jQuery Flickr Gallery (Images and Media)


The jQuery Flickr Gallery script allows you to show all your Flickr albums (images) on your website. Please note that this script will only work with albums that are set to public and visible. This script is a pure javascript/jQuery solution and does not require a PHP server.

If you like this script, please take the time to rate it. Thank you!

Other Notes

This script is a rewrite of my jQuery Facebook Gallery scripts and offers the same features as the original but instead of Facebook, it utilizes the Flickr API to retrieve albums and photos.


  • 160+ different settings to enable or disable included features
  • Either pull all albums (but exclude the ones you don’t want), predefine the albums you want to be shown or show one single album directly
  • Pagination Feature (smart pagination, set number of thumbnails per page, set number of pages or no pagination)
  • LazyLoad Feature for thumbnails (will only load images when thumbnails are in view)
  • Social share feature for Facebook, Twitter and Google+
  • Includes a tool-tip plugin (qTip2) with several design options; although it is possible to use your own tool-tip solution
  • Includes three optional lightbox plugins (fancyBox, colorBox and prettyPhoto); although it is possible to user other lightbox solutions
  • Exclude individual images from being shown
  • Automatically include or exclude the Profile album and so called “Buzz” albums
  • Possible to translate it into any other language by using provided setting parameters
  • Select between a responsive (fluid width) or static layout (fixed width)
  • Optional two-directional (asc. / desc.) album sorting feature (name / number of images / date album created / date album last updated)
  • Smart filter option to filter albums and photos by age groups
  • Search Feature to search for albums by keywords
  • Set initial sorting direction and sorting criteria
  • Can be embedded via iFrame with automatic height adjustment for iFrame; all lightboxes will open full-screen in parent document (still requires all files to be on the same domain)
  • Option for floating control bar that follows the user while scrolling through the album selection
  • Option to show dates in “from now” format (i.e. “2 days ago”) instead of standard date format
  • Optional logs (in console) for better debugging (i.e. number of albums or photes retrieved, error codes, etc.)
  • No need for PHP unless internal image scaler is utilized; an external (web based) image scaling service is utilized by default


Flag Counter


07/26/2013 - Initial Release

Download jQuery Flickr Gallery (Images and Media)

NANO UI – CSS3 Web Elements UI Kit (Miscellaneous)

A stylish Pure HTML5 and CSS3 Companion Web UI Kit built with ease of use and flexibility in mind, fully responsive and works well across all modern browsers without compromising on older browsers like IE8.

The Kit is extremely easy to setup, modify and will integrate well in your existing designs and markup with little or no changes made and above all you won’t need any media queries to get going.

Keep in Touch! Don’t Miss an Update!


  • Flexible and Responsive
  • Pure CSS3 No images
  • Smooth CSS3 Animations (On Toggle Switches, Input Focus, and Progress Bars)
  • Professional Clean Design
  • Cross-Browser Support (including support for IE8)
  • Multiple Color Themes
  • Easy to implement, customize and style
  • Well Coded and Documented

Elements Included

  • Web Forms 2.0 Custom input Elements (text, url, tel, password, search e.t.c)
  • Input Elements focus, disabled, and validation states
  • Pure CSS3 Custom Checkboxes and Radios (no images, no vector icons, no javascript)
  • Pure CSS3 Animated Toggle switches – with HTML5 data attribute support
  • 4 Custom CSS3 search forms
  • Pure CSS3 Custom form file input ( file upload widget – 5 Themes)
  • Pure CSS3 Form Select
  • Pure CSS3 Form Multi-Select
  • Pure CSS3 Buttons (5 Themes)
  • Pure CSS3 IOS Style Buttons (5 Themes)
  • CSS3 Button Menu Pills
  • Pure CSS3 Progressbars (Animated and stripped 4 Themes)
  • Clean CSS3 Notifications (4 Themes)
  • Clean CSS3 Pagination
  • Font Awesome Icons (optional)

For Questions and Help?

For any help, feature request or to report a bug, contact me from my profile. And don’t forget to rate this item.

Download NANO UI – CSS3 Web Elements UI Kit (Miscellaneous)

WordPress Variable Trapper Plugin (Utilities)

Trap and use variables from your url in your wordpress site with this simple shortcode. Use this for google utm tags or PPC links, thank you pages and more!

For example with the url


You can use the shortcode

[vt firstname] to show the first name in a post , page or widget area.

Additionally the variables can be stored in cookies to make sure that when the user returns, the same value is shown!

