Woocommerce Live Product Search (WooCommerce)

Woocommerce Live Product Search

A simple extension for WooCommerce, which adds a live search to the products / shop page.

When you start searching for a product, the results will change on page without reloading, and will only contain products with the keywords you have searched for.

No settings to mess around with or change, one click install and it’s all setup and ready to go.

Download Woocommerce Live Product Search (WooCommerce)

WP Google MAP Pro (Utilities)

A Product by Flipper Code

This plugin is capable to create basic to advance google maps easily ex: marker cluster, overlays, multiple info windows , multi language supported which makes it unique among currently existing other google map plugins. We included those all functions which needs usually based on our +6 years experience in Google Map Integration.


  • Marker Clusters Supported
  • Multiple Infowindows
  • Overlays
  • Multi Language Supported
  • Widget Enabled
  • Multiple Maps on Pages/Posts/Sidebars
  • Map Type Supported
  • Markers Customization
  • Polygon Supported
  • Draggable Markers
  • KML Layers
  • 45 Imagery
  • Fusion Table Layers
  • Traffic Layers
  • Weather Layers
  • Bicycling Layers
  • Panoramio Layers
  • Unlimited Locations
  • Infowindows Customization
  • Shortcodes Supported
  • Cross Browsers Compatible
  • API Version 3 Based

Live Examples

You may create any number of features combination using this plugin. We created 12 examples to show usability of this plugin for every users. Click Here to view examples.


This plugin zip file included a complete documentation also which guides you for every feature. You may contact us anytime for any improvement,bugs or customization according to your need. We have been created online documentation here.

Download WP Google MAP Pro (Utilities)

Shuffle Puzzle (Images and Media)

Shuffle Puzzle is a nice game for developing logical skills. Try and enjoy!


  • Any number of pieces (3×3, 4×7, 20×20 etc.)
  • Any number of shuffle’s types (by default: easy, medium or hard)
  • Any number of puzzles on one page
  • Any color for background
  • Any time for moving tile by pressing
  • Easy-editable parameters
  •  (In)visible menu
  • Cross-browser support

Download Shuffle Puzzle (Images and Media)

Canvas Knight’s Tour (Games)

What is it?

Knight’s Tour is a chess puzzle in which the task is to move a knight across the chess board by standard knight moves. The only restriction is that the knight cannot visit the same square twice. The puzzle is said to be completed if the knight visited all squares on the board.

The classic Knight’s Tour problem can be extended to any board size (larger than 4). In this game you can test all different board size.


  • Graphics with canvas
  • Customizable size of board (unlimited)
  • Customizable size of squares
  • Undo and redo functions for all last moves
  • Stopwatch and counter of moves
  • Script is easy to install and use
  • Documentation

In the future

  • The algorithm to solve the knight’s tour problem

Download Canvas Knight’s Tour (Games)

Facebook Image Sniper (WordPress)

This WordPress plugin pulls an image from Facebook Pages and adds them as a new post on your WordPress blog. Why is this great for traffic? While using our plugin what you can do is setup the plugin to post as a draft. When it pulls the most recent images from any Facebook Page you add as a source, you can change the title and add a description to the image that it pulled. We have tested this on multiple sites and we gained massive amounts of traffic from Google. We were showing up on first page result for certain targeted keywords.

Download Facebook Image Sniper (WordPress)

Emotional Map (WordPress)

The plugin adds a chart of emotions for each post, where each user can specify how to relate to the text.
You can change the title, for example, on “Rating the post” and insert in place emotsyi rating.
1. Color and titles for each field of graphics
2. Adding any number of voting options.
3. Limitation of voting on Ip or registered users.
4. Two types of graphics (Pie and Bar charts)

Use google charts api.

Download Emotional Map (WordPress)

Awesome Previous Next Post Navigator (WordPress)

Awesome Previous Next Post Button Link is a Premium WordPress Plugin where you can view the Previous/Next Post by clicking the Previous/Next Post Button. The Previous/Next Post Buttons are placed on the left and right side of the post. This Plugin gives much comfort and the user can navigate your Posts with ease.

Once the Plugin is Activated it works automatically. In the Settings Page you can select the button style. We have 100 buttons to choose from. You can also choose your own custom button images through the browse option. It will work like a charm. You can also display the Previous/Next Link at the bottom of the Post by turning ON this option in the Settings Page.


  • It works automatically when the Plugin is activated.
  • 100 Button types to choose from.
  • Custom Button Image can be picked using the Browse button.
  • It has an option ON/OFF to display the Previous/Next Post Button. With this you can turn OFF the Plugin without deactivating or uninstalling it.
  • Should work in all major WordPress themes.
  • Tested in Top Browsers and WordPress Themes.
  • Simple and Easy to Use.

Download Awesome Previous Next Post Navigator (WordPress)

WP Watermarker (Utilities)

WP Watermarker features the following functionality:

  • Watermark images on-the-fly (Meaning none of your original images are modified!)
  • Supports watermarking of .gif, .jpg/jpeg and .png images with either a .gif or .png watermark image
  • Choose to either watermark all local and inline linked (aka hotlinked) images, or just inline linked images
  • 9 watermark positions available: Top Left, Top Centre, Top Right, Middle Left, Middle Centre, Middle Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Centre or Bottom Right
  • Watermarks are uploaded directly into your WordPress Media Library
  • Very easy to use!

