multiple images and
resize, create thumbnails. All the
uploaded images will be zipped and
the download link will be provided
once the resizing process is over.

You can resize images to the dimensions
already defined or choose your desired
resizing dimensions.

JPG , PNG, GIF are the allowed file extensions. If you want to allow
more type of files, you can easily edit the script to accept them.

Note: Thumbnail creation is optional and you need to check it
whenever you need to make thumbnails of the images.

If you you specify only one parameter (width or height) the other
parameter will be proportionally calculated.

If you have specified any custom parameter the pre-defined
dimensions will be ignored.

Thank you alot.

Download Image Resizer and Thumbnail Creator (Images and Media)

jQuery Responsive Timeline (Calendars)

Item description

The jQuery Post Timeline let you display a list of post in a beautiful and really easy way

It is done with a facebook style layout (vertical) and is totally responsive, so it fits in any of your designs !

Main features

  • Responsive – It fits screen
  • Smooth animations – Show/Hide Comments and Tags
  • Clean jQuery Plugin
  • Skinnable – Easy theme creation with a little css knowledge

Link to WordPress version

Download jQuery Responsive Timeline (Calendars)

Image Tag Slider For WordPress (Sliders)

View Demo Here if the live preview link is broken: Demo


  • This is a WordPress Ajax Tagging Slider plugin – Set tags on your image slides that load other pages content via Ajax or Media from Vimeo, Youtube etc.
  • Add animating captions, images, elements to each slide.
  • Powerful backend tag mapping tool for mapping points on each slide. Easily create slides using this tools and just copy and paste onto your page to add a slide.
  • Uses simple shortcode on any page to implement.
  • Loads content into Lightboxes.
  • Use any element within a slide – you are not restricted to what you can include into your slide.
  • Mobile Browser ready

Extensive Documentation:
Built in documentation in the admin panel for easy instruction of slider implementation.
Complete list of parameter settings and sample shortcodes

Download Image Tag Slider For WordPress (Sliders)