Tumblr Theme for PHPDolphin (Skins)

Tumblr Theme for PHPDolphin for Version 1.1.6 and earlier

Tumblr is a theme developed for the script PHPDolphin, has a design based in tumblr wensite, and functional in both desktop and mobile phones.


  • Simple, Fast, and clean interface based in Tumblr Weblog.
  • Ready css files with a minimized version.
  • Responsive interface for Mobile Phones.
  • Include documentation.
  • Are having problems?

    If you find any problems in the interface just leave your comment that’ll be resolving.

    Does not have the script? Buy Here


    Download Tumblr Theme for PHPDolphin (Skins)

    HTML5 Music Player for WordPress with 3 Skins (Media)

    HTML5 Music Player for WordPress

    This HTML5 music player is great for anyone who needs their music to work on both desktops and mobile devices. It has three CSS3 based skins to choose from and comes with a custom built Flash fallback for older browsers that don’t support HTML5 Audio. Rebuilt from the ground up, this plugin is the WP version of this file.

           Admin options to create a number of different looks


    View Admin Screenshots


    View Admin Video Screencast


    • 100% Retina-ready
    • Mobile Support including iPhone, iPad, Android
    • Built in Flash backup for IE8
    • 3 Core CSS3 Skins to choose from
    • jQuery free so you never have to worry about jQuery conflicts.
    • Have multiple players on the same page that will toggle each other.
    • Option to use Flash backup for Firefox so mp3 can be used across all browsers and devices.

    Other Settings Include

    • Autoplay Music
    • Randomize Songs
    • Set Volume
    • Loop Songs
    • Use or hide the headphones button
    • Set the player to start open or closed
    • Show/hide song numbers
    • Show/hide song titles
    • Show/hide player controls
    • Make songs available for download
    • Optional “purchase” button

    Music Used in the Preview

    Special Notes

    • Background images and songs are for preview purposes only and are not included in the source download.
    • Autoplay is not available on mobile devices due to mobile device restrictions.
    • Downloads will not work on Apple mobile devices (download button will be hidden automatically).
    • Downloads will only work if the song is located on the same server as the player.
    • When a player has only one song, the “prev/next” buttons will be hidden automatically.
    • The purchase button is simply a button that takes the user to a different page to where the song can be purchased.
    • Other than icons, the skins are built with 100% CSS3. As a result, button circles will appear as squares in IE8.

    More plugins by CodingJack

    WordPress Lightbox

    WordPress HTML5 Video Player

    Download HTML5 Music Player for WordPress with 3 Skins (Media)

    Simple Metro Music Player (Media)

    Simple Metro Music Player is a Music Player with Playlist, very useful for any web site, very simple to use and with a minimalist appearance, modern. A music player that supports multiple formats, so you can add all the songs you want.

    If you liked Simple Metro Music Player, please don’t forget rate it!


  • Minimalist Style.
  • Easy to use.
  • Playlist.
  • Easy to add & edit songs.
  • Repeat & Mute functions.
  • See screenshots…
  • Compatibility

  • Mac: Chrome, Firefox, Maxthon Cloud Browser.
  • Win: Chrome, Firefox, IE8, IE9, IE10, Maxthon Cloud Browser.
  • Mobile: iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone.
  • Support

    If you need support you can send me an email on my profile page.

    Download Simple Metro Music Player (Media)

    Lithium | Featured Content Manager (Media)


    Lithium is a manager to create a layout of featured content that can be used as menu. You can select posts/pages/ or custom post types as selectors.
    Selectors are added with the Lithium manager where you can choose the size and color of each one. Also, you can drag and drop them to get a better aesthetic of the final layout.
    The plugin includes Google fonts, and you may use any button to open the layout (adding the class “lithium-button” to this ones).

    Lithium General Options

    • Header Title
    • Header Subtitle
    • Header Text Color
    • Header Background
    • Google Font Selector

    Lithium Featured Options

    • Content SelectorTwo, three, or four columns Layout
    • Featured Size
    • With Color Picker.

