Handshake Integration Pages
I need 7 php pages that are external to the handshakes software but will interface with handshakes:
page 1: Home page with a flv player
page 2: Data entry page where we are capturing the user name, email, etc. This page should have a flv player also. This page should also allow the user to login to handshakes from this page.
page 3: User will be able to upload videos and text (this is out side of handshakes as we want users to upload with an handskahes account).
page 4: Users ahould be able to view the videos that was uploaded in page 3.
page 5: Users ahould be able to view the text that was uploaded in page 3.
page 6: A pages to display text information
page 7: This page is used to set the videos that will play on the pages above.
Also the videos that