Create a flickerlight component technically based on the 2 attached Flash light components.
Behaviour has to be cloned 100% !!
RESIZABLE to any size (Vector) !!
Colours have to be adjustable
Colors have to be definable in external CSS file as well
Flicker interval have to be adjustable
Background has to be always transparent
The clock has to be fitted into the predefined frame (heigh/width) with
an adjustable spacing around.
A 2-light and a single light variation has to be provided
The 2-light variation has a toggleing behaviour
Between the glowing of the lights a delay can be adjusted
The flicker light can be active “ON” or dectivated “OFF”
In deactivated status just the non-activated light(s) is/are shown
The animation of the ShinyLights have to be removed. NO ANIMATION !!
IMPORTANT: If more than 1 (e.g. 10) instance of the flicker light is
part of a HTML page the behaviour/flicker_frequency has to be synchronized !!!!!
Here the link to the component to be used for technical cloning
–> ONLY EXPERIENCED FLASH developers are accepted
–> VIEW AND BEHAVIOUR of the original components have to be cloned 100%
Embedded Flash code to be used/provided
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”swfobject.js”></script>
<div id=”flashcontent”>
<strong>You need to upgrade your Flash Player</strong>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var so = new SWFObject(“FlipClock.swf”, “main”, “300”, “70”, “8”, “#ffffff”);
so.addParam(“quality”, “high”);
so.addParam(“wmode”, “transparent”);
so.addParam(“color1”, “#ff0000”);
so.addParam(“color2”, “#0000ff”); // only used if 2-light style (toggleStyle)
so.addParam(“spacingPixels”, “5”);
so.addParam(“toggleStyle”, “true|false”);
so.addParam(“orientation”, “vertical|horizontal”); // only used if 2-light style (toggleStyle)
so.addParam(“activate”, “true|false”);
so.addParam(“glowDelay”, “500”); // milliseconds
// ]]>