Multi Style Responsive Pricing Table (Pricing Tables)

If you need a stylish, clean, professional and prestigious pricing tables for website,
then this is the perfect choice for you. These tables are coded
to automatically fit into your layout and they will take the available
space you give them so you don’t need to worry about width values.

You can create and modify columns, rows, colors, text etc. with some few edit, you can see changes of pricing grid and html code in real time.


  • Fully responsive
  • Unlimited number of columns and rows.
  • 10 additional colors
  • Fits automatically into your layout
  • Clean and professional design
  • Cross-browser support
  • Tested on mobiles and tablets
  • Documentation fle included

Download Multi Style Responsive Pricing Table (Pricing Tables)

Fast Page Layout – WordPress Page Builder (Miscellaneous)

This is a WordPress plugin for page builder. It is simple and quickly to build your page with the Drag & Drop Interface.


  • Cross browser, supports Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera and IE8 +.
  • Based on Bootstrap 2.3.2
  • Create your without knowing javascript, html5 or css3.
  • Drag & Drop Interface
  • 12 Columns Responsive Grid
  • Insert your designed to a wordpress page or show your whole page on browser’s full screen
  • Set the background color or imgae
  • Enable customize your own CSS
  • Enable customize your own CSS
  • Compatible With WordPress 3.6
  • Help Html File included.

Component List:

  • Headings
  • Paragraph
  • Form
  • Label
  • Input Text
  • Password
  • Text Area
  • Check Box
  • Radios
  • Selects
  • Multiple Selects
  • Horizontal Form
  • Address
  • Blockquote
  • Unordered Lists
  • Ordered Lists
  • Description
  • Horizontal Description
  • Table
  • Button
  • Image
  • Icon
  • Button Dropdowns
  • Button Group
  • Pills
  • List
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Pagination
  • Labels
  • Badges
  • Hero Unit
  • Page Header
  • Thumbnail
  • Alerts
  • Progress Bar
  • Media object
  • Tabs
  • Nav Bar
  • Modal
  • Accordion
  • Button Accordion
  • Carousel

please see the live preview.

Download Fast Page Layout – WordPress Page Builder (Miscellaneous)

Groupon Deals Referral Kit (Miscellaneous)

The Groupon Referral Kit is everything you need to do to get those Groupon referrals coming your way.

This tool is very easy to configure. All you need is an API key to get up an running.

The tool includes:

  • Deals Page (deals by city/town)- index.php
  • Single Deal Page – onedeal_01.php
  • Single Deal Page Without Header – onedeal_02.php
  • Link Only Module – link_list.php
  • Channel Page (By channel: goods, occasions or getaways) – channel.php
  • Narrow Collection of Deals – narrow.php
  • Narrow Template
  • Wide Template

This tool will allow you to extract the rich content Groupon has to offer in an elegant way and then allow you to monetize those purchases with your referral ID.

Hope you enjoy

Download Groupon Deals Referral Kit (Miscellaneous)

Auto Tweets Generator (Social Networking)

Auto Tweets Generator – From Leavy


Auto Tweets Generator is a WordPress plugin that use a custom tweets sheet to generate a publishing sheet compatible with the well known Social Media Management Dashboard HootSuite it gives you multiple publishing possibilities with simple and efficient design and easy to use interface.

  • created: 05/02/2013
  • latest update: 07/26/2013
  • by : Leavy.
  • Follow me !

What we can do for you?

  • The possibility to give a specific start date for your tweeting activities.
  • The possibility to set specific intervals for your tweets publishing.
  • The free experience of creating publishing interval during the day.
  • Send your result to your email directly using PHP mailing functionalities.
  • All this in a well designed and organized environment.


Just use the plugin page under your site dashboard to set your tweet file your email address and start your free experience in setting your publishing times.

  • Your text file should look like this : Sample.
  • You can make hootsuite publish your tweets every xx minute.
  • You can even specify multiple time interval with multiple tweets publishing times to take the most from hootsuite services (from 13:00 to 16:00 tweets every 15:00 minute and from 17 to 19 tweet every 30 minutes).


Your file should look like this :

Tweet number 1
Tweet number 2

Tweet number 3

Tweet number 4

Tweet number 5

Tweet number 6

Tweet number 7

Tweet number 8

Tweet number 9

Tweet number 10
Tweet number 11
Tweet number 12
Tweet number 13
Tweet number 14
Tweet number 15
Tweet number 16
Tweet number 17
Tweet number 16
Tweet number 19
Tweet number 20

The result should be like this :



Then you just need to use your Hootsuite to upload the resulting file Complete How-to Guide (Hoosuite)


Full time support and free upgrades we are ready to give you detailed instructions to get rid of any problems.
Visit Auto Tweets Generator page.