Download WP Watermarker (Utilities)

Dynamic Horizontal Chart with Javascript (Ratings and Charts)

NetBeuz Dynamic Horizontal Chart

-You can create any size, any color, any much of charts charts dynamically and easily.

-NO require knowledge in JavaScript .
-NO css file included.
-NO images.
-Easy Usage.
-Automatic Y axsiss. It creates itself according to max item value.
-You can set link with items.
-You can set nameHolder area’s width percent.
-You can change colors, styles, size of charts. In netbeuz.js file.
-You can call chart items via any program language. It’s repeatable.(asp.net,php,etc..) It designed especially for this.
-Compability for all browsers. (expect border-radius in IE7 /IE8)


Step 1:
All to do is create a html code like below. span>color property is bar’s color. and span>value property is bar’s value.

  • C#
  • Php
  • Java
  • Python
  • Android

Step 2:
Just one code is enough to run.
myChart(width,height); >
$(“div#myChart”).myChart(1000, 400);

// you can change options in netbeuz.js file 
var wrapperTopPad = 30;
    var wrapperRightPad = 50;
    var wrapperBottomPad = 50;
    var wrapperLeftPad = 30;
var chartGridColor = "#F7DCDC";
var wrapperBackColor = "#fff";
var wrapperBorder = "1px solid #F7DCDC";

Thats all.

-This item require Jquery library.

Download Dynamic Horizontal Chart with Javascript (Ratings and Charts)

VÚB ePlatby – Opencart Plugin (OpenCart)

This plugin add the ability to pay directly from internet banking via VÚB ePlatby payment gateway from the bank-company Všeobecná úverová banka.


Install is very easy, you must copy one directory included files to your OpenCart, go to your admin area and click on the Extensions -> Payments menu.

On this page, you will find a list of all the available payment methods that are available in your store. Select ePlatby – Vseobecna Uverova Banka and click on the Install link next to it.

Once the payment module is installed successfully, an Edit link will appear next to the payment module. Click on it to go to the configuration page of the payment method.

You must have a contract with VÚB ( http://www.vub.sk ), which will give you the secret information that you need to add to the configuration.

Fill in all the required information in order to make the chosen payment method work. Once you’re done, hit the Save button and you’ll start accepting money through the VÚB ePlatby.


Tested on version 1.5.3+ including the newest version. Maybe it’s working with older versions but functionality isn’t guaranteed.

Download VÚB ePlatby – Opencart Plugin (OpenCart)

CANVAS – Show any content in a full-screen slide. (Miscellaneous)


‘Canvas’ was designed to be a simple and straightforward WordPress plugin that allows you to display some extra information in a dedicated, full screen area. It’s responsive all the way down to tablets and smartphones, ready for retina screens, and is a great add-on to any theme. It’s super easy to set up and use, but don’t let the clean looks deceive you; the content you’ll display is in no way limited to a predetermined layout…


Insert text, images, videos, forms etc. as you would into any post or page, then mix, match and format them however you’d like. You are only limited by the tools available in the WordPress editor and any theme add-ons and/or plugins you use on your site. If for example you use shortcodes with your theme, then those can of course be used as well.

So, it really is up to you how creative you want or need to get.


‘Canvas’ makes use of the built-in WordPress customization tools, allowing you to make color customizations with literally just a few clicks. With unlimited colors at your disposal, you can change the slide-out’s entire background color to anything you’d like, as well as the triangle button’s background color, the icon’s color, as well as the the icon’s mouseover effect color. In addition, you can replace the icon itself as well, with well over 100 different ones to choose from.

Bottom line, you can make it as simple or complex as you’d like. ‘Canvas’ doesn’t get in the way.

More from Bonfire

If you’re looking for a theme or template, have a look at our ThemeForest portfolio here.

Download CANVAS – Show any content in a full-screen slide. (Miscellaneous)

BetaLock (Project Management Tools)

The perfect user access control script for projects currently in Beta.

What is BetaLock

BetaLock makes shielding a website that you’re developing nice and easy, whilst allowing testers and clients easy access to review progress.

Users or groups of users can be assign login details, then based on their assigned role (developer, client, staff, tester, etc…) you can control what pages or sections of pages they can view.

BetaLock also makes building a mailing list / beta signup invitation list of interested customers easy for your client.

Visitors are intercepted by BetaLock’s fully customiseable script, then guided back to their desired destination or, if you wish, redirected to a set page.


  • Easy setup
  • Protect a page with just one line of code
  • User account sign in.
  • Role based page protection
  • Ability to authorize set IP address therefore not needing to sign in
  • No database – any email addresses collected are stored in a secure CSV file.
  • Progress bar
  • 4 Responsive templates – great for mobile and tablet users [bootstrap]

check out the live demo and links to full documentation for more information.

