Joomla Extension
I need a dynamic module like Feature News in
The module that comes with ja teline iii template is static and i need it turned into dynamic. I want the module to display articles with ascending or descending hits, randomly.
– The module needs to be compatible with JoomAce SEF.
– Thumbs should be 160×80 as those already exist for the frontpage module. It must not force-shrink thumbs.
– Module needs to display different articles in each section. For example in “Technology” section it will show 1 article for each category of that section (personal tech, business tech, space etc…). In “Health” section it will show articles from that section only (what ails you, you and your family etc..)
This can be a component, plugin or module or a combo, i dont care as long as it is done properly.
Please explain that you understand the project and tell me how you plan on doing it.