New Site In Joomla (spanish)

I need someone to create a website in joomla so that i may manage the content. i will also need instructions on how to manage and update the site. The site is for a weekly radio program and i need to be able to update it on a regular basis.

I need the site to also be able to capture visitor information (name and email) for followup marketing. It will need to be a membership site (free signup). It will have videos and music posted on it and of course it needs spots for advertising.

It will also need a page for the artist of the week where we highlight his/her music and biography. It will also need a page (once logged in) where visitors can here current and past programs.

I had someone else start the page for me ( but they BAILED on me and did not finish it 🙁 They had the right idea but I did not like the template. I would like the template that is used on but with the features mentioned above. The site is in Spanish so I strongly prefer someone who can read and write in spanish.

Please give me examples of work that you have done in joomla.

Thank you.

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