Simple to configure and use the Variable Trapper plugin has many uses , especially when it comes to PPC links, and testing!

Download WordPress Variable Trapper Plugin (Utilities)

Image / Ad Popup Plugin for WordPress (WordPress)

Image / Ad Popups is an easy to use plugin that allows you display any image whether it be a banner image, ad image, picture, image with an announcement or message, eCommerce product sale banner or affiliate offer image on any page or multiple pages on your site.

Key Features

  • Easy to use dashboard. No coding required!
  • Upload an image or enter a URL (including YouTube videos)
  • Set width and height of popup
  • Page level Targeting (different popups for each post/page, choose a popup for all pages or all posts or for the home page or logged in users only)
  • Enter the URL for clicks on your popup (can be on your site or on another website)
  • Open Delay (open popup delay in seconds)
  • Hide popup after x impressions or x days
  • Customize the overlay (area around the popup) by choosing the color and opacity/transparency
  • Close button (optional)
  • Analytic statistics including impressions, clicks and conversion rate

Download Image / Ad Popup Plugin for WordPress (WordPress)

STRIPE – An animated menu plugin for WordPress (Menus)

‘Stripe’ is a simple single-level menu plugin for WordPress, designed to add a little life to your site’s header. Once activated, the menu will scroll along with the page so it would be visible at all times, making it a great place to insert important links to.

‘Stripe’ does not replace or affect your theme’s current menu(s). Instead, it is an effective addition that can be used to highlight certain posts or pages on your site, house your social links, or even serve as a location to place e-mail and/or phone call buttons to. With a huge amount of icons to choose from, its uses are many.


  • Add to any theme
  • Choose from over 150 icons
  • Add as few or many menu items as you’d like
  • Fully responsive all the way down to mobile screens
  • Use of icon set means every pixel will look as sharp as it possibly can on retina screens
  • Choose from several carefully selected hover colors:
    • silver
    • green
    • blue
    • salmon
    • red
    • orange
    • pink

More from Bonfire

If you’re looking for a theme or template, have a look at our ThemeForest portfolio here.

We also offer other plugins, see those on our CodeCanoyon portfolio.

Download STRIPE – An animated menu plugin for WordPress (Menus)

WP Indeed Importer (Add-ons)

Make your own Jobsite

Have you ever thought of creating a Jobsite, which posts jobs according to your own needs and where you do not have to send the visitors to some other sites, so you can post your own ads and make full money for yourself?

If yes, then you have just purchased the right plugin for your own Jobsite.

WP Indeed Importer is a plugin, which imports the jobs from Indeed.com. We support Indeed.com, Indeed.ca, Indeed.co.uk, Indeed.es, Indeed.fr, Indeed.de at this moment. You can use the settings screen to select the source of your job imports.

Settings Panel –

How it Works –

1. Scraping Source – Choose where you want the jobs to come from like Indeed.com, Indeed.ca, Indeed.co.uk, Indeed.es, Indeed.fr, Indeed.de

2. Post Ads – When you want Ads to be posted, it works easy and supports cron, not some rocket science here.

3. Post by – Which username you want to post the jobs, create multiple users by user panel in wordpress, place the usernames here and plugin will rotate them while posting multiple jobs.

4. Category – You can write 1 specific name of category on which you want the job posts to appear. So, If I am presently scraping for Marketing, I mentioned “Marketing” in the panel and searched jobs for this keyword, posted them and it all goes to Marketing category.

Search Panel –

As you can see, the plugin return with Title, Link, Job Title, Company, Location, Summary fields and allows you to do multiple selections and post the jobs.

More Modifications to come, suggestions Invited.

Download WP Indeed Importer (Add-ons)

Sngine – Social Engine Platform (Social Networking)


Sngine – Social Engine is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features.

Quick Video Demo #1: Video Demo

Quick Video Demo #2: Video Demo

Profile Demo: Profile Demo
User Demo: User Demo UserName: CodeCanyon Password: 123456
Admin Demo: Admin Panel UserName: adminPassword: 123456

if viewing this site straight from CodeCanyon, don’t forget to remove the frame by clicking on the X on the top left corner in order to see certain things work

Live Example: www.amrdiabfans.net – Amr Diab Fans Social Network Launched: (19 August 2011) with more than 32,093 users

It’s easy to intgerate any thing like Games, Pages, Events you can see live examples here: http://www.amrdiabfans.net/directory/pages/

If you like this script, please dont forget to rate it Large-star-onLarge-star-onLarge-star-onLarge-star-onLarge-star-on


User/General Features:

  • SEO Friendly Urls
  • Real-time Chat, Messages & Comments
  • Follow/Unfollow users
  • Real-time updates on Search Page
  • Block/Unblock users
  • Emoticons (smiles) in Posts, Messages, Comments and Chat
  • Filter Posts with Most (Recent, Liked, Favorited, Discussed)
  • Filter Posts to show from (All , Just Me, Just Followers, Just Followings)
  • Users can share (Status, Music, Videos, Photos, Questions, Polls, Links)
  • Post on friends profiles
  • Disable new registrations
  • Users can publish posts in real-time to his/her Facebook & Twitter accounts
  • Linked Accounts ( Users can like their Facebook & Twitter accounts)
  • Signup with Social Networks (Facebook & Twitter)
  • Getting Started page to upload avatar edit user info and connect social accounts
  • Verification Emails ( User can re-send verification email or change it)
  • Multi-Languages system (Support Arabic and RTL Design)
  • Ajax Powered system
  • Users can create/share photo albums and Video Albums ;)
  • Apps powered system
  • Questions App with Voting System on Answeres and Notes System
  • Users can Like, Dislike and Favorite posts
  • Real-Time Tricker like Facebook to see what others do right now!
  • Directory System to Make your website indexed and seen by search engines
  • Awesome profile page
  • Privacy settings
  • Sponsored Ads System
  • Real-time chat and Messaging system like Facebook
  • Themes system and you can easily build your own theme
  • Discussion App with WYSIWYG editor
  • About/Privacy/Terms pages
  • Block: Users can block other users preventing them from chatting with each other.
  • #Hahtag, @mention & smiles supported

Change Log / Updates

Version 1.0 – 25 July 2013

  • Initial Version
  • Download Sngine – Social Engine Platform (Social Networking)

    WP Visual Gallery WordPress Plugin (Galleries)

    If this plugin is useful, could You please help me rate it? it will be a big encouragement to improve for me

    WP Visual Gallery – WVG – is a WordPress Plugin, which can be used to display the photo, video as the gallery.

    WVG can be used

    • To display photos on your site – all or one of the photos on Media library.
    • To dislay photos on Flickr Photoset by use API, FREE and easy to get one.
    • To display video collection on Youtube or your Youtube Channel.
    Demo http://wpoffice.net/demo-visual-gallery
    Some pics



    Initial Release

    Download WP Visual Gallery WordPress Plugin (Galleries)

    Smart Webmaster Tools v1.0 (Project Management Tools)

    Smart Webmaster Tools is a set of tools that every single web master would use for their own use. The script contains 19 tools that allow the work of the webmaster to improve. There is an integrated online update notifier that when a new update script will display a number other than 0 depends on how many new updates and will remind you to check on here for new updates and download them accordingly.


    • File Backup
    • MySQL Database Backup
    • MySQL Import/Export
    • MSSQL Import/Export
    • PostgreSQL Import/Export
    • Domain Whois
    • Domain Checker
    • Domain IP
    • What is my IP
    • Mass Email Sender
    • Smart Image Resizer (module for integoration)
    • Servers Monitor
    • Server information
    • Get Current Location (module for integration)
    • Browser information
    • PageRank Check
    • BackLink Check
    • Keywords Generator
    • Robots.txt Generator

    No need installation!!!
    No need MySQL DB or any DB!

    Demo: http://webmaster.me4onkof.info

    Some features is not working on demo version.

    Download Smart Webmaster Tools v1.0 (Project Management Tools)

    Doraemon – Link game (Games)

    Doraemon – Link game is a classic link game with new features and effects.
    Catch two fishes by linking them with less than 3 lines.
    With 60 levels and two different modes: classic and crazy
    Link them all and have fun!


    • Use AndEngine
    • Admob include
    • Facebook include
    • Include 60 maps
    • Easy to config: change name, change picture, change map

    Flag Counter

    Download Doraemon – Link game (Games)

    WP QR Creator (Utilities)

    Easily add QR Codes to your WordPress website!

    • Create QR Codes in any post or page
    • QR Codes are added via a custom [qrcode] shortcode
    • Supports all types of QR Codes (URL, email, vCard etc)
    • User friendly interface
    • Powered by jQuery
    • Widget support to add QR Codes to your themes sidebars
    • Supports multiple instances of the same widget
    • Based on the Google Charts API

    Download WP QR Creator (Utilities)

    WP Smileys HD (Media)

    WP Smileys HD is a WordPress plugin that will allow you to easily and quickly replace old plain looking smileys with new high quality smileys that looks much better and more interesting!