Contact : [email protected]

Download Auto Tweets Generator (Social Networking)

FaceBox, Lightbox Connected on All for WordPress! (Media)

This lightbox will leave your site connected to all social networks. With the facebook comments plugin, all users can interact with your page. After all, there are buttons for sharing to other networks such as Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest. This lightbox will open any type of content, images, text, iframes, ajax content, videos, youtbube, vimeo and flash.

You can add image galleries or just simple images in texts, all seamlessly integrated to Facebox, Lightbox perfect one for your site.

All these features are easily installed and configured to use you will only use the media manager and gallery wordpress.

See demonstration:

Download FaceBox, Lightbox Connected on All for WordPress! (Media)

YouTube Channel Aggregator (Images and Media)

YouTube Channels Aggregator helps you build youtube-based video site with unlimited categories, channels and clips.


* easy to use control panel.
* add, edit and remove categories.
* add, edit and remove channels.
* grab clips from any youtube channel.
* grab clips manually or using cronjob.
* using smarty templates to give an easy controll with the script templates.
* very well documented and commented files (script files & templates files)

Demo Link

Administration Demo Link
username : admin
password : demo

Documentation Link

Download YouTube Channel Aggregator (Images and Media)

Woocommerce – Remove Address Fields (WooCommerce)

When it comes to e-commerce, it would be difficiult to find a better solution than WordPress and WooCommerce workign together, but sometimes there are sections of WooCommerce which you just don’t need and only get in the way.

For example, if you are selling digital products you may not need to have your customer’s home and shipping address, and making the telephone number compulsory is also not always a good idea.

Having these included could lose you sales, as a customer/client may start to wonder exactly why you need their home address and phone number.

That is where this simple plugin comes in. You just have to upload it to your WordPress installation, and it will then automatically remove all the address sections from your WooCommerce checkout, as well as removing the phone number as being compulsory.


Download Woocommerce – Remove Address Fields (WooCommerce)

Twitter Theme for PHPDolphin (Miscellaneous)

Theme PhpDolphin 1.1.7 and earlier
Theme specially made for PhpDolphin script, based on the design twitter, working in Mobile, windows


Clean interface, based on twitter
windows version, mobile

Does not have the script? Buy Here

Download Twitter Theme for PHPDolphin (Miscellaneous)

Events Calendar – WordPress Plugin DZS (Calendars)

Intro – top

The events calendar you have to been waiting for. Simple to setup. Powerful. Documented. Fast. – DZS Events Calendar WordPress Plugin


  • easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
  • dzs tooltips included – a tooltip plugin from our portfolio is included to provide rich experience to your users
  • five skins – default and black
  • iPhone/iPad compatible – this plugin is compatible with iToys, even Android works
  • major browsers support – IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox fully tested
  • html supported – inline content is no problem for this plugin
  • powerful admin – harness the magic in DZS Sliders Admin V2

What do you get?

  • Calendar WordPress plugin – get creative!
  • documentation – extensive documentation on how to install & configure the plugin
  • free updates – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free
  • free support – for installation via my forum -> this is the fastest form of support

Download Events Calendar – WordPress Plugin DZS (Calendars)

PixGridder Pro Page Grid Composer for WordPress (Utilities)


I prefer to define this plugin as a “grid builder” instead of a page builder, because a page builder is commonly intended as a tool that allows to create sections and, usually, comes with shortcodes such as tabs, accordions, particular sections, galleries etc… And, in many cases, all these shortcodes are not compatible with other similar plugins you prefer to use.

PixGridder is instead very simple, because it only allows to split your page (or post or custom post, you can decide it) in rows and columns, simply by moving the functions available on your tinyMCE editor from the whole page to each column you decide to split your page in. In this way you can use the plugins you prefer with the shortcodes you prefer (and also the buttons available on your tinyMCE editor) since the editor it is exactly the same one you would have without using PixGridder.


PixGridder doesn’t generate shortcodes, it only puts into your posts and pages some html comments like this one:


They’re invisible except through the source code. So if you want to disable the plugin you don’t have to worry about a lot of strange and unuseful shortcodes across your content because everything will stay hidden to the search engine robots too.

However, if you want to remove any trace of the plugin from the source code, you can do it by enabling the “no trace” option, so, when you delete the plugin from your plugin list, all the options and all the comments related to it will be removed, but you’ll keep unaltered your content.