If you have require any assistance or customisation of the form please contact me

Download BetaLock (Project Management Tools)

MooFolio Portfolio Gallery Plugin (Galleries)

MooFolio Gallery Plugin

Hover to Open – Click to load!
<iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/70513258?autoplay=1&loop=1” width=”600” height=”332” frameborder=”0” webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

  • WordPress Dynamic Post Gallery
  • Works With All Post Types
  • Shortcode Enabled – Add shortocde to any page to add a gallery.
  • Query Posts by category or tags
  • InfiniteScroll Loading of Posts – When the bottom of the container is reached more posts will be fetched via Ajax.
  • Endless Parameters – Fully Customizable.
  • 230+ Entypo Icons to use for front panel view icon.
  • Full Post content inside content panel.
  • Video/Audio Embedding – Custom html content and video embedding enabled on content panel above the exceprt text. Embed Vimeo videos and Soundcloud.
  • Lightboxed Slideout Gallery – All images added to the post are show as a slideout lightboxed image gallery on the content panel.
  • Customizable widths – Set gallery item widths.
  • Responsive Masonry Layout – Isotope masonry layout with responsive relayouts.
  • Options – Set title lengths, post category name, post order, icon size, posts per page, max number of pages and more.
  • CSS Transitions Effects – Multiple Panel Effects.
  • Browser Compatibility – All major browsers supported(No Video Embed for IE, known stying issue).
  • Videos and shortcode examples and parameter option doc built into the plugin settings file.
  • Same great support

Download MooFolio Portfolio Gallery Plugin (Galleries)

CSS3 Flat Pricing Tables (Pricing Tables)

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  • CSS3 Responsive Flat Pricing Tables
  • Light & Dark Versions
  • Five Colors Included
  • Pricing Tables with Multi column Support
  • Four Colors for Buttons with Rounded Buttons Option
  • Tooltips with Four Directions and four Colors
  • Modal Register Form with Payment Options
  • Field CSS3 Validation
  • Full Responsive
  • & Many More

Inside Pack

  • Folder Dark Version
  • Folder Light Version
  • Read_me.pdf

Icons Used in Project –
IcoMoon Free Font

Font PT Sans

Font Carrois Gothic

Rate it if you like … Enjoy…!!! :)

Download CSS3 Flat Pricing Tables (Pricing Tables)

HTML Layout & Utility Class (Help and Support Tools)

What’s this?

This is an HTML utility class for creating any HTML element. (All HTML5 elements are supported) including some custom ones like youtube and vimeo methods.

Basic usage

Extract the main zip file to the root of your website and look at the index.php. In short, simply plug the ‘html’ directory into your application and include the “html\HTML.php” file then start using the class, it’s namespaced to Afflicto\HTML.


//this creates an anchor tag.
echo HTML::a('http://google.com', 'google');

Vimeo, and youtube videos:

echo HTML::youtube('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkGeOWYOFoA');
echo HTML::vimeo('http://vimeo.com/46141955');

…but it’s more than that!

I said it’s a “utility” class, which it is, as it lets you create elements quickly and easily. You can also extend it, pass them as parameters to other parts of your applications etc.

But it also allows nesting! – Let’s take a look…

$layout = HTML::div(array(
    HTML::p('a paragraph here'),
    'just some text here',
echo $layout;

the classComposer method

Along with the ability to nest content within elements, using the classComposer method allows you to quickly create layouts with classes without writing much code. Let’s take a look:

    'class1 class2' => HTML::div()
//creates a 'div' element with class="class1 class2" 

The classComposer method works really well together with twitter bootstrap, for example:

$container = HTML::classComposer(HTML::div(array(
    'row-fluid' => HTML::div(array(
        'span6' => html::div('first row, left column.'),
        'span6' => html::div('first row, right column.'),
    'row-fluid' => HTML::div(array(
        'span6' => html::div('second row, left column.'),
        'span6' => html::div('second row, right column.'),

Although this is great, but what if we could get rid of the keys entirely?… this leads me to macros.


Macros allows you to add new functionality to the HTML class. New “methods” if you will. Let’s continue with out twitter bootstrap example by creating some macros for containers, rows and spans.

HTML::macro('containerFluid', function($content) {
    return HTML::div($content)->addClass('container-fluid');
    //the addClass method returns the "$this" instance. (it is chainable)
HTML::macro('rowFluid', function($content) {
    return HTML::div($content)->addClass('row-fluid');
HTML::macro('span6', function($content) {
    return HTML::div($content)->addClass('span6');

Now, let’s create the same “container” div we created earlier, this time using our new macros:

$layout = HTML::containerFluid(array(
        HTML::span6('first row, left column.'),
        HTML::span6('first row, right column.')
        HTML::span6('second row, left column.'),
        HTML::span6('second row, right column.')

Of course, we can still pipe that through our classComposer method to add additional classes if we want to:

$layout = HTML::classComposer(
    'body' => HTML::containerFluid(array(
        'header' => HTML::rowFluid(array(
            HTML::span6('first row, left column.'),
            HTML::span6('first row, right column.')
        'content' => HTML::rowFluid(array(
            HTML::span6('second row, left column.'),
            HTML::span6('second row, right column.')

Download HTML Layout & Utility Class (Help and Support Tools)