    • Title and content ColorNumber of members to be displayed
    • Excerpt BackgroundView Profile text when mouse pass over image
    • Use of shadows


    Custom CSS

    • The plugin includes a Custom CSS Field to give you a better aesthetic control

    Download Lithium | Featured Content Manager (Media)

    Autoblog – effortless blog posting. (Miscellaneous)

    This script is an automatic blogging script that uses RSS feeds to automatically make posts. This script will allow you to post diverse and new content to your website without effort using just a single PHP script. You simply need to enter the link an RSS feed (and add it to a category if you wish) and the script will do the rest.
    We use a autodiscovery script that will find RSS URLs from ordinary web pages, even YouTube channels!
    You can also add your own posts and edit posts with the provided rich text editor.

    Key features

    • Autoblog from RSS Feeds
    • Responsive blog design (Bootstrap)
    • SEO-friendly Pagination
    • Add and manage posts and feeds in the admin panel
    • Rich text editor
    • Support for Facebook Comments and Disqus
    • External RSS Feeds
    • Categorise feeds and posts
    • Lightweight PHP
    • Uses object oriented programming
    • RSS autodiscovery
    • No need for cron jobs! The update script runs when a user visits the page and it has not been updated recently, the script can also be run manually.
    • Built using PHP, MySQLi, Simplepie and Bootstrap


    • PHP (version 5+ recommended)
    • MySQL (using the MySQLi extension)


    Front-end demo
    Admin demo

    Download Autoblog – effortless blog posting. (Miscellaneous)

    Switcher – Frontend theme customizer for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Switcher is set out to solve one problem; persistent theme changes that lasts until the user closes the browser while having as few HTTP transfers as possible. Why is it needed? Only a few days ago from writing this, I wanted to see how a theme would look with certain settings, the problem was that every time I changed page to see how a new one would look with certain settings, all the settings were removed and I had to do it all over again. It was frustrating so I set out to create a very advanced theme customizer.

    Persistent Stylechanges
    Your potential buyer doesn’t need to redo the stylechanges on page change to see how your page would look like using the settings that he/she wants

    Multiple stylesheetchanges independently
    Show the user how your site would look like with a different skin or with different fonts.

    Minimize HTTP footprint
    Sessionstorage is used locally if the user has a modern browser to avoid sending cookies with every HTTP request. If the user is running an old browser cookies will be used.

    Set view permission [new]
    If you only want to show the switcher for your client you can now do so. See the new settings page under “Settings” in the WordPress admin.


    • Enable, disable, load and unload stylesheets on demand, without ever removing the stylesheets themselves (to minimize the requests). You can have multiple groups of stylesheets that are changed independently, one set for colored skins, one set for fonts etc.
    • Change backgrounds and remove backgrounds easily, supports different styles of backgrounds, repeated backgrounds, like patterns (in different ways) or pagewide cover background.
    • Change classes based on elements and ids so the user can see how your site would look with a different header, on a phone, without breadcrumbs, footer etc.
    • Switcher uses sessionstorage (if there is support for it), which improves performance because cookies doesn’t need to be sent to the server every time. If the user doesn’t support sessionstorage (introduced 2009), then switcher falls back and uses cookies to save settings. Sessionstorage doesn’t ask for permission unlike localstorage so there are no disturbing interruptions in the UI.
    • Switcher supports by default three positions, left, right, and on top. If you want to place it in any other way it just requires some css editing (which should be easy to edit, since I’ve commented the CSS file).
    • Styles can be reset (IE7 resets everything but the background), but if you know your default background you can use that to make it work in IE7 as well.
    • The script is loaded in wp_footer() template tag so it doesn’t impact the loading of the site.
    • Switcher can be open or closed on pageload.
    • Beautiful flat UI which goes well with todays trends.
    • Supports retina screens (all icons are available @2x).
    • Switcher runs as a plugin so it doesn’t impact your workflow and/or new editions of your theme.
    • Extensive documentation included.


