Oscommerce Website Integration

Oscommerce Website Integration

I am looking for a programmer to take my image design of an oscommerce website, and turn it into a functioning oscommerce website. I’ve attached a jpg of the website.

This design was based on an existing oscommerce website, so most of the elements are standard of oscommerce.

Use as many html elements as possible, not all images. I.e., the menu bar at the top should be using html font, not an image for the words. I want as clean html/php as possible, with as quick a loading time as possible.

Specific Elements:
*the 5 square images (currently pictures of watches, rings, “bangle”)
will be mouse over images, that link to the five main categories: (in
this order) Flowers, Bridal, Bling, Races, Bows. I don’t have images
for these yet, so just use those images and I will change them later.

*Newest 6 products on front page as illustrated.

*In the items detail, I want the main image to show up, with an
allowance for smaller image thumbnails beneath that can be clicked or
moused over to enlarge. I will leave this up to you for the most
attractive and effective way of doing this. An existing oscommerce mod will be fine so long as it’s nice.

*instead of saying “specials” (at the top), I want it it say “ABOUT

*”What’s new” link at the top will go to the page that dispays all most recently added stock.

*I want pages for about us, ordering info, contact us, FAQ. (So that I can edit the html later). They will be the same as index page, but
won’t have any products on it (so basically just the middle section for text to go into). Tell me the locations of the files, so that I can edit them.

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