    This plugin will allow you to style your blog in a new, better and cooler way and let it shine in a different light!

    WP Smileys HD will injext a new life into your blog posts and definitely capture your readers attention, which is great for every site!

    With this plugin your blog will have a new high-quality look and feel that your visitors will like as your posts will be sprinkled with fun and entertainment!

    One thins is for sure: WP Smileys HD will rapidly increase your readership and visitors engagement!

    Download WP Smileys HD (Media)

    Ajax iTunes Search – WordPress Plugin (Media)


    Did you ever wanted to share your favourite iTunes playlist with others? Have you ever tried to collect the best songs of your favourite genre but failed when finding people who share the same taste? Then Ajax iTunes Search is the plugin you have been looking for!
    Ajax iTunes Search communicates with the iTunes Search API and allows users of your site to submit their favourite songs in real time. When doing so, only the title of the song or the artist is necessary. Everything else is automatically generated! Of course, you as administrator still have full control of what is submitted.
    A powerful admin backend lets you even adapt the style of Ajax iTunes Search, ensuring that it fits perfectly to your design.
    Create your own music discussion WordPress site in seconds with Ajax iTunes Search!

    Highly Customizeable

    • Ajax iTunes Search comes with a powerful admin panel
    • Change colors & appearance in seconds
    • Select where to display your tracks

    Full Control

    • Decide who is allowed to submit tracks
    • Hold tracks for review before setting them live
    • Reorder tracks as often you want using drag & drop


    • WP 3.5.x
    • PHP5.2.4+
    • jQuery 1.8.x (the plugin automatically includes it if you theme doesn’t support it)


    V 1.0  Initial Release (July 26, 2013)
    * Initial Release

    Download Ajax iTunes Search – WordPress Plugin (Media)

    WP Install Google Analytics Plugin (SEO)

    A Product by Flipper Code

    This plugin lets you to install google analytics tracking code easily on your wordpress site. Though unique feature in this plugin is to apply custom events tracking provided by google analytics very easily. You can apply this by just adding a class attribute.

    Who Need This Plugin?

    If you’re interested to study your visitors on your website very well and with helps of google analytics data interface , this plugin is for you. This plugin lets you know every important activity on your website which helps you to make your SEO Strategy to increase number of visitors on your website. It’s totally based on Google Analytics, so perfectly integrated in Google Analytics Data. For examples below helps you to get an overall idea.

    • Do you want to know how many clicks on your logo?
    • Do you want to know how many clicks on your button?
    • Do you want to know how many clicks on your image?
    • Do you want to know how many times a form submitted?
    • … and so on.

    means? you can track everything what you want to track using custom event tracking google analytics.

    Why is This Unique?

    In our +6 years experience in Google Analytics tracking, It was always difficult to know some important activities on site, as some listed above, because of it’s implementation using Google Analytics Document. We at Flipper Code, comes to an idea and make it such a simple that every person can use this. You just need to add a class attribute on the element you want to track. I’d recommend to take a look on online documentation to get exact idea.

    How to Install Google Analytics Tracking Code on Your Website

    Simply go to Setting Page of this plugin and paste your google analytics code in given box and click save. This plugin automatically put this code on just before head tags of your website header.

    Install Google Analytics Tracking Code

    How to Implement Custom Event Tracking Using This Plugin

    You need to add a class track_Category_Action where Category and Action are variables. Category indicated Event Category and Action indicates Event Action in terms of google analytics as per below image.

    Event Category and Event Action in terms of Google Analytics

    Don’t Worry! It’s not difficult to implement. Check Below Example.

    Suppose you want to track, how many clicks on logo, so we can assume category is logo and action is clicks. Now check below image to get idea, how it’ll look in google analytics dashboard.

    Event Category and Event Action tracking using Google Analytics

    Online Documentation Available

    We have been written a document to explain this plugin and how to use this here.

    Download WP Install Google Analytics Plugin (SEO)

    LB Advanced Comment for WordPress (Forms)

    LB Advanced Comment is a WordPress plugin. It works to enhance your comment section with BBCode, Video, Image, Emoticons, etc…


    • Comment text formatting (Bold, Underline, Italic)
    • Includes video (Youtube/Vimeo)
    • Includes image
    • Link
    • Insert emoticons
    • Code highlight (PHP/JS/CSS)
    • Like/Dislike a comment
    • Subscription to receive new comment notification via email
    • Mark comment as “Spam”

    Download LB Advanced Comment for WordPress (Forms)