    Version 1.03

    * New feature, roles, you can now choose to only display styleswitcher
    to a user with a particular role (Everyone, Subscriber, Contributor,
    Author, Editor, and Administrator).
    * You can change who you want to display switcher for by going to
    Settings > Switcher, in the wordpress admin
    * Three new skins; blue, coral, and white
    * Homogenized dropdowns and improved aesthetics across all browsers
    * Corrected margin for title on smaller devices (969px-768px)

    Version 1.02
    Changed the way how coloured boxes, backgrounds, and patters are showed.
    They now have a visual default style that has a 100% opacity. So you can
    see which one is selected. This requires a change in how they are called
    by adding the attribute:

    “selector” : selector

    in the constructor of the jQuery object for the corresponding types. For
    older jQuery versions < 1.9 so could I’ve used .selector but its now removed,
    deprecated since 1.7, and I want this plugin to be future safe for
    many years ahead.

    Version 1.01

    New feature Callbacks
    * See documentation

    Version 1.0

    Initial (private) release

    Download Switcher – Frontend theme customizer for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Mountain Notification xtra (Miscellaneous)

    Mountain Notifications xtra

    This plugin contains 9 responsive touch enabled forms that work as one in an unique way.

    Available Forms:

    -Notification Panel
    -Modal PopUp
    -Small Notifications
    -Input Box (selects, texts and Password fields)

    Every plugin has similar properties, but unique functionality, also callbacks are available.

    Animations on all major browsers and basic animation on IE9

    Callbacks, customization, Properties, drag enabled, touch enabled and much more is ready in one single light weight file.

    Browser Support

    – Chrome
    – Opera
    – Firefox
    – IE 9 Support but basic animation
    – IE10 Full support

    -IE8 (full support) comming soon




    v1 First release

    Download Mountain Notification xtra (Miscellaneous)

    Lottery Number Generator – 6/49 (Miscellaneous)

    This PHP script is designed to generate 6 random numbers in the range 1 – 49 inclusive, designed with the UK National Lottery in mind but it works with any 6/49 lottery.

    You can use this tool in different ways:
    – You can attract more visitors to your website by providing this amazing tool. Most likely they will come back to your website to play with this number generator tool
    – You can use it for yourself, for your personal fun installed on your website

    The script is easily installable and all generated numbers are displayed on screen, viewable by the user. There is no history of generated numbers.

    High-quality support is included with every PHP script.

    ChangeLog – Lottery Number Generator – 6/49

    v1.0 – July 26, 2013

    Initial release

    Download Lottery Number Generator – 6/49 (Miscellaneous)

    3d Mega Menu for Bootstrap (Navigation)

    Responsive 3D Mega Drop Down Menu

    Responsive 3D Mega Drop Down Menu is a flexible and high customizable to build your custom menus. It is very easy to build a horizontal or verticalmenu. In addition to you can set up the menu item drop down by clicking or hovering. You can assign a certain color or choose in 16 colorvariants. There are 2 colors for drop downs (dark and light) and many 2D, 3D effects.

    Main features

    • Responsive Design, support any PC or MAC systems, smartphones and tablets
    • Compatible to Bootstrap
    • Horizontal and vertical versions
    • Dark & Light Themes + 16 Additional Colors
    • Many of jQuery effects (flip, wiggle, bounce …)
    • Click/hover behavior choice on the mega menu options page
    • Fly-out Menu with Unlimited Sublevels
    • Dropdown can be fix or full width
    • Degrades gracefully if Javascript is disabled
    • Valid XHTML / CSS 3 markup
    • Cross-Browser Support
    • Form elements styling
    • Documentation

    What’s in the package ?