PixGridder is a page grid composer for WordPress.With PixGridder you can compose grids made by rows and columns for your pages, posts and custom post types.

The editor is the same one you would use without the plugin installed, same features, buttons, media uploader, “Visual” and “Text” tabs etc.

Through the user interface you can expand or reduce the column width, change the column layout, clone the columns or the rows, add columns or rows, delete them, sort them and add IDs and CLASSES to your columns and to your rows

The preview tab displays the real frontend preview, with the header, the javascript effects etc. If you edit something from the “Builder tab” the new changes will be loaded immediately after into the live preview panel.

PixGridder comes with a powerful admin panel with many features available inside. You can choose among many effects to apply to the elements on your page, to make them appear with cool transitions when you scroll the page itself. You can set almost anything and then compile you CSS file. Then you can download the CSS file or push it automatically to your theme directory.

You can also add particular rules for your custom post types or page templates, such as a different number of columns or a particular output.


Icons are from (licenses available there for all the sets)
The music in the video: French Rag by AndySlatter

Download PixGridder Pro Page Grid Composer for WordPress (Utilities)

JLV Facebook Traffic Popup plugin for Joomla! (Social Networking)

The Like button lets a user share your content with friends on Facebook. When the user clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in the user’s friends’ News Feed with a link back to your website.

With JLV Facebook Traffic Popup plugin will help you create a popup makes it easy for users to like your fan page quickly. More likes ? more exposure ? more traffic ? more money!

  • Popup stays fixed in middle of screen as user scrolls!
  • Cookies remember users who already ‘Liked’ the page.
  • Specify any URL or use the current page address automatically.
  • Works on all sites and big and small Fully customizable CSS.
  • Viral, Facebook styled pop-up is proven to induce more ‘Like’ clicks!
  • Delay timer to wait a certain amount of time before the popup shows.

Download JLV Facebook Traffic Popup plugin for Joomla! (Social Networking)

Flying Panda : iOS Game-Cocos2D (Games)

About this game…

The panda likes jumping and air stunts. You must prevent panda from falling down and help panda by putting any bamboo bar at screen bottom. Please try to stand pretty panda never falling in front of world!!!

Some Descriptions

  • This item is XCode project.
  • This item includes one PSD file used making the resources of this game.
  • All the Image files and Sound files that included, you can use them in your other projects.
  • Sorry, not perfect coding. this is simple game.


  • Universal Version
  • iPhone5 Supported
  • Game Center Supported
  • Unlimited Levels

Download Flying Panda : iOS Game-Cocos2D (Games)

Android Music Player (Full Applications)

This application is an advanced music player for Android devices.

  • Browse and play your music by albums, artists, songs, playlists, folders, and album artists.
  • Automatically downloads missing album artwork, artist pictures and genre illustrations.
    *And search
    *Save a selection of songs, or what you’re listening to now, as a playlist.
    *Background playback for music
    *Full screen view in landscape
    *Playback any music from your library
    Supported Media Formats:Audio

Download Android Music Player (Full Applications)

Disqus Comments Box in PHP (Social Networking)

A simple php class which is used to add comments section in any
php web page of your web site to start new discussion by using disqus blog/forum


  • A simple PHP class.
  • Easy Integration by using 3-4 lines of code.
  • ASP.Net Version is also available on codecanyon

Guidelines for setting up blog/forum on Disqus:

  • Create an account
    in disqus
  • Register or create new blog/forum in disqus dashboard.
  • You can apply different settings for newly created blog/forum.

Guidelines for adding comments box control in PHP web page:

  • Copy disqus.php class file in your project.
  • Include this class in your required web page.
  • Add the following lines of code in your PHP page.
            $disquss = new DisqusCommentsBox(array("ThreadTitle" => "First PHP Forum POST","ForumName" => "testforum","ThreadIdentifier" => "uniqu12453","Sandbox" => false));
  • Change values of array keys (ThreadTitle,ForumName,ThreadIdentifier,Sandbox) according to your own website/forum settings.

Download Disqus Comments Box in PHP (Social Networking)

CSS3 Zi-Popup Animated Image Sliders (Tabs and Sliders)

An animated image slider which pops up when clicked on a link. The popup has 8 effects when displayed same as the image slider has 8 effects when navigated to the next image.

Effects: Fading, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Slide left, Slide Right, Slide Top, Slide Bottom & Newspaper

Note: The images which shown on the demo are not available with this package, those images on demo are used for visual purpose only.

Please note that IE doesn’t support some CSS3 attributes.

Download CSS3 Zi-Popup Animated Image Sliders (Tabs and Sliders)