Angel (Romantic, Sentimental)

Hello my friends,

This song is about feelings and what we're feeling sometimes in hard moments when we lost somebody who was very valued for us. Yep, we lost him but we need to know his soul now has a better life and we just should to remind and never cry for him.

PS: This song can be used in every movie or video as background or in advertising.



Download Angel (Romantic, Sentimental)

Nostalgic (Chill)

This is a very chill track which has a very steady dynamic. I was originally going to label the emotion ‘zealous’ because it seemed that it embodied a certain sense of shallow confidence, but I later changed it to nostalgia because I felt it more greatly personified a feeling of reflection. This track is unique in that it has a more memorable and dominant theme presented in the last few bars.

Download Nostalgic (Chill)