Joomla Excelsheet Prep Script

Joomla Excelsheet Prep Script
Brief: I need a clean (commented) script written (in either: perl/ruby/python, or preferably php) that can rearrange the attached excel sheet (containing product data) so that it can be easily imported into Joomla’s Virtuemart Shopping Cart using “CSVI import script”.

CSVI’s required rules/fields for Virtuemart data are here:

The following clearly already needs to be changed just to meet the CSVI requirements:
– field names should be changed to allow csvi-types. (can be done by hand)
– The field “full sku” have spaces in them. All spaces should be changed to underscores.
– “available options” field should be expanded for those records containing more than one option (eg.: row 705: “blue pearl, 19.0z” do not belong in the same cell)
– * anything else needed to allow the script to successfully import to virtue mart’s product database *

Although the above list is provided, you the programmer are still expected to test your script on the excel sheet, using your own open source (and free) Joomla, VirtueMart, and CSVI packages (xampp is very easy to run).

Also, their are 20 fields allowed by the CSVI import tool and the provided excel sheet provides more than that, so the sheet can be cut down to the following:
full sku
parent sku
child sku
detail image name
thumbnail image name
new product
product category
product name
available options
wholesale price
description {1-14} [merged as one field]

This is only 13 fields, meaning another 7 are available. If you have any suggestions, please let me know — as you are the one reading through the CSVI api to write this script.

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