    Mobile Devices

    It works very well in prevalent mobile divices. It has been tested on iPad, iPhone and Android. You can also turn off the responsiveness as explained in the documentation.

    jQuery Effects

    3D Effects

    • bounce
    • flipInX, flipOutX
    • flipInY, flipOutY
    • pulse
    • bounceIn

    2D Effects

    • hide
    • fade out
    • slide up
    • flash
    • shake
    • wiggle
    • hinge
    • rollIn
    • lightSpeedIn, lightSpeedOut
    • bounceInRight, bounceOutRight
    • bounceInLeft, bounceOutLeft
    • fadeInRight, fadeOutRight
    • fadeInLeft, fadeOutLeft
    • fadeInUp, fadeOutUp
    • fadeInDown, fadeOutDown

    Compatible Browsers

    This menu has been tested (and works !) in all the following browsers :

    • Internet Explorer 8+
    • Firefox 2+
    • Safari 4+
    • Opera 10+
    • Chrome 4+

    The 3D effects will not work in old browsers which is not support the transition CSS3

    Support and Updates

    We’ll try to regularly update my products based on the feedback, so if you find any kind of bug, open new ticket in our Support Forum.

    Thanks for passing by!

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    Maxx – Responsive Creative WordPress Theme

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    Download 3d Mega Menu for Bootstrap (Navigation)

    Twitter Feed – for iOS (iOS)

    Twitter Feed for iOS allows you to easily implement any Twitter feed and Twitter user profile in your new and existing iOS Applications on the iPhone and iPad!

    Key Features:

    -> Shows Twitter profile and user tweet timeline.

    -> Supports latest Twitter API (with authentication support).

    -> View tweets, send tweets and more.

    -> Easy to follow PDF Developer Guide included.

    -> Supports Storyboard and XIB Xcode applications.

    -> Supports iOS 6 and higher.

    -> Super smooth and efficient performance.

    -> Easy to customise (Storyboard or XIB).

    -> Supports the Retina Display and iDevices with a 4 inch display.

    Download Twitter Feed – for iOS (iOS)

    PHP Book Search Engine with Preview and Buy (Search)

    PHP Book search engine implemented using the Google API. It is a single page app with results loaded asynchronously with AJAX.

    Amazon Referral Option Added. Means you can add Amazon Referral Id in admin panel and earn through commissions too.

    This script searches for book and shows preview. User can also buy book using your amazon affiliate referral ID.

    Features Include:

  • Find books by book, name, author, ISBN, LCCN, OCLC
  • Book search engine (Google Books API)
  • Buy and preview option for users
  • Pagination support so that you can search and see results on multiple pages.
  • Sorting can be done by release date of book
  • Use an Amazon Referral ID for commissions on book purchases
  • Cross browser compatible, modern design (created with bootstrap), mobile friendly design
    Ajax Support, One page web application
  • Note: Google Books API have a 1,000 query/day limit (which should be more than enough), but it can be increased by applying for a higher quota.


    Download PHP Book Search Engine with Preview and Buy (Search)

    MashMenu – WordPress Menu Rewrite Plugin (Menus)

    MashMenu is inspired by Mashable.com. With this plugin, your site has a beautiful menu designed by Mashable with a flexible customization ability.

    MashMenu is suitable for magazine and e-commerce site.

    Some of MashMenu feature is

    – Change your own Logo
    – Change main color
    – Change menu-item icons
    – Add sidebar & widgets to menu
    – 360+ icons from Font-Awesome
    – Ajax loading content, Image lazy-load
    – Responsive
    – Rentina-ready
    – 2 sub-menu style (Preview mode & ItemList mode)

    We support via ThemeForest profile or via our Ticket System at http://cactusthemes.com/support-ticket

    Download MashMenu – WordPress Menu Rewrite Plugin (Menus)

    Bemo Editor – Rich Text Editor with Charts (Ratings and Charts)

    Bemo Editor is a “Rich Text Editor” with Charts insertion ability. You can insert column, pie or lines charts. It has 20 formatting options, the ability to add more fonts and the ability to modify the HTML code of the text formatting.


    1- 20 Text formatting options.

    2- Very flex and easy to modify.

    3- Easy to style it.

    4- Charts (Columns – Pie – Lines).

    5- Back & Forward buttons.

    6- Ability to add more FONTs.

    7- Ability to minimize the editor.

    8- Ability to change the HTML in the code view and getting it done.

    DOCUMENTATION: This plugin is well documented.

    Download Bemo Editor – Rich Text Editor with Charts (Ratings and Charts)